{ "com.UncheckEnableAndpressSaveButton" : "- Uncheck Enable and press Save button", "med.IrisAuto" : "Auto Iris", "sto.StoFull" : "Disk Full", "com.Ends" : "end", "per.PtzSetSettings" : "PTZ Settings", "com.Reverse" : "Reverse", "Pattern" : "Pattern", "AuthPeripheral" : "Peripheral", "com.TimeQuantum2" : "Period 2:", "com.TimeQuantum3" : "Period 3:", "com.TimeQuantum4" : "Period 4:", "com.TimeQuantum5" : "Period 5:", "com.TimeQuantum6" : "Period 6:", "com.Positive" : "Positive", "com.DelectGropFailTip" : "Remove Group Failed", "com.SaveSuccessTip" : "Save Succeeded!", "com.InputDomainNameAndPressSaveButton" : "- Input the domain name and press Save button", "med.EmailTest" : "Test", "med.LucencyColor" : "Transparency", "ivs.TwoMirror" : "Double Zoom", "com.RemainingSpinTip" : "!| When rotation times is less than", "com.UsernameTip" : "(Optional)Please input the mailbox", "com.OrPressButtonOfMouse" : "(Or Rightclick )", "TrafficParkingSpaceParking" : "(Parking Space) Occupied", "com.DisableTourTip" : "!| Tour will be disabled when spin less than 5000!", "ivs.FTPUploading" : "(FTP upload, need to equip SD card)", "com.Companys" : "*** Company", "com.Road" : "*** Road", "com.CNLogo" : "*e.g. CN", "com.Dou" : ",", "com.ColorOther" : "| More Color...", "ivs.charLimit" : "≤20 characters", "com.LowerOrEqualThreshold" : "≤Threshold", "com.OverOrEqualEquThreshold" : "≥Threshold", "ivs.Size1/4" : "1/4 Size", "ivs.Size1/9" : "1/9 Size", "Original" : "1O", "OriginalPlusThreeEPtzRegion" : "1O+3R", "Panorama" : "1P", "Single" : "1R", "ivs.2DdepressNoise" : "2D NR", "DoublePanorama" : "2P", "TwoEPtzRegion" : "2R", "net.4G" : "4G", "FourEPtzRegion" : "4R", "net.Wire8021x" : "802.1x", "com.ToBoth" : "Both", "med.ABF" : "ABF", "ivs.OSDSysAbnormal" : "Abnormal", "com.Top" : "Above", "ivs.LifePercent" : "Abrasion", "ivs.SpeedUpSudden" : "Abrupt Acceleration", "ivs.SpeedDownSudden" : "Abrupt Deceleration", "sys.User" : "Account", "sys.AccountType" : "Account Type", "com.TaskActionNum" : "Action Number", "med.PicAdapt" : "Adapt to", "ivs.AddDetectRegion" : "Add Detect Region", "ivs.AddExcludeRegion" : "Add Exclude Region", "ivs.AddLaneLine" : "Add lane Line", "ivs.AddPath" : "Add Path", "ivs.AddScheme" : "Add Plan", "ivs.AddRule" : "Add Rule", "med.SnfLevel" : "Advanced 2D", "med.TnfLevel" : "Advanced 3D", "med.AdvanceDenoise" : "Advanced NR", "ivs.AdvancedParams" : "Advanced Parameter", "med.RecoveryTime" : "AE Recovery", "ivs.RedLightPersist" : "After red light", "Age" : "Age", "ivs.LightMode" : "Airlight Mode", "ivs.AlarmSet" : "Alarm Linkage Setting", "sto.AlarmLowerLimit" : "Alarm Lower Limit", "ivs.Alarminname" : "Alarm Name", "ivs.AlarmTrack" : "Alarm Track", "ivs.TrackAlarm" : "Alarm Track", "sto.AlarmUpperLimit" : "Alarm Upper Limit", "ivs.AlarmWait" : "Alarm Waiting Time", "ivs.AllowTime" : "Allowed Parking Time", "com.Ampl1" : "Amplitude1", "com.Ampl2" : "Amplitude2", "com.Ampl3" : "Amplitude3", "com.Ampl4" : "Amplitude4", "com.TVoutOpenFailWhenExtra2On" : "Analog output fails to be enabled when substream 2 is enabled.", "sys.SimulateMode" : "Analog Output Mode", "ivs_osd.TitleBit53" : "ANPR Direction", "itc.JunctionNo" : "ANPR Number", "per.AntrecvDly" : "Antenna Receive Delay", "per.AntsendDly" : "Antenna Send Delay", "ivs.CounterfeitCode" : "Anti-counterfeiting code", "ivs_osd.TitleBit18" : "Anti-counterfeiting Code", "ivs.DejitterFilter" : "Anti-Disturb Enable", "com.Antijam" : "Anti-jamming", "med.IrisFirst" : "Aperture Priority", "ivs.ApplyScene" : "Application Scene", "com.April" : "Apr", "4month" : "Apr", "com.DeleteThisOptionTip" : "Are you sure to delete the item?", "com.CfmFormatTip" : "Are you sure to format?", "ivs.AreaSet" : "Area and attribure setup", "per.DistrictID" : "Area No.", "track" : "ATW", "med.Audio" : "Audio", "med.Sounds" : "Audio", "med.AudioOutInfo" : "Audio output info", "com.Auto" : "Auto", "com.DefaultScene" : "Auto", "ivs.IntelliTracking" : "Auto Tracking", "com.NoContactBonudTip" : "AutoColorTemperature", "com.Autohome" : "AutoHome", "itc.InsertBack" : "Back Insert", "med.VideoInBacklight" : "Backlight", "sto.FileDownLoad" : "Backup", "sto.Backup" : "Backup", "ivs.BackwardReport" : "Backward Driving Vehicle Report", "healthBad" : "Bad", "ivs.BaseLevel" : "base level", "per.BaseID" : "Base Station ID", "per.BSnetwokDiscribe" : "Base Station Network Description", "per.BStypeDiscribe" : "Base Station Type Description", "com.Bottom" : "Below", "com.MeasureDistanceOutViewRangeTip" : "Beyond 500m", "ivs.BigCar" : "Big Vehicle", "ivs_osd.TitleBit38" : "Big vehicle high speed limit", "ivs_osd.TitleBit36" : "Big vehicle low speed limit", "itc.BigLowLimit" : "Big vehicle low speed limit", "ivs_osd.TitleBit6" : "Big Vehicle Speed Limit", "pfm.BJXG" : "BJXG", "med.BlackPosition" : "Black Edge Location", "com.BlankSpace" : "Blank", "ivs_osd.TitleBit~" : "Blank", "ivs.BlastTimes" : "Blast Times", "med.BLCOrDefog" : "BLC enabled, fail to set defog.", "ivs.FaceBlurDelay" : "Blur Delay", "itc.Bonjour" : "Bonjour", "com.FontBorder" : "Border", "itc.BUS" : "BUS", "ivs.Bus" : "Bus", "ivs.DemarcateFinish" : "Calibration Completed", "ivs.CalibrationMode" : "Calibration Mode", "ivs.CalibrationNo" : "Calibration No.", "ivs.DemarcatePreview" : "Calibration Preview", "ivs.CameraDemarcate" : "Camera Calibration", "itc.CameraRestart" : "Camera Restart", "ivs.PanoramaCamera1" : "Camera1", "ivs.PanoramaCamera2" : "Camera2", "ivs.CarPlateRange" : "Car Plate Range", "appEventTrafficJunction" : "CarDetect", "TrafficJunction" : "CarDetect", "net.CaterSer" : "Catering Service", "med.FixedStream" : "CBR", "med.LimitStream" : "CBR", "pfm.CDLS" : "CDLS", "CeilMode" : "Ceiling", "pfm.DoneCredential" : "Certificate Installed", "pfm.CertificateKeyPath" : "Certificate Key Path", "pfm.CertificatePath" : "Certificate Path", "Dahua3.0-Web3.0" : "CGI", "med.EncodeSizeMode" : "Charset", "sto.ChartType" : "Chart Type", "com.VerifyCode" : "Check Code", "com.Child" : "Child", "itc.ChinaMobiles" : "China Mobile", "itc.ChinaTelecom" : "China Telecom", "itc.ChinaUnicom" : "China Unicom", "med.ChromaSuppress" : "Chroma CNT", "sys.ClearAll" : "Clear All", "com.ClearAllsuccessTip" : "Clear all successfully, click save button to save config.", "ivs.CloseView" : "Close View", "net.BusinessEnd" : "Closing Time", "med.Cloudy" : "Cloudy", "itc.ChinaMobile" : "CMCC", "net.CapRadius" : "Collection Radius", "com.Color" : "Color", "med.ColorLunp" : "Color Lump", "ivs.ColorSpaceConversion" : "Color Space Conversion", "net.Operating" : "Commercial", "net.snmpCommonRisk" : "Community risk exists, continue to save?", "sys.FullyDefaultTip" : "Completely recover device parameters to factory default.", "ivs.CompoundDrawingOSD" : "Composite Picture OSD", "ivs.CompoundOrder4" : "Compound order of four pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder3" : "Compound order of three pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder2" : "Compound order of two pictures", "ivs.EclecticMode" : "Compromise Mode", "net.PCTrainCenter" : "Computer Training Center", "ivs.LifePtzT" : "Conductive Ring Rotation", "com.SettingGetErrorTip" : "Config Acquisition Abnormity", "ivs.CfgIndex" : "Config Index", "com.IvsLinkTip" : "Configure light linkage on the interface of IVS in the mode of alarm linkage.", "com.AlarmVideoLinkTip" : "Configure light linkage on the interface of video detection in the mode of alarm linkage.", "com.AlarmLinkTip" : "Configure light linkage on the interfaces of video detection and IVS in the mode of alarm linkage.", "itc.TelephoneNumber" : "Contact Way", "net.SecCompanyContacts" : "Contacts", "ivs.Position" : "Coordinate Value", "com.Copy" : "Copy", "ivs.SceneSetTo" : "Copy scene config to", "ivs.CoptTo" : "Copy to", "com.TaskCopyto" : "Copy To Task No.", "itc.correction" : "Correction", "pfm.CreateCertificate" : "Create Certificate", "net.CultureSer" : "Culture Service", "med.PicCodingNum" : "Current Picture Serial Number", "com.PresetExistTip" : "Current preset already exists.", "ivs.CurrentRange" : "Current Range", "med.CusColorTem" : "CustomColorTemperature", "ivs.dataerror" : "Data Abnormity", "ivs.AnalogAlarm" : "Data Acquisition", "net.UploadInterval" : "Data Upload Interval", "com.Dav" : "dav", "com.Tday" : "day(s)", "com.DayForm1To5000Tip" : "Day*Range :1-5000", "med.DayNight" : "Day/Night", "net.Ddns" : "DDNS", "med.DefogOrBLC" : "Defog enabled, fail to set BLC.", "med.DefogOrHLC" : "Defog enabled, fail to set HLC.", "med.DefogOrSSA" : "Defog enabled, fail to set SSA.", "med.DefogOrWDR" : "Defog enabled, fail to set WDR.", "ivs.DefogEnhance" : "Defog Enhancement", "ivs.DayNightDisabledTip" : "Defog enhancement mode has been enabled, day/night mode unadjustable.", "per.DlysendVal" : "Delay Send Value", "com.ShakeDetection" : "Destruction Detect", "net.SiteAddr" : "Detailed Address", "ivs.TestAccuracy" : "Detection Accuracy", "ivs.Detectpriority" : "Detection Priority", "ivs.CheckType" : "Detection Type", "ivs.DeviationCompensation" : "Deviation Compensation", "net.DevAddr" : "Device Address", "sys.MachineGroup" : "Device Affiliated Unit", "com.DeviceDate" : "Device Date", "per.DeviceDiscribe" : "Device Description", "sys.MachineNo" : "Device Encoding", "DevInfo" : "Device Info", "sys.DevInit" : "Device Initialization", "sys.DeviceList" : "Device List", "ivs_osd.TitleBit17" : "Device Number", "ivs.DevSn" : "Device SN", "per.VptFrssi" : "Diameter signal intensity threshold", "per.VptDifrssi" : "Difference threshold betwwen signal and diameter", "med.ZfDigitalZoom" : "Digital Zoom", "ivs.RetrogradeDetection" : "Directional Flow Violation Detectionn", "ivs.Display" : "Disappear", "com.Show" : "Display", "appEventNearDistanceDetection" : "Distance Detection", "per.UpbsDist" : "Distance from Upper Base Station", "ivs.DistantView" : "Distant View", "itc.DOWN" : "Down", "ivs.DownLine" : "Down Line", "com.StartDownload" : "Download", "ivs.DrawAlarmline" : "Draw Alarm Line", "w_Leave" : "Exits", "w_Enter" : "Enters", "itc.Lane1DrawArea" : "Draw Area", "ivs.DrawDirection" : "Draw Line", "ivs.DrawTrafficflow" : "Draw Traffic Flow Direction", "ivs.HoldBusStation" : "Drive in bus lane", "ivs.OccupancyEmergency" : "Drive in emergency lane", "ivs.OccupancyBicyclelane" : "Drive in non-motor vehicle lane", "ivs.Duration" : "Duration", "com.E" : "E", "GPSE" : "E", "com.TimingSameTip" : "Each period can't be overlapped in the schedule mode.", "East" : "East", "itc.EastTWest" : "East to west", "T2Userver" : "P2P", "ivs.ImageStabilization" : "EIS", "com.Electron" : "Electrical", "net.Email" : "Email", "com.WrongEmailFormatTip" : "Email Format Error", "com.TurnOnDefogTip" : "Enable defog function, day/night mode unadjustable.", "ivs.Flutterfree" : "Enable Dejittering Module", "com.OpenEzLinkTip" : "Enable EzLink to set IP address.", "ivs.FaceBlurEnhance" : "Privacy Protection", "ivs.StartupAptitudeTrack" : "Enable Intelligent Functions", "ivs.StartIVS" : "Enable Intelligent Tracking", "ivs.StartRule" : "Enable Rule", "com.End" : "End", "ivs.EnhancementLevel" : "enhancement level", "ivs.EnterTime" : "Enter Time", "net.Fun" : "Entertainment Venue", "itc.BalanceContorl" : "Equilibrium Ctrl", "ivs.ErrorLess" : "Error Detect Less", "net.Interface" : "Ethernet Card", "healthExcellent" : "Excellent", "sto.ExportPackConfig" : "Export Config", "med.Compensation" : "Exposure Comp", "Expression" : "Expression", "com.IsDisableFacetect" : "Face detection is disabled and face exposure will be invalid, are you sure to disable face exposure?", "com.IsEnableFacetectTip" : "Face exposure will be valid after face detection is enabled. Continue?", "ivs.FaceExpoMinTime" : "Face Exposure Detection Interval", "ivs.Referbrightness" : "Face Target Brightness", "com.GetLockLeftError" : "Failed to acquire unlock duration.", "com.SetLockDurationError" : "Failed to set unlock duration.", "itc.FarLightAngleControl1" : "Far light 1 angle control", "itc.FarLightAngleControl2" : "Far light 2 angle control", "itc.FarLightAngleControl3" : "Far light 3 angle control", "itc.FarLightAngleControl4" : "Far light 4 angle control", "itc.FarLight" : "FarLight", "itc.FarLightAngle" : "FarLight Angle", "ivs.FeatureNumber" : "Featured Picture Number", "com.FebruDay" : "Feb", "2month" : "Feb", "Female" : "Female", "FlatFieldCorrection" : "FFC", "com.File" : "File", "net.FinancialSer" : "Financial Service", "med.FireMode" : "Fire Mode", "FishEye" : "Fisheye", "net.FixedDev" : "Fixed Collection", "pfm.FJDXJT" : "FJDXJT", "ivs.LightLinkTime" : "Flash Interval", "ivs.LightLinkType" : "Flash Light Type", "ivs.LightLinkNum" : "Flash Times", "med.ZfFocusLimit" : "Focus Limit", "com.Font" : "Font", "ivs.FontColor" : "Font Color", "ivs.ObtainEvidenceParameter" : "Forensics Parameter", "ivs.ObtainEvidenceConfig" : "Forensics Parameter Config", "sys.ForgetPassword" : "Forgot password?", "ivs.ForwardReport" : "Forward Driving Vehicle Report", "com.DayFri" : "Fri", "itc.InsertFront" : "Front Insert", "sto.FTP" : "FTP", "com.FTPNoDeleteDirAuthTip" : "FTP server test failure, directory deletion right loss.", "com.FTPNoDeleteFileAuthTip" : "FTP server test failure, file deletion right loss.", "com.FTPNoListAuthTip" : "FTP server test failure, list right loss.", "com.FTPReadOnlyTip" : "FTP server test failure, user read only right.", "com.FTPReadWriteTip" : "FTP server test success.", "gain" : "Gain", "med.Gain" : "Gain", "med.GainFirst" : "Gain Priority", "com.Gamma" : "Gamma", "com.Gang" : "GANG", "com.Gans" : "GANS", "com.Ganz" : "GANZ", "itc.Junction" : "Gate", "pfm.VSPGAYS" : "GB28181", "pfm.GDDW" : "GDDW", "ivs_osd.TitleBit40" : "General Custom", "ivs.SDVideo" : "Generate video in SD card", "Glasses" : "Glasses", "com.Guil" : "GLIN", "Globow" : "Globow", "ivs.PositionABS" : "Go to", "healthGood" : "Good", "com.Level" : "Grade", "FloorMode" : "Ground", "com.Guiz" : "GUIZ", "Main" : "H.264", "w_Main" : "H.264", "w_Baseline" : "H.264B", "Baseline" : "H.264B", "High" : "H.264H", "com.HardWare" : "Hardware", "per.HardwareVersion" : "Hardware Version", "net.HBGS" : "HBGS", "ivs.healthInfo" : "Health Info", "com.Black" : "HEI", "pfm.HHY" : "HHY", "ivs_osd.TitleBit23" : "High Speed Limit", "itc.HighLimit" : "High Speed Limit", "med.HColorTem" : "HighColorTemperature", "sto.History" : "History", "pfm.GlareInhibition" : "HLC", "med.HLCOrDefog" : "HLC enabled, fail to set defog.", "ivs.ExposureMinBLC" : "HLC Exposure", "ivs.GainMinBLC" : "HLC Gain", "ivs.GlareInSensitivity" : "HLC Sensitivity", "com.HLS" : "HLS", "pfm.HLZT" : "HLZT", "med.AtHome" : "Home", "pfm.HOSS" : "HOSS", "net.HotelHostel" : "Hotel and hostel", "com.Hours" : "hour(s)", "itc.Hu" : "HU", "pfm.SZHW" : "HuaWei", "com.Humidity" : "Humidity", "IceFire" : "IceFire", "net.ICR" : "ICR", "ivs.LifeICR" : "ICR Switch", "sys.ID" : "ID", "ivs.IdleTime" : "Idle Time", "ivs.ParkingCode" : "Illegal Parking Code", "ivs.ParkingName" : "Illegal Parking Display Name", "ivs_osd.TitleBit27" : "Illegal Parking Duration", "ivs.IllegalParkingInformation" : "Illegal Parking Information", "med.VideoImageControl" : "Image Control", "ivs.SDMeasureDistance" : "Image Ranging", "sto.ImportPackConfig" : "Import Config", "ivs.InArea" : "In Area", "appEventManNumDetection" : "People No. Exception", "ivs.NonShelter" : "In Area No.", "ivs.Lean" : "Inclined", "com.IllegalPresetTip" : "Index of preset isn't in the range of preset", "indoor" : "Indoor", "com.Infant" : "Toddler", "itc.PreviewInfo" : "Information Check", "com.OverlayTooLongTip" : "Information overlay is too long.", "med.OsdRoadInput" : "Input Road Info(Left Up Right Down)", "ivs.InsertSDCard" : "Insert SD Card", "com.Install" : "Install", "pfm.SignedCredential" : "Install Signed Certificate", "ivs.CameraAngle" : "Installation Angle", "ivs.CameraHeight" : "Installation Height", "ivs.InstallHeight" : "Installation Height", "com.DspTvoutConflictTip" : "Intelligent functions and analog output can’t coexist due to resource limit, analog output function will be disabled when enabling intelligent functions.", "itc.Intensity" : "Intensity", "com.AutoScanTip" : "Invalid setup! Please switch the left limit and the right limit setup.", "com.IO" : "IO", "med.AppEventIPNormal" : "IP Normal", "net.IPC1" : "IPC", "net.IPC2" : "IPC2", "ivs.RedLight" : "IR Light", "ivs.IrisScope" : "Iris", "itc.Subject" : "Issue to:", "pfm.Issuer" : "Issuer:", "com.YearReportErrorTip" : "It can only be accurate to month for year report data.", "com.RebootDeviceThenTakeEffectTip" : "It needs to manually reboot the device to make it valid after modifying analog output or analog resolution.", "com.PresetTip1" : "It’s an intelligent preset, which includes intelligent rule info, delete it or not?", "pfm.JFW" : "JFW", "com.Ji1" : "JI", "com.Ji2" : "JIL", "com.JinZ" : "JIN", "com.Jing" : "JING", "ivs.Joystick" : "Joystick", "com.Jpg" : "jpg", "itc.CarWay" : "Lane", "ivs_osd.TitleBit41" : "Lane Custom", "itc.RoadDirect" : "Lane Direction", "ivs.LaneName" : "Lane Name", "ivs_osd.TitleBit10" : "Lane Name", "com.LaneNumMaxTip" : "Lane number is max!!", "itc.Lane" : "Lane Number:", "ivs.HoldStyle" : "Lane Occupancy Type:", "itc.LargeTruck" : "Heavy Truck", "ivs.LaserLightMove" : "Laser Axis Adjustment", "ivs.LaserLightIntensity" : "Laser Intensity", "ivs.LaserLight" : "Laser Light", "itc.IllegalLastPic" : "Last Violation Picture", "GPSLatitude" : "LAT", "Laughter" : "Laughter", "ivs.LDCorrection" : "LDC", "ivs.LeaveTime" : "Leave Time", "VSP_HS" : "Lechange Pro", "ivs.LBorder" : "Left Line", "ivs.LeftStyle" : "Left Line Type", "itc.TurnLeft" : "Left Turn", "net.LegalPerson" : "Legal Person", "net.DocNum" : "Legal person valid documentation No.", "net.DocType" : "Legal person valid documentation type", "ivs.VisualAngle" : "Lens Direction", "ivs.IensInit" : "Lens Initialization", "com.Liao" : "LIAO", "net.LibRoom" : "Library Reading Room", "ivs_osd.TitleBit2" : "License Plate", "itc.License" : "License Plate", "itc.LicenseColor" : "License Plate Color", "ivs_osd.TitleBit9" : "License Plate Color", "itc.LicenseCoord" : "License Plate Coordinate", "ivs.PlateMatchingRatio" : "License Plate Matching Ratio", "itc.LicenseNumber" : "License Plate Number", "ivs_osd.TitleBit12" : "License Plate Type", "ivs.LifeCounting" : "Life Statistics", "ivs.LightLink" : "Light Linkage", "ivs.LightType" : "Light Type", "ivs.PtzLimitEnable" : "Limit Enable", "ivs.LimitTrack" : "Limit Track", "com.Cewline" : "Line Feed", "sto.RecordStream" : "Local only records substream.", "per.LocserverIP" : "Locate Engine Server", "per.LocserverPort" : "Locate Engine Service Port", "com.Place" : "Location", "ivs_osd.TitleBit1" : "Location", "LocalInfo" : "Location Info", "itc.SearchPosition" : "Location Search", "med.OsdRoadOrLocaInfo" : "Location/Road Info", "ivs.LockPtz" : "Lock", "sys.LockUser" : "Lock Account", "sys.SystemLog" : "Log", "sys.StripLog" : "log", "GPSLongitude" : "LON", "ivs.LongestCaptureInterval" : "Longest Snapshot Interval", "per.Los" : "Los", "itc.LowLimit" : "Low Speed Limit", "ivs_osd.TitleBit24" : "Low Speed Limit", "itc.LColorTem" : "LowColorTemperature", "itc.Lu" : "LU", "itc.Yu" : "LYU", "net.MACDevInfo" : "Mac collection device info", "net.MacFactoryInfo" : "MAC collection manufacturer info", "net.MacLocationInfo" : "MAC collection place info", "com.MainResolusionChangedTip" : "Main stream resolution has been modified, please save first!", "com.RecomMainStream" : "mainstream is recommended not to exceed", "Male" : "Male", "sys.devStatus" : "Malfunction", "ivs.ManualPosition" : "Manual Position", "FacInfo" : "Manufacturer Info", "3month" : "Mar", "com.March" : "Mar", "med.TemperMax" : "Max", "med.StreamUpperLimit" : "Max Bit Rate", "ivs.PtzElevation" : "Max Elevation", "ivs.MaxDetectHeight" : "Max Height", "com.WaterMarkErrorTip" : "Max input string length", "ivs.MaxTarget" : "Max Target Number", "ivs.MaxTrackDynameter" : "Max Tracking Rate", "com.MaxValue" : "Maximum", "pfm.MEGA" : "MEGAEYES", "com.Meng" : "MENG", "sys.Menu" : "Menu", "net.MetroLineInfo" : "Metro Line Info", "net.MetroVehicleInfo" : "Metro Vehicle Info", "net.MetroCarNum" : "Metro Vehicle No.", "itc.Microbus" : "Van", "itc.SmallTruck" : "Light Truck", "itc.MiddleLightAngle" : "Middle Light Angle", "com.MiddleAged" : "Middle-aged", "ivs.MidPassengerCar" : "Medium Bus", "itc.MediumTruck" : "Medium Truck", "com.Min" : "MIN", "med.TemperMin" : "Min", "ivs.MinDetectHeight" : "Min Height", "ivs.MinTarget" : "Min Target Number", "ivs.MiniBus" : "Minibus", "ivs.MiniCarriage" : "Minicar", "com.MinValue" : "Minimum", "com.Minutes" : "minute(s)", "MJPG" : "MJPEG", "net.MMS" : "MMS", "net.MoveVehicle" : "Mobile Collection", "net.ApnInfo" : "Mobile State", "ivs.modelYear" : "Model Year", "com.DayMon" : "Mon.", "com.More" : "More", "med.Mosaic" : "Mosaic", "ivs.MotorVehicle" : "Motor Vehicle", "itc.Motorcycle" : "Motorcycle", "ivs.MPV" : "MPV", "itc.MRSD" : "MRSD", "net.Multicast" : "Multicast", "ivs.KeywordOfBlankPartition" : "Multiple keywords separated by blank", "ivs.MultiSceneCurise" : "Multi-scenario tour config", "ivs.MultiSceneExtention" : "Multi-scene Extension", "ivs.MultiScene" : "Multi-scene Track", "GPSN" : "N", "Glasses_N" : "No", "Names" : "Name", "net.NAS" : "NAS", "sys.GaysVersion" : "National Standard Version No.", "natural" : "Natural", "ivs.NaturalLight" : "Natural", "med.AlwaysClose" : "NC", "itc.NearLightAngleControl1" : "Near light 1 angle control", "itc.NearLightAngleControl2" : "Near light 2 angle control", "itc.NearLightAngleControl3" : "Near light 3 angle control", "itc.NearLightAngleControl4" : "Near light 4 angle control", "itc.NearLight" : "NearLight", "itc.NearLightAngle" : "NearLight Angle", "net.NEOVSP" : "NEOVSP", "pfm.NETVIEW" : "NETVIEW", "med.NetRecovery" : "Network Recovery", "net.NetAutoAdapt" : "Network Self-adaptation", "NetAutoAdaptEncode" : "Network Self-adaptive Encoding", "net.SiteName" : "Network service place name", "net.SimApn" : "Network Support", "ivs.AddNewSence" : "New Scene", "com.Ning" : "NING", "com.No" : "No", "ivs.NoFeature" : "No Featured Picture", "ivs.spotTip" : "No less than 4 calibration spots", "net.NonOperating" : "Noncommercial", "trafficNonMotor" : "Non-Motor Vehicle", "ivs.NoMotorVehicle" : "Non-motor Vehicle", "ivs.BicycleSnap" : "Non-motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.PtzPowerNormal" : "Normal Mode", "ivs.Size1/1" : "Normal Proportion", "North" : "North", "itc.NorthToSourth" : "North to south", "NorthEast" : "NorthEast", "NorthWest" : "NorthWest", "ivs.NotifyOptimization" : "Notify Optimization", "11month" : "Nov", "com.Novermber" : "Nov", "com.LaneMaxNumTip" : "Number of lane line has reached max quantity", "ivs.CaptureAmount" : "Number of snapshot", "com.Debug" : "OCX", "NoGlasses" : "No", "pfm.Office" : "Office", "com.NotOnline" : "Offline", "com.Ok" : "OK", "com.OldAged" : "Elderly", "ivs.MissError" : "Omission and error detection mode", "ivs.MissLess" : "Omission Detect Less", "WearGlasses" : "General", "itc.OnLine" : "Online", "ivs.TpCodeTip" : "Only support letter, number", "sys.UserGlobalConf" : "ONVIF", "sys.OnvifUser" : "Onvif User", "net.BusinessBeg" : "Opening Time", "net.SiteProp" : "Operation Nature", "net.SecCompanyAddr" : "Organization Address", "net.SecCompanyCode" : "Organization Code", "ivs.OriginalDrawingOSD" : "Original Picture OSD", "med.OsdPosition" : "OSD Location", "com.other" : "Other", "sys.SimpleDefaultTip" : "Other configurations will be recovered to default except network IP address, user management and so on.", "com.OtheruserconfigTip" : "Other users are configuring!", "traffic_title.plate_sign" : "Unknown|Audi|Honda|Buick|Volkswagen|Toyota|BMW|Peugeot|Ford|Mazda|Nissan|Hyundai|Suzuki|Citroen|Benz|BYD|Geely|Lexus|Chevrolet|Chery|Kia|Xiali|DongFeng|Iveco|SGMW|JinBei|JAC|Emgrand|Changan|Great Wall|Skoda|BaoJun|Subaru|Land Wind|Luxgen|Renault|Mitsubishi|Roewe|Cadillac|MG|Zotye|Zhonghua|Foton|Hafei|Opel|Hongqi|Fiat|Jaguar|Volvo|Acura|Porsche|Jeep|Bentley|Bugatti|GAC|Daewoo|Soueast|Ferrari|Foday|SMA|Hawtai|JMC|King Long|Joylong|Karry|Chrysler|Lamborghini|Rolls-Royce|Everus|Lifan|Leoparrd|Lincoln|Land Rover|Lotus|Maserati|Maybach|McLaren|Youngman|Tesla|Rely|Isuzu|FAW Besturn|Infiniti|Yutong |Ankai|Changhe|Haima|Toyota Crown|Huanghai|Golden Dragon|Smart|Dodge|Lotus|Mini|Geely|Foton|Shuanghuan|ZX Auto|Yaris|Geely|Zhongtong|Changan|Yuejin|Changan|Suzuki|BAW Weiwang |DFLQ|Higer|Shaolin|North|BAIC|Haval|Jonway|Maxus|BAW|Ford Mustang|Gonow|Hummer|Polarsun|Ssangyong|Victory|Koenigsegg|Aston Martin|TechArt|Carlsson|Seat|Wiesmann|Alfa Romeo|Spyker|Mercury|Scania|PROTON|LANCIA|Panoz|Holden|ASCARI|Dacia|Renault Samsung|VAUXHALL|VENTURI|Morgan|HINO|PONTIAC|ABARTH|Saturn|Tianma|DAIHATSU|Oldsmobile|Saibao|Moskvich|DS|Venucia|MITSUOKA|Gumpert|Polonez|Zotye|LADA|Scion|DAF|Enranger|Xinkai|Dadi|Tata|KAMAZ|Datsun|Foden|Austin|Ginetta|CHTC|DENZA|Zinoro|Fornasari|Keyton|Qoros|Huasong|Cowin|Levdeo|LEAHEAD|Green Wheel|King Long|RUF|Tong Jia|Ciimo|Yogomo|ZD|Shenlong|BAC|Borgward|Conquest|DMC|Elemental|GAZ|GMC|KTM|nanoflowcell|noble|ssc|Tramontana|Zenvo|Brabus|G.PATTON|Melkus|BAIC Huansu|Anyuan|Riich|Haima|Yema|Hafei|CHMC|Hua Ling|Sinotruck|C&C|Sany|kama|Beiben|YTC|Hongyan|T.King|YangZi|Sinocars|AsiaStar|Youyi|Elfin|Joss|MAN|Alpino|Alvis|ASCARI|Allard|Bitter|Bizzarrini|Pininfarina|PGO|Bertone|Bristol|De Tomaso|Delage|Delahaye|Diatto|NSU|VABIS|Farboud|Ford|GAZ|Horch|Caterham|Chevrolet|Lagonda|Leyland|RUF|Roewe|Rochet-Schneider|Marcos|Mack|Meilu|Metropolitan|Meiya|Plymouth|Italdisign||TATRA|Trabant|Trevor|Wartburg|Cizeta|SSC TUATARA|Cisitalia|Siata|DKW|EDAG|Ikarus|UAZ|JMC|Kandi|Saab|Shifeng|WAW|Yaolon|Dongfanghong|Tri-ring Sitom|XCMG |Wangpai|Sinotruck|Speed|Granton|Mudan|Sunwin|Sunwin|Sunwin|Silver|Wuzhoulong|Tongxin|Haval|Jionggong|Jianghuan|Chunlan|Dayun|Lifan|Shacman|Iveco|Suzuki|Changan|Changan|Equus| Coupe|Hyundai|GAC|GAC|JAC|JAC|JMC|Borgward|UD Trucks|Yangtse|WAW|Dongyu|Kawei|Horki|Kasheng|Lynk&Co|Bisu|Ranz|Kombat|La Joya|NIO|Hanteng|Byvin|HengTong|SWM|WEY|Singulato|Yudo|BAIC DaoDa|Changan |AsiaStar|ShaoRao|Shuchi|ChuFeng|HanTang|Forta|Fuhuan|Hyundai|Foton|JMC|Traum|Dearcc|Xpeng|Weltmeister|Ruichi|Shineray|Leapmotor|Baolong|Jetour|Neoplan|Yuancheng|Boloda|BiaoMa|Skywell|Ruiyi|Sowar|Shuangfu|Hyundai|Wanda|Zonda|Sinogold|Dahan|Alfa Bus|Yixing|Red Star|Shudu|Hengshan|Wanxiang Auto|XDBS|Dojo|TXDDC|Yuexi|UD|Dayang|Bobang|Fulu|Guilin|Hongri|Lewei|Lichi|Supaq|Verong|Yuesun|TEG|AVIC|Dahe|Henghe|Jihai|Ora|Wanxiang|Weikerui|ChangjiangEV|CORE|Zhongxin|Oushan|LITE|Qiantu|SOL|Dorcen|Lixiang|Link Tour|Yulu|Rolfhartge|Luchi|CRCC|NETA|Oushan|Pagani|Dafudi|Wanfo|SAIC|CSR|Huakai Toyota|Ford|Chery|Landrover|Landrover|Isuzu|Infiniti|Dodge|Jaguar|Toyota|Toyota|Volvo|Maserati|Lincoln|Porsche|Porsche|Smart|Chevrolet|Chevrolet|Suzuki|Mazda|NISSAN|Mitsubishi|Tata|Changhe|Changhe|Durablev|BAIC|ENTU|Haiquan|Hanteng|LANSEL|Huanghai|Huili|Zhongji Mingyang|Geely|Jinbei|Jinpeng|Jinggong|Kama|Lifan|Viano|CHJ|NAC|Runruji|Tri-ring|Shuanghuan|SITECH|Yuejin|Zotye|Hong Qi|LEVC|Polestar|SAIC MAXUS|Jinghua|Lamborghini|Kawei|SF EV|Yema|Hong Qi|Leopaard|Haima|BORGWARD|Qingling|Dongfeng|XK|Lifan|Baojun|YUDO|JONWAY|JONWAY|LANDWIND|Beijing Automobile|BESTUNE|JMC|Jinma|Qingji|CENNTRO|SINOTRUK|SINOTRUK|Zhongzhuo Shidai|EXEED|Yuzhou|Baojun|Xindadi|ZEV Auto", "ivs.OutdoorAutomatic" : "Outdoor Auto", "ivs.LifeFactory" : "Out-Of-Factory Time", "OutputCurAbnormal" : "Output Current Abnormity", "med.OutputOvercurrent" : "Output Current Overload", "itc.OverSpeedPercent" : "Overspeed Ratio", "ivs_osd.TitleBit8" : "Overspeed Ratio", "T2UServer" : "P2P", "per.PAEnable" : "PA Enable", "ivs.AutoPan" : "Pan", "ivs.PanSpeed" : "Pan Speed", "ivs.Panorama" : "Panorama", "ivs.PanoramaCoordinate" : "Panorama Coordinates", "sys.ExternalLight" : "External Light", "sys.beginSplic" : "Panoramic camera2 begins to splice", "ivs.PanoramicPTZconfig" : "Panoramic PTZ Config", "ivs.PanoramicPTZenable" : "Panoramic PTZ Enable", "ivs.PanoramicTrace" : "Panoramic Tracking", "ivs.ParamConfigure" : "Parameter", "med.PartWhiteBalance" : "PartWhiteBalance", "itc.Coach" : "PassengerCar", "itc.Pederstrian" : "Passerby", "ivs_osd.TitleBit20" : "Passing Direction", "sys.Password" : "Password", "com.PwdTip2" : "Password can’t contain quotation mark, colon, semicolon and character '&'", "sys.AfreshPwdTip" : "Password error, please input again.", "com.PwdResetFailTip" : "Password Reset Failed", "com.PwdResetSuccessTip" : "Password Reset Succeeded", "ivs.PatternNumber" : "Pattern No.", "pfm.Phone" : "Phone No.", "med.Photoresistor" : "Photoresistor", "com.Picture" : "Picture", "ivs.Picture1" : "Picture 1", "ivs.Picture2" : "Picture 2", "ivs.Picture3" : "Picture 3", "ivs.Picture4" : "Picture 4", "med.ImageFreeze" : "Picture Freeze", "ivs.PictureParameter" : "Picture Parameter", "ivs.PictureResolution" : "Picture Resolution", "sto.PicScene" : "Picture Scene", "ivs.CapturePictureSet" : "Picture Snapshot Config", "ivs.PitchAngle" : "Pitch Angle", "net.SiteNum" : "Place No.", "itc.PlateColor" : "Plate Color", "itc.PlateNo" : "Plate No.", "med.PlayTypeSelect" : "Play Mode", "com.DrawLaneFirstTip" : "Pleas draw lane line first!", "com.AddPlanFirstTip" : "Please add a smart plan first.", "com.AddPatternFirstTip" : "Please add pattern first.", "com.AddPresetFirstTip" : "Please add preset first.", "com.AddScanFirstTip" : "Please add scan first.", "ivs.PleaseAddSence" : "Please add scene first", "com.AddTourFirstTip" : "Please add tour first.", "com.PleaseflogSenceTip" : "Please calibrate the scene first and then calibrate location in preview interface.", "com.PleasecheckTip" : "Please check if there is conflict for tour periods.", "com.PleaseModifySenceOnCameraTabTip" : "Please configure road scene on the camera condition interface.", "com.GetSecurityCodeMehtodTip" : "Please contact Dahua after-sales technical support by phone or email to acquire security code to reset the device password, you need to provide serial number, MAC address and date of the device to Dahua if you want to acquire the security code.", "com.ContactTechSupportForHelpTip" : "Please contact technical support for more help.", "pfm.CertificateNotAvailible" : "Please Create or Upload Certificate", "com.DrawDetectLineTip" : "Please draw detect line", "ivs.SaveBeforeDrawLane" : "Please draw lane line rules first and then save.", "com.PtzLimitTip" : "Please enable Coordinates at Overlay function to see PTZ Coordinates on video.", "com.PleaseDrawTip" : "Please first draw current lane line, and then draw detection line", "com.NeedVideoOcx" : "Please Install Video Plug-in", "com.ResetPwdNow1Tip" : "please modify it immediately.", "com.SavePresetFirstTip" : "Please save the preset first.", "com.PleaseSaveSenceTip" : "Please save the scene first, and then start calibration", "com.NoTourSelectedTip" : "Please select a tour first.", "sys.SelCamera" : "Please select camera first", "com.PleaseSetHeightThan0" : "Please set height, which shall be bigger than 0!\n( Set Path:Setup>Camera>Video>Overlay>Image Ranging)", "com.WaitConfigEffectedTip" : "Please wait the end of resetting default.", "com.PM25" : "PM2.5", "med.Polygon" : "Polygon", "net.ICLCE" : "Portable Collection", "ivs.PowerFault" : "Power Alarm", "ivs.PtzPowerLevel" : "Power Consumption Mode", "ivs.EventOverVoltage" : "Power Overvoltage", "ivs.PtzPowerSaving" : "Power Saving Mode", "ivs.EventUnderVoltage" : "Power Undervoltage", "net.PPPoE" : "PPPoE", "com.Prefix" : "Prefix", "ivs.Preset1" : "Preset 1", "com.NoMorePresetTip" : "Preset amount has reached threshold.", "ivs.PresetsTitle" : "Preset Title", "ivs.PreviewScene" : "Preview Scene", "ivs.OrderPriority" : "Priority Ordering", "ivs.ProvinceAbbreviation" : "Province Abbreviation", "AuthPTZ" : "PTZ", "ivs.TrackingPTZCamera" : "PTZ Camera", "ivs.PTZCameraCoordinates" : "PTZ Camera Coordinates", "ivs.Ptzlimit" : "PTZ Limit", "ivs.PtzRestart" : "PTZ Restart", "PtzVolAbnormal" : "Voltage Unusual", "net.PublicLeisure" : "Public Leisure", "net.PublicSer" : "Public Service", "net.PublicTrans" : "Public Transportation Tool", "itc.Qing" : "QING", "itc.Qiong" : "QIONG", "net.Qos" : "QoS", "ivs_osd.TitleBit30" : "Query Website", "ivs_osd.TitleBit16" : "Radar Direction", "Rage" : "Angry", "com.MeasureDistanceCannotMeasureTip" : "Ranging Unavailable", "per.RebootReset" : "Reboot & Reset", "sys.RebootingFailure" : "Reboot Failure!", "sys.SucceedReboot" : "Reboot Success!", "per.RecvdealLength" : "Receive Processing Time", "itc.SuggestOverlay" : "Recommend Overlay", "med.RecordMode" : "Record Mode", "med.Rectangle" : "Rectangle", "com.RedLight" : "Red Light", "itc.RedLightTimePosition" : "Red light time location", "itc.RunRedLight" : "Red Light Violation", "ivs_osd.TitleBit14" : "Red/yellow light on time", "med.Region1Osd" : "Region 1:OSD option", "ivs.CutResolute" : "Region Clip", "ivs.ZoneExpose" : "Region Exposure", "ivs.ManualDatum" : "Regional Custom", "ivs.RemoveSDCard" : "Remove SD Card", "sto.Report" : "Report", "ivs.ReportTime" : "Report Interval", "ivs.ReportPicture" : "Report Picture", "ivs.ReportNoLicenseCar" : "Report Unlicensed Vehicle", "pfm.CreatedRequest" : "Request Created", "w_Numbers" : "No.", "w_Cancel" : "Cancel", "w_Confirm" : "Save", "sys.FullyDefaultRisk" : "Reset all parameters, please enter password for confirmation.", "sys.ResetingFailure" : "Reset Failure!", "sys.SucceedReset" : "Reset Success!", "sys.ResetPwd1" : "Reset the password(1/2)", "sys.ResetPwd2" : "Reset the password(2/2)", "com.DefaultRemarkSuccTip" : "Restore default config successfully!", "com.ReturnAndChangeTip" : "Return for modification", "ivs.RGBtoYUV" : "RGB to YUV", "ivs.LightAngle" : "Right Angle", "ivs.Rborder" : "Right Line", "ivs.RightStyle" : "Right Line Type", "com.FTPLoginFailureTip" : "Right verification failure", "com.RiskTip" : "Risk Prompt", "med.OsdRoadInfo" : "Road Info", "med.InterArea" : "ROI", "ivs.RowHeight" : "Row Height", "sys.RtspAuth" : "RTSP Authentication", "pfm.StreamAuthority" : "RTSP Authentication Config", "com.Rule" : "Rule", "ivs.FastRun" : "Run Fast", "GPSS" : "S", "sys.SafeOpr" : "Safety", "ivs.SafetyBelt" : "Seatbelt", "SaloonCar" : "Sedan", "com.DaySat" : "Sat", "ivs.SavePreset" : "Save Preset", "ivs.ScanNumber" : "Scan No.", "ivs.Scene1SetAndGet" : "Scene limit track setting and acquisition", "ivs.SceneName" : "Scene Name", "ivs.SceneMark" : "Scene Number", "ivs.Scenepriority" : "Scene Priority", "med.SSAOrDefog" : "SSA enabled, fail to set defog.", "ivs.SetScene" : "Scene Setting", "ivs.SceneType" : "Scene Type", "med.SDCardSpaceNormal" : "SD Card Capacity Normal", "med.SDCardNormal" : "SD Card Normal", "com.Query" : "Search", "itc.RangePlaSearch" : "Search by range", "itc.PotPlaSearch" : "Search by spot", "itc.QueryWeb" : "Search Website", "ivs_osd.TitleBit55" : "Seat Belt Status", "com.ChoosePresetTip" : "Select Preset", "ivs.ChoiceTrackScene" : "Select Scene", "ivs.TrackSceneChoice" : "Select Tracking Scene", "med.SemiAuto" : "Semi Auto", "per.SenddealLength" : "Send Processing Time", "ivs.SensorRange" : "Sensor Range", "itc.SeperaterCount" : "Separator Number", "com.FTPNotAcessTip" : "Server connection failure", "com.StorageHealthAlarmTip" : "Service Life Warning", "sto.StorageHealthAlarm" : "Service Life Warning", "net.SiteType" : "Service Type", "pfm.SessionBlasting" : "Session Blasting", "pfm.SessionHijacking" : "Session Hijacking", "ivs.Set1" : "Set 1", "ivs.Set2" : "Set 2", "ivs.Set3" : "Set 3", "ivs.Set4" : "Set 4", "itc.SetBegPlaSearch" : "Set as begin point", "itc.SetEndPlaSearch" : "Set as end point", "ivs.SetTrackDynameter" : "Set Track Rate", "ivs.ShadowFilter" : "Shadow Scene Enable", "itc.Shan" : "SHAN", "med.Shape" : "Shape", "med.ApertureRestrain" : "Sharpness CNT", "pfm.SHBELL" : "SHBELL", "net.SHDXJT" : "SHDXJT", "ivs.ShootingScoreRecognition" : "Shooting Score Recognition", "net.ShopSer" : "Shopping", "med.Shutter" : "Shutter", "med.SlowSpeed" : "Shutter Limit", "med.ShutterFirst" : "Shutter Priority", "com.Chuan" : "SIC", "per.VptRssi" : "Signal Intensity Threshold", "ivs.SimState" : "SIM State", "ivs.SingleScene" : "Single Scene Track", "com.Size" : "Size", "itc.SZKD" : "SKD", "per.TsLength" : "Slot Time Length", "per.VptDownts" : "Slot Time Lower Threshold", "per.VptUpts" : "Slot Time Upper Threshold", "med.SlowAutoExposure" : "Slow Exposure", "med.SlowShutter" : "Slow Shutter", "ivs.SmallCar" : "Small Vehicle", "ivs.TitleBit37" : "Small vehicle high speed limit", "ivs_osd.TitleBit35" : "Small vehicle low speed limit", "ivs_osd.TitleBit7" : "Small Vehicle Speed Limit", "Light-duty" : "Small-sized Vehicle", "ivs.SmallCarColor" : "Small-sized Vehicle (white letters on blue)", "ivs.Scode" : "Smart Codec", "ivs.IvsScheme" : "Smart Plan", "ivs.MasterSlaveGlobal" : "Smart Track", "Smile" : "Smile", "com.SmokingSensor" : "Smog", "net.SMS" : "SMS", "net.SNNo" : "SN:", "com.TaskSnap" : "snapshot", "com.TaskSnapDelay" : "snapshot delay", "ivs.CaptureSendhealthinterval" : "Snapshot Interval", "ivs.CaptureUploadingValue" : "Alarm Filter Duration", "net.SNMP" : "SNMP", "ivs.Sodium" : "Sodium Lamp", "ivs.SodiumAutomatic" : "Sodium Lamp Auto", "gentle" : "Soft", "net.WifiPointConf" : "Soft AP", "com.WIFIConfilctAPTip" : "Soft AP function will be unavailable when WIFI is enabled", "com.SoftWare" : "Software", "ivs.Whitesolid" : "Solid White Line", "South" : "South", "itc.SouthToNorth" : "South to North", "SouthEast" : "SouthEast", "SouthWest" : "SouthWest", "Spanish" : "Spanish", "itc.Speed" : "Speed", "ivs_osd.TitleBit4" : "Speed", "itc.CarSpeed" : "Speed", "itc.SpeedLimit" : "Speed Limit Value", "ivs.MultiVideoSensor" : "Splicing", "sys.SplicWait" : "Splicing now, please wait", "com.Spot" : "Spot", "net.SSH" : "SSH", "net.SSHEnable" : "SSH Enable", "net.SSID" : "SSID", "sys.SSL" : "SSL", "ivs.ManStandDetection" : "Stand Detection", "standard" : "Standard", "com.ColorStandard" : "Standard Color", "net.StandbyIP" : "Standby IP", "net.StandbyPort" : "Standby Port", "com.State" : "State", "sys.StatusLightSwith" : "Status Light Switch", "com.ipcStereopsis" : "Stereo", "com.MaximumStreamBite" : "Stream is oversized", "ivs.StreetLamp" : "Street Lamp", "med.Style" : "Style", "com.Su" : "SU", "com.RecomSubStream" : "substream is recommended not to exceed", "com.CopySetSuccessAndSaveTip" : "Successfully copy config, click the button to save the config.", "com.SetPresetSucceedTip" : "Successfully set preset", "com.Postfix" : "Suffix", "ivs.SunLouver" : "Sunshield", "ivs_osd.TitleBit56" : "Sun Shield Status", "com.DaySun" : "Sun.", "com.SureDelLaneTip" : "Sure to delete lane line?", "Surprise" : "Surprised", "ivs.SUV" : "SUV", "ivs.SuvMpv" : "suv-mpv", "med.SVAC" : "SVAC", "net.SXGD" : "SXGD", "per.SynserverIP" : "Sync Data Server", "per.SynserverPort" : "Sync Data Service Port", "per.VptFreqrate" : "Sync Error Threshold", "pfm.SZSM" : "SZSM", "pfm.HSWC" : "SZSM-H", "ivs.TargetPlateRange" : "Target License Plate Size", "com.TaskErrorTip" : "Task data error or task time conflict.", "com.TaskEndtime" : "Task end time", "com.TaskSet" : "Task Set", "com.TaskBegintime" : "Task start time", "net.TcpOrIp" : "TCP/IP", "com.BeginTLessThanEndTTip" : "The begin time must be less than the end time!", "com.PtzPowerLevelOn" : "The device is in power saving mode, some of peripheral functions are not enabled temporarily.", "com.FiledestroyFailure" : "The file has been tampered with.", "com.RiskTipContentTip" : "The initial password can only be used to start device for the first time, please modify it immediately in order to avoid device operation implemented by unauthorized users.", "com.Ipv4127" : "The IP address begining with 127 is invalid", "com.PtzManualLinkFail" : "The motion detection PTZ activation is null when it results from the PTZ manual operation.", "com.RefuseAdminTip" : "The password can't be admin.", "itc.PasswordTowWordTip" : "The password has to consist of two kinds of character type.", "com.ProgramNotSupportNewRulesTip" : "The program fails to support new rules temporarily.", "com.NoResolutionTip" : "The resolution is not supported by flip mode", "com.TimingModeTip" : "The settings of day/night and optical defog are restricted in schedule mode.", "ivs.Tourgreatr" : "The total tour interval is no more than working period", "com.EmptyTourTip" : "The tour does not contain any preset!", "com.IsAutopaningTip" : "There is being in process of autopan , some settings cann't operation", "com.IsPatterningTip" : "There is being in process of pattern , some settings cann't operation", "com.IsScaningTip" : "There is being in process of scan , some settings cann't operation", "com.IsTouringTip" : "There is being in process of tour, some settings cann't operation", "com.DayThu" : "Thu.", "ivs_osd.TitleBit0" : "Time", "ivs_osd.TitleBit51" : "Time after red light", "ivs.TimeDisplay" : "Time Display", "ivs.LifeHT" : "Time In High Temp.", "ivs.LifeLT" : "Time In Low Temp.", "com.TimeTask" : "Time Task", "com.TaskAction" : "Time Task action", "com.TaskNumber" : "Time Task num", "per.TzLength" : "Time ZONE Length", "com.QrScanTip" : "Tips of scanning QR code.", "com.JinT" : "TJIN", "sto.PicGroupTotalNum" : "Total Picture Quantity", "ivs.LifeTimeAll" : "Total Working Time", "ivs.AutoTour" : "Tour", "com.NoMoreTourTip" : "Tour amount has reached threshold.", "ivs.CruiseMode" : "Tour Mode Select", "ivs.TourName" : "Tour Name", "ivs.TourNumber" : "Tour No.", "ivs.TourOrder" : "Tour Order", "ivs.TourPlan" : "Tour Plan", "ivs.Cruisepriority" : "Tour Priority", "ivs.TourSenceSetting" : "Tour Scene Config", "ivs.TourSenceSet" : "Tour Scene Setting", "ivs.TrackTime" : "Track Time", "ivs.TrackManner" : "Tracking Mode", "ivs.IvsOverlap" : "Tracking Overlap Rate", "itc.ThroughDirection" : "Traffic Direction", "per.UWBLength" : "Transmission Length", "net.TransHinge" : "Transportation Junction", "itc.Tricycle" : "Tricycle", "ivs.TriggerAlarm" : "Trigger Alarm Location", "ivs.TriggerAlarmPerson" : "Trigger alarm number of people", "itc.TriggerOrigin" : "Trigger Source", "ivs_osd.TitleBit42" : "Trigger Source", "itc.TriggerSpeed" : "Trigger Speed", "CrossLineDetection" : "Tripwire", "appEventCrossLineDetection" : "Tripwire", "com.DayTue" : "Tue.", "com.Need2Caps" : "Two Capital Letters", "per.BSType" : "Type", "w_clearFog" : "Ultra Strong Defog", "ivs.ClearFog" : "Ultra Strong Defog", "ivs_osd.TitleBit52" : "Underspeed Ratio", "ivs.SIMUnexistTip" : "Unexist", "itc.NoIdentify" : "Unidentified", "com.Unit" : "Unit", "traffic_title.unknown" : "Unknown", "com.Unknow" : "Unknown", "ivs.SIMUnknownTip" : "Unknown SIM", "ivs_osd.TitleBit-1" : "Unknown Terms", "ivs.UnlockPtz" : "Unlock", "ivs.SIMUnmatchTip" : "Unmatch SIM, change SIM please", "itc.UP" : "Up", "ivs.UpLine" : "Up Line", "ivs.UploadVehicleInformation" : "Upload all vehicle information", "ivs.UploadingIllegalVideo" : "Upload Violation Video", "pfm.UPnP" : "UPnP", "per.UpbsID" : "Upper Base Station ID", "com.BadUserStringTip" : "Username can only consist of numbers, letters, underline, dash, dot and '@'", "com.IncludeTpye7Tip" : "Username can only consist of numbers, letters, underline, dot and '@'", "com.UTC" : "UTC", "per.UWBBaud" : "UWB Baud Rate", "per.UWBChannel" : "UWB Channel", "per.UWBCode" : "UWB Code", "per.UWBMode" : "UWB Mode", "per.UWBNssfd" : "UWB Nssfd", "per.UWBPlen" : "UWB Pulse Repetition Length", "per.UWBPrf" : "UWB Pulse Repetition Rate", "GPSSpeed" : "V", "ivs.TourFirst" : "Valid in tour priority mode", "ivs.IvsDistLimit" : "Valid Tracking Distance", "ivs.IvsTimeLimit" : "Valid Tracking Time", "com.Validity" : "Validity Period", "med.VariableStream" : "VBR", "ivs_osd.TitleBit3" : "Vehicel Length", "ivs.CarBody" : "Vehicle Body", "ivs_osd.TitleBit11" : "Vehicle Body Color", "ivs_osd.TitleBit21" : "Vehicle Body Uneven Color", "ivs.CarDetect" : "Vehicle Detection Type", "itc.CarLength" : "Vehicle Length", "ivs_osd.TitleBit32" : "Vehicle Logo", "itc.VehicleLogo" : "Vehicle Logo", "itc.CarSeries" : "Vehicle Model", "itc.CarSize" : "Vehicle Size", "ivs_osd.TitleBit44" : "Vehicle Type", "ivs.VehicleTypeTitle" : "Vehicle Type", "ivs.TypeOfCar" : "Vehicle Type (car, van)", "itc.CheckCredentialNo" : "Verification Certificate Number", "ivs_osd.TitleBit28" : "Verification Certificate Number", "ivs.CheckupUnit" : "Verification Division", "ivs.DeadTime" : "Verification Validity Period", "med.VideoCut" : "Video Clip", "ivs.VideoParameter" : "Video Parameter", "ivs.FlipExMode" : "View Angle Mode", "itc.BreakingCode" : "Violation Code", "ivs_osd.TitleBit15" : "Violation Code", "ivs.BreakRulesCode" : "Violation Code", "ivs.IllegalRuleCode" : "Violation Rule Code", "ivs.IllegalRuleShowName" : "Violation Rule Display Name", "ivs.IllegalRuleOfType" : "Violation Rule Type", "ivs_osd.TitleBit13" : "Violation Type", "itc.IllegalType" : "Violation Type", "pfm.ZXW" : "VISS3.0", "flamboyant" : "Vivid", "med.ChangeVoice" : "Voice Changer", "com.VoltageDetection" : "Voltage Detection", "net.Vpn" : "VPN", "GPSW" : "W", "WallMode" : "Wall", "com.Wan" : "WAN", "med.WDROrDefog" : "WDR enabled, fail to set defog.", "Web3.0" : "Web3.0", "com.DayWed" : "Wed.", "ivs_osd.TitleBit22" : "Week", "West" : "West", "itc.WestToEast" : "West to east", "ivs.ShadowSence" : "Whether it is shadow scene or not", "per.Synsend" : "Whether send sync data or not", "ivs.WhiteDashe" : "White Dashed Line", "ivs.WhiteLight" : "White Light", "med.AroudWifiDevInfo" : "WiFi Device Basic Info Config", "med.AroudWifiFactoryInfo" : "WiFi Manufacturer Basic Info Config", "ivs.MacScanPath" : "WIFI Scan Path", "med.AroudWifiLocationInfo" : "WiFi Site Basic Info Config", "com.APConfilctWIFITip" : "WIFI will be unavailable when soft AP function is enabled", "ivs.RainBrushConfig" : "Wiper Control", "net.Wireless" : "Wireless", "itc.HasMilliSecond" : "With ms", "ivs.LifeElectric" : "Working After Power On", "itc.WuHanFengHuo" : "WuHanFenghuo", "com.Xiang" : "XIANG", "com.Xin" : "XIN", "Glasses_Y" : "Yes", "itc.YellowLight" : "Yellow Light", "itc.YellowWire" : "Yellow LIne", "com.BindPhoneProtocalTip" : "You have been well informed and agreed to save the mobile number on the Dahua server.", "sys.NoContactBonud" : "You haven’t reserved contact information, so it fails to realize self-reset. Please contact local dealer or technical support.", "com.ResetPwdNow0Tip" : "You haven't modified the initial password. In order to avoid device operation implemented by unauthorized users,", "com.Youth" : "Young", "com.Yu" : "YU", "com.Yue" : "YUE", "com.Yun" : "YUN", "com.Zang" : "ZANG", "ivs.ZeroClearTime" : "Zero clearing after 0 o'clock", "com.Zhe" : "ZHE", "EUP5689" : "ZheAPJ896", "pfm.ZjXw" : "ZJGX", "pfm.ZjgxThree" : "ZJGX3.0", "Zoom" : "Zoom", "itc.Zoom" : "Zoom", "itc.ChangeZoom" : "Zoom", "com.TrickerZoom" : "Zoom", "med.ZfZoomSpeed" : "Zoom Speed", "med.ZoomPrio" : "ZoomPrio", "sys.BadMemoTip" : "It fails to support < and >.", "com.NoFlipEx" : "0°", "med.Res13M" : "1.3M", "com.AddTheDomainNameTip" : "1.To add the domain name", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload1Tip" : "1. Max size is 16k.", "ivs.PictureUploadTips1" : "1. Picture size is no more than 2M", "ivs.PicRepalcFunctionGudie1" : "1. The uploaded pictute will be replaced by composite picture after replace is enabled.", "com.FirstWeek" : "1st", "com.CpD100Tip" : "100 fail To Connect", "com.12HourStandard" : "12-Hour", "ivs.PicRepalcFunctionGudie2" : "2. Replace SN is used to select the number of composite picture which is to be replaced.", "com.ToRemoveThedomainName" : "2.To remove the domain name", "ivs.PictureUploadTips2" : "2. Image resolution has to be 1920*1080 pixel", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload2Tip" : "2. Max resolution is 128x128 pixels.", "com.SecondWeek" : "2nd", "com.CpD200Tip" : "200 success To Connect", "com.24HourStandard" : "24-Hour", "med.Clockwise90Ex2" : "270°", "com.RequirementForPictureUpload3Tip" : "3. 256 colors, bmp format.", "ivs.PictureUploadTips3" : "3. 256 colors, jpg format", "net.DomainTip" : "Domain name field accepts only alpha unmeric characters(a-z、0-9) are valid", "com.ThirdWeek" : "3rd", "com.4UseTip" : "4.Use", "com.FourthWeek" : "4th", "com.CpD400Tip" : "400 Decrypted input errors", "com.CpD401Tip" : "401 overtime", "com.CpD402Tip" : "402 Device does not exist", "com.CpD403Tip" : "403 MS does not exist", "com.CpD410Tip" : "410 Decrypted errors", "com.CpD411Tip" : "411 Decrypted the device ID with the plaintext device ID does not match.", "com.CpD412Tip" : "412 Receiving parameters in the channel number does not match.", "com.CpD440Tip" : "440 Input errors", "com.CpD413Tip" : "441 Equipment has expired term of service has been disabled.", "med.PAL" : "PAL", "med.NTSC" : "NTSC", "med.Clockwise90Ex" : "90°", "com.RightCenter" : "Right Center", "com.LeftCenter" : "Left Center", "com.YMD24HourStyle3" : "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss", "com.YMD12HourStyle3" : "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss", "med.lightAbnormalEnable" : "Enable Brightness Abnormity", "med.ActMotorSpeed" : "Enable Speed Adjust", "com.AlwaysUse" : "Always Enable", "ivs.PicReplaceEable" : "Replace Enable", "ivs.Dress" : "Skirt", "ivs.PowerUp" : "PowerUp", "com.Login" : "Login", "com.LoginControlFailureTip" : "Failed to login the plug-in!", "sys.AnonymousLogin" : "Anonymous Login", "com.OpenAnonymLoginSucceedTip" : "Successfully enabled anonymous login", "com.CloseAnonymLoginSucceedTip" : "Successfully disabled anonymous login", "sto.Access" : "File Access", "com.LoginFailTip" : "FTP login failed", "com.LoginFailureTip" : "Illegal Access", "appEventLoginFailure" : "Illegal Access", "com.LogInFailTip" : "Login failed!", "com.AccessPlatform" : "Access Platform", "com.Platform" : "Platform", "com.TerraceConnect" : "Terrace Connect", "sys.UserBindLoginAccount" : "User Bind Login Account", "pfm.GetKey" : "Get Key", "ivs.GlobalSnap" : "Panorama Capture", "ivs.HumanSnap" : "Human Capture", "ivs.trackTip" : "Human Face Capture", "_LabelInfoAlarm_" : "Info Acquisition", "sto.InfoCllection" : "Info Acquisition", "ivs.ManualEvidence" : "Manual Capture", "sys.Ldap" : "AD&LDAP", "net.NetModeTyeadapt" : "Self-adaptation", "sys.AdaptedWindow" : "Adaptive", "ivs.SSA" : "SSA", "per.PtzAdaptor" : "PTZ Adaptor", "ivs.InspectionSticker" : "Inspection Sticker", "ivs.AutoFocusTrace" : "PFA", "com.AgcMaxGain" : "Agc Max Gain", "com.AddInfo" : "Add Info", "sys.CloudUpgErrUpgrading" : "Upgrading now", "com.Upgrade" : "Upgrade", "com.Refresh" : "Refresh", "sys.UpgradeImmediately" : "Upgrade Now", "com.Onfresh" : "Flush State", "sys.DHCloudUpgrade" : "Cloud Upgrade", "com.CpDDNS801Tip" : "Update success(801)", "sys.FileUpgrade" : "File Upgrade", "SysUpdate" : "Upgrade", "sys.Noupgrade" : "Upgrade unimplemented.", "com.UpgradeFailedTip" : "Update failed. Device will reboot immediately.", "sys.RemoteUpgrade" : "Online Upgrade", "sys.CloudUpgErrDisable" : "Online Upgrade is disabled", "per.UpgradeCount" : "Upgrade Times", "sys.SystemUpdate" : "System Update", "sys.SystemUpgrade" : "Upgrade", "sys.UpgradingAttention" : "Upgrading system now, do not unplug the power cable", "com.AddExcludeRegion" : "Please add the exclusion region in detection region,otherwise the exclusion region is invalid!", "com.AddSceneFirst" : "Please Add Preset Scene First", "ivs.AddToTask" : "Add to task list", "ivs.AddToDelTask" : "Add to the delete list", "ivs.AddScaleArea" : "Add Calibration Area", "med.AddAudioClip" : "Add Audio File", "ivs.AddFace" : "Add Face Database", "sys.AddGroup" : "Add Group", "net.AddIPMac" : "Add IP/MAC", "net.AddMapping" : "Add Mapping", "ivs.ForifyPreset" : "Add Preset", "ivs.AddScale" : "Add Rulers", "net.AddSSID" : "Add SSID", "com.AddDetectRegionFirst" : "Please add the detection region before the exclusion region!", "sys.AddUser" : "Add User", "net.AddWifi" : "Add WIFI", "com.ContinueAdd" : "Continuously Add", "sys.ForifyUserSuc" : "Add Group succeeded", "sys.ForifyUserFail" : "Add Group failed", "com.MaxRules10" : "Append failed! Can append ten rules at most!", "com.MaxUsers19Tip" : "Can not add. System max supports 19 users!", "com.MaxNumTip" : "Append failed! Can append thirty-second phone-numbers at most!", "com.MaxGroups8Tip" : "Can not add! System max supports 8 groups!", "sys.AddUserSuc" : "Add User Succeeded", "sys.AddUserFail" : "Add User Failed", "8month" : "Aug", "com.August" : "Aug", "app.RunningSpin" : "Some functions will be locked when it reaches 95%.", "med.FilterType" : "Algorithm", "per.Alarm" : "Alarm", "pfm.NetAlarm" : "Network Alarm", "appEventAlarmNet" : "Web Alarm", "per.ExternAlarm" : "External Alarm", "per.ExAlarm" : "Extended Alarm", "per.LocalAlarm" : "Local Alarm", "ivs.PIRAlarm" : "PIR Alarm", "ivs.AlarmFaceNum" : "Alarm Face Amount", "com.AlarmSlopeTemp" : "Alarm Slope Temperature", "HeatImagingTemper" : "Temperature Alarm", "appEventHeatImagingTemper" : "Temperature Alarm", "com.TemperatureAlarm" : "Temperature Alarm", "ivs.FlowrateAlarm" : "Flowrate Alarm", "ivs.AlarmSound" : "Voice Alarm", "appEventAlarmExtended" : "Wireless Alarm", "per.WirelessAlarm" : "Wireless Alarm", "ivs.Pendant" : "attachment", "pfm.BearMail" : "Attachment", "Jolly" : "Happy", "com.TextAlignRight" : "Right", "com.TextAlignLeft" : "Left", "med.ConfAutoAdd" : "Auto Allot", "com.TwoRulesAtLeast" : "Two Rules At Least", "itc.SpeedUp" : "Fast", "ivs.Stature" : "Height", "med.VideoHeight" : "Video Height", "sys.Height" : "Altitude", "com.Altitude" : "Altitude", "w_High" : "H.264H", "itc.HighElecLevel" : "High", "sys.CloudUpgErrUnknown" : "Other error", "med.Enlarge" : "Far-end Amplification", "ivs.IVSRule" : "IVS", "com.Similarity" : "Similarity", "per.LensAngle" : "Field Angle", "med.FlipEx" : "Flip", "ivs.LaserLightAngle" : "Laser Angle", "ivs.HorizontalDegree" : "Horizontal Angle", "pfm.VerticalDegree" : "Vertical Angle", "com.CO2" : "Carbon Dioxide", "com.Year" : "Year", "com.YearToDay" : "YYYY-MM-DD", "com.ExitAbnormal" : "Abort", "com.Cancel" : "Cancel", "com.StopDownload" : "Cancel", "com.SDCardError" : "SD Card", "com.DiskError" : "Error", "per.AbnorDeal" : "Abnormality", "AnomalyDetect" : "Input Abnormal", "AudioAnomaly" : "Input Abnormal", "abnormal_temper.state4" : "Temperature exception. Illuminator off.", "abnormal_temper.state2" : "Temperature exception.Illuminator disabled.", "com.NetWorkError" : "Network", "med.lightAbnormal" : "Brightness Abnormity", "ShutterAbnormal" : "Shutter Abnormity", "appEventVideoAbnormalDetection" : "Video Abnormal", "sys.Anonymity" : "Anonymity", "TrafficTollGate" : "CarDetect", "appEventTrafficTollGate" : "Illegal Cross Bayonet", "Monitor_01" : "Live", "med.Previews" : "Live", "med.Preview2" : "Preview 2", "med.Preview3" : "Preview 3", "med.Preview4" : "Preview 4", "med.PicturePreview" : "Picture Preview:", "med.VideoInDefog" : "Defog", "per.RemoveDither" : "Anti-Dither", "itc.Flicker" : "Anti-flicker", "com.Learn" : "Learn", "com.StudyTip" : "Learning now", "com.StydyFailTip" : "Learn faild!", "sys.OpenMenu" : "Open", "com.Open" : "Open", "med.OpenLocalConfig" : "Open Local Config", "com.DarkOrange" : "Dark Orange", "Rainbow" : "Rainbow", "com.Window" : "Window", "com.AreaErrorTip" : "Area has been added!", "itc.CabReg" : "Calibrate Region", "med.SpaceExclude" : "Space Excluded Area", "ivs.Carpos" : "Parking Space", "ivs.CarposManager" : "Parking Space", "ivs.MinGatherRegion" : "Min Gathering Area", "ivs.RegionName" : "Region Name", "com.TamperArea" : "Tamper Area", "ivs.Shelter" : "shelter", "com.Silver" : "Silver Gray", "ivs.TrackDelay" : "Track Stop", "sys.BindDN" : "Bind DN", "sys.AnoynmousBind" : "Anonymous Bind", "sys.UserBind" : "User Bind", "com.PleasewaitsettingpresetTip" : "Please wait till preset setting is over", "com.LoadingTip" : "Please wait...", "appEventWireLessDevLowPower" : "Low Battery Warning", "com.LowPowerAlarm" : "Low Battery Warning", "ivs.CarposLeave" : "Leave Trigger", "med.TelePanAngle" : "Tele Pan Trigger Focus", "med.TeleTiltAngle" : "Tele Tilt Trigger Focus", "med.WidePanAngle" : "Wide Angle Pan Trigger Focus", "med.WideTiltAngle" : "Wide Angle Tilt Trigger Focus", "com.Enable" : "Enable", "appEventAudioAnomaly" : "Input Abnormal", "pfm.OpenARPPing" : "Enable ARP/Ping to set IP address service", "sys.LockLoginEnable" : "Lock Login Enable", "ivs.FaceExposureEnable" : "Enable Face Exposure", "net.OpenNet" : "Open Network Manage Function", "net.HTTPPortOn" : "HTTPS", "med.VideoShelterEnable" : "Enable Video Tampering", "ivs.FaceDetectionEnhance" : "Face Enhancement", "med.EnableTemperatrueLink" : "Enable Temperatrue Link", "net.StartNAS" : "Enable", "PresetLink" : "Activate Preset", "com.WMM" : "Open the WMM", "med.AppearEnable" : "Video Monitor Enable", "ivs.UnFocusDetectEnable" : "Enable Defocus Detection", "net.Discover" : "Start Device Discover", "net.CenterEnable" : "Centre Server Enable", "net.HeartEnable" : "Heart Server Enable", "itc.Retrograde" : "Register Server Enable", "med.OsdOverlay" : "OSD", "ivs.StartTemper" : "Start Tem", "com.StartUsing" : "Enable", "com.PictureOverlayDisabledTip" : "By enabling text overlay, picture overlay will be disabled.", "com.OsdLocationFunctionDisabledTip" : "By enabling picture overlay, OSD information will be disabled.", "com.LocationFunctionDisabledTip" : "By enabling picture overlay, text overlay will be disabled.", "com.OsdPictureOverlayDisabledTip" : "By enabling OSD information, picture overlay will be disabled.", "net.LinkSignOut" : "Activate signal output", "com.Arm" : "Arm", "net.LinkWork" : "Activation", "net.InEnable" : "VSPIn Enable", "com.OpenAnonymLoginFailedTip" : "Failed to enable anonymous login", "pfm.PreviewBlend" : "Preview associated enable", "per.PtzLink" : "PTZ Activation", "pfm.AlmCallEnable" : "Alarm Call Enable", "net.LinenoteLive" : "Dial-up/Message Activation", "sto.FTPEnable" : "FTP Enable", "net.SIPVspOpenNet" : "Network Manage Function", "net.NetManEnable" : "Network Manage Enable", "med.TriggerSnap" : "Event", "net.UPNPEnable" : "UPNP mapping Enable", "net.NoteLive" : "Message Activation", "pfm.MMSEnable" : "Message Enable", "pfm.NatEnable" : "Nat Pierce Enable", "pfm.CounterplanMode" : "Counterplan Enable", "per.AlarmLink" : "Alarm", "per.OpenVideo" : "Enable Video Grid", "med.PtTrigAf" : "Rotation Trigger Focus", "net.DnsServerEnable" : "DNS Server Enable", "med.EncodeBlend" : "Relevant Enable overlay", "sto.StorgeModuleEnable" : "Cloud Storge Enable", "pfm.PhoneLive" : "Phone Activation", "ivs.StartAlertTrace" : "Enable Alarm Track", "ivs.TriggerTrack" : "Object Tracking", "med.ArmDisarm" : "Arm/Disarm", "com.CrossInside" : "Cross/Inside", "ivs.Deploy" : "Deploy", "pre.VoiceEnable" : "Audio(Associated Configuration)", "per.AlarmAudio" : "Alarm Audio", "net.Attestation" : "Authentication", "SDEncry.Decryption" : "Authentication", "SDEncrypt.Decrypt" : "Authentication", "sys.LoginParity" : "Authentication", "net.WireAuthtype" : "Inter Authentication", "med.PTwoPVedioattestation" : "P2P Vedio Attestation", "ivs.TankCar" : "Tank Truck", "med.AutoFocus" : "Auto Focus", "net.AuthenticationName" : "Authorize Server Username", "net.AuthenticationIP" : "Authorize Server IP", "net.AuthenticationPwd" : "Authorize Server Password", "net.AuthenticationPort" : "Authorize Server Port", "com.ErrorAuthorizeReloginTip" : "Authorize failed, Please login again!", "sys.AuxOpen" : "Aux On", "sys.AuxOff" : "Aux Off", "com.Progress" : "Progress", "sys.AdvancedSet" : "Advanced", "com.EventPulse" : "Event Occur", "appEventFireWarning" : "Fire Warning", "com.FireAlarm" : "Fire Warning", "com.StartLasertMeasure" : "Start", "com.Begin" : "Start", "com.Start" : "Start", "com.StartLaserMeasure" : "Begin Distance Measurement", "per.PlayAudio" : "Start play audio", "per.PtzStartingTip" : "PTZ booting up…", "com.Remark" : "Memo", "med.Duck" : "Remark", "w_Fall short of SD card's area" : "Capacity Warning", "pfm.StorageLowSpace" : "Inadequate Disk Space", "med.BurningWarn" : "Burning Warning", "BurningWarning" : "Burning Warning", "BurningCheck" : "Burning Warning", "HotColdSpotWarning" : "Hot Cold Spot Warning", "HotSpotWarning" : "Hot Spot Warning", "appEventHotSpotWarning" : "Hot Spot Warning", "appEventColdSpotWarning" : "Cold Spot Warning", "ColdSpotWarning" : "Cold Spot Warning", "com.HintLongTip" : "Hint Too Long", "com.MemoLongTip" : "Remark is too long", "com.actionNew" : "Action", "AuthBackup" : "File Backup", "com.PresetBackup" : "Preset Backup", "ivs.Goatee" : "Beard", "Beard" : "Beard", "ivs.ATM" : "ATM", "itc.SpeedDown" : "Slow", "itc.LowElecLevel" : "Low", "com.BatteryLowSpaceTip" : "Inadequate Battery", "ivs.Carriage" : "Sedan", "com.white" : "White", "White" : "White", "com.BlackWhite" : "B/W", "ivs.Bicycle" : "Bicycle", "VideoInWhiteBalance" : "WB", "sys.DataBit" : "Data Bit", "itc.StopBit" : "Stop Bit", "Bottom" : "Bottom", "sys.BlackList" : "Blocklist", "com.BlueColor" : "Blue", "com.DeepSkyBlue" : "Dark Blue", "Mouth" : "Open-mouthed", "ivs.CarrierBagStatus" : "Handbag", "per.Ptz" : "PTZ", "ivs.WideView" : "Panorama", "com.FourNumber" : "4.0", "net.Lineate" : "Wire", "com.Calendar" : "Calendar", "ivs.AutoCalibrate" : "Auto Calibration", "ivs.AutoCalibratingTip" : "Auto calibration is in progress.", "ivs.DirectionCalibration" : "Ptz Direction Calibration", "com.FusionCalibrate" : "Fusion Calibrate", "CalibratePoints" : "Fusion Calibrate", "ivs_osd.TitleBit59" : "Smoking Status", "Calm" : "Calm", "com.SwitchWindow" : "Switch Window", "com.TimeChange" : "Schedule", "com.GainModeHighToLow" : "Switch High to Low Temp at", "com.GainModeLowToHigh" : "Switch Low to High Temp at", "ivs.VideoAbnormalDetection" : "Scene Changing", "SceneChange" : "Scene Changing", "ivs.FoggyFilterChange" : "Defog Filter Switch", "appEventTrafficCrossLane" : "Illegal Lane Change", "ivs.Rect" : "Location Change", "com.TemperatureSwitch" : "Temperature Switch", "med.CurFocusSamp" : "Current Focus Sampling", "med.MaxFocusSamp" : "Max Focus Sampling", "med.MinFocusSamp" : "Min Focus Sampling", "med.CurZoomSamp" : "Current Zoom Sampling", "med.MaxZoomSamp" : "Max Zoom Sampling", "med.MinZoomSamp" : "Min Zoom Sampling", "ivs.Reserved" : "Reserved", "med.Channel" : "Channel", "med.Channel1" : "Channel 1", "med.Channel2" : "Channel 2", "ivs.AlarmChannel" : "Alarm Channel", "per.AudioChannel" : "Audio Channel", "per.AlarmInChannel" : "Alarm Input Channel", "med.POsdCH" : "Overlay Channel", "ivs.FullChannel" : "Channel is full", "ivs.ClearZero" : "Clear", "com.Clear" : "Clear", "sys.ClearData" : "Clear data", "sys.DeleteLog" : "Clear Log", "sys.LogClear" : "Clear Log", "ivs.DeleteScene" : "Delete Scene", "ivs.DoDeleteINFO" : "All the scene rules will be deleted if the scene is deleted, are you sure to delete the scene?", "com.SureToClearIPMac" : "Are You Sure to Clear IP/MAC?", "com.ClearAllPresetsConfirmTip" : "Are you sure to clear all the presets?", "per.RainBrush" : "Wiper", "itc.LightWiper" : "Light Wiper", "com.ClearSuccessTip" : "Clear Succeeded!", "com.ClearFailedTip" : "Clear Failed!", "sto.TotalCapacity" : "Total Capacity", "sto.UsedCapacity" : "Used Capacity", "ivs.Hat" : "Hat", "med.WatermarkC" : "Watermark", "med.WatermarkCharacter" : "Watermark Character", "sys.LocalWord" : "Local Plate", "com.BluebottomWhiteText" : "White character on blue background", "com.BlackBottomWhiteText" : "White character on black background", "com.WhiteBotBlackChar" : "Black character on white background", "com.YellowBotBlackChar" : "Black character on yellow background", "com.Upload" : "Upload", "med.UploadPicture" : "Upload Picture", "med.UploadAudioNew" : "Audio File", "com.UpmoveSuccessTip" : "Upload success!", "sto.OverlayPicture" : "Overlay Images Upload", "com.LoadingSDTip" : "Loading,please wait.", "com.UpmoveFailTip" : "Upload failed!", "ivs.Helmet" : "Helmet", "com.Maroon" : "Chestnut(Color)", "Dir" : "Directory", "sys.Dir" : "Directory", "com.centimeter" : "cm", "Center 25%" : "Center 25%", "Center 50%" : "Center 50%", "Center 75%" : "Center 75%", "per.AlarmBox" : "Alarm Box", "com.Center" : "Center", "com.Search" : "Search", "sys.SearchDN" : "Base DN to begin searching users", "sys.CA" : "CA", "net.CaCert" : "CaCert", "sys.CERT" : "CERT", "net.UserCert" : "UserCert", "med.Caller" : "Caller", "appEventRCEmergencyCall" : "Emergency Call", "sys.Key" : "Key", "net.KeyServerIPBackup" : "Backup Secret Key Server IP", "net.KeyServerIP" : "Secret Key Server IP", "com.Close" : "Close", "com.CloseLaserMeasure" : "Close", "ivs.StopPic" : "Close the prompt box to stop reistration", "ivs.ShutTemper" : "Stop Tem", "IC" : "IC", "com.Cyan" : "Cyan", "sys.AutoUpdateCycle" : "Auto Update Cycle", "Sky" : "Sky", "com.Five" : "Fri", "com.City" : "City", "med.PlaybackCutPath" : "Video Clips", "med.ColorCode" : "Color Code", "pfm.ConnPass" : "Connection Password", "com.AuthCodeError5min" : "Security code is error or invalid, please try again 5 minutes later.", "sto.StateCode" : "Status Code", "ivs.VerificationCode" : "Verification Code", "pfm.CivilCode" : "Civil Code", "pfm.IntervideoID" : "Intervideo ID", "pfm.EncodeAddress" : "Address Code", "pfm.DeviceServerID" : "Platform Address Code", "pfm.PUAddress" : "PU Address Code", "com.Ping" : "PIN", "med.Blend" : "Encode", "med.NvrEncrypt" : "Video Encryption", "med.TargetRadiationCoefficient" : "Target Radiation Coefficient", "med.AudioLink" : "Audio Linkage", "com.EventLink" : "Event Linkage", "net.NoteLink" : "Message Link", "com.Colorization" : "Colorization", "com.Colorful" : "Color", "Color1" : "Color1", "Color2" : "Color2", "com.HighCTMakerColor" : "High CTMaker Color", "com.LowCTMakerColor" : "Low CTMaker Color", "ivs.LowerBodyColor" : "Bottom Color", "itc.FrontColor" : "Front Color", "itc.CarColor" : "Vehicle Color", "ivs.UpperBodyColor" : "Top Color", "med.VideoColor" : "Video Color", "itc.WorkManage" : "Command", "com.Combination" : "Combination", "com.IRcomensation" : "IR Compensation", "com.O3" : "Ozone Concentration", "com.AlarmCondition" : "Alarm Condition", "itc.Filter" : "Filter Condition", "com.NewGroupConf" : "New Directory Attribute", "sys.OldGroup" : "Old Directory Attribute", "sys.Attribute" : "Attribute", "med.VideoInOptions" : "Camera Attribute", "med.VideoInputConfig" : "Conditions", "ThermographyOptions" : "Conditions", "sys.Pwdconfirm" : "Confirm Password", "ivs.RuleConfig" : "Rule Config", "per.DevHeightInvalid" : "Device Height Config Invalid", "TrafficStrobe" : "Barrier Config", "per.CalibrationCfg" : "Calibration Config", "med.StereoCalibrate" : "Calibration Config", "ivs.FaceConfig" : "Face Database Config", "sys.ImportConfig" : "Import", "itc.HandOnCfg" : "Barrier Rising Config", "ivs.IntelliConf" : "IVS", "ivs.IVSSet" : "IVS Setup", "com.IVS" : "IVS", "sys.DHRSDeConfig" : "Peripheral Config", "sys.ConfigKey" : "Config Key", "sys.ExportConfig" : "Export", "sys.ConfigManage" : "Profile Management", "sys.CenterIP" : "Config Server IP", "sys.CfgURL" : "Configuration URL", "sys.CenterPort" : "Config Server Port", "ivs.SetCarpos" : "Please configure parking space in smart plan!", "sys.ConfigOpr" : "Setting", "com.Setup" : "Setup", "com.Setting" : "Setting", "com.Set" : "Set", "net.GateWayinCfg" : "Gateway Config", "sys.UploadFailedTip" : "Setting up trusted environment, please upgrade later.", "per.ArmMode" : "ArmMode", "ivs.PtzAutoMovement" : "Timing Movement", "per.PtzSettings" : "PTZ Settings", "per.SimulatePtzSet" : "Analog PTZ", "net.NetPtzSetting" : "Network PTZ", "pfm.Network" : "Network Config", "sys.EmailConf" : "EMAIL Setting", "sys.General" : "General Configuration", "ivs.CompleteConfigure" : "Global Setup", "med.VideoAnalyseGlobalConf" : "Video Analyse Global", "sto.StorageGlobalConf" : "Storage Component Global Configuration", "sys.LocalSetup" : "General Setup", "pfm.MobileConf" : "Mobile Configuration", "med.VideoCheckModuleConf" : "Video Analyse Module", "pfm.CMCCHW" : "Platform", "net.DVRIPConf" : "Protocal Configuration", "sto.StoragePointConf" : "Storage Spot Config.", "VideoAnalyseRule" : "Video Analyse Rule", "ivs.IVS" : "Rule Config", "ivs.IntelliTrackScene" : "IVS config", "med.CameraSet" : "Camera", "net.WifiConf" : "WIFI Configuration", "net.WifiLessConf" : "Wireless Configuration", "com.PortInUseSavingFailure" : "Port has been occupied, Save failed.", "net.IPConflict" : "IP Conflict", "appEventIPConflict" : "IP Conflict", "com.MulticastportConflictTip" : "Multicast port conflict. Please change!", "com.TvOutConfilctIntellTip" : "TVOut confilct Intell ,click the save button will open TVOut and close Intell", "Confused" : "Confused", "com.Connect" : "Connection", "SMB connect failed" : "SMB connect failed", "SMB connect successed" : "SMB connect succeed", "med.ShortLink" : "Short-lived Link", "com.ConnectSuccessTip" : "FTP connect successed", "com.ConnectFaidTip" : "FTP connect failed", "com.DDNSconnecttingTip" : "Connecting: Please wait...", "com.ConnectingTip" : "connecting ...", "pfm.LongLink" : "Long-lived Link", "com.NFSConnectsuccessedTip" : "NAS connect succeed", "com.NFSConnectfailedTip" : "NAS connect failed", "com.ConnectFailTip" : "Connect Fail", "com.FailToConnectTip" : "Connect failed. Please check the network, server IP and server port.", "com.MainConnectFail" : "Main Connection Failed", "com.SubConnectFailTip" : "Sub Connection Failed", "com.Succeed" : "Succeed", "com.Fail" : "Fail", "net.Connected" : "Connected", "net.Connecto" : "Connect To", "ivs.TargetDetect" : "Pixel Counter", "com.Content" : "Content", "com.InfoContent" : "Info Content", "med.Contrast" : "Contrast", "com.TmpContrast" : "Temp Contrast", "sys.SoftwareLicence" : "Software License Agreement", "sys.SoftwareLicenceContent" : "DAHUA SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT

1.1 This Agreement is a Software License Agreement between you and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as \"Dahua\"). Please read this software license agreement (Agreement) carefully before using the Software. By using Dahua Software, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, please do not install or use the Software, and click the \"disagree\" button(If there is any provision for \"agree\" or \"disagree\"). If the Software you get is purchased as part of Dahua device, and you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you may return this device/Software within the return period to Dahua or authorized distributor where you purchased from for a refund, but it should be subject to the Dahua's return policy.
1.2 Consent to use of data
Your personal information, including the name, phone number, IP address and email address of the user, m-ay be required in order to provide certain functions, such as on-line updates, P2P, and resetting password. When dealing with such information, Dahua will act in accordance with the data processing principles provided by law and using proper technological measures and management system to make sure that your personal information is securely used and your legal rights are well protected.
If you are a child, please read this Agreement and other related documents with your guardian(s) and pay more attention to the child protection terms.
Dahua stick on to personal information protection and has made the Product Privacy Policy to disclose the important information about the collection, usage, share, storage, and deletion of personal information. In all circumstance, your personal information will be handled according to the Product Privacy Policy. You can search for \"Dahua Product Privacy Policy\" or \"Product Privacy Policy\" on Dahua's official website. We recommend you to read the full text of the Product Privacy Policy for the sake of a better protection of your personal information.
By opening or using these functions, you are deemed to agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

\"Software\" refers to information processing program(s) or supporting file(s) consisting of a number of modules or functions. Supporting file(s) includes all or part of the Software source codes, object codes, and the images, photographs, icons, animations, audio, video, music, words and codes incorporated therein. It also includes all relevant paper or electronic information and technical documentation which describe the functions, characteristics, contents, quality, tests, customer manuals, user agreements, etc. (hereinafter referred to as \"Software Products\" or \"Software\").

\"You\" refers to natural person or legal entity that has obtained the right to use the Software under the license of Dahua. Legal entities include company, enterprise, institution, organization or work unit.

\"Probation period\" refers to a specific period before the official registration in which Dahua authorizes the internal use of users for evaluation purpose.

Subject to your compliance with this Agreement, you are granted non-exclusive license including:
1) Probation license
You are granted to install the software on a single device controlled by you and use all the functions provided for evaluation purpose for free.
2) Commercial license
a) Right of installation and use: You are granted to install and use the software on a single device you control, and use all the functions provided thereby.
b) Back-up: You are granted to reproduce materials for archival purpose. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, you may not be permitted to copy the software or printed materials or electronic documentations accompanying for any other purposes and by any other means.

1) Restrictions on single use
This Agreement does not allow the software to exist on more than one device at a time, unless otherwise agreed by both parties.
2) Restrictions on software sharing
You may not use part or all of the software on multiple devices by sharing all or part of the Software.
3) Restrictions on software decomposition
You can not use different functionalities on different devices or embed different parts of the Software into other software system by decomposing the Software.
4) Restrictions on integrity preserving
You can not remove any copyright statement or notice in the Software, nor smear, modify or delete any trademarks or logos appearing in the Software.
5) Restrictions on reverse engineering, decompile and disassemble
You can not reverse engineer, decompile or disassemble the Software.
6)Abidance by the law:
You agree to use the Software and/or the Services in compliance with all applicable laws, including local laws of the country or region in which you reside or in which you download or use the Software and Services. Functions and services of the Software may not be available in all languages in all regions. Internet connection is required for some functions of the Software and Services.
7) Confidentiality restriction:
You may not disclose the performance of the software, or any other assessment, test results, technical secrets or any such confidential information derived from the Software to any third party without the written consent of Dahua.
8) Automatic updates
The software will periodically check with Dahua for updates. The update will automatically download and install onto your device, if one is available. It is deemed to accept the automatic download and installation onto your device once you used the Dahua software. You can turn off the automatic updates at any time by changing the Automatic updates settings.

1) The Software is developed by Dahua. Dahua reserves all the lawful rights of the software which are not expressly granted to you .
2) The Software is protected by laws of the People's Republic of China. Pursuant to this Agreement, You are only granted a nonexclusive license to use the Software, but not sell or transfer of the Software.
3) Trademark: This Agreement does not grant to you any right related to any trademark(s) or service mark(s) of Dahua or its supplier(s).
4) All intellectual property rights involved in the Software, including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets and technical secrets, remain vested with their respective owners. Dahua reserves the right to profit from its intellectual properties. Furthermore, for any contents not contained in the Software but can be accessed by using the Software, its title and intellectual property rights remain vested with their respective owners and may be protected by applicable copyrights or other intellectual property laws and treaties.
5)You further acknowledge and agree that all intellectual property rights regarding any improvements, modifications or adjustment to the software, arising directly or indirectly by using the software, shall vest in Dahua.

For any queries or problems arising in the Software installation and use, please contact Dahua for a prompt solution.

7. Transfer
If the Dahua Software you obtained is preinstalled on Dahua device , You may make a one-time permanent transfer of all of your license rights (in its original form) to a third party, provided that: (i) the Software transfer must be accompanied by your Dahua device; (ii) the transfer must include all of the Dahua Software, including all its component parts, printed materials and this Agreement; (iii) you can not retain any copies of the Software, including copies stored on the computer or other storage device; (iv) the party receiving the Software agrees to accept the terms and conditions of this Agreement. An updated version of Dahua Software is deemed to be part of Dahua Software, and can not be transferred separately from the previous version.

8.1 You are responsible for the risks resulting from accessing to internet, including but not limited to, cyber-attacks, hacker attacks, computer virus and etc. Please protect your network, data and personal information by taking necessary actions, including but not limited to modifying the factory default password and using a strong password, periodically changing the password, updating the firmware to the latest version, and so on. Dahua do not bear any responsibility for any dysfunction, information leakage or other problems.
8.2 If you are a consumer client (using the Software outside of your trade, business or profession), you may have legal rights in your country of residence which would prohibit the following limitations from applying to you, and if prohibited they will not apply to you. To find out more about rights, you should contact local consumer consulting organizations.
8.2.1 You expressly acknowledge and agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable laws, the use of the Software and any Service performed by or accessed through the Software is at your sole risk and that the entire risk as to satisfactory quality, performance, accuracy and effort is with you.
8.2.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable laws, the Software and Services are provided \"as is\" and \"as available\", with all faults and without warranty of any kind, and Dahua hereby disclaim all warranty and conditions with respect to the software and services, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties and/or conditions of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, quiet enjoyment, and not-infringement of third party' rights.
8.2.3 Dahua does not warrant against interference with your enjoyment of the Software and Services, that the functions contained in, or services performed or provided by the Software will meet your requirements, that the operation of the Software and Services will be uninterrupted and error-free, that any Service will continue to be made available, that defects in the Software or Services will be corrected, or that the Software will be compatible or work with any third party software, applications or third party services.
8.2.4 No oral or written information or advice given by Dahua or an authorized representative of Dahua shall create a warranty. Should the Software or services prove defective, you assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of implied warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so the above exclusion and limitations may not apply to you.

To the extent not prohibited by applicable laws, in no event shall Dahua, its affiliates, agents or principals be liable for personal injury, or any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damages whatsoever, including, without limitation, damages for loss or profits, corruption or loss of data, failure to transmit or receive any data, business interruption or any other commercial damages or losses, arising out of or related to your use or inability to use the Software and Services. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or extension of limitation of liability for personal injury, or of incidental or consequential damages, so this limitation may not apply to you. In no event shall Dahua's total liability to you for all damages (other than may be required by applicable laws in cases involving personal injury) exceed the amount of money you spent on device. The forgoing limitations will apply even if the above stated remedy fails of its essential purpose.

This Agreement is effective until terminated. Your rights under this Agreement will terminate automatically or otherwise cease to be effective without notice from Dahua if you fail to comply with any term(s) of this Agreement. Upon the termination of this Agreement, you shall cease the use of the Software, delete all contents that have been copied or installed on devices and backup copy(s). Section 1.2,8,9,12,13 of this Agreement shall survive any such termination.
You should be liable for any loss arising from your breach of the provisions of this Agreement to Dahua.

You must comply with the national exportation/importation laws, as well as the end-users, end-use, and destinations restrictions applicable to the Software. Without the prior approval or permission of the necessary government authority, you may not export or re-export the Software, directly or indirectly, to any countries/regions that is subject to export restrictions. This obligation shall survive the termination of this Agreement.

The interpretation, validity and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. If a court of judicial jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to be unacceptable, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. Any disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, the parties shall agree to submit to the People's Court where the jurisdiction of Dahua is settled.

This Agreement includes the terms of the Agreement, other agreements expressly invoked in this Agreement, the various rules that may have been issued or may be issued in the future by Dahua, which are integral parts of this Agreement and shall have the same legal effect as it. Unless otherwise stated expressly, users who use the Dahua software are subject to this Agreement. No amendment to or modification of this Agreement will be binding unless in writing and signed by Dahua. Any translation of this Agreement is done for local requirements. In the event of a dispute between the Chinese and any non-Chinese versions, the Chinese version of this Agreement shall govern, to the extent not prohibited by local law in your jurisdiction.

This Agreement may be updated by Dahua at any time, and the updated terms of the Agreement shall take the place of the terms of the original Agreement once published in Dahua's official website. If you do not accept the revised term(s), please stop using the software immediately. Your continued use of the Software will be deemed to have accepted the updated agreement.", "com.CheckDetail" : "Check Details", "ivs.GotoAutoTour" : "Auto Tour", "per.PtzControl" : "PTZ", "ivs.PTZControl" : "PTZ Control", "sys.EmptyVerify" : "Space", "com.ValidateNoneTip" : "Vacant", "med.StreamContorl" : "Bit Rate Type", "ivs.LightingConf" : "IR Light Control", "AuthManuCtr" : "Manual Control", "ivs.Figure" : "Gesture Control", "med.VideoControl" : "Record Control", "com.RemoteController" : "Remote Controller", "appEventTrafficRetrograde" : "Illegal Retrogradation", "med.Talk" : "Talk", "ivs.Coordinates" : "Coordinates", "itc.GpsFrame" : "GPS Position", "med.Copyright" : "Copyright 2021, all rights reserved.", "ivs.Whole" : "Full Body", "ivs.Half" : "Upper Body", "com.RayRight" : "Ray Axis Correct", "med.FocusTestConfig" : "Lens Debug", "per.AdjustDevice" : "Device Correction.", "per.AdjustDeviceTip" : "Device correction in progress, please do not operate the PTZ. Disable the function after correction is completed.", "med.Match" : "Match", "com.Creat" : "Create", "ivs.CreateCertificate" : "Create the server certificate", "com.CreateSuccess" : "Create Success", "com.CpDDNS904Tip" : "Domain name creation failed, please try again later or contact support(904)", "com.CpDDNS905Tip" : "Domain name creation failed, please try again later or contact support(905)", "com.CpDDNS906Tip" : "Domain name creation failed, please try again later or contact support(906)", "com.CpDDNS911Tip" : "Domain name creation failed, please try again later or contact support(911)", "com.NoValidPattern" : "No valid Pattern", "com.PwdRuleTip" : "It is 8 to 32-digit containing letter(s), number(s),symbol(s). It contains at least two types.", "com.RightToLeft" : "B to A", "com.LeftToRight" : "A to B", "sys.Date" : "Date", "com.Birth" : "Date of Birth", "sys.DateTime" : "Date&Time", "sys.SysTime" : "Current Time", "sys.FullyDefault" : "Factory Default", "per.LastUpgradeDate" : "Last Upgrade Date", "per.AlarmEndTime" : "Alarm Stop Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "per.AlarmStartTime" : "Alarm Start Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "sys.LogTime" : "Log Time", "ivs.FaceGroup" : "Face Database", "com.Data" : "Data", "RadioDataInJpeg" : "Radio Data In Jpeg", "med.SynData" : "Upload to FTP", "com.Weak" : "Weak", "sys.DebugInfo" : "Debug Info Key", "pfm.DebugEnable" : "Dubug Enable", "AuthDisplay" : "Decode Display", "ivs.DrawTarget" : "Draw Target", "com.DrawRuleFirst" : "Please draw the rule first,then save.", "ivs.DrawRule" : "Draw Rule", "sto.RecStoragePicName" : "Picture Naming And Store Path", "sto.RecStorageVideoName" : "Video Naming And Store Path", "ivs.PicRepalcFunctionGudie" : "Picture Replace Function Description", "itc.RIGHT" : "Right", "per.DetailCamera" : "Detail Camera", "pfm.Iris" : "Iris", "12month" : "Dec", "com.December" : "Dec", "med.ReturnError" : "Return Difference", "BetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm" : "Temperature Different", "appEventBetweenRulesTemperDiffAlarm" : "Temperature Different", "TemperatureDifferenceOSD" : "Temperature Difference", "med.TemperatureDiff" : "Temperature Difference", "med.FullResHide" : "Adapt Size", "pfm.FontSize" : "Font Size", "med.FileSize" : "File Size", "com.FileSize:" : "File Size:", "com.ImageSize" : "Image Size", "med.PicSize" : "Image Size", "ivs.MostSize" : "Max Size", "ivs.LeastSize" : "Min Size", "med.FullResShow" : "Original Size", "sto.RemoteDirectory" : "Remote Directory", "ivs.Direction1" : "Direction", "sto.FlowrateDir" : "Flow Direction", "med.WindDirection" : "Wind Direction", "itc.DirectionSize" : "Device Direction", "ivs.OCXMainDirection" : "Main Direction", "med.FstRunDirection" : "Initial Operation Direction", "com.NoRightTip" : "No right!", "itc.WithoutPermission" : "Without permission", "com.NoVideoAuthoityTip" : "No Play Right!", "app.Disabled" : "Disabled", "com.Cdisable" : "Disable", "com.Disable" : "Disable", "com.Disarm" : "Disarm", "com.CloseAnonymLoginFailedTip" : "Failed to disable anonymous login", "sys.DSTOff" : "DST Disable", "sys.LocalDisk" : "Disk", "com.Logout" : "Logout", "com.DisconetTip" : "Disconnected", "net.Unconet" : "Unconnected", "ivs.Protract" : "Draw", "ivs.saveBeforeDrawLane" : "Please draw lines before saving lane lines!", "com.AreaDrawTip" : "Please draw a area!", "com.DrawingIsCompletedTip" : "Drawing is completed!", "Disgust" : "Disgusted", "sys.SingleParity" : "Odd", "com.DeviceName" : "Device", "med.TargetDistance" : "Target Distance", "com.Dsun" : "Sun", "com.TimeWeekday" : "Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |All", "com.SunDay" : "Sun", "com.Domain" : "Domain", "net.SIPDomain" : "SIP Domain", "itc.UADomain" : "UA Domain", "com.Gold" : "Golden", "med.DownloadByTime" : "Download by time", "com.DownloadCompletelyTip" : "Download Completely!", "sys.CloudUpgStateDownloading" : "Downloading data", "sys.FileDownloading" : "Downloading files…", "med.BatchDownload" : "Batch Download", "com.DownLoadingTip" : "Downloading...", "med.DownloadByFile" : "Download by file", "med.PlaybackDownloadPath" : "Playback Download", "per.Spend" : "Time Consumption", "ivs.IvsDuration" : "Duration", "per.VolAbnormalKeepTime" : "Supply Voltage Abnormity Duration", "com.maxRunningTime" : "Working Duration", "com.DurationOfTemp" : "Duration Of Temperature", "com.And" : "and", "com.NeedRebootDeviceTip" : "Reboot", "med.SpaceExcludeMax" : "Number of space excluded areas has reached maximum!", "per.AutoPanGroupMax" : "Number of horizontal rotation groups has reached maximum!", "ivs.ProhibitUploadPicView" : "Single picture is prohibited to upload in advance during distant scene!", "com.NotTypeForPasswordTip" : "it is prohibited to input blank, single and double quotation marks, backslash and Chinese.", "sys.CloudAccess" : "P2P", "sys.DataOpr" : "Data", "com.MeasurementItems" : "Measurement Items", "ivs.Task" : "Task List", "sys.AuthList" : "Authority", "per.Action" : "Action", "net.IDList" : "ID List", "net.PortMappingList" : "Port Mapping List", "ivs.RuleList" : "Rule List", "com.Delete" : "Delete", "com.DelAllAlarm" : "Delete all alarm", "ivs.DeleteScaleArea" : "Remove Calibration Area", "com.DelExcludeRegion" : "Delete Exclude Region", "com.DeleteGroup" : "Delete Group", "net.DeleteIpMac" : "Delete IP/MAC", "ivs.DeletePreset" : "Del Preset", "ivs.DeleteScale" : "Remove Rulers", "com.DeleteUser" : "Delete User", "com.ConfirmBatteryTip" : "Are you sure to delete the file?", "itc.IsClearThisNumPlateTip" : "Are you sure to clear the plate number?", "com.SureDeleteIPMACTip" : "Are you sure to delete this IP/MAC or IP Segment?", "com.DelAllAlarmComfirm" : "Are you sure delete all alarm information?", "com.SureClearAllListTip" : "Are you sure to clear all the lists?", "com.SureToDeleteAllLogTip" : "Are you sure to delete all logs?", "com.ClearPrivacyMaskConfirmTip" : "Are you sure to clear all privacy maskings?", "sys.AutoDeleteOldFile" : "Auto Delete Old Files", "com.DelectLogSuccesTip" : "Delete Log Succeeded", "com.DelectLogFailTip" : "Delete Log Failed", "com.OvalShape" : "Ellipse", "net.StartUsingHTTPs" : "Enable HTTPS", "com.Enter" : "Enters", "com.Both" : "Both", "sto.AccessError" : "File Access Error", "sys.CloudUpgStateInvalid" : "Upgrade package error", "com.CreateFailure" : "Create Failure", "com.PasswordWrongTip" : "Password Encryption Error", "com.ImportFailture" : "Import Failture!", "com.MappingErrorTip" : "Mapping Error", "sys.CloudUpgErrNoCache" : "Network error", "sto.StoError" : "Disk Error", "com.DiskErrorTip" : "Disk Error", "ivs.DNSError" : "DNS Error", "DNS error" : "DNS Error", "com.FileFormatDefaultTip" : "Bad File Format!", "com.EmailsendererrorTip" : "Email sender format error", "com.EmailreverrorTip" : "Email receiver format error", "com.EmailiperrorTip" : "Server address error", "com.ServerIpError" : "Server ip error", "com.PathErrorsTip" : "Storage path format is error", "com.BadFormatIPV6address" : "IPv6 address, gateway or DNS server format error.", "com.FileLengthErrorTip" : "File length error", "com.FailedHeatMap" : "Heatmap failed! Please try wait a moment!", "com.FileOperateErrorTip" : "File operate error", "itc.RequestError" : "Request parameter error", "sys.CloudUpgErrParam" : "Server parameter error", "com.NoValidAutoPan" : "No valid AutoPan", "com.SDErrorTip" : "SD card error", "sto.StorageFailure" : "SD Card Error", "com.FileWriteErrorTip" : "File write error", "com.ServerFailTip" : "Server Fail!", "com.CpDDNS0Tip" : "Server/Network error, please try again later or contact support", "com.TemperatureError" : "Temperature Error", "com.FileTransmitErrorTip" : "File Transmit Error", "com.DrawTargetFailed" : "Failed,please draw again.", "com.SF6" : "Sulfur Hexafluoride", "com.ExitNormal" : "Exit", "com.Exit" : "Exit", "ivs.Export" : "Export", "com.ExportHeatMap" : "Export heatMap", "com.ExportSuccessTip" : "Export Successful!", "com.ExportFailTip" : "Export Failed!", "com.ExportSuccessHeatMap" : "Export Success,The path is", "com.ExportingTip" : "Exporting...", "med.ExposureMode" : "Exposure", "VideoInExposure" : "Exposure", "ivs.VideoInFaceAutoExposure" : "Face Exposure", "Emotion" : "Expression", "com.OutdoorScene" : "Outdoor", "ivs.Outdoor" : "Outdoor", "AuthEventCfg" : "Event", "per.AlarmEvent" : "Alarm Event", "pfm.NetAbort" : "Off-line Event", "com.EZoom" : "EZoom", "itc.FarLightT1" : "Far Light 1 Running", "itc.FarLightT2" : "Far Light 2 Running", "itc.FarLightT3" : "Far Light 3 Running", "itc.FarLightT4" : "Far Light 4 Running", "itc.FarLightT" : "Far Light Running", "com.NoPluginTip" : "Please click here to download and install the plug-in.", "com.IntellMutex1Tip" : "Click \"Save\", then", "com.IntellMutexTVOutTip" : "Click \"Save\", TVOut will be disabled!", "com.DrawFirstTip" : "Please click search first, then can export the report", "itc.Step" : "Speed", "Fear" : "Scared", "com.DoFFC" : "Do FFC", "com.WrongFileUpgradeTip" : "File format is in Error!", "com.BadFiletoRebootTip" : "Update error. Device will reboot immediately.", "sys.ConfigFile" : "Profile", "sto.FilesizeExist" : "File already exists", "com.PicFileTooLargeTip" : "Picture size is too large.", "com.FileSizeLimitTip" : "File too large!", "ivs.FaceYaw" : "Snap Angle Filter", "ivs.AimFiltrate" : "Target filter", "med.IPPurview" : "IP Filter", "net.IpFiltration" : "IP Filter", "med.IsothermFilter" : "Isotherm Filter", "ThermoIntelliVideoFilter" : "Isotherm Filter", "sys.Filter" : "LDAP Filter", "com.InDenoise" : "Noise Filter", "com.Accomplished" : "Done", "com.EventStop" : "Event End", "sys.DSTEnd" : "DST End", "ivs.IRLightEnable" : "Illuminator", "med.Fluency" : "Fluent", "med.PicStream" : "Snapshot", "med.Snapstream" : "Snapshot Stream", "med.MainStream" : "Main Stream", "med.RecordeStream" : "Record Stream", "med.AuxiliaryStream" : "Sub Stream", "med.AuxiliaryStream1" : "Sub Stream 1", "med.AuxiliaryStream2" : "Sub Stream 2", "med.VideoStream" : "Video", "med.AssistFocus" : "Easy Focus", "med.PTZCoordCalibra" : "PTZ Same Coordinate Focus", "ivs.NamingFormat" : "Naming Format", "com.DownLoadFormat" : "Download Format", "ivs.PicFormat" : "Supported Picture Format", "sys.DateFormat" : "Date Format", "com.TimedFormat" : "Time Format", "med.VideoStandard" : "Video Standard", "med.VideoSystem" : "Video Format", "com.CfmFormatRebootTip" : "Data will be cleared. Are you sure to continue formatting?", "sto.Format" : "Format", "com.FormatSDRestartDevice" : "Format Successfully! The device is restarting now,please reconnect later...", "com.NeedRebootTip" : "Format Failed! The device is restarting now,please reconnect later...", "com.Strong" : "Strong", "med.Strength" : "Correction Strength", "ivs.Cephalothorax" : "One-inch photo", "sto.PlayFrame" : "NextFrame", "per.IrisSwithCount" : "Iris Switch Times", "per.RainBrushRunningTime" : "Wiper Running Times", "med.Frequency" : "Sampling Frequency", "med.FramePerSec" : "Frame Rate(FPS)", "med.StreamKbs" : "Bit Rate", "app.TipCurrentSpin" : "Current Rotation Times", "per.VeriticalTwistingCount" : "Vertical Twist Times", "net.NetModeTyefull1000M" : "1000M Full Duplex", "net.NetModeTyefull100M" : "100M Full Duplex", "net.NetModeTyefull10M" : "10M Full Duplex", "com.Smoke" : "Smoke", "com.WhiteSmoke" : "Whitesmoke", "sys.SysOpear" : "System", "ivs.Function" : "Function", "itc.Assistant" : "Assistant", "itc.SerialFunction" : "COM Function", "sys.EnableAutoUpdate" : "Auto Update Enable", "ivs.PTZFunction" : "PTZ Function", "com.TestFunction" : "Test Function", "per.ExtendFunction" : "Extra Feature", "ivs.IntellManage" : "Intellgent Function", "ivs.CarNumberFeature" : "Licence Plate Feature", "com.FixedFocus" : "Fixed Focus", "med.AfInStep" : "Stepping Motor Focus", "itc.ReginFocus" : "Regional Focus", "com.QuickFocus" : "Quick Focus", "MeasureDistanceOutOfRange" : "Beyond Range", "med.Fusion" : "Warm Color Fusion", "Fusion" : "Fusion", "ThermographyFusion" : "Picture Fusion", "com.TimeZones" : "Time Zone", "itc.GainScope" : "Gain", "sys.DefaultGateway" : "Default Gateway", "net.Ipgateway" : "Gateway", "net.GAYS" : "GAYS", "1month" : "Jan", "com.January" : "Jan", "com.Generate" : "Generate", "com.Generals" : "General", "com.GenerateWideViewFailedTip" : "Failed to generate panorama view! Please stop", "Gender" : "Gender", "med.VideoAbnorDeal" : "Vedio Abnormity", "VideoInMode" : "3A Config Manager", "sto.EventManage" : "Event", "com.InfoManager" : "Info Management", "per.Peripheral" : "Peripheral", "sys.SysManage" : "System", "sto.StorageManage" : "Storage", "sys.Account" : "Account", "Yellow" : "Yellow", "com.Yellow" : "Yellow", "com.GreenYellow" : "Green Yellow", "com.ChartReuse" : "Yellow Green", "ivs.Vest" : "Vest", "sys.DayAgo" : "Day(s) ago", "com.Daytime" : "Day", "com.DayNightMode" : "Day & Night", "com.DayWeek" : "Day", "com.DayMonthYear" : "DD-MM-YYYY", "VideoInDayNight" : "Day-Night", "com.Thu" : "Thu", "com.June" : "Jun", "6month" : "Jun", "com.IPCannotBetheame" : "IP address of wire and wireless cannot be valid at the same time!", "com.SunTimeErrorTip" : "Sunrise and sunset time can not the same time", "com.Global" : "Global", "ivs.ShortSkirt" : "Short Skirt", "com.Large" : "Large", "com.gray" : "Gray", "com.DimGray" : "Dark Gray", "com.Group" : "Group", "sys.UserGroup" : "Group Name", "sys.UserLocaGroup" : "User Local Group", "_PtzPanGroup_" : "Auto Pan Group", "med.GainBlue" : "Blue", "med.GainRed" : "Red", "com.Help" : "Help", "com.NameHelp" : "Picture && Video naming help", "net.NetModeTyehalf1000M" : "1000M Half Duplex", "net.NetModeTyehalf100M" : "100M Half Duplex", "net.NetModeTyehalf10M" : "10M Half Duplex", "sys.SoftwareLicenceNoted" : "I have read and agree to all terms", "sys.HomePage" : "Home", "net.HTTPs" : "HTTPS", "com.PtzStringLimitTip" : "The character can only contain number, letter, underline and hyphen.", "com.BeginEndNotNull" : "Both the beginning and end can't be null!", "per.AlarmIoOut" : "Alarm I/O", "net.NetManID" : "Network Manage Connect ID", "AlarmId" : "Alarm ID", "med.ChannelID" : "Channel ID", "net.ServerID" : "Server ID", "sys.DeviceID" : "Device ID", "pfm.MainEquId" : "Main Device ID", "net.EquipmentID" : "Sub-Device ID", "com.CpDDNS902Tip" : "The MAC ID is not valid(902)", "ivs.DevPartitionId" : "Partition Id", "pfm.RegID" : "Regdit ID", "sto.CurrentHotspot" : "SSID", "pfm.WirelessSSID" : "Wireless Network ID", "itc.CompanyId" : "Commpany ID", "sys.UserID" : "User ID", "sys.AnonymityBig" : "ANONYMOUS", "net.Anonymous" : "Anonymous Username", "com.FlashNoPreview" : "The browser does not support plugins. Images cannot be display properly. Please user lower version browser such as IE, Chrome under 42 and Firefox under 52.", "ivs.HumanSnapOffsetTip" : "The corresponding offset coefficient of human body from top to toe is 50~-50. If the offset coefficient is set as 0, then it means that it takes human waist as center and makes positioning amplification.", "com.SubsetOverlapGroupTip" : "Group right over lap!", "com.SubsetOverlapUserTip" : "User right over lap!", "com.DomainUsedTip" : "Domain Used!", "com.DomainExistTip" : "Domain is not Exist!", "med.AudioNeedPcmWav" : "The audio format is PCM or WAV!", "com.PathErrorTip" : "Storage path shall only contain numbers, letters, '_', '-', '/' or empty", "com.PathErrorWithPointTip" : "Storage path shall only contain numbers, letters, point, '_', '-', '/' or empty", "com.IndexOverlapGroupTip" : "The group already exists.", "com.UsemannageErrGroupTip" : "There are still users in current group or some users in this group still use this right,can't operation!", "com.GroupNonentityTip" : "Group not valid!", "com.MACCannotbenullTip" : "MAC can not be null", "com.WrongChannelNameTip" : "Channel Name can't include quotation marks!", "com.WrongDeviceNameTip" : "Device name shall only contain numbers, letters, '_' and '-'", "com.FilenameNotNullTip" : "The filename can not be null!", "com.FileNameInvalidTip!" : "The file name to save is invalid, please input again!", "com.WrongNTPNameTip" : "NTP server name shall only contain numbers, letters, '.', '_' and '-'", "com.WrongServerNameTip" : "Server name shall only contain numbers, letters, '.', '_' and '-'", "com.VideoNamedDavTip" : "Video named must end with dav or avi!", "com.GroupNameSameTip" : "rule name can't be same!", "com.PictureNamedJpgTip" : "Picture named must end with jpg!", "com.PictureNotUniqueTip" : "The name of picture can't recognize each picture,the picture of same name will be coverd", "com.NamedPictureOnly" : "The name of picture can't recognize each picture,please name again!", "com.CpDDNS907Tip" : "The Domain name is already in use, please choose a different Domain name(907)", "com.WrongDomainNameTip" : "Domain name shall only contain numbers and letters", "com.WrongDomainName" : "Domain name shall only contain numbers letters '-''_' and'.'", "com.LimitStringInput" : "The name cannot contain characters such as |, ', \" and &", "com.IncludeTpye6Tip" : "Your input shall only contain numbers, letters and '_'", "com.BadstringServerNameTip" : "Your input shall only contain numbers, letters, '_' and '-'", "com.EmailLimiteTip" : "The username of Private DDNS should be email format or null", "com.QuickemailLimiteTip" : "The username of Quick DDNS should be email format or null", "com.NameNoSameTip" : "Read&write Usernname and Read-only Username cannot be the same!", "com.DsernameMustnotNullTip" : "The username can't be empty!", "com.NoMoreRule" : "Rule amount has reached threshold.", "com.MaximumConnectTip" : "The online user amount has reached the threshold!", "com.OCXExcludeRegionUpperLimitTip" : "The excluded zone No. has reached threshold.", "com.SameNumTip" : "This Number has been appended", "com.Emailrevnum3Tip" : "The max.receiver address amount is 3", "ivs.MaxCarposCounts" : "The max. number of parking space is", "per.PtzRestartTip" : "PTZ will reboot.", "com.HorizontalErrorTip" : "Horizontal ruler can only draw one!", "com.CpDDNS912Tip" : "Server is temporarily down, please try again later or contact support(912)", "com.WrongEmailTitleTip" : "Email Title can't include quotation marks!", "com.NoSupportMp4Tip" : "It doesn’t support MP4 format to download temporarily", "ivs.IllegalAlarmOn" : "Trigger Duration", "com.Unlimited" : "Unlimited", "com.picture" : "Picture", "ivs.OsdCompound" : "Compound Image", "com.PicNotExistTip" : "Picture not exist", "ivs.OsdOriginal" : "Original Image", "ivs.FaceSwapper" : "Snap Face Image", "com.OffTimeEnableTip" : "Please input a number", "com.MachineSet" : "Core Setup", "ivs.FaceImport" : "Import Face Database", "com.ImportingTip" : "Importing...", "sys.Import" : "Import", "sys.Browse" : "Browse...", "sys.ImportUpgrade" : "Select Firmware File", "ivs.ImportCarInfo" : "Import vehicle info", "sys.ConfigIO" : "Import/Export", "ivs.PicCompleted" : "Picture import completed!", "sys.CloudUpgStateDownloadFailed" : "Failed to download", "med.DayOrDefogTip" : "It fails to enable defog enhancement when day/night mode is in the non-auto mode.", "ivs.MaxRulesEnough" : "Failed to add, it has reached max number of rules!", "per.NotSearchRecTip" : "It can't search video when downloading file!", "med.WideViewTip" : "Failed to generate panoramic image, the PTZ stopped.", "com.UsedTip" : "MAC can not be device MAC", "pfm.SamePort" : "Port Can not be the same", "med.DigitalOrStable" : "It fails to set EIS when digital zoom is enabled.", "med.StableOrDigital" : "It fails to set digital zoom when EIS is enabled.", "com.WrongPhone" : "Can't include quotation marks and Chinese!", "com.DownloadNotVedioTip" : "It cannot play video when downloading files!", "com.CantDownloadFilePlaybackOfflayerTip" : "You can't download file and playback at the same time, close the player?", "com.PlayAndLoadNotTogetherTip" : "Could not download records when playing record!", "com.DownloadFormatMp4PlaybackTip" : "Can't download format of mp4 file when playback!", "com.Area" : "Area", "net.DefaultNetCard" : "Set as Default Card", "sys.ReadWrite" : "Read & Write", "ivs.RightLimit" : "Set Right Limit", "ivs.LeftSet" : "Set Left Limit", "ivs.PatternSet" : "Set Pattern", "ivs.SetModule" : "Set module", "com.SetSystemTimeTip" : "Set Time", "ivs.PresetSet" : "Set Preset", "itc.SceneSet" : "Scene Set", "sys.ReadOnly" : "Read Only", "sto.SetWorkDirType" : "Set HDD Type", "per.AlarmSet" : "Alarm", "sys.CDMAGPRSSet" : "Dialing Setting", "itc.IRLightConf" : "Illuminator Setting", "VideoInColor" : "Color", "med.SnapSet" : "Snapshot", "sys.LocalSet" : "General", "itc.LightSet" : "Light Setting", "itc.CircumscribSet" : "Steady Light", "VideoInFocus" : "Focus", "ivs.ParameterSet" : "Parameter Setup", "com.TimeSectionSet" : "Period setting", "net.PPPoESet" : "PPPoE", "per.SetPositionFail" : "Video Search Setting Failed", "ivs.PicReplaceSetting" : "Picture Replace Setting", "VideoInZoom" : "Zoom", "sys.BeginSplic" : "Agc Settings", "per.PtzSetting" : "PTZ Settings", "per.PtzSet" : "PTZ", "com.BasicSet" : "Basic Settings", "sys.DefaultSetting" : "Default", "net.NetworkSettings" : "Network", "med.Encode" : "Encode", "com.FfcSet" : "FFC Settings", "med.WatermarkSetting" : "Watermark Settings", "med.VideoWaterMarkSet" : "Video Watermark Settings", "itc.CommConfig" : "General Settings", "com.Prompt" : "Prompt", "net.MobileSettings" : "Mobile Settings", "NAS" : "NAS Settings", "net.NASSet" : "NAS Settings", "pfm.NTPSettings" : "NTP", "sys.NTPSet" : "NTP Setting", "com.RegionSet" : "Country/Region Setting", "itc.RS232" : "RS232", "itc.SerialSetup" : "Communication settings", "itc.SerialSet" : "Serial Port Settings", "sys.TimeSet" : "Time Settings", "ivs.RightTop" : "Right-Top", "ivs.LeftTop" : "Left-Top", "com.TopCenter" : "Top Center", "ivs.RightBottom" : "Right-Bottom", "ivs.LeftBottom" : "Left-Bottom", "com.BottomCenter" : "Bottom Center", "com.Conducting" : "In Progress", "com.Fire" : "Fire", "net.PasswordIndex" : "Password Index", "com.Back" : "Back", "sys.Address" : "Address", "sys.ServerAddress" : "Server Address", "itc.EdAdd" : "End Address", "itc.StartAdd" : "Start Address", "sys.IPAddress" : "IP Address", "net.IPAddress" : "IP Address", "com.CpDDNS702Tip" : "IP address successfully updated(702)", "net.IPaddrMAC" : "IP address /MAC address", "net.LinkAddress" : "Link Address", "net.MacAddress" : "MAC Address", "net.MulticastAddress" : "Multicast Address", "sys.Registered" : "Registered Address", "med.WebServiceAddr" : "Webservice URL", "pfm.TrapServer" : "Trap Address", "net.Wsaddress" : "WS address", "com.AnalogAlarmLowerTip" : "Lower than threshold", "itc.Detail" : "MoreInfo", "itc.TelephoneNumberChange" : "Modify Contact Info", "ivs.EventManage" : "Event Manage", "VideoMotionInfo" : "Motion Detect Info", "net.WifiWorkInfor" : "Wifi Info", "sto.StorageGroup" : "StorageGroup", "per.AlarmInInfo" : "Alarm In Information", "sys.SysLogInformation" : "Detailed Information", "med.WeatherInfo" : "Weather Info", "ivs.osdcombination" : "OSD info", "ivs.FlashPartitions" : "FlashPartitions", "ivs.IvsRule" : "Rules Info", "per.AlarmInformation" : "Alarm Info", "med.ChannelInfo" : "Channels Info", "ivs_osd.TitleBit61" : "Scene Info", "pfm.KeyServerInfo" : "Key Server Info", "sto.RecStorageServiceInfo" : "Platform Server Info", "pfm.ProxySerInfo" : "Proxy Server Info", "itc.RedirectProxySerInfo" : "Redirect Proxy Server Info", "sto.RecSecServerInfo" : "Platform Reallocate Server Info", "AuthSysInfo" : "System Info", "sys.Information" : "Information", "sys.CameraInfo" : "Camera Information", "ivs.Voltage" : "Voltage Info", "per.AlarmOutInfo" : "Alarm Out Information", "sys.EditionInfo" : "Version", "TrackerPolicy" : "Tracker Policy", "com.AlarmInfo" : "Alarm Information", "sys.DeviceInfo" : "Device Info", "com.InputNotValidTip" : "Input not valid!", "com.TemperatureInfo" : "Temperature Info", "itc.BreakingRule" : "Violation", "English" : "English", "SimpChinese" : "Simplified Chinese", "per.AlarmInput" : "Relay-in", "per.AlarmIn" : "Alarm In", "med.AudioInput" : "Audio Input", "ivs.SensorEnter" : "Sensor Enter", "med.VideoInput" : "Video Input", "ivs.StartRecord" : "Start Rec", "sys.InitalizeIp" : "Initialize Server IP", "sys.Initalizeport" : "Initialize Server Port", "Account.DevInit" : "Device Initialization", "sys.DevInitSuccess" : "Device initialization completed!", "med.TalkStart" : "Start Talk", "com.StartTimeNotSameTimeTip" : "Start time and end time could not be the same time.", "com.EventStart" : "Event Begin", "sys.DSTStart" : "DST Start", "ivs.HandOnOpen" : "Manual Barrier Rising", "ivs.AllSnapCar" : "All Vehicles Barrier Rising", "ivs.TrafficTrustList" : "Open barrier by allowlist", "com.EnterExit" : "Enter&Exit", "pfm.HotPlugAdd" : "Insert Device", "ivs.MaxEnter" : "Enter No.", "com.EnterPingTip" : "Enter PIN", "net.PasswordInput" : "Input Password", "com.CpDDNS901Tip" : "Please enter a valid domain name(901)", "com.NullLimitePinTip" : "Please input 8-digital number!", "per.GsensorOffset" : "Deviated", "com.ThreeNo" : "3.0", "ivs.PtzIntelli" : "Intelligence", "com.Intensity" : "Intensity", "ivs.AutoIntensity" : "Auto Intensity", "ivs.ManualIntensity" : "Manual Intensity", "med.3DdepressNoiseIntension" : "Intensity", "itc.SignalQality" : "Signal Quality", "com.TimePoint" : "Time Point", "com.Inside" : "Inside", "com.IndoorScene" : "Indoor", "ivs.LRIntelligence" : "Left/Right Switch", "ivs.AzimuthDispShowBtnStop" : "Stop", "com.Stop" : "Stop", "med.StopTalk" : "Stop Talk", "ivs.StopLoad" : "Stop Download", "ivs.EndRecord" : "Stop Rec", "com.SamplingInterval" : "Sampling Interval", "per.MeasureDistance" : "Ranging", "MeasureDistance" : "Ranging", "pfm.SendInterval" : "Interval", "net.Sendhealthinterval" : "Update Period", "pfm.CostomDifsec" : "Customized Range", "med.CutTime" : "Wireless Down Interval", "med.ExposureFrame" : "Exposure Stable Frame", "com.TimeSec" : "Time Range", "itc.GOP" : "I Frame Interval", "app.PtzSettingRange" : "Setting Range", "pfm.KmScope" : "Shutter", "net.RegisteredInterval" : "registered Interval", "com.ReportInterval" : "Report Interval", "med.FrameWaits" : "Frame Waiting Time", "per.AlarmUploadInterval" : "Alarm Report Time", "ivs.DownClothes" : "Bottom (Clothes)", "CrossRegionDetection" : "Intrusion", "appEventCrossRegionDetection" : "Intrusion", "appEventTrafficU-Turn" : "Illegal U-turn", "med.Inverted" : "Inverted", "med.Flip180Ex" : "180°", "pfm.SendEMail" : "Send Email", "pfm.SendHealthyMail" : "Health Mail", "pfm.SendKeepAlive" : "Keep Alive", "net.NoteSend" : "Message Send", "com.HostAddressTip" : "Illegal Access IP", "net.DestinationIP" : "Destination IP", "net.SourceIP" : "Source IP", "sys.LocalDeviceIP" : "Local Device IP", "net.DdnsIP" : "DNS IP", "com.IpExiseTip" : "Current IP already exists!", "net.DeviceWanIp" : "Device Wan Ip", "net.SIPGatewayIp" : "SIP Gateway IP", "net.IPDNSName" : "IP or Domain name", "net.ManagePlatformIP" : "Manage platform IP", "net.PointIp" : "Point IP", "med.RegistIP" : "Registed IP", "net.ServerIP" : "Server IP", "net.HeartIP" : "Heart Server IP", "net.ServLoadIP" : "Server Load IP", "net.CenterIP" : "Centre Server IP", "net.CmuIP" : "CMU Server IP", "net.GateWayServIP" : "Gateway Serv IP", "net.NetManIP" : "Network Manage Server IP", "pfm.RegisterIp" : "Register Server IP", "sys.AutoRegisterServersIP" : "Auto Register Server IP", "net.SIPServerIP" : "SIP Server IP", "net.IPDNSDomain" : "IP/DNS Domain", "Ironbow2" : "Ironbow2", "com.Isotherm" : "Isotherm", "ivs.SnapShot" : "Snapshot", "ivs.NormalSnap" : "General", "med.MonitorSnapshotPath" : "Live Snapshot", "med.PlaybackSnapshotPath" : "Playback Snapshot", "itc.SnapsHot" : "Traffic Snapshot", "ObjectDetectSnapshot" : "Traffic Snapshot", "ivs.HumanFaceSnap" : "Face Capture", "sto.BarChart" : "Bar Chart", "sto.LineChart" : "Line Chart", "com.WHRate" : "W:H", "com.ConfEffectRestartTip" : "The configuration takes effect, the device is restarting now, please don't leave this page or close the browser...", "com.WatermarkTip" : "Failed!Watermark character shall only contain numbers, letters, '_' and '-'", "com.DstBeginLowEndTip" : "Daylight saving over time must be greater than the start time an hour", "sys.CloudAccessTip" : "Surveillance is paused during the upgrade process. Are you sure to continue?", "com.PathLongTip" : "Path length can not exceed 200 characters!", "com.BadmemoTip" : "Your input shall only contain numbers,letters,'_','-',quotation marks and spacing", "sys.CloudUpgErrHasNewVersion" : "New version is available now, please check again.", "com.PwdDifTip" : "Password not Matched", "com.BadlengtPassword8Tip" : "The minimum pass phrase length is 8 characters", "com.NullPwdTip" : "The password can't be null!", "com.PasswordIncludeTpye1Tip" : "Password shall only contain numbers and letters", "sys.DisablePswReset" : "It can reset password only via hardware default after it is disabled.", "com.PortInUseTip" : "Port has been occupied. (Port 0~1024 is not recommended to use)", "com.PortUseSavingFailureTip" : "Port has been occupied, Save failed. (Port 0~1024 is not recommended to use)", "com.RuleIsntEnableTip" : "Rule isn't enable!", "com.NotSameCompareRule" : "The compare rule can not be same!", "com.CanNotFilp" : "Current resolution does not support this function.", "ptz.MinimumPathTips" : "Tour sequence of preset will auto adjust according to the shortest path.", "com.LensHeaterTempTip" : "The stop temperature shall be 8 centigrade higher than the start temperature.", "com.StopTemStartTemTip" : "The stop temperature shall be 3 centigrade higher than the start temperature.", "com.AccoutLockTip" : "This account has been locked.", "com.AccoutNonentityTip" : "This account does not exist.", "med.UploadAlarm" : "The Alarm Linkage Upload Video and Photo", "com.WidthAndHeight" : "Width And Height", "com.WidthOrHeight" : "Width Or Height", "med.VideoWidth" : "Video Width", "sys.Washing" : "Wash", "sys.TimingWashing" : "Time Wash", "com.WrongCompareRule" : "The two rules can not be same!", "com.PortNoSameTip" : "Port Conflit", "pfm.ReadCommen" : "Read Community", "V3ReadAuthPwd" : "Read only account authentication password", "V3ReadEncryPwd" : "Read only account encryption password", "ivs.StereoStabilizeConflict" : "EIS is mutually excluded with stereo vison/people counting, which can't be enabled at the same time!", "com.SameEmailTip" : "This email has been appended", "med.Slow" : "Slow", "ReadWrite" : "Read & Write", "com.WrongDeviceID" : "Sub Device ID can't include quotation marks!", "ivs.MotionRange" : "PTZ Motion Range", "Right" : "Right", "sto.levelofSDardarea" : "Capacity Limit", "med.SceneDetectTime" : "Scene Detect Time Limit", "Left" : "Left", "Top" : "Top", "med.GainMax" : "Gain Limit", "com.AccoutBlackedTip" : "Your computer IP address is not in the allowlist.", "com.SameNetTip" : "IP adderss does not match Gateway!", "com.TrapAddressTip" : "Trap Address format should be ipv4 or ipv6", "com.Line" : "Line", "itc.LaneLine" : "lane", "com.DetectLine" : "Detect Line", "itc.DetectLine" : "DetectLine", "sys.Language" : "Language", "com.Language" : "Language", "com.NoInputChMarksSpaceTip" : "Input can't include quotation marks, Chinese and spacing!", "com.NoInputMarksTip" : "Input can't include quotation marks!", "com.Ipv4RangeLast" : "The last vaild ipv4 should be ranged between 1 and 254", "com.Ipv4Range" : "The begining vaild ipv4 ranges from 1 and 223.", "com.YearReportRangeTip" : "Yearly report max range is 12 months.", "com.WeekReportTip" : "Report max range is 1 week.", "com.MonthReportRangeTip" : "Monthly report max range is 1 month.", "com.DayReportRangeTip" : "Daily report max range is 24 hours.", "com.HourReportRangeTip" : "Max query range of report is 1 hour.", "com.IpNotNowTip" : "IP Can not be device's ip", "com.IPCanotbenull" : "IP Can not be null", "com.LeadRepetitonFailTip" : "Imported list repeated, failed to import!", "com.InsRepetitonFailTip" : "Inserted list repeated, failed to add!", "per.AlarmLevel" : "Alarm Level", "net.Profile" : "H264 Encode Level", "per.reduceNoiseLevel" : "NR (Noise Reduction) Level", "med.3DdepressLevel" : "3D NR Level", "Attractive" : "Charm Value", "com.MustInputAll" : "With '*' must be filled in.", "com.Local" : "local", "itc.CarLogo" : "Car Logo", "ivs.CongitudeLatitude" : "GPS Position", "com.Far" : "Far", "itc.IRLight" : "Illuminator", "itc.FlashLight" : "Illuminator", "TrafficParkingSpaceNoParking" : "(Parking Space) Available", "itc.BigLight" : "Large Light", "itc.FarLight+1" : "Far light 1", "itc.FarLight+2" : "Far light 2", "itc.FarLight+3" : "Far light 3", "itc.FarLight+4" : "Far light 4", "per.MiddleLight" : "MediumLight", "itc.MiddleLight" : "MediumLight", "itc.MiddleLight1" : "Medium Light 1", "per.MiddleLightT1" : "Medium Light 1 Running", "itc.MiddleLight2" : "Medium Light 2", "per.MiddleLightT2" : "Medium Light 2 Running", "itc.MiddleLight3" : "Medium Light 3", "per.MiddleLightT3" : "Medium Light 3 Running", "itc.MiddleLight4" : "Medium Light 4", "per.MiddleLightT4" : "Medium Light 4 Running", "per.MiddleLightT" : "Medium Light Running", "itc.SmallLed" : "Small Light", "itc.NearLight+1" : "Near light 1", "itc.NearLight+2" : "Near light 2", "itc.NearLight+3" : "Near light 3", "itc.NearLight+4" : "Near light 4", "7month" : "Jul", "com.July" : "Jul", "itc.Brightness" : "Brightness", "com.AmbientLight" : "Environment illuminance", "com.BaseBrightness" : "Base Brightness", "ivs.LaserLightPower" : "Laser Brightness", "itc.BrightnessLight" : "Light Brightness", "com.One" : "Mon", "com.MonDay" : "Mon", "com.Length" : "Length", "ivs.RealeLength" : "Actual Length", "com.WrongHostNameTip" : "Domain length is not allowed(should not be less than three alphas)", "com.BadlengtPasswordTip" : "The minimum pass phrase length is unmatched", "med.VideoLengthDuration" : "Pack Duration", "net.NetModeTyelongPoE100M" : "Long Range PoE 100M", "net.NetModeTyelongPoE10M" : "Long Range PoE 10M", "com.IndexOverlapUserTip" : "The user has existed!", "com.UesrNonentityTip" : "User not valid!", "com.Meter" : "m", "com.MACIsExistTip" : "MAC is exist", "5month" : "May", "com.May" : "May", "ivs.ShortSleeve" : "Short Sleeves", "ivs.LongSleeve" : "Long Sleeves", "med.VideoShelter" : "Video Tampering", "VideoBlind" : "Video Tampering", "BlindDetect" : "Video Tampering", "med.VideoOn" : "Video Tampering", "ivs.ExcManualCtrl" : "Enable Manual Control Trigger", "med.Manual" : "Manual", "AuthMaintence" : "Maintenance", "sys.AutoMaintain" : "Auto Maintain", "com.HeatMap" : "Heat Map", "ivs.PtzHeatMap" : "Heat Map", "HeatMap" : "Heat Map", "med.HeatMapInJpeg" : "HeatMap In Jpeg", "com.MappingSuccessTip" : "Mapping Succeeded", "com.MappingFailTip" : "Mapping Failed", "com.Two" : "Tue", "med.FusionMargin" : "Cool Color Fusion", "com.Brown" : "Brown", "com.Tues" : "Tue", "Mask" : "Face Mask", "itc.OverCoverArea" : "Privacy Masking", "PrivacyMasking" : "Privacy Masking", "com.Morning" : "Morning", "ivs.SceneMax" : "Max 16 scenes!", "com.Middle" : "Medium", "com.Medium" : "Medium", "AuthStoreCfg" : "Storage", "sto.DynamicBitrate" : "Light Storage", "com.three" : "Wed", "com.Wed" : "Wed", "com.Month" : "Month", "com.MonthDayYear" : "MM-DD-YYYY", "ivs.FocusZoom" : "Focus & Zoom", "pfm.TestMail" : "Mail_Test", "sys.Authmethod" : "Auth Method", "sys.AuthCodeError" : "Security code is error or invalid", "sys.AuthCodeRefused" : "Security code is error or invalid, please try again 5 minutes later.", "net.SecurityManner" : "Authentication Manner", "com.RegionContrast" : "Region Contrast Enhancement", "com.PicContrastEnhance" : "Image Contrast Enhancement", "com.NumberSix" : "6(Best)", "com.Ms" : "ms", "com.Minute" : "Min.", "med.AutoColorTem" : "Minute", "per.DistMeasureNotEnable" : "Ranging Not Enabled", "com.LaserDistMeasure" : "Laser Distance Measure", "net.Sender" : "Sender", "net.SendAddress" : "Sender", "sys.PhoneLength" : "Invalid phone number.", "ThermographyVideoMode" : "Pic Mode", "com.PicMode" : "Pic Mode", "com.Mode" : "Mode", "ivs.DefogMode" : "Defog Mode", "ivs.IightIntensityMode" : "Atmosphere Mode", "med.AutoM" : "Auto Mode", "med.BackLightPattern" : "BLC Mode", "med.BLC" : "BLC", "per.RainBrushWorkConf" : "Wiper Mode", "com.ColorMode" : "Color Mode", "net.NetLinkMode" : "Network Link Mode", "net.Eauthentication" : "Authentication", "net.Eencryption" : "Encryption", "SDEncry.Encryption" : "Encryption", "SDEncrypt.Encrypt" : "Encryption", "net.EncryptionType" : "Encryption Type", "com.TextAlign" : "Text Align", "net.AuthenticationMode" : "Authorize Mode", "AuthMode" : "Authorize Mode", "med.EncodeModes" : "Encode Mode", "pfm.SwitchMode" : "Switch Mode", "net.RegSvrCfg" : "Configuration Mode", "net.Connectmode" : "Connect mode", "itc.ControlType" : "Barrier Control Mode", "med.VideoDownloadType" : "Down Record Mode", "itc.WorkingMode" : "Work Mode", "pfm.LookMode" : "Stakeout Mode", "med.VideoMode" : "Record Mode", "net.RegMode" : "Register Mode", "net.RegType" : "Register Mode", "net.LinkNetMode" : "LinkMode", "ThermoAlgo" : "Temperature Mode", "com.TmodMode" : "Temperature Mode", "pfm.TransmitMode" : "Transmit Mode", "ivs.FitMod" : "Install Mode", "med.PlayMode" : "Display Mode", "com.TVoutStableConflictTip" : "EIS conflicts with analog output!", "com.FFCMode" : "FFC Mode", "med.FocusMode" : "Focus Mode", "med.FusionMode" : "Fusion Mode", "com.GainMode" : "Gain Mode", "com.GainType" : "Gain Mode", "med.SnapMode" : "Snap Mode", "sto.ReplayMode" : "Replay Mode", "itc.Sprofile" : "White Balance", "com.NetworkCardType" : "Network Card Mode", "ivs.FaceSnap" : "Snap Mode", "com.TrackMode" : "Track Mode", "per.VoiceMode" : "Voice Mode", "med.POsdMode" : "Overlay Mode", "ivs.PatternSetting" : "Pattern Setting", "ivs.Pattern" : "Pattern", "com.Modify" : "Modify", "itc.ModifyAudio" : "Modify Audio Clip", "com.ModifySuccessedTip" : "Modify Success!", "sys.ModifyGroup" : "Modify Group", "Sto.SetWorkDirGroup" : "Set work directory group", "com.ChangeGrpSuccessTip" : "Modify Group Succeeded", "com.ChangeGrpFailTip" : "Modify Group Failed", "appEventAudioMutation" : "Intensity Change", "MutationDetect" : "Intensity Change", "AudioMutation" : "Intensity Change", "net.ModifyIpMac" : "Modify IP/MAC", "com.ModifyMapping" : "Modify Mapping", "com.ModifyFailTip" : "Modify Failed!", "sys.ChangePwd" : "Modify Password", "SDEncry.ChangePwd" : "Modify Password", "SDEncrypt.ModifyPassword" : "Modify Password", "com.ChangePwdFailTip" : "Modify Password Failed", "sys.ModifyUser" : "Modify User", "sto.ModifyUser" : "Modify User", "com.ChangeUserSuccessTip" : "Modify User Succeeded", "com.ChangeUserFailTip" : "Modify User Failed", "pfm.FtpModule" : "FTP Module", "pfm.SipModule" : "SIP Module", "sto.StorgeModule" : "Cloud Storge Module", "sys.TitleModule" : "Title Module", "pfm.Monitor" : "Realtime Monitor", "com.ThermalTrack" : "Thermal Track", "ivs.AzimuthDispShowBtn" : "Show Azimuth", "per.ShowTemp" : "Show Temperature", "med.ExposureTime" : "Low Motion Blur", "ivs.IdleMotion" : "Idle Motion", "MoveDetection" : "Fast-Moving", "com.IvsConflictTip" : "Intelligent mutex, click the save button will close", "com.Numbers" : "No.", "med.ChannelNo" : "Channel NO.", "med.ChannelNos" : "Channels No.", "com.PhysicNo" : "Physical No.", "com.ID" : "ID No.", "sto.LogicNo" : "Logic No.", "med.PrivacyMaskingNumber" : "SN", "itc.Partition" : "Partition", "sys.LocalHostPort" : "Local Host Port", "itc.SerialNo" : "COM Port", "ivs.RegisterNo" : "Register No", "com.SN" : "SN", "com.Number" : "Number", "sys.Serialnumber" : "S/N", "sto.DeviceNumber" : "Device Number", "sys.DeviceNo" : "Device NO.", "sys.DeviceSequence" : "Device SN", "ivs.PtzPresetId" : "PTZ Preset Id", "net.SIPServerNo" : "SIP Server No.", "com.NoSupport" : "Nonsupport", "com.Hide" : "Hide", "itc.NearLightT1" : "Near Light 1 Running", "itc.NearLightT2" : "Near Light 2 Running", "itc.NearLightT3" : "Near Light 3 Running", "itc.NearLightT4" : "Near Light 4 Running", "itc.NearLightT" : "Near Light Running", "com.Arming" : "In the arming state!", "com.Disarming" : "In the disarming state!", "com.black" : "Black", "Black" : "Black", "com.NoRecordTip" : "No Record", "per.NoAlarmChannelTip" : "No Relay-out Channels!", "com.NoData" : "No Data!", "com.NoDataTip" : "The time period no data", "ivs.NotSearchData" : "No Searched Data", "StorageNotExist" : "No Disk", "pfm.NoHddNumber" : "No Disk", "com.TheTimePeriodHasNoRecordFile" : "The time period has no record file.", "com.NoQueryLogTip" : "No relevant Log", "com.NoTourTip" : "No Tour", "med.NoVideo" : "No Video", "med.NoSignal" : "No Signal", "noVideoAuthoity" : "No Video Authority!", "com.NoWriteRightTip" : "The specified directory not write permission, please re-select the path!", "itc.RegionNull" : "Region area is null", "com.NoPresetTip" : "No Preset", "ivs.PhoneN" : "No Phone Call", "com.None" : "NONE", "com.next" : "Next", "VideoInSharpness" : "Sharpness", "med.Acutance" : "Sharpness", "com.NoValidTour" : "No valid tour", "ivs.CarposName" : "Name", "med.ChannelNumber" : "Channel Name", "net.ServerName" : "Server Name", "com.CpDDNS908Tip" : "Domain name successfully updated(908)", "com.CpDDNS910Tip" : "Domain name successfully created(910)", "com.CpDDNS601Tip" : "Domain name successfully removed(601)", "com.CpDDNS909Tip" : "Domain name replaced successfully(909)", "sto.DeviceName" : "Name", "per.AlarmDeviceName" : "Alarm Device Name", "net.DomainName" : "Domain Name", "com.FileName" : "File Name", "com.SameNameTip" : "The filename is exit now!", "sys.Group" : "Group Name", "sys.UserGroupName" : "UserGroupName", "net.HostName" : "HostName", "pfm.HostName" : "Host Name", "ivs.LaneLineName" : "Laneline Name", "com.MeasurementName" : "Measurement Name", "pfm.NodeName" : "Node Name", "com.CustomName" : "Node Name", "net.ServerPlatName" : "Server Platform Name", "ivs.CarOwner" : "Owner Name", "pfm.PUName" : "PU Name", "com.Name" : "Name", "com.MustName" : "The rule name null not allowed!", "com.SSIDTooLong" : "SSID too long", "net.ServerNames" : "Service Name", "sys.UserLogName" : "Device Username", "sys.LocalAppName" : "Local Appreciate Username", "net.NetManName" : "Network Manage Username", "pfm.ReadWriteCommen" : "Read&write Username", "sys.LocalName" : "Local Username", "com.UsernameOrPwdErrorTip" : "Invalid username or password!", "net.SIPNetManName" : "Network Manage Username", "net.SIPRegUserName" : "SIP Registered Username", "sys.AutoRegisterName" : "Auto Register Server Username", "pfm.ReadonlyUserName" : "Read-only Username", "com.UsernameTooLongTip" : "The username too long", "pfm.DisplayName" : "Display Name", "com.SenceSwitchTimeTip" : "There is no vehicle or snapshots of all vehicles are completed in the current scene, switch to the time of next scene.", "sys.NotMatchVer" : "Mismatch with software version", "appEventTrafficOverLine" : "Illegal Line Pressing", "com.CpDDNS903Tip" : "The MAC ID is not allowed(903)", "com.RegionBordersCantdrawTip" : "Region borders can't be crossing! R-click then Redraw!", "com.EscapeNotAllowedTip" : "Input can't include \\ !", "com.noTip" : "Don’t show me again", "com.noInputChMarksSpaceSlash" : "It cannot contain quotation mark, Chinese, slash or blank space!", "com.NotNoneTip" : "Null not allowed", "com.NullLimiteTip" : "Can't be null!", "com.Failure" : "Failure", "com.FailTip" : "Fail!", "ivs.NorthDerict" : "North", "com.Normal" : "General", "com.ImageSizeNormalization" : "Image Size Normalization", "sys.ResetNote" : "Note(For admin only):", "sys.NewVersionAttension" : "New version release note:", "net.Explain" : "Notes:", "sys.AutocheckNote" : "Automatically notify me when updates are available. The system checks for updates daily.

To inform you of the latest firmware upgrades for your device, we need to collect device info such as IP address, device name, firmware version, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purposes of verifying device validity and pushing upgrade notifications.", "com.Night" : "Night", "com.InputingInvalid" : "Null in input!", "com.NumeberSerial" : "Number", "com.AlarmNumbers" : "Alarm Numbers", "ivs.CarposNumber" : "Number", "ivs.PtzChannelNum" : "ptz channel number", "net.DialNum" : "Dial-up Number", "sys.DeviceNum" : "Device Count", "com.AllowErrorTimeForLogin" : "Login Error", "NumberStat" : "People Counting", "ivs.PtzNumberStat" : "People Counting", "appEventNumberStat" : "People Counting", "ivs.MaxStranded" : "Stranded No.", "sys.mechanismNum" : "Module Serial Number", "pfm.CalNum" : "Alarm Call Number", "pfm.HddNumber" : "Disk Number", "ivs.InsideNumber" : "Inside Number", "ivs.MaxLeave" : "Leave No.", "com.TempeAddMax" : "Max added number!", "net.MaximumConnect" : "Max Connection", "com.FileSizeLimitMaxTip" : "Maximum number of audio files!", "com.OverMaxNumTip" : "Exceed max number of lists, operation failed!", "com.TempeTypeAddMax" : "The type add num is Max!", "net.InterfaceNumber" : "Ethernet Card Number", "ivs.AllPTZnum" : "all ptz number", "sys.NewPwd" : "New Password", "Eye" : "Open-eyed", "Squint-eyed" : "Squint-eyed", "SunGlasses" : "Sunglasses", "com.Necessary" : "Must", "appEventTrafficVehicleInBusRoute" : "Illegal Road Occupation", "ivs.HumanSnapOffset" : "Vertical Offset", "com.EveryDay" : "Everyday", "com.Olive" : "Olive (Color)", "com.AreaNoMoreSeven" : "Area nodes exceeds 7! Please draw again.", "ivs.Umbrella" : "Umbrella", "itc.HitAndRun" : "Hit-and-run", "on" : "On", "com.Operation" : "Operation", "com.SucceedTip" : "Succeed!", "com.OperateSuccessTip" : "Operate Succeeded!", "com.OperateingSuccessTip" : "Operation succeeded, click 'Save' to save it!", "sto.EventOpr" : "Event", "com.OpearFaildTip" : "Operation failed!", "com.OperateFailTip" : "Operate Failed!", "com.Success" : "Success", "com.ReSearchTip" : "Operation too fast, please search again.", "sys.QrScanNote3" : "Option 1. Please download DMSS and then from More-Reset Device Password, scan the left QR code.
Option 2. Please use an APP to scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@global.dahuatech.com.", "com.Rate" : "time", "com.Time" : "Time", "com.Hour" : "Hour", "med.RoutieTime" : "Block Time", "sys.StartTime" : "Start Time", "ivs.CarEnterTime" : "Enter Time", "com.EndTime" : "End Time", "com.EndTime:" : "End Time:", "sys.BeginTime" : "Begin Time", "com.BeginTime:" : "Start Time:", "ivs.CarLeaveTime" : "Leave Time", "ivs.EventTime" : "Event Time", "sys.DSTEnable" : "DST", "sys.UserLoginTime" : "User Login Time", "ivs.HourReport" : "Hour Report", "per.HorizonDirSwitchCount" : "PTZ Horizontal Electric Motor Direction Switch Times", "per.VerticalDirSwitchCount" : "PTZ Vertical Electric Motor Direction Switch Times", "per.FocusDirSwitchCount" : "Focus Motor Direction Switch Times", "per.ZoomDirSwitchCount" : "Zoom Motor Direction Switch Times", "sys.LoginTimes" : "Login Times", "ivs.SnapTimes" : "Target Snapshot Times", "com.FullTime" : "Full Time", "com.Sort" : "Ordering", "pfm.Organization" : "Organization", "med.OriginalMode" : "Original", "sys.DataSource" : "Data Src", "Horizon" : "Horizon", "10month" : "Oct", "com.October" : "Oct", "pfm.Country" : "Region", "com.Page" : "Page", "sys.LastPage" : "End", "ivs.AutoPanSetting" : "AutoPan Setting", "ivs.ShortShorts" : "Mini Shorts", "ivs.Shorts" : "Shorts", "ivs.Trousers" : "Pants", "com.FocusLensParams" : "Focus Lens Params", "AuthAVParam" : "AV Parameter", "com.PlatformJionDate" : "Platform", "itc.Params" : "General Parameters", "com.DataParams" : "Time/Date Parameter", "appEventTrafficParking" : "Illegal Parking", "sys.DoubleParity" : "Even", "com.PropertyFailedTip" : "Audio file property parity failed!", "com.Keyword" : "Keyword", "Passport" : "Passport", "sys.EuipPassword" : "Device Password", "sys.UserBindPwd" : "User Bind Password", "sys.LocalAppPwd" : "Local Appreciate Password", "sys.InPassword" : "Enter Password", "sys.BindPassword" : "Bind Password", "net.AuthenticationPassword" : "Authentication Password", "net.EncryptionPassword" : "Encryption Password", "sto.DevicePwd" : "Device Password", "com.PasswordNoTureTip" : "Invalid password.", "net.NetManPwd" : "Network Manage Password", "net.NetPassword" : "Internet password", "com.PwdTip1" : "Use a password that has 8 to 32 characters, it can be a combination of letter(s), number(s) and symbol(s) with at least two kinds of them.(please do not use special symbols like ' \" ; : & )", "sys.LocalPwd" : "Local Password", "com.PasswordNoMatchTip" : "Password not match!", "net.SIPNetManPwd" : "Network Manage Password", "net.SIPRegPassword" : "SIP Registered Password", "sys.AutoRegisterPwd" : "Auto Register Server Password", "sys.DeviceConnPassword" : "Server Register Password", "com.FileUnmatchTip" : "Update package invalid and update failed. Device will reboot immediately.", "com.Pause" : "Pause", "com.NumberWorst" : "1.0", "med.EndCalibrateTip" : "Please end calibration first.", "med.SaveCalibrate" : "Please save calibration point first.", "com.GainModeLHRoi" : "% of ROI", "com.GainModeHLRoi" : "% of ROI", "com.Path" : "Path", "sto.BackupPath" : "Backup Path", "ptz.OriginalPath" : "Original Path", "sto.SavePath" : "Save Path", "sto.Path" : "Path", "sys.BinURL" : "bin URL", "ptz.MinimumPath" : "Shortest Path", "med.SoundPath" : "Tone Path", "itc.VapPath" : "VAP Path", "med.VideoLoss" : "Video Loss", "ivs.DownstairsLine" : "Downstairs Line", "ivs.UpstairsLine" : "Upstairs Line", "itc.Period" : "Period", "com.Period" : "Period", "com.TimePeriod" : "Time Period", "com.TimeQuantum1" : "Period 1:", "sys.RepalceCycle" : "Interval", "net.HeartWeek" : "Keep Alive Circle", "med.AppearCycle" : "Video Moniter Period", "com.TimeAlarmPeriod" : "Period", "com.FFCAutoPeriod" : "FFC Period", "net.HeartIntervalTimes" : "Heart Server Period", "sys.Custom" : "Custom", "sys.NextRecord" : "PgDn", "sys.PreviousPage" : "PgUp", "com.Tschedule" : "Schedule", "med.Snap" : "Snapshot", "med.Record" : "Record", "sto.StorgeTime" : "Cloud Storge Time", "com.HolidayCal" : "Holiday Schedule", "com.Trecord" : "Schedule/Destination", "com.ThermalLink" : "Link Schedule", "com.Small" : "Small", "ivs.Pickup" : "Pickup", "Rain" : "Rain", "med.RainFall" : "Rainfall", "com.PicInPic" : "Pic In Pic", "com.NumberFive" : "5.0", "com.QrScanNote2Tip" : "Option 1. Download the mobile phone client, go to password resetting interface ,and scan the QR code on the left of the interface.
Option 2. Please use an APP to scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_gpwd@htmicrochip.com.", "com.InputSaveCodeTip" : "Security code:", "com.QrScanNote1Tip" : "Option 1. Please download DMSS and then from More-Reset Device Password, scan the left QR code.
Option 2. Please use an APP to scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@global.dahuatech.com.", "com.QRNoteTip" : "QR code:", "net.Port" : "Port", "net.MatchPort" : "Match Port", "net.MatchPortBackup" : "Backup Match Port", "sto.DeviceServerPort" : "Device's Server Port", "net.ManagePlatformPort" : "Manage platform listened port", "net.DestinationPort" : "Destination Port", "net.ConsultPort" : "Negotiation Port", "net.SourcePort" : "Source Port", "sys.MachinePort" : "Device data transfer port", "net.DdnsPort" : "DNS Port", "pfm.OuterPort" : "External Port", "sto.FTPPort" : "FTP Port", "net.SIPGatewayPort" : "SIP Gateway Port", "pfm.HostManPort" : "HosT Manage Port", "Web" : "HTTP Port", "net.HttpPorts" : "HTTP Port", "net.HTTPsPort" : "HTTPS Port", "pfm.InnerPort" : "Internal Port", "net.LocalRTSPPort" : "Local RTSP Port", "net.LocalSIPPort" : "Local SIP Port", "per.ListenPort" : "Monitor Port", "pfm.RtspPort" : "RTSP Port", "pfm.RTSPPort" : "RTSP Port", "itc.NormalSerial" : "Console", "net.HeartPort" : "Heart Server Port", "net.ServLoadPort" : "Server Load Port", "net.CenterPort" : "Centre Server Port", "net.CmuPort" : "CMU Server Port", "net.GateWayServPort" : "Gateway Serv Port", "net.NetManPort" : "Network Manage Server port", "net.HTTPServerPort" : "HTTP Server Port", "sys.AutoRegisterPort" : "Auto Register Server Port", "net.SIPServerPort" : "SIP Server Port", "net.LocalSIPServerPort" : "Local SIP Server Port", "net.SIPPort" : "SIP Port", "net.SnmpPort" : "SNMP Port", "net.TcpPort" : "TCP Port", "pfm.TrapPort" : "Trap Port", "pfm.UDPPort" : "UDP Port", "med.InfiniteFarPos" : "Infinity Far Location", "itc.PositionABS" : "Position", "sys.Location" : "Location", "com.Location" : "Text Overlay", "ivs.FileSavePlace" : "File Storage Place", "ivs.BeginPosition" : "Begin Position", "itc.LapPos" : "Overlay Position", "com.DefaultfailureTip" : "Default failed!", "com.DefaultSuccessTip" : "Default,please click 'Save' to take effect!", "sys.DefaultConfig" : "Default/Import/Export", "ivs.Preset" : "Preset", "com.SetPresetfailedTip" : "Failed to set preset", "com.PtzPresetInvalidTip" : "Preset Invalid", "com.DownloadPre" : "Download Preparation", "med.PreRecord" : "Pre-event Record", "med.Pressure" : "Air Pressure", "ivs.SmartIR" : "Smart IR", "ivs.FirstCaliTip" : "Plase calibrate coordinate point first.", "com.ResolutionChangeTip" : "Please set IVS rule again after you change the resolution.", "com.FirstLoginChgPwdTip" : "First login, please updating password.", "ivs_osd.TitleBit62" : "General Custom 2", "ivs_osd.TitleBit63" : "General Custom 3", "sys.SysRestart" : "Reboot", "QuickFocusSchedule" : "Quick Focus Schedule", "com.ReadyLaserMeasure" : "Ready", "sys.CloudUpgStatePreparing" : "Ready to upgrade", "med.OriginalRate" : "Original", "CrossFenceDetection" : "Cross Fence Detection", "appEventCrossFenceDetection" : "Cross Fence Detection", "med.lensTempPro" : "Lens Temp Protection", "sys.Protocol" : "Protocol", "med.VigilProtocol" : "Monitor Protocol", "sys.SubStreamService" : "Protocol", "pfm.TransmitProtcol" : "Transmit Protocol", "com.Province" : "Province", "PtzDevice" : "Analog PTZ", "per.PtzStartFinTip" : "PTZ has booted up", "ivs.LifePtzH" : "PTZ Horizontal Rotation Times", "ivs.LifePtzV" : "PTZ Vertical Rotation Times", "ivs.MotorBus" : "Large Bus", "com.Button" : "Button", "com.highSkyEyes" : "Mark", "com.ColdHotSpot" : "Cold Hot Spot", "sto.StoragePoint" : "Path", "net.WMM" : "WMM", "com.QrCode" : "QR Code", "med.PicQuality" : "Quality", "med.MenuQuality" : "Quality", "sto.PicQuality" : "Image Quality", "sto.OverWrite" : "HDD Full", "sto.Diskfull" : "Disk Full", "com.Four" : "Thu", "com.AccoutLogedTip" : "This account has already logged in.", "RioterDetection" : "Crowd Gathering Estimation", "appEventRioterDetection" : "Crowd Gathering Estimation", "VisualRadiometry" : "Visual Radiometry", "FaceRadiometry" : "Face Radiometry", "itc.RobCar" : "Vehicle robbery and theft", "com.HistoryReport" : "History Report", "ivs.FeatureRatio" : "Cutout Ratio", "ivs.SnapRatio" : "Snapshot Ratio", "com.TemperReport" : "RealTime Report", "Race" : "Race", "com.Region" : "Region", "ivs.DetectRegion" : "Detect Region", "ivs.TrackRegion" : "Track Region", "ivs.ExcludeRegion" : "Exclude Region", "med.LocalRec" : "Local Record", "sys.DHCloudUpgradeRecord" : "Cloud Upgrade Record", "med.VideoChannel" : "Record Channel", "med.TranscribeNewAudio" : "Audio File", "pfm.RegisterTime" : "Register Server AgedTime", "med.RegistPassword" : "Registered Password", "med.RegistTime" : "Register Useful-life", "pfm.RegisterPort" : "Register Server Port", "net.ServerPort" : "Server Port", "net.RegState" : "Register State", "com.RecordAll" : "Record All", "com.CheckAllRecoTip" : "It may cause unsmooth or incomplete video when recording in both channels.", "sys.CloudAccessNote" : "To assist you in remotely managing your device, the P2P will be enabled. After enabling P2P and connecting to Internet, we need to collect IP address, MAC address, device name, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purpose of remote access. If you don't agree to enable P2P function, please deselect the check box.", "com.PtzRecordStartTip" : "Pattern Record...", "med.VideoOpeare" : "Record", "med.Transcribe" : "Record", "com.VideoDate" : "Record", "ivs.FaceRegist" : "Registration", "sys.AutoRegister" : "Auto Register", "ivs.BatchRegistration" : "Batch Registration", "med.ChannelReg" : "Channel Register", "com.PtzRecordFullTip" : "Pattern Full Recorded", "com.TranscribeSuccessTip" : "Record Success", "com.ToRegSuccessTip" : "Register success.", "med.MonitorRecordPath" : "Live Record", "net.RemoteLogRecord" : "Remote Log", "com.TranscribeFailFullTip" : "Failed to record, please check if conditions are met.", "com.FailIDToRegTip" : "Register failed. Please check device ID and Server IP.", "ivs.FaceRegistering" : "Registering faces in batch, please wait...", "itc.ListRecords" : "record(s)", "per.LensAngleCalibrate" : "Field Angle Calibrate", "ThermometryRule" : "Rule", "com.RuleSet" : "Rule", "ivs.AdjustFluency" : "Fluency", "itc.GainRregulate" : "Gain Regulate", "med.PicAdjust" : "Image Adjustment", "pfm.Kmregulate" : "Shutter", "med.FineStepMultiple" : "Fine Adjustment Step Length Augmentation", "med.RestoryAll" : "Restore All", "com.DefConfirmConfigTip" : "Are you sure to reset default config?", "sys.PwdReset" : "Password Reset", "com.Remote" : "Remote", "sto.YearReport" : "Yearly", "sto.MonthReport" : "Monthly", "ivs.FlowrateReport" : "People Counting Report", "sto.DayReport" : "Daily", "com.RequirementForPictureUploadtitleTip" : "Requirement for picture upload", "sys.BindMail" : "Email Address", "itc.BoundPhone" : "Cell Phone No.", "com.TensileStrength" : "Tensile Intensity", "sys.Photoresistor" : "Photoresistor", "AuthNetCfg" : "Network", "net.Network" : "Network", "net.NetworkDisconnect" : "Disconnection", "pfm.OfflineAbort" : "Off-line Event", "appEventTrafficBacking" : "Illegal Reverse", "net.ExitMPUAbnormal" : "Reboot MPU", "com.Reboot" : "Manual Reboot", "com.RebootModule" : "Reboot Module", "com.SureToRebootTip" : "Are you sure to reboot?", "sys.AutoRebootSys" : "Auto Reboot", "com.PtzRestartTip" : "PTZ Restart...", "com.PtzRestartFinTip" : "PTZ Restart Finished", "sys.SysRebot" : "Reboot", "com.DeviceReboot" : "Reboot", "com.RebootingTip" : "Rebooting..., please wait", "VideoInRotate" : "Picture Flip", "com.GPSSearchingTip" : "GPS search is in process", "com.GPSSearchFiledTip" : "GPS search failed", "net.WifiNetIdSearch" : "Search SSID", "com.SearchingTip" : "Searching...", "sys.QueryLog" : "Log Search", "com.QueryLogFailTip" : "Search Log Failed", "DeviceDiscovery" : "Multicast/Broadcast Search", "net.UpnpSearch" : "Multicast/Broadcast Search", "per.SearchFail" : "Video Search Failed", "net.Incepter" : "Receiver", "pfm.MailReceiver" : "Mail Receiver", "com.Info" : "Info", "sto.Search" : "File Inquiry", "FaceAnalysis" : "Face Recognition", "appEventFaceRecognition" : "Face Recognition", "med.BasicDenoise" : "Basic NR", "com.ReDrawRule" : "Redraw Rule", "ivs.ClearLine" : "Redraw", "med.VideoInDenoise" : "NR", "med.3DdepressNoise" : "3D NR", "ivs.ScaleLine" : "Ruler", "ivs.Horizontal" : "Horizontal", "ivs.Vertical" : "Vertical", "com.HotTrace" : "Hot Trace", "com.VisibleTrack" : "Visible Track", "ivs.CheckNoMotorVehicle" : "ChecK no Motor Vehicle", "per.HumanDetection" : "Human Detection", "ivs.CarposDete" : "Detection", "ivs.ClimbDetection" : "Climbing Detection", "AudioDetect" : "Audio Detection", "appEventAudioDetect" : "Audio Detection", "alarmAudio" : "Audio Detection", "appEventSmokeDetectionStop" : "Smoke Detection", "appEventSmokeDetection" : "Smoke Detection", "SmokeDetection" : "Smoke Detection", "pfm.IntellDetect" : "Intelligent Detect", "appEventVideoBlind" : "Video Tampering", "VideoMotion" : "Motion Detection", "med.Motion" : "Motion", "med.MotionDetect" : "Motion Detection", "MotionDetect" : "Motion Detection", "appEventMoveDetection" : "Fast-Moving", "TakenAwayDetection" : "Missing Object", "appEventTakenAwayDetection" : "Missing Object", "ivs.TakenAwayDetectionDis" : "Missing", "ParkingDetection" : "Parking Detection", "appEventParkingDetection" : "Parking Detection", "WanderDetection" : "Loitering Detection", "appEventWanderDetection" : "Loitering Detection", "ivs.PrisonerRiseDetection" : "Getting up Detection", "UnFocusDetect" : "Defocus Detection", "VideoUnFocus" : "Defocus Detection", "appEventVideoUnFocus" : "Defocus Detect", "ivs.LeaveDetection" : "Leave Post Detection", "ivs.NoPlateMotor" : "Detect Non-licensed Vehicles", "ivs.CarDetection" : "Vehicle Detection", "med.VideoCheck" : "Video Detection", "videoDetect" : "Video Detection", "appEventFaceDetection" : "Face Detection", "FaceDetection" : "Face Detection", "FaceRecognition" : "Face Recognition", "ivs.Abandoned" : "Abandoned", "appEventLeftDetection" : "Abandoned Object", "LeftDetection" : "Abandoned Object", "com.DelectSuccessTip" : "Remove Succeeded", "com.DelectGropSuccesTip" : "Remove Group Succeeded", "med.NoFocusBorder" : "Limited Border Remove", "com.Deletefail" : "Remove failed", "com.DelectUserSuccesTip" : "Remove User Succeeded", "com.DelectUserFailTip" : "Remove User Failed", "sys.HotPullRemove" : "Remove Device", "com.SureToDeleteGroupTip" : "Are you sure to delete now?", "com.SureToDeleteUserTip" : "Are You Sure to Remove This User?", "com.ClearNone" : "Clear", "sys.ClearLog" : "Remove Log", "net.RemoveallIpMac" : "Removeall IP/MAC", "com.RemoveAll" : "Remove All", "sys.RecallConfig" : "Restore factory settings", "com.Default" : "Default", "com.Restore" : "Restore", "com.Reset" : "Reset", "sys.PswResetClosed" : "Password reset has been disabled.", "com.PwdResetFailRepirTip" : "Password reset failed, please try again!", "com.Play" : "Play", "per.PlayAlarm" : "Play Alarm Tone", "sto.PlayBack" : "Playback", "Replay_01" : "Playback", "sto.Preplay2" : "Playback 2", "sto.Preplay3" : "Playback 3", "sto.Preplay4" : "Playback 4", "com.PlayAudioFailedTip" : "Failed to play audio or existing audio playback!", "com.HeatFailure" : "Failed to heat, disable heat.", "ivs.Heater" : "Heater", "com.AccountReserveTip" : "Reserved Account!", "med.Resolution" : "Resolution", "com.ResolutionNotSupportTip" : "Resolution not support", "com.SystemIsBusyingTip" : "System is busy.", "com.ResLimOpenVideoFailTip" : "Resource is limited, open video failed!", "com.HighResponse" : "High Response", "com.AlarmResults" : "Alarm Results", "com.Result" : "Result", "ivs.TrackDelayTime" : "Delay", "com.Delay" : "Delay", "per.AlarmDelay" : "Alarm Delay", "ivs.TriggerDelay" : "Trigger Delay", "med.VigilDelay" : "Monitor Delay", "itc.IRLightLatch" : "Illuminator Delay", "itc.IRLightDelay" : "Illuminator Delay", "sys.Customed" : "Customized", "med.VideoDelayTime" : "Record Delay", "itc.OverdueNoCheck" : "Vehicle Detection Overdue", "com.Pink" : "Pink", "com.MistyRose" : "Rosy (Color)", "com.RedColor" : "Red", "com.Tomato" : "Tomato Red", "Red Hot" : "Red Hot", "per.Rotation" : "Rotation", "com.RTP" : "RTP Multicast", "com.Sound" : "Noise", "itc.GainLow" : "Low Noise", "com.S/Pic" : "S", "com.Sta" : "Sat", "Sadness" : "Sad", "com.Save" : "Save", "pfm.PostPhoneLive" : "Save Caller", "sys.SaveConfig" : "Save Configuration", "com.PostNoteLiveLimitedTip" : "Save Sender", "com.PostSendNoteLimitedTip" : "Save Receiver", "com.SaveCfgErrorTip" : "Save config failed!", "sto.ExigencyStorageLocal" : "Emergency (Local)", "com.SaveSucceedNextTip" : "Save succeeded,will be taken effect in next connection!", "com.SaveConfigFailTip" : "Save failed!", "com.SubnetAddressesWrongTip" : "It failed to save! The subnet mask is illegal.", "com.RorateresolutiongSavingFailureTip" : "Failed to save, unable to encode!", "com.IvsGlobalSaveTip" : "Save failed!", "com.IntellMutex2Tip" : "will be disabled!", "com.WillDisableTip" : "It will be disabled!", "med.Saturation" : "Saturation", "com.NumberWorse" : "2.0", "ivs.AutoScan" : "AutoScan Setting", "ivs.Scan" : "Scan", "sys.DownloadLe" : "Scan and Download APP", "com.NoValidScan" : "No valid scan", "sto.Download" : "Download", "sys.downloadAPP" : "Download APP", "ivs.DownloadCertificate" : "Download the root certificate", "med.DownloadToLocal" : "Download to local", "sto.Unmount" : "Unmount SD Card", "ivs.Realtime" : "Instant Snap", "ivs.Optimal" : "Optimized Snap", "ivs.Scene" : "Scene", "com.DayNightChangeTip" : "Day&Night Config has been Changed, Now refreshing..", "com.SmartScene" : "Smart Scene", "TrafficRecognition" : "Traffic Scene", "ThermographyOptionScene" : "Camera Scene", "ThermographyColorScene" : "Camera Scene", "sys.EthernetCard" : "Ethernet Card", "sto.SDCard" : "SD Card", "sto.NoStorage" : "No SD Card", "med.FullscreenOpen" : "Full Screen", "Full Screen" : "Full Screen", "net.WriteCommon" : "Write Community", "V3RWUser" : "Read/Write account name", "V3RWAuthPwd" : "Read/Write account authentication password", "V3RWEncryPwd" : "Read/Write account encryption password", "com.Second" : "s", "w_Second" : "s", "com.AuthCodeError" : "Security code is error or invalid", "com.QRTip" : "The security code will be delivered to XXXX", "ivs.CoSeat" : "assistantseat", "ivs.MainSeat" : "maindriverseat", "net.IPArea" : "IP Segment", "med.NoVideoSignal" : "NO SIGNAL", "pfm.NoSignal" : "Wireless Signal", "ivs.DrawLaneBeforeSelect" : "Please draw lanes after selecting rules!", "itc.LogoParity" : "Mark", "itc.Flag" : "Reboot Mark", "com.Hotspotfocus" : "Hot Spot Follow", "com.Coldspotfocus" : "Cold Spot Follow", "com.Six" : "Sat", "com.PleaseSelectTip" : "Please select the column to set", "com.Select" : "Browse...", "com.Choose" : "Choose", "com.SelectedAndVideoDate" : "Selected and Record", "ivs.SelectEndTime" : "Select end time", "ivs.SelectStartTime" : "Select start time", "sys.UserType" : "User Type", "net.Authenticationnone" : "Choose 1 permission at least", "com.PleaseChanceDelectUserTip" : "Select a User to Remove", "com.PleaseChooseFile" : "Please Choose file!", "com.PleaseChanceDelectGroupTip" : "Select group to delete", "com.PtzSetChannelFirstTip" : "Please set PTZ protocol of this channel first!", "com.PleaseSelectStaff" : "Please select ruler", "com.FileTypeUnmatched" : "Please select the file with backup type.", "ivs.SenceOrRuleNoPic" : "Please select scene and rule type!", "com.ChooseType" : "Please select type.", "com.ChooseDirTip" : "Please choose direction first.", "com.SelectedDate" : "Selected", "com.ChooseAlarmAudioSuccTip" : "Choose alarm audio success!", "com.ChooseAlarmAudioFailTip" : "Choose alarm audio failed!", "itc.Sensitivity" : "Sensitivity", "per.AlarmSensitivity" : "Alarm Sensitivity", "per.SensorValue" : "Sensor", "per.ExternalSensor" : "External Sensor", "ivs.NoPlate" : "Unlicensed", "com.DivideEnable" : "Human/Vehicle Separation", "Sepia" : "Sepia", "com.Evening" : "Evening", "ivs.OilTankTruck" : "Fuel Tanker", "sys.AdServer" : "AD Server", "net.FirstDNSServer" : "Preferred DNS", "net.NextDNSServer" : "Alternate DNS", "sys.LDAPServer" : "LDAP Server", "pfm.NTPServer" : "Server", "net.SMTPServer" : "SMTP Server", "com.Sep" : "Sep", "9month" : "Sep", "com.Week" : "Week", "com.Scan" : "Browse...", "com.Background" : "Background", "com.Yes" : "Yes", "com.VerticalErrorTip" : "Vertical ruler can only draw three!", "com.AdjustSubStreamTip" : "Please lower the frame rate of main stream before increasing the frame rate of substream.", "AuthSecurity" : "Security", "med.Quite" : "Quiet", "sys.SimpleDefault" : "Restore", "med.SyncPC" : "Sync PC", "ivs.Timing" : "Timing", "sto.Regular" : "Scheduled", "ivs.SinglePicPreUpload" : "Single picture uploaded in advance", "com.Single" : "Single", "itc.LEFT" : "Left", "AuthSysCfg" : "System", "sys.System" : "System", "com.HourStandard" : "Hour-based System", "ivs_osd.TitleBit58" : "Vehicle Model", "net.SMTPEmail" : "SMTP(Email)", "net.SNMPV1" : "v1", "net.SNMPV2" : "v2", "net.SNMPV3" : "v3", "com.Threshold" : "Threshold", "med.SceneDetectThresh" : "Scene Detect Threshold", "ivs.Similarity" : "Similarity Threshold", "med.WaterFilterDown" : "Lower Limit Threshold", "com.AnalogAlarmUpperTip" : "Exceed threshold", "med.WaterFilterUp" : "Upper Limit Threshold", "ivs.SnapLimit" : "Target Credibility Threshold", "ReadOnly" : "Read Only", "med.Sunday" : "Sunny", "Ironbow1" : "Ironbow1", "com.ImportCountTip" : "Only successfully import", "med.AudioInDenoise" : "Audio Denoise", "med.Above" : "Above", "ivs.InsideOver" : "Remain", "sys.HotPullInsert" : "Hot Swap", "ivs.PicReplaceIndex" : "Replace SN", "med.Below" : "Below", "per.DistMeasureOSDNotEnable" : "Ranging Overlay Not Enabled", "ivs.VideoWidgetNumberPlan" : "People Counting Overlay", "med.PictureOverlay" : "Picture Overlay", "med.JpegOsd" : "Picture Overlay", "TrafficSnapshotNew" : "LPR(License Plate Recognition) Picture Overlay", "ivs.ATMOsd" : "Card Overlay", "med.VideoSplice" : "Overlay", "itc.OverCover" : "Overwrite", "abnormal_temper.state1" : "Overtemperature,Illuminator disabled.", "abnormal_temper.state3" : "Overtemperature,Illuminator off.", "com.ShortSDCardAreaTip" : "Capacity Warning", "com.NoDiskSpaceTip" : "Low disk space!", "itc.Mirror" : "Mirror", "com.ExitPowerFail" : "Power Off", "com.ShutDown" : "Shutdown/Reboot", "com.Off" : "Off", "med.AlwaysOpen" : "NO", "com.COFF" : "Off", "com.SSIDNotExistTip" : "SSID is not exist", "com.PhotolotyAnti" : "Optical Dejittering", "net.Static" : "Static", "TrafficFlowStat" : "Target Traffic Flow Statistics", "ivs.HeatMapStatistic" : "Heat Map Statistics", "net.CurrentState" : "Status", "com.Status" : "Status", "app.CurrentDisable" : "Locked Status", "ivs_osd.TitleBit60" : "Calling Status", "pfm.KeyState" : "Key State", "net.LinkState" : "Link State", "net.WSconnstate" : "WS connection status", "per.LockPtzStatus" : "Lock Status", "net.MSconnstate" : "MS connection status", "com.DownloadProgress" : "Download Progress", "com.AgcPlateau" : "Agc Plateau", "net.FTPStatus" : "FTP.Status", "per.IdleStatus" : "Idle Status", "ivs.NFSStatus" : "NAS.status", "ivs.RouterState" : "Router State", "ivs.DevOnState" : "Device State", "pfm.SipOnline" : "SIP Online", "SMB.Status" : "SMB.status", "pfm.NolineNetState" : "Wireless Network State", "sto.CloudSave" : "Cloud Storage Logo", "sto.LocalSto" : "Local Storage", "sys.LocalStorage" : "Local", "EmergencyRecordForPull" : "EmergencyRecordForPull", "sto.Storage" : "Destination", "net.SubnetMask" : "Subnet Mask", "med.CoverExtra2Conflict" : "Sub stream 2 is conflicted with privacy masking, both can't be enabled simultaneously!", "com.NotHaveChineseTip5" : "Tip5: Chinese characters are not allowed in the filename!", "com.TpFtpTip1" : "Prompt1: %% transferred as %", "com.TpFtpTip2" : "Prompt2: The picture won't be uploaded if the filename is too long and beyond the limit of local system.", "com.TpFtpTip3" : "Prompt3: The filename can't include one of the following characters \\ : * ? \" < > |", "com.TpFtpTip4" : "Prompt4: The filename is separated by /", "com.Support" : "Support", "com.BPPTypeNotSupportTip" : "BPP type not support", "net.SupportT/U" : "Support TCP And UDP", "FaceOverHeating" : "Face Over Heating", "appEventFaceOverHeating" : "Face Over Heating", "med.FusionRate" : "Fusion Rate", "AuthRmtDevice" : "Camera", "per.PanoramaCamera" : "Panorama Camera", "ivs.Phone" : "Calling", "com.AlarmThresholdTemp" : "Alarm Threshold Temperature", "com.TemperConfig" : "Temperature", "com.Temeper" : "Temperature", "com.GainModehigh" : "High Temperature", "med.AtmosphericTemp" : "Atmospheric Temperature", "com.GainModelow" : "Low Temperature", "pfm.TemperatureHigh" : "Temperature is over high", "per.InitialTemp" : "Initial Temperature", "med.MaxLimitTemp" : "Max Limit Temperature", "med.MinLimitTemp" : "Min Limit Temperature", "med.TemperAver" : "Aver", "med.MediumTemp" : "Medium Temperature", "com.HotThreshold" : "Hot Spot temperature more than", "com.ColdThreshold" : "Cold Spot temperature less than", "med.TargetReflectionTemp" : "Target Reflection Temperature", "med.SaturationTemp" : "Saturation Temperature", "per.SensorTemp" : "Sensor Temperature", "ivs.SenceSwitchTime" : "Scene Switch Time", "per.LaserLightRunningTime" : "Laser Enable Time", "per.LaserLightRunningTime1" : "Laser Enable Time 1", "per.LaserLightRunningTime2" : "Laser Enable Time 2", "sys.CloudUpgErrCheckTimeout" : "Check time is out", "net.KeepAlive" : "Interval", "med.POsdTime" : "Overlay Time", "com.OverTime" : "Overtime", "com.LogInOvertimeTip" : "Overtime Login.", "com.ConnectOveretimeTip" : "The connection is overtime!", "ivs.IntervalTime" : "Interval Time", "net.HeartIntervalTime" : "HeartBeat Interval Time", "sys.ChangeNowTime" : "Before", "med.RealTime" : "Realtime", "ivs.PtzVoltageUnusual" : "Voltage Unusual", "ivs.PtzVoltageUsual" : "Voltage Normal", "com.SmartThermal" : "Smart Thermal", "White Hot" : "White Hot", "Black Hot" : "Black Hot", "com.Thermal" : "Thermal", "HeatImagingThermometry" : "Thermal Config", "Ground" : "Ground", "med.Test" : "test", "pfm.HealthEmail" : "Health_Test", "com.TestingTip" : "testing...", "PtzTest" : "Aging Test", "med.InputLocation" : "Input Text:", "com.LocationLengthTip" : "The length of text is too long!", "sys.lockedSecond" : "The unlock time is XXXX second(s).", "net.HeartOverTime" : "heartbeat OverTime", "net.MaximumOutConnect" : "Max Timeout Times", "sys.ControlledType" : "Arm Type", "per.AlarmType" : "Alarm Type", "net.AuthenticationType" : "Authentication Type", "sys.DeviceType" : "Device Type", "sto.EventType" : "Event Type", "sto.FileType" : "File Type", "med.StreamType" : "Stream Type", "med.CodeStreamType" : "Code-Stream Type", "med.InDeviceType" : "AudioIn Type", "ivs.DownClothesType" : "Bottom", "med.SnapType" : "Snapshot Type", "itc.LedNo" : "Light Type", "net.NoteType" : "Message Type", "com.RuleType" : "Rule Type", "com.ReportType" : "Report Type", "pfm.NolineNetType" : "Wireless Net Type", "itc.SensorType" : "Sensor Type", "net.ServerType" : "Server Type", "ivs.TrafficFlowStatType" : "Traffic Flow Statistics Type", "ivs.Statistics" : "Statistics Type", "com.Media" : "Media", "itc.CarType" : "Vehicle Type", "com.PicTypeNotSupportTip" : "Picture type not support", "sys.LogType" : "Log Type", "sys.DSTType" : "DST Type", "sys.ProtocolType" : "Protocol Type", "med.VideoType" : "Record Type", "com.ROIType" : "ROI Type", "com.Infrastructure" : "Basic structural", "ivs.UpClothesType" : "Top", "com.Title" : "Title", "com.Theme" : "Title", "com.ChannelTitle" : "Channel Title", "med.InputChannelTitle" : "Input Channel Title:", "com.ChannelTitleLengthTip" : "The length of Channel Title is too long!", "com.TimeTitle" : "Time Title", "med.Chromacity" : "Hue", "ivs.UpClothes" : "Top (Clothes)", "com.DrawTarget1" : "Draw Target 1", "com.DrawTarget2" : "Draw Target 2", "ivs.IntelliTrack" : "Auto Track", "ivs.FullScene" : "Full Scene", "com.DrawLaneTip" : "Please draw lane line", "com.PleaseDrawLineTip" : "Please draw the line.", "com.DrawRectTip" : "Please draw rect.", "com.ScaleAll" : "Please draw a horizontal ruler and three vertical ruler", "com.PleaseDrawShapeTip" : "Please draw now.", "com.PleaseDrawRegionTip" : "Please draw a region.", "ivs.ManualTrack" : "Manual Track", "itc.BreakJam" : "Traffic Jam", "ivs.Traffic" : "Road", "ivs.LeftDetectionDis" : "Abandoned/Missing", "com.TransmitWaitingTip" : "Transmitting files..., please don't leave this page or close the browser...", "med.3Snap" : "Triple Snapshot", "com.AddSoMuchGroupTip" : "Add too many group!", "com.AddSoMuchUserTip" : "Add too many user!", "sys.FindNewVersion" : "Found New Version", "sys.PtzNewVersionFound" : "Found new PTZ firmware version", "com.FindTip" : "Find", "com.All" : "All", "com.Type" : "Type", "med.AllVideo" : "All Videos", "com.Alls" : "All", "med.ChannelUA" : "Channel UA", "com.LastWeek" : "LastWeek", "med.RelativeHumidity" : "Relative Humidity", "com.AnotherRecordDownloadingTip" : "Another record file is being downloaded, the download could not be started.", "ivs.Once" : "Once", "ivs.SinglePicPreUploadTip" : "After it is enabled, the captured pictures will be uploaded immediately before composite picture and it will trigger alarm.", "pfm.OrganizationUnit" : "Organization Unit", "med.TemperatureUnit" : "Temperature Unit", "traffic_title.vehicle_type" : "Unknown|Large Bus|Heavy Truck|Medium Truck|Sedan|Van|Light Truck|Tricycle|Motorcycle|Passerby|SUV-MPV|Medium Bus|Dangerous Goods Vehicle|SUV|MPV|Bus|Pickup|Minicar|Fuel Tanker|Tank Truck||Construction Truck|Concrete Mixer|Taxi|Police Car|Ambulance||Sprinkling Truck||Fire Engine|Tractor|Engineering Truck|Powder Material Truck|Suction Sewage Truck|Tank Truck|Two-wheeled Vehicle|School Bus|Other", "net.NetManURL" : "Network Manage URL", "Scream" : "Scream", "com.UseFixServerTip" : "Use Specified Servers", "com.Leave" : "Exits", "per.AlarmOutput" : "Relay-out", "per.ExAlarmOut" : "Extended Alarm Output", "sys.TvOut" : "TVOut", "com.BindPhoneOrMailTip" : "To reset password, please input properly or update in time.", "AuthUserMag" : "User", "sys.UserName" : "Username", "w_User" : "Username", "sys.ADUser" : "AD User", "sys.ADUserMode" : "Authorize AD User", "sys.Onlineuser" : "Online User", "com.UsemannageErrUserTip" : "This user is online,can't operation!", "sys.LDAPUser" : "LDAP User", "sys.LDAPUserMode" : "Authorize LDAP User", "sys.LocalUser" : "Local User", "com.Holiday" : "Holiday", "com.JumpTo" : "Go To", "ivs.GotoPreset" : "Go to", "med.ReferenceStream" : "Reference Bit Rate", "per.LensOriginal" : "Original Value", "itc.EnvPreV" : "Brightness Prevalue", "per.LensCalibrate" : "Calibrate Value", "med.TemperatrueValue" : "Temperatrue Value", "sys.OldPwd" : "Old Password", "ivs_osd.TitleBit57" : "Sun Shield Status", "ivs_osd.TitleBit19" : "Vehicle Model", "ivs.TwoWheeledVehicle" : "Two-wheeled Vehicle", "ivs.LargeCar" : "Large-sized Vehicle", "itc.WarCar" : "Military vehicle", "ivs.MicroCar" : "Small-sized Vehicle", "itc.PersonalCar" : "Private Vehicle", "ivs.OfficialCar" : "Official Vehicle", "med.WindSpeed" : "Wind Speed", "med.FastBack" : "Fast", "ivs.PtzSpeed" : "PTZ Speed", "sys.Baudrate" : "Baud Rate", "med.SnapSpeed" : "Interval", "com.Fri" : "Fri", "itc.Fan" : "Fan", "com.GreenColor" : "Green", "com.SeaGreen" : "Sea Green", "com.ForestGreen" : "Forest Green", "Green Hot" : "Green Hot", "com.DarkOliveGreen" : "Dark Olive Green", "sys.Parity" : "Parity", "ivs.ScaleHeight" : "Height Verification", "sys.Autocheck" : "Auto-check for updates", "ivs.ScaleCheck" : "Calibration Validation", "ivs.ScaleWeight" : "Width Verification", "sys.ManualCheck" : "Manual Check", "ivs_osd.TitleBit29" : "Verification Division", "sys.AlgVer" : "Algorithm Version", "sys.PtzVersion" : "PTZ Version", "sys.IPVersion" : "IP Version", "per.ISPVersion" : "ISP Version", "sys.OnvifVersion" : "ONVIF Version", "sys.CloudUpgErrNoVersion" : "It is the latest version", "net.ServerVersion" : "Server Version", "sys.FirmVersion" : "System Version", "sys.Version" : "Version", "sys.SoftwareVersion" : "Software Version", "sys.CameraVersion" : "Camera Version", "med.WebEditon" : "WEB Version", "med.Upright" : "Upright", "com.Near" : "Near", "med.SecondVideo" : "Second Vedio Version", "med.Video" : "Video", "com.Purple" : "Purple", "com.DarkViolet" : "Dark Purple", "com.Visible" : "Visual", "com.Visibility" : "Visibility", "com.URLToAccessYourIPCameraTip" : "URL to access your IP Camera", "ivs.FlowrateShowNum" : "Display No.", "med.DisplayWeek" : "Week Display", "com.Appear" : "Appears", "per.AlarmSound" : "Alarm Tone", "ivs.Face" : "Face", "med.Sound" : "Sound", "per.AudioOutputVolume" : "Speaker Volume", "per.AudioInputVolume" : "Microphone Volume", "com.TipRemainingSpinTip" : "Warning: Remaining rotation times is", "med.WideDynamicRange" : "WDR", "traffic_title.car_color" : "White|Black|Red|Yellow|Gray|Blue|Green|Pink|Purple|Dull Red|Brown|Maroon|Silver|Dark|White Smoke|Dark Orange|Light Rose|Tomato Red|Olive|Golden|Dark Olive|Yellow Green |Green Yellow|Forest Green|Ocean Green|Dark Sky Blue|Cyan|Orange|Green Gradient|Yellow-Green Combination|Other", "sys.TrustedList" : "Allowlist", "sys.TrustList" : "Allowlist", "net.WIFI" : "WIFI", "com.XiaMenNat" : "xiamen NAT", "com.LoginTimes" : "You still have XXXX attempt(s).", "ivs.Bag" : "Backpack", "com.Cross" : "Cross", "med.Focus" : "Focus", "med.Zoom" : "Focus", "com.Wide" : "Zoom out", "com.Enlarge" : "Zoom in", "itc.ZoomFocus" : "Zoom and Focus", "med.LocalRange" : "Digital Zoom", "com.CheckEnableTip" : "- Check Enable", "com.MatchFail" : "Face Recognition Failed", "AlarmRule" : "Alarm Rule", "com.HighDynimic" : "High Dynamic", "com.RecvModuleID" : "Receiver Module ID", "ivs.CarItems" : "Ornament", "ivs.PleaseSelectQuality" : "Please select quality threshold in the advanced settings!", "ivs.FaceSnapSensitivity" : "Snapshot Sensitivity", "ivs.Quality" : "Quality Priority", "FaceFlowStat" : "Face Statistics", "com.FileNum" : "File Quantity", "per.LoraModule" : "Wireless Module", "ivs.AddFaceFirst" : "Please add face database first!", "ivs.OptimalTime" : "Duration Optimal", "DevLocation" : "Latitude and Longitude", "FireWarningMode" : "Fire Mode", "LaserDistMeasure" : "Laser Distance Measure", "ivs.FaceQualityThreshold" : "Quality Threshold", "com.MatchSuccess" : "Face Recognition Succeeded", "ivs.Rider" : "Occupancy", "sys.RfidVersion" : "RFID Version", "com.PicEnhance" : "Image Enhancement", "PicInPic" : "Pic In Pic", "com.LowDynimic" : "Low Dynamic", "sys.FrameEncrypt" : "I Frame Encryption", "sto.SFTPReadOnly" : "SFTP server test failure, user read only right.", "sto.SFTPReadWrite" : "SFTP server test success.", "sto.SFTPNoDeleteDirAuth" : "SFTP server test failure, directory deletion right loss.", "sto.SFTPNoDeleteFileAuth" : "SFTP server test failure, file deletion right loss.", "sto.SFTPNoListAuth" : "SFTP server test failure, list right loss.", "com.ResetPswTip" : "In order to provide a secure password reset environment, we need to collect your e-mail address, device MAC address, device SN, etc. All collected info is used only for the purposes of verifying device validity and sending a security code to you. Do you agree and want to continue the operation?", "net.SNMP1RiskTip" : "SNMP V1 may has risk. Are you sure to enable now?", "net.SNMP2RiskTip" : "SNMP V2 may has risk. Are you sure to enable now?", "net.SNMP12RiskTip" : "SNMP V1, V2 may has risk. Are you sure to enable now?", "com.Recommend" : "(Recommended)", "net.DDNSRiskTip" : "After enabling DDNS function, third-party server may collect your device info.", "sto.FTPRiskTip" : "FTP may has risk. Are you sure to enable now?", "com.Saving" : "Saving, please do not leave the page or close the browser…….", "com.SplicingNeedThreeMin" : "Splicing in progress, it will take about 3 minutes … …", "com.SplicingNeedThreeMinWaitingTip" : "Splicing in progress. This will take about 3 minutes... Please do not leave this page.", "com.SelectAtLeastFourChn" : "Please select at least 4 channels!", "com.SelectAtLeastFiveChn" : "Please select at least 5 channels!", "com.PleaseSaveSpliceView" : "Please click OK and save splicing result", "com.Reselect" : "Reselect", "PTZCamera" : "PTZ Camera", "ObjectDetect" : "Object Classification", "VideoAnalyseEffects" : "Privacy Protection", "sys.PlayTime" : "Play Duration", "ivs.ObjectTypes" : "Effective Object", "com.Human" : "Human", "FreeSplice" : "Splicing Setting", "ivs.PleaseAddTwoScale" : "Please draw two rulers", "ivs.NoScaleAddFailed" : "Ruler has not been added, failed to save!", "sto.ModifyConfigF" : "Please modify Camera Setting-Video-Stream control is variable stream, and then enable light storage.", "sto.ModifyConfigS" : "Please disable Storage Management - Storage- Light Storage function, and then modify it as constant stream", "ivs.ObjectConfidence" : "Confidence Coefficient", "ivs.FaceFlowStat" : "Face Statistics", "ivs.Abstract" : "Modeling", "ivs.AbstractAll" : "Modeling All", "ivs.AbstractStatus" : "Modeling Status", "ivs.Effective" : "Valid", "ivs.invalid" : "Invalid", "ivs.Abstracting" : "Modeling in progress, please wait…", "ivs.SceneDefault" : "Scene Recovery", "FaceAnalysisAlarm" : "Face Matching Alarm", "FireDetection" : "Fire Detection", "ivs.FireLocation" : "Fire Location", "com.EnableIsOpen" : "The following parameters will be displayed or hidden when it is enabled or not.", "com.AntiAliasing" : "Anti-aliasing", "com.DigitalNoise" : "DNR (Digital Noise Reduction)", "com.NormalMode" : "General Mode", "com.ExpertMode" : "Expert Mode", "com.SpaceNoise" : "Basic NR(Noise Reduction)", "com.TimeNoise" : "Advanced NR (Noise Reduction)", "com.Example" : "Example", "ivs.FaceExample" : "John#S1#B1990-01-01#NCN#T1#M330501199001016222", "sys.SystemService" : "System Service", "sys.FileBackupEncrypt" : "File Backup Encryption", "sys.FileBackupEncryptTip" : "*Please make sure matched device or software supports video decryption function.", "sys.SetPassword" : "Set Password", "sys.MediaEncrypt" : "Audio and Video Transmission Encryption", "sys.MobilePush" : "Mobile Push", "sys.CGIService" : "CGI Service", "sys.OnvifService" : "Onvif Service", "sys.GenetecService" : "Genetec Service", "sys.ResetPasswordTip" : "In order to guarantee device password security, we will collect your mobile number and device info. Device info includes MAC address, device serial number and system time etc. All this info is only intended to verify device legality and send security code.", "sys.DelFileTip" : "The deleted files cannot be recovered. Are you sure to enable this function now?", "CrowdDistriMap" : "Crowd Map", "ivs.CrowdDensity" : "Crowd Density", "com.Person" : "Human", "com.TotalNumber" : "Total Number", "com.RegionalNumber" : "Regional Number", "AtmosphereOSD" : "Weather Info Overlay", "VideoWidgetRoadInfo" : "Road Info", "ivs.FaceIdentify" : "Face Recognition", "VehicleDetect" : "Vehicle Detection", "HumanDetect" : "Human Detection", "ivs.ObjectDetect" : "Object Detection", "ivs.SnapThreshold" : "Vehicle Snapshot Threshold", "com.TimeNoiseBefore" : "Advanced NR(Front Module)", "com.TimeNoiseAfter" : "Advanced NR (Rear Chip)", "ThermDenoise" : "Module NR", "com.ChooseDownloadPath" : "Please select download path", "com.ChooseDownloadFile" : "Please select download file", "appEventTrafficParkingB" : "Illegal Parking Type B", "appEventTrafficParkingC" : "Illegal Parking Type C", "appEventTrafficParkingD" : "Illegal Parking Type D", "ivs.ManualMark" : "Manual Calibration", "HighZoomPtzMoveAdaptor" : "PTZ Adaptive", "VideoSubColor" : "Video Color Assist", "SnapMode" : "Snapshot Mode", "VideoInIRExposure" : "Smart IR Setting", "com.LCE" : "Detail Enhancement", "LCEState" : "Detail Enhancement", "com.EnergyThreshold" : "Energy Threshold", "com.LightDefog" : "Optical Defog", "com.SameBadPointExisted" : "The same dead pixel has existed.", "med.AfModeSwitch" : "Auto Focus Mode Switch", "med.ADCMode" : "ADC Mode", "med.OperatorMode" : "Operator Mode", "med.CoarseDownThresh" : "Rough Down Threshold", "med.FocusMinStep" : "Minimum Step", "med.FocusFineStep" : "Fine Adjustment Step", "med.DlyFrame" : "Frame Await", "med.FocusEntireRoutie" : "Entire Time", "med.AfCtrlValue" : "Focus Control Parameter", "med.VirtualFocusTemperdiff" : "Thermal Defocus Time Difference", "med.FstRunTime" : "First Run Time", "med.FocusLife" : "Current vari-focal longevity is", "com.DispalyForever" : "Display Permanently", "HumanTrait" : "Human Body", "sys.OpenPlatform" : "Open Platform", "sys.AppManage" : "Application", "sys.UploadAppPack" : "Upload Application Package", "sys.SelectAppPack" : "Select Application Package", "sys.SelectCertPack" : "Select Certificate File", "sys.AppList" : "Application List", "sys.AppID" : "Application ID", "sys.RunningState" : "Running Status", "sys.StartUp" : "Run", "sys.CertState" : "Certificate Status", "com.Formal" : "Formal", "com.Trial" : "Trial", "sys.UploadCert" : "Upload Certificate", "sys.AppLink" : "Application Link", "sys.ExpiredDate" : "Expired Date", "com.Extend" : "Extend", "com.CheckStatus" : "Calibration Status", "com.RelativeRatio" : "Correlation Coefficient", "com.Error2" : "Error 1", "com.BlackBodyCheck" : "Black Body Check", "com.TemperaturePoint" : "Environment Temperature", "com.TempPointID" : "Environment Temperature ID", "com.BlackBodyID" : "Black Body ID", "com.sampleDataTip" : "Data acquisition in progress, please wait.", "com.NotStart" : "Not Started", "com.VoltageControl" : "Voltage Control", "com.NUCCountDownEnable" : "NUC Config", "com.WaitTime" : "Wait Time", "com.LeftTime" : "Remaining Time", "com.EnableDuration" : "Enable Duration", "com.FireDuration" : "Fire Duration", "com.SinglePointCorrection" : "Single Point Correction", "com.CenterCursor" : "Center Cursor", "com.CorrectPointTemp" : "Calibration Point Temperature", "com.OpenCenterCursorTip" : "Please open center cursor first", "com.CursorAndCorrectAimTip" : "Please make sure if center cursor aligns with calibration point", "com.OutOfRange" : "Temperature is beyond range", "com.HistGramValue" : "Histogram Equalization", "com.SameRuleOnlyOneTip" : "It can only set one same rule", "com.BeginGetPresentsTip" : "Begin to acquire calibration coordinate", "com.StopGetPresentsTip" : "Stop acquiring calibration coordinate", "ivs.RepalyCailbrate" : "Recalibrate", "ivs.CailbrateMath" : "Number of calibration point", "PtzIntelliTrack" : "PTZ Intelligence", "sys.NewContact" : "New Contact", "sys.OldContact" : "Old Contact", "com.EncodeSmooth" : "Stream Smooth", "Lighting_V2" : "Light Setting", "ivs.ObjectFilter" : "Target Filter", "ivs.AlarmObject" : "Effective object", "CrowdDistriMapCalibrate" : "Crowd Distribution Calibrate", "MobilePhoneApplication" : "Mobile Push", "MediaEncrypt" : "Stream Encryption", "VSP_GENETEC" : "GENETEC", "VSP_ONVIF" : "ONVIF", "VSP_CGI" : "CGI", "SSHD" : "SSH", "com.OtherChannelHasIVSTip" : "Smart plans have existed in other channels, please disable it first!", "StereoBehavior" : "Stereo Analysis", "StereoStayDetection" : "Stay Detection", "StayDetection" : "Stay Detection", "StereoManStayDetection" : "People Stay Detection", "StereoTailDetection" : "Tail Detection", "StereoFallDetection" : "Fall Detection", "ivs.AlarmTime" : "Alarm Time", "ivs.AlarmRepeatTime" : "Repeat Alarm Time", "ivs.MinTime" : "Min Time", "ivs.MaxTime" : "Max Time", "com.SFFCCorrectionOperationTip" : "Please confirm current FFC mode is manual mode!", "com.ChipProgrmmaPowerOffTop" : "Please power off and restart.", "com.TwoDecimalNumber" : "Please enter two decimal numbers", "sys.PlatformDownloadFailed" : "Failed to download application!", "sys.PlatformInvalid" : "Application illegal!", "sys.PlatformCancelled" : "Application upload cancelled!", "sys.PlatformNotEnoughMemory" : "Memory Warning!", "sys.PlatformFailed" : "Failed to upload application!", "sys.PlatformUploadSuccess" : "Upload certificate successfully!", "sys.PlatformInvalidHttp" : "Uploaded request illegal!", "sys.PlatformEmptyLicense" : "Certificate Empty!", "sys.PlatformUnsupportedMode" : "Uploaded mode unsupported!", "sys.PlatformUrlAppNotMatch" : "Certificate and app do not match.", "sys.PlatformReadInfoFailed" : "Failed to read internal storage!", "sys.PlatformWrite3rdFailed" : "Failed to write in application certificate!", "sys.PlatformWriteFailed" : "Failed to write in authorized certificate!", "sys.PlatformNoSuchApp" : "Failed to find corresponding application of authorized certificate!", "sys.PlatformVerifyFailed" : "Signature verification failed or authorized certificate illegal!", "sys.PlatformFileUnmatch" : "Application Package Unmatched!", "sys.ModifyPwdLockedSecond" : "The allowed times of entering wrong password has reached limit, the unlock time is XXX seconds.", "ivs.SmokeFire" : "Smoke & Fire Detection", "ivs.Race" : "Skin Color", "net.RTSPBasicAuthTip" : "Basic authentication mode may have risk. Are you sure to enable it?", "net.RTSPNoneAuthTip" : "Non-authentication mode may have risk. Are you sure to enable it?", "ivs.AlarmChoose" : "It has to select at least one alarm target when target filtering is enabled", "med.TemperCorrection" : "Temperature Correct", "CrowdDetection" : "Crowd Map", "appEventCrowdDetection" : "Crowd Map", "atmo_speed" : "Wind Speed", "atmo_dierction" : "Wind Direction", "atmo_humiti" : "Humidity", "atmo_temper" : "Temperature", "atmo_airpress" : "Air Pressure", "atmo_illumination" : "Environment illuminance", "med.TwinkleFre" : "Flicker Frequency", "med.AlwaysBright" : "Normally on", "med.Twinkle" : "Flicker", "net.SegmentIP" : "Set it as trans-segment IP", "net.SameSegment" : "IP address cannot be in the same segment", "NonMotorDetect" : "Non-motor Vehicle Detection", "sys.SuccessSpliceAndRestoreConfig" : "Splicing is valid and the device is restored to default, are you sure to continue?", "conf_img.channel1" : "IPC", "conf_img.channel2" : "IPC2", "conf_img.channel3" : "IPC3", "conf_img.channel4" : "IPC4", "adv.FusionCalibrate" : "Fusion Calibrate", "adv.picMode" : "Pic Mode", "adv.tmodMode" : "Temperature Mode", "adv.ParameterSetup" : "ParameterSetup", "adv.NUC" : "NUC", "adv.SFFC" : "SFFC", "adv.PointCorrect" : "Bad Pixel Correct", "adv.SensorWidth" : "Sensor Width", "adv.SensorHeight" : "Sensor Height", "adv.PartNumber" : "Part Number", "adv.FocalLength" : "Focal Length", "adv.VenderID" : "Vender ID", "adv.TempercorrectTimes" : "Save Times", "adv.TempercorrectTime" : "Last Save time", "adv.LensNum" : "Lens ID", "adv.Nucbackup" : "Backup Current Gain Map", "adv.Abort" : "Abort", "adv.CheckImgUniformity" : "check Image Uniformity", "adv.Restorefactory" : "Restore factory setting", "adv.BackupConfig" : "Import Backup", "adv.NucDefaultPageTips" : "Restore movement original factory Settings,The movemnet of the current Settings will be overwritten,In the process of restore, do not power outages.", "adv.NucUpdatePageTips" : "Import the backup Settings file,Please choose matching configuration files in the directory ,In the process of import, do not power outages.", "adv.TemperCorrect" : "Temperature Correct", "adv.NUCabortCorrect" : "Initializing NUC correction ,please wait!", "adv.NUCstartWaittip" : "Initializing NUC correction,please wait!", "adv.NUCdoBlack2Waittip" : "In computing a new gain table,please wait!", "adv.NUCstarttip" : "Press start button to begin calibration.Instructions for placing the camer in front of hot and cold sources will be given once the calibration process is stared.", "adv.NUCprocesstip" : "Downloading calibration data from camera.", "adv.NUCprocessSuccess" : "Downloading calibration success.", "adv.Black1" : "Black 1", "adv.Black2" : "Black 2", "adv.CheckImgUniformityTips" : "start check Image Uniformity", "adv.CheckImgUniformitySuccessTips" : "Image is uniformity!", "adv.NUCsavetip" : "Cailbration complete - remove cold source.Press the Save Gain button to make the current gain table perssitent.Do this after you have checked the camera image quailty.", "adv.CheckImgUniformityFailTips" : "Image is not uniformity!", "adv.NUCcapture1tip" : "Place hot source in front of camera and press Capture1 button.Do not move camera untill you are prompted.Do not change tabs or panes untill Gain Cailbration is complete!", "adv.NUCcapture2tip" : "Place cold source in front of camera and press Capture2 button.Do not move camera untill process is complete!", "adv.NucsffcStart" : "is checking camera temperature is statble.", "adv.NucsffcNext" : "Place the black body within the full field of view of the camera.", "adv.UpdateLimit" : "The update file must not more than 1024KB! Last suffix name is \".LENS\"", "adv.NUCbackupUploadTips" : "backup Upload to machine", "adv.NUCBadfileformat" : "File format is in Error!", "adv.NUCsaveCorrect" : "Is save NUC correction,please wait!", "adv.NUCbackupUploadFail" : "backup Upload Fail!", "adv.Updating" : "Transmitting files..., please don't leave this page or close the browser,please don't power outages!", "adv.Saveconfirm" : "Warning! Saving gain data overwrites existing gain data for this Lens number.", "adv.SaveconfirmP" : "Are you sure you want to save the gain data?", "adv.SffcStart" : "click start to check camera temperature is statble.", "adv.SffcWait" : "Pleae waiting.", "adv.SffcNext" : "Place the black body within the full field of view of the camera and select \"Next\".", "adv.SffcNextWait" : "Calculating supplemnetal offset. Please wait till complete.(up to 45 secondes)", "adv.SffcNextFinish" : "Press the Save button or Abort button.", "adv.CalibPrarme" : "Calibration Parameters", "adv.GainMode" : "Gain Mode", "adv.BlackBodyCount" : "Number of Blackbodies", "adv.LensFNumber" : "Lens F Number", "adv.LensTransmission" : "Lens Transmission", "adv.TargetRadiationPercent" : "Target Radiation Coefficient", "adv.ExterParame" : "External Parameters", "adv.WindowTransmission" : "Window Transmission", "adv.WindowTemperature" : "Window Temperature", "adv.WindowReflection" : "Window Reflection", "adv.TemperatureReflectedInWindow" : "Temperature Reflected in Window", "adv.BackgroundTemperature" : "Background Temperature", "adv.AtmosphericTransmission" : "Atmosph Transmission", "adv.atmosphericTemperature" : "Atmospheric Temperature", "adv.BlackBody" : "BlackBody", "adv.PointStart" : "click start to correct bad pixel.", "adv.PointStartWait" : "Correcting ,please wait.", "adv.PoitNext" : "Correcting complete,Press the Save button or Abort button.", "adv.PointSaveWait" : "Is save bad pixel correction,please wait!", "adv.startCorrectTip" : "Temperature correction has started,please do not power outages!", "adv.calibration" : "Calibration", "adv.CalibrateInArea" : "Please calibrate in area", "adv.CalibrateOneFinish" : "Please finish calibration", "adv.CalibrateConfirm" : "Calibration Confirm", "adv.CalibrateSuccess" : "Calibrate success, please click 'Save' to take effect!", "adv.ChangeZoomFirst" : "Please change zoom first", "adv.CalibrateCenter" : "Calibrate in area, then click 'CalibrateConfirm'", "adv.FocusLensParams" : "Focus Lens Params", "adv.lensIDSource" : "Enable lens software code adjustment", "adv.LensID" : "Lens ID", "adv.lensExtID" : "Lens Extend ID", "adv.ptzMoveAutoFocusEnable" : "Ptz Move Auto Focus Enable", "adv.zoomAutoFocusEnable" : "Zoom Auto Focus Enable", "adv.roughReverseEnable" : "Rough Reverse Enable", "adv.roughStep" : "Rough Step", "adv.microStepMarginEnable" : "Micro Step Margin Enable", "adv.microStep" : "Micro Step", "adv.microStepMargin" : "Micro Step Margin", "adv.microAdjSlope" : "Micro Adjust Slope", "adv.microStepLimit" : "Micro Step Limit", "adv.microAdjRevRouteInterval" : "Micro Reverse Route Interval", "adv.marginDir" : "Margin Direct", "adv.decreaseSlopeTime" : "Decrease Slope Time", "adv.roughSlope" : "Rough Slope", "adv.selfCheckSwitch" : "self Check Close", "adv.afMtTableUpdateEn" : "afMt Table Update Enable", "adv.aFInterval" : "AF Interval", "adv.afCompenValue" : "Af Compen Value", "adv.afCompenType" : "Af Compen Type", "adv.backFocusCompen" : "Back Focus Compen", "adv.stableZoomUnfocusEnable" : "Stable Zoom Unfocus Enable", "adv.zoomFocusFollow" : "Zoom Focus Follow", "adv.vistaFocusType" : "Vista Focus Type", "adv.microStepDir" : "Micro Step Direct", "adv.focusDir" : "Focus Direct", "adv.zoomDir" : "Zoom Direct", "adv.forward" : "Forward", "adv.behind" : "Behind", "adv.always" : "Always", "adv.bigZoomCompen" : "Big Zoom Compen", "adv.wideZoomFollow" : "Wide Zoom Follow", "adv.middleZoomFollow" : "Middle Zoom Follow", "adv.narrowZoomFollow" : "Narrow Zoom Follow", "adv.intelliZoomCtrl" : "Intelli Zoom Ctrl", "adv.intelliCtrlEnable" : "Intelli Control Enable", "adv.revRouteValue" : "Rev Route Value", "adv.marginTickCompen" : "Margin Tick Compen", "adv.afMtTableEn" : "AfMt Table Enable", "adv.corrPointAuto" : "Auto Point Params", "adv.corrPointManual" : "Manual Point Params", "adv.corrPointThresholdDiff" : "Threshold Difference", "adv.corrPointDetect" : "Point Detect", "adv.scmVersion" : "SCM Version", "adv.HoleSize" : "Hole Size", "adv.firmwareVersion" : "Firmware Version", "adv.libVersion" : "Lib Version", "adv.tempAccuracy" : "temperature Accuracy", "adv.mtRoughStep" : "MT Mode Rough Step", "adv.mtAfMotorRevEn" : "MT Mode Focus Motor Enable", "adv.mtIntelliAfEn" : "MT Mode Intelli Focus Enable", "adv.mtIntelliCtrlEn" : "MT Mode Intelli Control Enable", "adv.mtRoughSlope" : "MT Mode Rough Slope", "adv.mtIntelliValue" : "MT Intelli Num", "adv.marginInputEnable" : "Lens margin input enable", "adv.focusMax" : "Focus Max", "adv.focusMin" : "Focus Min", "adv.zoomMax" : "Zoom Max", "adv.zoomMin" : "Zoom Min", "adv.lensIntellControlEnable" : "Lens intelligent control enable", "adv.selfcheckInterval" : "Selfcheck Interval", "adv.rainfallSelfCheck" : "Rainfall Self-check", "adv.tempNonuniform" : "Temperature Non-uniform Correction", "adv.misalignment" : "The device fails to aim at black body!", "adv.equilibriumStatus" : "Equilibrium Status", "adv.endForNonEquilibrium" : "Judgement completed, non-thermal equilibrium.", "adv.endForEquilibrium" : "Judgement completed, thermal equilibrium.", "adv.sampleInvalid" : "Sample invalid, need to collect again.", "adv.acquire" : "Acquire", "adv.resetConfirm" : "The device will reboot, confirm to operate?", "adv.deleteConfig" : "Delete config", "adv.HeatCollect" : "HeatMap Collection", "adv.Frame" : "Number of frames", "adv.CurReceive" : "Currently Received", "adv.ouputCorrection" : "Output Correction", "adv.tempCorrection" : "Temp Correction", "adv.BadPointNum" : "Badpoint Numbers", "adv.badPointReset" : "BadPoint exceeded,please reset.", "adv.confirmcalibrationResolutoin" : "Please confirm mainstream resolution is visual 1920*1080, thermal 1280*960.", "adv.autoFocusSensitive" : "Full Auto Focus Sensitivity Select", "adv.evenStep" : "Even Focus Step", "adv.evenStableNum" : "Even Focus Stability Coefficient", "adv.microSearchRatio" : "Micro Adjustment Ratio", "adv.evenSearchRatio" : "Even Focus Ratio", "adv.shutterDect" : "Shutter Detection", "adv.LensLowtempThreshold" : "Lens Low Temp Threshold", "adv.fixedFocusMode" : "Fixed Focus", "adv.flexibleFocusMode" : "Flexible Focus", "adv.VirtualFocusTemperdiff" : "Virtual Focus Temper Diff", "adv.VirtualFocusTimediff" : "Virtual Focus Time Diff", "adv.DigitalZoom" : "Digital Zoom", "adv.Refresh" : "Refresh", "adv.Confirm" : "Confirm", "adv.Save" : "Save", "adv.Start" : "Start", "adv.Cancel" : "Cancel", "adv.DeviceInfo" : "Device Info", "adv.Serialnumber" : "S/N", "adv.SoftwareVer" : "Software Version", "adv.SavePath" : "Path", "adv.Status" : "Status", "adv.Distance" : "Distance", "adv.NextStep" : "Next", "adv.Default" : "Default", "adv.Enable" : "Enable", "adv.Clear" : "Clear", "adv.Setup" : "Setting", "adv.ExportHeatMap" : "Export HeatMap", "adv.Sensitivity" : "Sensitivity", "adv.Mode" : "Mode", "adv.Original" : "Original", "adv.Enhanced" : "Enhanced", "adv.Channel" : "Channel", "adv.Reset" : "Reset", "adv.On" : "On", "adv.SaveSuccess" : "Save Succeeded!", "adv.SaveFailed" : "Save failed!", "adv.OperationSuccess" : "Operate Succeeded!", "adv.OperationFailed" : "Operate Failed!", "adv.DefaultSuccess" : "Default,please click 'Save' to take effect!", "adv.DefaultFailed" : "Default failed!", "adv.HeatMapExporting" : "Exporting ,Please Wait.", "adv.HeatMapExportSuccess" : "Export Success,The path is", "adv.Coordinates" : "Coordinates", "adv.switchTimes" : "Shutter Switch Times", "adv.AfModeSwitch" : "Af Mode Switch", "adv.ADCMode" : "ADC Mode", "adv.OperatorMode" : "Operator Mode", "adv.CoarseDownThresh" : "Coarse Down Threshold", "adv.FocusMinStep" : "Focus Min Step", "adv.FocusFineStep" : "Focus Fine Step", "adv.DlyFrame" : "Delay Frame", "adv.FocusEntireRoutie" : "Focus Entire Routie", "adv.FstRunTime" : "First Run Time", "adv.AfCtrlValue" : "Af Ctrl Value", "adv.ApertureValue" : "Aperture Value", "adv.Calaculate" : "Calaculate", "adv.CheckStatus" : "Calibration Status", "adv.Error" : "Error 1", "adv.BlackBodyCheck" : "Black Body Check", "adv.TemperaturePoint" : "Environment Temp", "adv.TempPointID" : "Environment Temp ID", "adv.BlackBodyID" : "Black Body ID", "adv.sampleDataTip" : "Data acquisition in progress, please wait.", "adv.NotStart" : "Not Started", "adv.VoltageControl" : "Voltage Control", "adv.NUCCountDownEnable" : "NUC Config", "adv.WaitTime" : "Waiting Time", "adv.LeftTime" : "Remaining Time", "adv.SFFCCorrection" : "SFFC Correction", "adv.Collect" : "Collect", "adv.SFFCCorrectionOperationTip" : "Please confirem the FFC mode is manual!", "adv.Reset" : "Reset", "adv.Result" : "Result", "adv.OutDeviceManage" : "OutDevice Manage", "adv.IRLight" : "Illuminator", "adv.Heater" : "Heater", "adv.BlackBodyTemp" : "BlackBody Temp", "adv.Close" : "Close", "adv.CorrectionType" : "Correction Type", "adv.AmbientTempCor" : "Ambient Temp Correction", "adv.CloseDistanceCor" : "Close Range Correction", "adv.WholeMachineCor" : "Whole Machine Correction", "adv.BadColumn" : "Bad Column Correction", "adv.TempeAddMax" : "Max added number!", "adv.SameBadPointExisted" : "The same dead pixel has existed.", "adv.Auto" : "Auto", "adv.Manual" : "Manual", "adv.Normal" : "Normal", "adv.NotNormal" : "Not Normal", "adv.CameraConfigDefaultTip" : "Please confirm the camera config has been restored to default!", "adv.High" : "High", "adv.Low" : "Low", "adv.machineSet" : "Core Setup", "adv.SffcStartFail" : "camera temperature is not stable,please try again 10 second later.", "adv.PointStartFail" : "Correcting failture", "adv.HumanBody" : "Body Temperature(0.3℃)", "adv.Industry" : "Industry Temperature(2.0℃)", "adv.Individual" : "Manunal Temperature", "adv.distanceCorrection" : "Distance Correction", "adv.saveAtLeastTwo" : "Please save at least two sets of data!", "adv.maxRules8" : "It can add max 8 pieces of data", "adv.tempNonuniformTip" : "Implement temperature non-uniform correction after temperature and distance correction are completed!", "adv.holeDiameter" : "Black body hole diameter", "adv.maxCorrectionDistance" : "Max correction distance", "adv.thermalEquilibrium" : "Thermal Equilibrium", "adv.equilibriumJudgement" : "Equilibrium Judgement", "adv.equilibriumStatment" : "Temperature correction needs to be implemented under thermal status.", "adv.acquireFailed" : "Failed to acquire", "adv.notStartJudgement" : "It hasn't started judgement", "adv.judging" : "Judging", "adv.equilibriumThreshold" : "Equilibrium Threshold", "adv.equilibriumStatment2" : "It needs equilibrium judgement under non-thermal equilibrium status", "adv.previous" : "Previous", "adv.TestFunction" : "Test Function", "adv.outputNumber" : "Output Number", "adv.stay" : "Stay", "adv.forwardRemove" : "Forward", "adv.backRemove" : "Back", "adv.RelativeRatio" : "Correlation Coefficient", "adv.Histogram" : "Histogram", "Leave" : "Exits", "AccessFilter" : "IP Filter", "AccessPoint" : "Soft AP", "Account" : "Account", "AccountType" : "Account Type", "Action" : "Action", "AddGroup" : "Add Group", "Address" : "Address", "AddUser" : "Add User", "Alarm" : "Alarm", "AlarmConf" : "Abnormality", "AlarmDelay" : "Alarm Delay", "AlarmIn" : "Alarm In", "AlarmLocal" : "Local Alarm", "AlarmLowerLimit" : "Alarm Lower Limit", "AlarmOut" : "Alarm I/O", "AlarmOutEnable" : "Alarm out", "AlarmUpperLimit" : "Alarm Upper Limit", "AnalogAlarm" : "Data Acquisition", "AnalogAlarmLower" : "Lower than threshold", "AnalogAlarmUpper" : "Exceed threshold", "APConfilctWIFI" : "WIFI will be unavailable when soft AP function is enabled", "Appear" : "Appears", "ArmMode" : "ArmMode", "AroudWifiDevInfo" : "WiFi Device Basic Info Config", "AroudWifiFactoryInfo" : "WiFi Manufacturer Basic Info Config", "AroudWifiLocationInfo" : "WiFi Site Basic Info Config", "AroudWifiSearch" : "WIFI", "Assistant" : "Assistant", "AudioInDenoise" : "Audio Denoise", "AudioInput" : "Audio Input", "AudioInputVolume" : "Microphone Volume", "AudioOutputVolume" : "Speaker Volume", "AudioTalk" : "Start Talk", "AutoFocus" : "AutoFocus", "AutoMaintain" : "Auto Maintain", "AutoPan" : "Pan", "AutoPattern" : "Pattern Setting", "AutoScan" : "Scan", "Back" : "Back", "BackColor" : "Transparency", "Backup" : "Backup", "BannedList" : "Blocklist", "Before" : "Before", "BlackWhite" : "B/W", "BlastTimes" : "Blast Times", "Both" : "Both", "BottomCenter" : "Bottom Center", "Brightness" : "Brightness", "CalibrationMode" : "Calibration Mode", "CalibrationNo" : "Calibration No.", "Cancel" : "Cancel", "Center" : "Center", "CfgIndex" : "Config Index", "Channel" : "Channel", "ChannelTitle" : "Channel Title", "CheckDeviceOffset" : "Device Correction.", "ChinaMobile" : "China Mobile", "ChinaTelecom" : "China Telecom", "ChinaUnicom" : "China Unicom", "ClearLog" : "Remove Log", "ClearWorkDir" : "Clear data", "ClimbDetection" : "Climbing Detection", "Close" : "Off", "Code" : "Event Type", "Colorful" : "Color", "ComConf" : "RS232", "Comm" : "Communication settings", "Config" : "IVS", "Connectmode" : "Connect mode", "Console" : "Console", "Content" : "Content", "Contrast" : "Contrast", "Cross" : "Cross", "CurrentRange" : "Current Range", "Custom" : "Custom", "Data" : "Name", "DayAndNightMode" : "Day & Night", "DayNightChangeTip" : "Day&Night Config has been Changed, Now refreshing..", "Daytime" : "Day", "Default" : "Default", "DefaultConfig" : "Default/Import/Export", "Defaultfailure" : "Default failed!", "Defaultsuccess" : "Default,please click 'Save' to take effect!", "Delay" : "Delay", "Delete" : "Delete", "DeleteGroup" : "Delete Group", "DeleteUser" : "Delete User", "DelLog" : "Clear Log", "DetectLine" : "Detect Line", "DetectRegion" : "Detect Region", "DeviationCompensation" : "Deviation Compensation", "DeviceList" : "Device List", "DeviceType" : "Device Type", "Disable" : "Close", "Disabled" : "Disabled", "DnsServerEnable" : "DNS Server Enable", "Domain" : "Domain", "DownstairsLine" : "Downstairs Line", "DSTEnd" : "DST End", "DSTOff" : "DST Disable", "DSTStart" : "DST Start", "DynamicBitrate" : "Light Storage", "Email" : "EMAIL Setting", "Enable" : "Enable", "Encode" : "Encode", "EncodeAddress" : "Address Code", "EncodeBlend" : "Relevant Enable overlay", "EncodeConf" : "Video", "EncodeCrop" : "Video Clip", "Encryption" : "Encryption", "EndTime" : "End Time", "Enter" : "Enters", "Even" : "Even", "EventPulse" : "Event Occur", "EventStart" : "Event Begin", "EventStop" : "Event End", "ExAlarm" : "Extended Alarm", "ExAlarmOut" : "Extended Alarm Output", "ExcludeRegion" : "Exclude Region", "Exit" : "Exit", "ExitAbnormal" : "Abort", "ExitMPUAbnormal" : "Reboot MPU", "ExitNormal" : "Exit", "ExitOver" : "Exits", "ExitPowerFail" : "Power Off", "ExternalSensor" : "External Sensor", "ExtraFormat" : "Sub Stream", "FaceSnapshot" : "Face Snapshot", "Fail!" : "Fail!", "Fast" : "Fast", "Fault" : "Malfunction", "File" : "File", "FileAccess" : "File Access", "FileAccessError" : "File Access Error", "FileSearch" : "File Inquiry", "FireWarning" : "Fire Warning", "Flag" : "Reboot Mark", "FlashEnable" : "Illuminator", "FlashLatch" : "Illuminator Delay", "FlashLight" : "Illuminator", "FlashPartitions" : "FlashPartitions", "Focus" : "Focus", "Focus&Zoom" : "Zoom and Focus", "Focus&ZoomReset" : "Restore", "FrontColor" : "Front Color", "FTPLoginFailure" : "Right verification failure", "FTPNoDeleteDirAuth" : "FTP server test failure, directory deletion right loss.", "FTPNoDeleteFileAuth" : "FTP server test failure, file deletion right loss.", "FTPNoListAuth" : "FTP server test failure, list right loss.", "FTPNotAcess" : "Server connection failure", "FTPReadOnly" : "FTP server test failure, user read only right.", "FTPReadWrite" : "FTP server test success.", "FullScene" : "Full Scene", "GainBlue" : "Blue", "GainMax" : "Gain Limit", "GainRed" : "Red", "Gate" : "Gate", "General" : "General Configuration", "GeneralConf" : "General", "Generate" : "Generate", "GPSSearchFiled" : "GPS search failed", "GPSSearching" : "GPS search is in process", "Group" : "Work Group Name", "GroupName" : "UserGroupName", "Height" : "Video Height", "History" : "History", "Holiday" : "Holiday Schedule", "HostName" : "HostName", "HotPlug" : "Hot Swap", "HotPlugAdd" : "Insert Device", "HotPlugRemove" : "Remove Device", "Hour" : "Hour", "Https" : "HTTPS", "IdleMotion" : "Idle Motion", "Index" : "Channel NO.", "Info" : "Info", "Infrastructure" : "Basic structural", "InsertSDCard" : "Insert SD Card", "Inside" : "Inside", "InsideOver" : "Remain", "IntelliConf" : "IVS", "IntelliTrackScene" : "IVS config", "IntellMutexTVOut" : "Click \"Save\", TVOut will be disabled!", "Interface" : "Ethernet Card", "IPaddr" : "IP Address", "IPConflict" : "IP Conflict", "IrisAuto" : "Auto Iris", "IvsGlobalSave" : "Save failed!", "LabelInfoAlarm" : "Info Acquisition", "Language" : "Language", "LargeTruck" : "Heavy Truck", "LastWeek" : "LastWeek", "LDCorrection" : "LDC", "LeaveDetection" : "Leave Post Detection", "LeftCenter" : "Left Center", "LeftToRight" : "Left To Right", "LifePercent" : "Abrasion", "Lighting" : "Light Setting", "LightingConf" : "IR Light Control", "LightWiper" : "Light Wiper", "LinkMode" : "LinkMode", "Local" : "Local Storage", "Locales" : "General Setup", "LogicNo" : "Logic No.", "LogIn" : "Login", "LoginFailureAlarm" : "Illegal Access", "LogOut" : "Logout", "LossDetect" : "Video Loss", "MachineName" : "Name", "MailEnable" : "Send EMAIL", "MainFormat" : "Main Stream", "ManNumDetection" : "In Area No.", "ManStandDetection" : "Stand Detection", "Manual" : "Manual", "ManualPosition" : "Manual Position", "MapTableEnable" : "UPNP mapping Enable", "Mark" : "Mark", "MaxValue" : "Maximum", "Media" : "Media", "MediaGlobal" : "General Settings", "MHardisk" : "Storage", "Microbus" : "Van", "MicroTruck" : "Light Truck", "MidPassengerCar" : "Medium Bus", "MidTruck" : "Medium Truck", "Minute" : "Minute", "MinValue" : "Minimum", "Mirror" : "Mirror", "MMSEnable" : "Message Enable", "Mobile" : "Mobile Configuration", "Mode0" : "Auto", "ModifyGroup" : "Modify Group", "ModifyUser" : "Modify User", "Month" : "Month", "Motorcycle" : "Motorcycle", "MovedDetect" : "Scene Changing", "Multicast" : "Multicast", "MultiVideoSensor" : "Splicing", "Name" : "Channel Name", "NearDistanceDetection" : "Distance Detection", "NetAbort" : "Off-line Event", "NetAlarm" : "Network Alarm", "NetConf" : "Network", "NetIndex" : "Ethernet Card Number", "Network" : "Network Config", "NewGroup" : "New Directory Attribute", "NextFrame" : "NextFrame", "Night" : "Night", "NightOptionsSwitchMode" : "Switch Mode", "None" : "NONE", "Normal" : "Normal", "Number" : "Number", "NvrEncrypt" : "Video Encryption", "OldGroup" : "Old Directory Attribute", "Operateingfailure" : "Operate Failed!", "Operateingsuccess" : "Operate Succeeded!", "OSDSysAbnormal" : "Abnormal", "Other" : "Other", "OverlayTooLong" : "Information overlay is too long.", "OverTime" : "Overtime", "OverVoltage" : "Power Overvoltage", "OverWrite" : "HDD Full", "OverWriteNo" : "Stop", "OverWriteYes" : "Overwrite", "PanoramaCamera1" : "Camera1", "PanoramaCamera2" : "Camera2", "PanoramaCoordinate" : "Panorama Coordinates", "PanoramicTrace" : "Panoramic Tracking", "Partition" : "Partition", "PassengerCar" : "Large Bus", "Passerby" : "Passerby", "Password" : "Password", "Path" : "Path", "Pause" : "Pause", "PhysicNo" : "Physical No.", "Play" : "Play", "PleaseModifySenceOnCameraTab" : "Please configure road scene on the camera condition interface.", "Port" : "Port", "PowerFault" : "Power Alarm", "PowerUp" : "PowerUp", "Preset" : "Preset", "PreviewBlend" : "Preview associated enable", "PrisonerRiseDetection" : "Getting up Detection", "Protocol" : "Protocol Type", "PtzAutoMovement" : "Timing Movement", "PTZCameraCoordinates" : "PTZ Camera Coordinates", "PtzConfig" : "PTZ Settings", "PtzElevation" : "Max Elevation", "PtzFan" : "Fan", "PtzHeater" : "Heater", "PtzHeatMap" : "Heat Map", "PtzLimit" : "PTZ Motion Range", "PtzLink" : "PTZ Settings", "PtzLinkEnable" : "PTZ Activation", "PtzNumberStat" : "People Counting", "PtzPowerLevel" : "Power Consumption Mode", "PtzPowerLevelOn" : "The device is in power saving mode, some of peripheral functions are not enabled temporarily.", "PtzPowerNormal" : "Normal Mode", "PtzPowerSaving" : "Power Saving Mode", "PtzPresetId" : "PTZ Preset Id", "PtzPresetInvalid" : "Preset Invalid", "PtzRecordFull" : "Pattern Full Recorded", "PtzRecordStart" : "Pattern Record...", "PtzRestart" : "PTZ restarting...", "PtzRestartFin" : "PTZ Restart Finished", "PtzSpeed" : "PTZ Speed", "PtzStartFin" : "PTZ has booted up", "PtzStarting" : "PTZ booting up…", "PtzTour" : "Tour", "PtzVoltageNormal" : "Target filter", "PtzVoltageUnusual" : "Voltage Unusual", "PwdReset" : "Password Reset", "QueryLog" : "Log Search", "Quite" : "Quiet", "RainBrush" : "Wiper", "RainBrushConfig" : "Wiper Control", "RainBrushMode" : "Wiper Mode", "RCEmergencyCall" : "Emergency Call", "Reboot" : "Reboot", "RecallConfig" : "Restore factory settings", "Record" : "Record Control", "RecordConf" : "Schedule/Destination", "RecordEnable" : "Record Channel", "RecordLatch" : "Record Delay", "RecordMode" : "Record Mode", "RecordStoragePoint" : "Storage Spot Config.", "Rect" : "Location Change", "Region" : "Region", "RegionName" : "Region Name", "RemoteCtrl" : "Remote Controller", "Resolution" : "Resolution", "Restart" : "Reboot", "Result" : "Result", "RetrogradeDetection" : "Directional Flow Violation Detectionn", "RightCenter" : "Right Center", "RightToLeft" : "Right To Left", "Satu" : "Sat", "Saturation" : "Saturation", "SaveConfig" : "Save Configuration", "Scene" : "Scene", "SDMeasureDistance" : "Image Ranging", "Sensitivity" : "Sensitivity", "SensorRange" : "Sensor Range", "SetCurrentTime" : "Set Time", "SetWorkDirType" : "Set HDD Type", "ShakeDetection" : "Destruction Detect", "ShootingScoreRecognition" : "Shooting Score Recognition", "ShutDown" : "Shutdown/Reboot", "Signalqality" : "Signal Quality", "Slow" : "Slow", "SmartEncode" : "Smart Codec", "SmartTrack" : "Smart Track", "Abort" : "Abort", "Snap" : "Snapshot", "SnapshotEnable" : "Snapshot", "Sound" : "Sound", "Space" : "Space", "SSIDTooLong" : "SSID too long", "StandbyIP" : "Standby IP", "StandbyPort" : "Standby Port", "Start" : "Start", "StartTime" : "Start Time", "StartUp" : "Start up", "State" : "State", "Status" : "Status", "StereoCalibrate" : "Calibration Config", "StopTalk" : "Stop Talk", "StorageFailure" : "SD Card Error", "StorageGlobal" : "Storage Component Global Configuration", "StorageGroup" : "StorageGroup", "StorageHealthAlarm" : "Service Life Warning", "Storage.HealthAlarm" : "Service Life Warning", "StorageLowSpace" : "Scarcity of Storage Space", "StreamAuthority" : "RTSP Authentication Config", "String" : "Watermark", "Succeed!" : "Succeed!", "w_success" : "Success", "Success" : "Success", "Sunny" : "Sunny", "SunTimeError" : "Sunrise and sunset time can not the same time", "SuvMpv" : "suv-mpv", "Syslog" : "Remote Log", "System" : "System", "Time" : "Time", "TimeSection" : "Period", "TopCenter" : "Top Center", "TrackingPTZCamera" : "PTZ Camera", "TrafficSnapshot" : "Traffic Snapshot", "Tricycle" : "Tricycle", "TrustList" : "Allowlist", "Type" : "Type", "UnderVoltage" : "Power Undervoltage", "Unit" : "Unit", "Unknown" : "Unknown", "Upgrade" : "System Upgrade", "UpstairsLine" : "Upstairs Line", "User" : "Account", "UserGlobal" : "ONVIF", "UserName" : "Username", "Vacant" : "Vacant", "VideoAbnormalDetection" : "Video Abnormal", "VideoAnalyseGlobal" : "Video Analyse Global", "VideoAnalyseModule" : "Video Analyse Module", "VideoColor" : "Video Color", "VideoConfig" : "Video/Audio Detection", "VideoEncodeROI" : "ROI", "VideoImageControl" : "Image Control", "VideoInBacklight" : "Backlight", "VideoInDefog" : "Defog", "VideoInDenoise" : "NR", "VideoInFaceAutoExposure" : "Face Exposure", "VideoInFocusOptions" : "Focus Lens Params", "VideoInOptions" : "Camera Attribute", "VideoInPreviewOptions" : "Conditions", "VideoInSceneMode" : "Scene Set", "VideoOut" : "TVOut", "VideoProfile" : "H264 Encode Level", "VideoStandard" : "Video Format", "VideoWaterMark" : "Video Watermark Settings", "VideoWidget" : "Overlay", "VideoWidget2" : "Overlay", "VideoWidgetNumberStat" : "People Counting Overlay", "VideoWidgetNumberPlan" : "People Counting Overlay", "VoiceEnable" : "Audio(Associated Configuration)", "VoltageDetection" : "Voltage Detection", "WHRate" : "W:H", "WideDynamicRange" : "WDR", "WideView" : "Panorama", "Width" : "Video Width", "WIFIConfilctAP" : "Soft AP function will be unavailable when WIFI is enabled", "Window" : "Window", "Wireless" : "Wireless Configuration", "WirelessAlarm" : "Wireless Alarm", "WireLessDevLowPower" : "Low Battery Warning", "WLan" : "WIFI Configuration", "WlanSSIDSearch" : "Search SSID", "Account.LockUser" : "Lock Account", "Account.ModifyContact" : "Modify Contact Info", "Account.ModifyPwd" : "Modify Password", "Account.PwdReset" : "Password Reset", "alarm.videoloss" : "No Video", "alarm_sms.devicename" : "Device", "alarm_sms.inchannel" : "Channel", "alarm_sms.time" : "Time", "alarm_smtp.devicename" : "Alarm Device Name", "alarm_smtp.end" : "end", "alarm_smtp.Host_Address" : "Illegal Access IP", "alarm_smtp.inchannel" : "Alarm Input Channel", "alarm_smtp.matter" : "Alarm Event", "alarm_smtp.senderIP" : "IP Address", "alarm_smtp.starttime" : "Alarm Start Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "alarm_smtp.stoptime" : "Alarm Stop Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "bkup_data.start" : "Start", "bkup_data.stop" : "Stop", "com_str.alarminname" : "Alarm Name", "conf.AutoAdd" : "Auto Allot", "conf.AutoM" : "Auto Mode", "conf.devNum" : "Device Count", "conf.edAdd" : "End Address", "conf.EnvPreV" : "Brightness Prevalue", "conf.Global" : "Global", "conf.LedBri" : "Light Brightness", "conf.LedNo" : "Light Type", "conf.lLed" : "Large Light", "conf.sLed" : "Small Light", "conf.stAdd" : "Start Address", "conf.Steady" : "Steady Light", "conf_out.videolosstitle" : "NO SIGNAL", "conf_tim.weekday" : "Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |All", "Config.exportPackConfig" : "Export Config", "Config.importPackConfig" : "Import Config", "Config.OverlayPicture" : "Overlay Images Upload", "Config.Restore" : "Default", "Disk.Error" : "Disk Error", "File.Access" : "File Access", "FTP.Status" : "FTP.Status", "ivs_traffic.big_car" : "Big Vehicle", "ivs_traffic.break_rules_code" : "Violation Code", "ivs_traffic.car_body" : "Vehicle Body", "ivs_traffic.car_length" : "Vehicle Length", "ivs_traffic.car_speed" : "Speed", "ivs_traffic.car_way" : "Lane", "ivs_traffic.certificate_num" : "Verification Certificate Number", "ivs_traffic.checkupUnit" : "Verification Division", "ivs_traffic.counterfeitCode" : "Anti-counterfeiting code", "ivs_traffic.deadTime" : "Verification Validity Period", "ivs_traffic.DevSn" : "Device SN", "ivs_traffic.limit_speedBottom" : "Low Speed Limit", "ivs_traffic.limit_speedTop" : "High Speed Limit", "ivs_traffic.over_speed_rate" : "Overspeed Ratio", "ivs_traffic.plate_color" : "License Plate", "ivs_traffic.red_light" : "Red Light", "ivs_traffic.red_light_persist" : "After red light", "ivs_traffic.serchAddress" : "Search Website", "ivs_traffic.small_car" : "Small Vehicle", "ivs_traffic.trigger_source" : "Trigger Source", "ivs_traffic.vehicle_sign" : "Vehicle Logo", "ivs_traffic.vehicle_type_title" : "Vehicle Type", "ivs_traffic.yellow_light" : "Yellow Light", "NFS.Status" : "NAS.status", "SD.Error" : "SD card error", "Security.SessionBlasting" : "Session Blasting", "Security.SessionHijacking" : "Session Hijacking", "Storage.ClearWorkDir" : "Format", "Storage.HotPlug" : "Hot Swap", "Storage.SetWorkDirGroup" : "Set work directory group", "Storage.Unmount" : "Unmount SD Card", "System.Upgrade" : "System Upgrade", "End" : "End", "VSP_PaaS" : "P2P", "_DHCloudUpgradeRecord_" : "Cloud Upgrade Record", "Account.ModifyPwd" : "Modify Password", "alarm.videoloss" : "No Video", "alarm_sms.devicename" : "Device", "alarm_sms.inchannel" : "Channel", "alarm_sms.time" : "Time", "alarm_smtp.devicename" : "Alarm Device Name", "alarm_smtp.inchannel" : "Alarm Input Channel", "alarm_smtp.matter" : "Alarm Event", "alarm_smtp.senderIP" : "IP Address", "alarm_smtp.starttime" : "Alarm Start Time(D/M/Y H:M:S)", "AlarmOutLatch" : "Alarm Delay", "Audio_Channel" : "Audio Channel", "AuthRmtDevice" : "Camera", "bkup_data.start" : "Start", "bkup_data.stop" : "Stop", "COM_EXALARM" : "Alarm Box", "conf.AutoM" : "Auto Mode", "conf.devNum" : "Device Count", "conf.EnvPreV" : "Brightness Prevalue", "conf.Global" : "Global", "conf.LedBri" : "Light Brightness", "conf.LedNo" : "Light Type", "conf.lLed" : "Large Light", "conf.sLed" : "Small Light", "conf.stAdd" : "Start Address", "conf.Steady" : "Steady Light", "conf_out.videolosstitle" : "NO SIGNAL", "conf_tim.weekday" : "Sun |Mon |Tue |Wed |Thu |Fri |Sat |All", "DeviceName" : "Name", "Disk.Error" : "Disk Error", "EnterOver" : "Enters", "EventStop" : "Event End", "FTP.Status" : "FTP.Status", "Health_Test" : "Health_Test", "Host_Address" : "Illegal Access IP", "m_connected" : "Connected", "m_connecting" : "Connection", "m_connecto" : "Connect To", "m_keyindex" : "Password Index", "m_password" : "Input Password", "m_security" : "Authentication Manner", "Mail_Test" : "Mail_Test", "med.CheckAllRecoTip" : "It may cause unsmooth or incomplete video when recording in both channels.", "Sex" : "Gender", "Mode1" : "Manual", "Monitor_02" : "Preview 2", "Monitor_03" : "Preview 3", "Monitor_04" : "Preview 4", "NFS.Status" : "NAS.status", "PtzDevice" : "Analog PTZ", "PtzPreset" : "Preset", "PU_address" : "PU Address Code", "Replay_02" : "Playback 2", "Replay_03" : "Playback 3", "Replay_04" : "Playback 4", "SD.Error" : "SD card error", "Storage.ClearWorkDir" : "Format", "Storage.HotPlug" : "Hot Swap", "Storage.SetWorkDirGroup" : "Set work directory group", "Storage.Unmount" : "Unmount SD Card", "VideoInputConfig" : "Conditions", "w_Connection" : "Contact Way", "appEventAnalogAlarm" : "Data Acquisition", "appEvent_LabelInfoAlarm_" : "Info Acquisition", "appEventAlarmAudio" : "Audio Detection", "appEventAlarmInfrared" : "Wireless Alarm", "appEventAlarmLocal" : "Local Alarm", "appEventBatteryLowSpace" : "Inadequate Battery", "appEventClimbDetection" : "Climbing Detection", "appEventFireDetection" : "Fire Detection", "appEventHddNumber" : "Disk Number", "appEventIntellDetect" : "Intelligent Detect", "appEventLabelInfoAlarm" : "Info Acquisition", "appEventLeaveDetection" : "Leave Post Detection", "appEventManStandDetection" : "Stand Detection", "appEventNetAbort" : "Off-line Event", "appEventOverVoltage" : "Power Overvoltage", "appEventPrisonerRiseDetection" : "Getting up Detection", "appEventRetrogradeDetection" : "Directional Flow Violation Detectionn", "appEventSceneChange" : "Scene Changing", "appEventShakeDetection" : "Destruction Detect", "appEventStorageFailure" : "Disk Error", "appEventStorageHealthAlarm" : "Service Life Warning", "appEventStorageLowSpace" : "Inadequate Disk Space", "appEventStorageNotExist" : "No Disk", "appEventTemperatureHigh" : "Temperature is over high", "appEventTrafficParking" : "Illegal Parking", "appEventUnderVoltage" : "Power Undervoltage", "appEventVideoLoss" : "Video Loss", "appEventVideoMotion" : "Motion Detection", "DHRS" : "Peripheral Config", "Wire802_1X" : "802.1x", "VSP_GAYS" : "GAYS", "Ptz" : "PTZ", "BUS" : "BUS", "Device" : "Device Name", "NTP" : "NTP Setting", "DVRIP" : "Protocal Configuration", "LoginFailure" : "Illegal Access", "ivs_MotorVehicle" : "Motor Vehicle", "ivs_NoMotorVehicle" : "Non-motor Vehicle", "Calibrate Region" : "Calibrate Region", "Detect Region" : "Detect Region", "DownstairsLine" : "Downstairs Line", "Drawing is completed!" : "Drawing is completed!", "Exclude Region" : "Exclude Region", "OCX_Exclude region reached upper limit." : "The excluded zone No. has reached threshold.", "OCX_MainDirection" : "Main Direction", "Please draw lane" : "Please draw lane line", "Please draw line" : "Please draw the line.", "Please draw rect" : "Please draw rect.", "Please draw region" : "Please draw a region.", "Please draw shape" : "Please draw now.", "Region" : "Region", "resource is limited, open video failed!" : "Resource is limited, open video failed!", "Region borders can't be crossing! R-click then Redraw!" : "Region borders can't be crossing! R-click then Redraw!", "Rule isn't enable!" : "Rule isn't enable!", "Track Region" : "Track Region", "Unknown" : "Unknown", "UpstairsLine" : "Upstairs Line", "w_DetectLine" : "DetectLine", "w_lane" : "lane", "w_lineleft" : "Left", "w_lineRight" : "Right", "w_No" : "No", "w_Yes" : "Yes", "Stop" : "Stop", "w_Refresh" : "Refresh", "No Play right!" : "No Play Right!", "No video" : "No Signal", "snfLevel" : "Advanced 2D", "w_failure" : "Failure", "W_focus" : "Focus", "tnfLevel" : "Advanced 3D", "advanceDenoise" : "Advanced NR", "recoveryTime" : "AE Recovery", "lightMode" : "Airlight Mode", "irisFirst" : "Aperture Priority", "Auto" : "Auto", "w_Auto" : "Auto", "w_Automatic" : "Auto", "w_measureDistanceOutViewRange" : "Beyond 500m", "chromaSuppress" : "Chroma CNT", "correction" : "Correction", "zfDigitalZoom" : "Digital Zoom", "disable" : "Disable", "duration" : "Duration", "w_ImageStabilization" : "EIS", "electron" : "Electrical", "enable" : "Enable", "compensation" : "Exposure Comp", "farLight" : "FarLight", "farLightAngle" : "FarLight Angle", "zfFocusLimit" : "Focus Limit", "gainFirst" : "Gain Priority", "w_Gamma" : "Gamma", "positionABS" : "Go to", "grade" : "Grade", "w_GlareInhibition" : "HLC", "hours" : "hour(s)", "ICR" : "ICR", "idleMotion" : "Idle Motion", "irisScope" : "Iris", "w_laserLightIntensity" : "Laser Intensity", "lensInit" : "Lens Initialization", "middleLightAngle" : "Middle Light Angle", "minutes" : "minute(s)", "naturalLight" : "Natural", "nearLight" : "NearLight", "outdoorAutomatic" : "Outdoor Auto", "autoPan" : "Pan", "patternNumber" : "Pattern No.", "picture" : "Picture", "imageFreeze" : "Picture Freeze", "powerUp" : "PowerUp", "ptzRestart" : "PTZ Restart", "ptzSpeed" : "PTZ Speed", "w_measureDistanceCannotMeasure" : "Ranging Unavailable", "scanNumber" : "Scan No.", "semiAuto" : "Semi Auto", "apertureRestrain" : "Sharpness CNT", "shutter" : "Shutter", "slowSpeed" : "Shutter Limit", "shutterFirst" : "Shutter Priority", "slowAutoExposure" : "Slow Exposure", "slowShutter" : "Slow Shutter", "sodium" : "Sodium Lamp", "sodiumAutomatic" : "Sodium Lamp Auto", "speed" : "Speed", "streetLamp" : "Street Lamp", "timeTask" : "Time Task", "Tour" : "Tour", "w_Auto-Tour" : "Tour", "tourName" : "Tour Name", "tourNumber" : "Tour No.", "w_FlipExMode" : "View Angle Mode", "w_Zoom" : "Zoom", "zfZoomSpeed" : "Zoom Speed", "zoomPrio" : "ZoomPrio", "w_noFlipEx" : "0°", "autoFocusTrace" : "PFA", "w_high" : "High", "w_FlipEx" : "Flip", "w_laserLightAngle" : "Laser Angle", "w_low" : "Low", "w_RainBrush" : "Wiper", "w_Set" : "Setup", "w_simulate485PtzSet" : "Analog PTZ", "w_Camera Setup" : "Camera", "w_Iris" : "Iris", "Odd" : "Odd", "w_Delete" : "Delete", "w_Exposure Mode" : "Exposure", "w_outdoor" : "Outdoor", "w_GainScope" : "Gain", "w_OutdeviceManage" : "Peripheral", "w_Sysmanager" : "System", "Right Limit" : "Set Right Limit", "Left Limit" : "Set Left Limit", "w_Set Pattern" : "Set Pattern", "w_Default Setting" : "Default", "w_Address" : "Address", "w_System Info" : "Information", "pt_Start Record" : "Start Rec", "w_Intensity" : "Intensity", "pt_Stop Record" : "Stop Rec", "w_CostomDifsec" : "Customized Range", "w_TimeSec" : "Time Range", "w_KmScope" : "Shutter", "w_Flip180Ex" : "180°", "w_3DdepressLevel" : "3D NR Level", "w_IRLight" : "Illuminator", "w_FarLight1" : "Far light 1", "w_FarLight2" : "Far light 2", "w_FarLight3" : "Far light 3", "w_FarLight4" : "Far light 4", "w_NearLight1" : "Near light 1", "w_NearLight2" : "Near light 2", "w_NearLight3" : "Near light 3", "w_NearLight4" : "Near light 4", "w_Manual" : "Manual", "w_Middle" : "Middle", "W_FocusZoom" : "Focus & Zoom", "w_Minute" : "Min.", "w_Mode" : "Mode", "w_DefogMode" : "Defog Mode", "w_Backlight" : "BLC", "w_Pattern" : "Pattern", "w_ExposureTime" : "Low Motion Blur", "off" : "Off", "w_BeginTime" : "Start Time", "w_EndTime" : "End Time", "w_Preset" : "Preset", "FJDXJT_Reboot" : "Reboot", "w_3DdepressNoise" : "3D NR", "w_DefaultConfig" : "Default", "w_Gainfirst" : "Low Noise", "w_Auto-Scan" : "Scan", "DayNightChangeTip" : "Day&Night Config has been Changed, Now refreshing..", "w_Sensitivity" : "Sensitivity", "w_Timing" : "Timing", "w_temperature" : "Temperature", "w_IntervalTime" : "Interval Time", "w_title" : "Title", "w_Once" : "Once", "w_Goto Preset" : "Go to", "w_Baudrate" : "Baud Rate", "w_ptzfan" : "Fan", "w_Parity" : "Parity", "w_Ptz Version" : "PTZ Version", "w_Software Version" : "Software Version", "w_Focus" : "Focus", "w_wide" : "Zoom out", "w_tele" : "Zoom in", "w_flowrate" : "People Counting", "Generate WideView Failed,Please stop" : "Failed to generate panorama view! Please stop", "ivs.appEventTrafficJam" : "Traffic Jam", "Generate WideView Failed!" : "Please click the button to generate panoramic view!", "ivs.DrawCountArea" : "Draw Area", "ivs.PleaseDrawCountArea" : "Please draw statistics area!", "NONE" : "NONE", "emptyTour" : "The tour does not contain any preset!", "w_Download" : "Download", "w_Reset" : "Reset", "GOTO" : "Go to", "w_maxEnter" : "Enter No.", "w_maxLeave" : "Leave No.", "w_Time" : "Time", "sys.scmVersion" : "SCM Version", "per.rainfallSelfCheck" : "Rainfall Self-check", "adv.PictureDisplay" : "Image Display", "adv.PointTemp" : "Point Temperature", "adv.PointGreyLevel" : "Point Gray Scale", "adv.CavityTemp" : "Camera Module Temp", "adv.TECTemp" : "TEC Temperature", "adv.BoardTemp" : "Circuit Board Temperature", "adv.CalculateTemp" : "Calculate Temperature", "adv.DiffValue" : "Difference Value", "adv.PosteriorTemp" : "Device Internal Temp", "adv.BaseTempDiff" : "Base Temperature Deviation Value", "adv.BaseTemp" : "Base Temperature", "adv.FFCSwitch" : "Shutter Switch", "adv.DataCollect" : "Data Acquisition", "adv.CompensationDebug" : "Compensation Debug", "adv.BaseTempCompensation" : "Base Temperature Compensation", "adv.Segment" : "Number of segments", "adv.Subsection" : "Value of each subsection (separated by comma)", "adv.DistanceCompensation" : "Distance Compensation", "adv.TempDriftCompensation" : "Temperature Drift Compensation", "adv.ftLowHt1" : "Temp of short range high temp black body (low temp zone)", "adv.ftLowLt1" : "Temp of short range low temp black body (low temp zone)", "adv.ftLowHt2" : "Temp of long range high temp black body (low temp zone)", "adv.ftLowLt2" : "Temp of long range low temp black body (low temp zone)", "adv.ftHighHt1" : "Temp of short range high temp black body (high temp zone)", "adv.ftHighLt1" : "Temp of short range low temp black body (high temp zone)", "adv.ftHighHt2" : "Temp of long range high temp black body (high temp zone)", "adv.ftHighLt2" : "Temp of long range low temp black body (high temp zone)", "adv.ftLd" : "Short Range", "adv.ftHd" : "Long Range", "adv.lowTempDrift" : "Temp drift value of low temp zone", "adv.highTempDrift" : "Temp drift value of high temp zone", "adv.LowTempGear" : "Low Temperature Zone", "adv.HighTempGear" : "High Temperature Zone", "adv.PoweroOffManualTip" : "Please cut off power manually after it is saved.", "com.Vertical" : "Vertical", "com.GOTO" : "Go to", "com.Event" : "Event", "sys.ResetFailTip" : "Password reset failed, please try again!", "ivs.ScaleGround" : "Ground", "net.HttpsRiskTip" : "Disabling HTTPS may be at risk. Continue?", "com.Add" : "Add", "ivs.WDFireConflictTip" : "True WDR and fire detection are mutually excluded, both of which can't be enabled simultaneously!", "ivs.InAreaNum" : "Regional Number Statistics Alarm", "ivs.StandedAlarm" : "Stranding Alarm", "ivs.StandedTime" : "Stranding Time", "ivs.DrawDetectRegion" : "Draw Detection Region", "ivs.DurationToDisappeared" : "Continue till object disappears", "com.ForceClear" : "Clear Password", "SDEncry.ForceClear" : "Clear Password", "SDEncrypt.ClearPassword" : "Clear Password", "sto.SDEncryptPlaybackTip" : "It needs to make sure SD card is authenticated before enabling playback function.", "sto.SDEncryptRecordTip" : "It needs to make sure SD card is authenticated before enabling recording function.", "net.UnAuthorised" : "Unauthenticated", "med.smokeDetector" : "Smoke Detector Alarm", "com.SmokeConcen" : "Smoke Concentration", "com.Voltage" : "Voltage", "com.SmokeTime" : "Operating Life", "com.SmokePollute" : "Pollution Level", "com.SmokeState" : "Smoke Detector Status", "com.Smokelocal" : "Geographical Location", "com.SmokeAlarm" : "Smoke Detector Alarm", "com.SmokeComAlarm" : "Smoke Concentration Prewarning Value", "com.TemperComAlarm" : "Temperature Prewarning Value", "com.TemperAlarm" : "Temperature Alarm Value", "com.EraseInterval" : "Sound Elimination Interval", "com.CompensationInterval" : "Compensation Interval", "com.SmokeSensitivity" : "Smoke Detection Sensitivity", "com.CoordinatesSwitch" : "Coordinate Modification", "CoordinatesSwitch" : "Coordinate Modification", "net.NoAuthentication" : "Non-authentication", "net.Basic64Authentication" : "Basic 64 Authentication", "net.DigestAuthentication" : "Digest Authentication", "sto.ResidualLife" : "Remaining Life", "pfm.SameIP" : "It is not allowed to set the same IP.", "pfm.PlatformAccess" : "Security Information and Capability Platform", "pfm.CityDataCenter" : "City Data Center", "pfm.SituationalPlatform" : "Situational Awareness Platform", "VSP_PreceptionPlatform" : "Security Information and Capability Platform Module Config", "med.remoteErasure" : "Remote Sound Elimination", "com.SmokeSensor" : "Smoke Sensor", "ivs.DregsCar" : "Construction Truck", "ivs.ConcreteMixerTruck" : "Mixer Truck", "ivs.FileParameter" : "File Parameter", "ivs.IllegalRuleOfTypeEx" : "Illegal Rule Type", "appEventExTrafficParking" : "Illegal Parking", "appEventExTrafficOverLine" : "Driving on Solid Line", "appEventExTrafficRetrograde" : "Wrong-way Driving", "appEventExTrafficU-Turn" : "Illegal U Turn", "appEventExTrafficCrossLane" : "Illegal Lane Changing", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInBusRoute" : "Vehicle in Lane", "appEventExTrafficBacking" : "Illegal Reversing", "ivs.IllegalRuleCodeEx" : "Illegal Rule Code", "ivs.IllegalRuleShowNameEx" : "Illegal Rule Display Name", "ivs.IllegalParkingInformationEx" : "Illegal Parking Description Info", "ivs.CompoundOrder6" : "Compound Order of 6 Pictures", "ivs.CompoundOrder5" : "Compound Order of 5 Pictures", "ivs.UploadingIllegalVideoEx" : "Upload Violation Video", "ivs.AudioParameter" : "Audio Parameter", "ivs.SenceOrRuleNoPicture" : "It uploads no pictures in this scene or rule.", "ivs.TitleBit63" : "Violation Type", "ivs.PriorModeTip" : "Tour priority mode is only valid to illegal parking.", "ivs.ParkingCodeEx" : "Illegal Parking Code", "ivs.ParkingNameEx" : "Illegal Parking Display Name", "ivs.Zoom" : "Zoom Snapshot", "ivs.JamLine" : "Congestion Threshold", "ivs.JamWarnValue" : "Alarm Threshold", "ivs.WvTip1" : "The device fails to enable smart function and panoramic PTZ function at the same time, panoramic PTZ function will be disabled if smart function is enabled.", "ivs.NormalSence" : "General Scene", "ivs.FaceRecognition" : "Face Detection", "com.CheckAll" : "Select All", "ivs.LeftOrRightAngle" : "Left/Right Angle", "ivs.DetectBalance" : "Leak Detection and False Detection Balance Mode", "ivs.WvTip2" : "The device fails to enable smart function and panoramic PTZ function at the same time, smart function will be disabled if panoramic PTZ function is enabled.", "ivs.BackgroundColor" : "Background Color", "ivs.VideoStructrue" : "Video Metadata", "ivs.PeopleDetect" : "People Detection", "com.People" : "People", "StereoFightDetection" : "Violence Detection", "net.streamMaximumDelay" : "Current video play experience is quite poor, please download and play.", "med.notSupportAudioType" : "It fails to support current audio config.", "com.HourReportErrorTip" : "Hour report data will be kept for one week!", "CalibrateMatrix" : "Calibration Config", "FovCalibration" : "Field Angle Calibration", "com.TVOutRotateWDRSSA" : "Analog output, flip mode, WDR or scene auto adaptive cannot be enabled at the same time.", "ptz.IdlePosition" : "Idle Position", "com.SdCardLife" : "SD Card Longevity Warning", "ivs.IdlePreset" : "Idle Preset", "ivs.IdleTimeSet" : "Idle Time Setting", "ivs.TrackingObjectSize" : "Tracking Target Size Ratio", "ivs.TrackingTime" : "Tracking Duration", "ivs.MotorVehicleSnap" : "Motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.NoMotorVehicleSnap" : "Non-motor Vehicle Snapshot", "Italian" : "Italian", "Russian" : "Russian", "French" : "French", "German" : "German", "Polish" : "Polish", "Korean" : "Korean", "Farsi" : "Persian", "Dutch" : "Dutch", "Arabic" : "Arabic", "appEventExTrafficParkingB" : "Illegal Parking B", "appEventExTrafficParkingC" : "Illegal Parking C", "appEventExTrafficParkingD" : "Illegal Parking D", "ivs.levelRatio" : "Horizontal Ratio After Positioning", "com.pixel" : "Pixel", "com.Splice" : "Splicing", "com.PeopleNum" : "Number of people", "ivs.MainColor" : "Color of car body and licence plate", "ivs.CarText" : "Plate number and vehicle model", "ivs.CarLogoIndex" : "Car Logo Index", "ivs.BrandYear" : "Vehicle Model and Year", "ivs.Smoking" : "Smoke", "ivs.FaceFlag" : "Human face or no.", "ivs.MotorVehicleSnap" : "Motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.NoMotorVehicleSnap" : "Non-motor Vehicle Snapshot", "ivs.Pendant" : "Pendant", "ivs.PerfumeBox" : "Perfume Box", "ivs.TissueBox" : "Tissue Box", "med.autoSwitchEncodeMode" : "It has auto switched to substream for better video playing experience.", "med.openExtraStream" : "It is recommended to enable substream for better video playing experience.", "com.PtzLimitSetting" : "PTZ Limit Setting", "com.HistoryOn" : "Continue", "med.FirePointMode" : "Firepoint Wait Mode", "StereoApproachDetection" : "People Approach Detection", "StereoAbnormalCountDetection" : "People No. Error Detection", "ivs.AlarmCount" : "Alarm People Amount", "ivs.DistanceThreshold" : "Spacing Threshold", "com.Duration" : "Duration", "ivs.Add" : "Add", "com.WillAdjust" : "Will be adjusted to", "SceneSnapShotWithRule" : "Scene Snapshot Config", "TrafficSnapMosaic" : "Snapshot Synthesis Config", "VideoAnalyseCalibrate" : "Video Analysis Global Config", "TrafficGlobal" : "Traffic Global Config", "OSD" : "Snapshot OSD Config", "TrafficRecord" : "Illegal U-turn Config", "SDTrafficSnapshot" : "PTZ Traffic Snapshot Config", "ivs.StayTimeThreshold" : "Dwell Time Threshold", "appEventDistanceDetection" : "People Approach Detection", "appEventStayDetection" : "Stay Detection", "appEventTailDetection" : "Tail Detection", "appEventTumbleDetection" : "Fall Detection", "appEventFightDetection" : "Violence Detection", "com.Bigger" : "Greater than", "com.Smaller" : "Less than", "com.Equal" : "Equal to", "com.Unequal" : "Unequal to", "sys.SafeBaseVersion" : "Security Baseline Version", "ivs.OverFaceMax" : "It has exceeded the max capacity of face database, stop adding.", "com.EnablePlanAndRuleTip" : "Please enable the smart plan and make sure at least one rule is enabled!", "ivs.RegionNameNotSame" : "Region name cannot be the same!", "ivs.NonPresetManualIntel" : "Non Preset Manual Intelligence", "ivs.PresetOrRuleNoPic" : "No picture uploaded in this preset or rule.", "ivs.SmartCalibrate" : "Smart Calibration", "com.Degree" : "Degree", "ivs.ReferenceHeight" : "Reference Height", "com.ChooseCoordinate" : "Select Coordinate", "com.ConfirmCorrect" : "Confirm correction?", "ivs.ParkCapture" : "Illegal Parking Capture", "ivs.FileParam" : "File Parameter", "ivs.VehicleCardsCalibrateMode" : "License Plate Calibration Mode", "ivs.ManualCalibrate" : "Manual Calibration", "ivs.LevelRatio" : "Horizontal Ratio After Positioning", "ivs.VehicleLaneConfig" : "Lane Config", "itc.CarWayType" : "Lane Type", "itc.MiddleLine" : "Middle Line", "ivs.PicParaSetting" : "Picture Parameter Setting", "ivs.LocalSave" : "Local Save", "ivs.RuleParams" : "Rule Parameter", "ivs.ZoomGetEvidence" : "Zoom and Collect Evidence", "ivs.UploadViolationVideo" : "Upload Violation Video Footage", "ivs.PrivatePicReplace" : "Private Picture Replace", "ivs.LongestCaptureIntervalTip" : "Second (600s~3600s), it is valid in tour priority mode.", "ivs.SnapPicAndMergPicSetting" : "Snapshot and Picture Synthesis Setting", "ivs.MotorLane" : "Motor Vehicle Lane", "itc.NonMotorLane" : "Non-motor Vehicle Lane", "itc.NormalLane" : "General Lane", "itc.BusLane" : "Bus Lane", "ivs.OsdOption" : "OSD Option", "ivs.VehicleCardsCalibrate" : "License Plate Calibration", "ivs.BodyProportion" : "Vehicle Body Proportion after Zoom", "ivs.IllegalVideo" : "Violation Video", "ivs.UploadIllegalVideo" : "Upload violation video (FTP upload, needs to be equipped with SD card)", "sto.RecStorageOriginalPicName" : "Original Picture and Storage Path Naming", "com.FontAttr" : "Font Attribute", "com.CustomOsd" : "Custom Overlay", "com.FlowrateDisableCustomosdTip" : "Custom overlay will be disabled after people counting is enabled.", "com.CustomosdDisableFlowrateTip" : "People counting will be disabled after custom overlay is enabled.", "ivs.HumanTraitFlowStat" : "People Flow Statistics", "ivs.FaceAttribute" : "Face Attribute", "ivs.HumanAttribute" : "Human Body Attribute", "ivs.CarAttribute" : "Vehicle Attribute", "ivs.NoMotorAttribute" : "Non-motor Vehicle Attribute", "ivs.NonMotorDetectFlowStat" : "Non-motor Vehicle Flow Statistics", "NFS connect successed" : "NFS connected successfully.", "NFS connect failed" : "Failed to connect to NFS.", "ivs.ExitCheck" : "Exit Verification", "_ScenicSpot_" : "AR Label", "com.PleaseLoadPlugin" : "Plugin unloaded, please load plugin first!", "com.PleaseSelect" : "Please select…", "com.Selected" : "It has selected # items", "com.ShadowGreen" : "Green Gradient", "sys.ImportSameSensor" : "*It only supports config import of same number of sensors and same start sensor.", "sys.(UTC-12:00)InternationalDateLineWest" : "(UTC-12:00) International Date Line West", "sys.(UTC-11:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime-11" : "(UTC-11:00) Coordinated Universal Time -11", "sys.(UTC-10:00)AleutianIslands" : "(UTC-10:00) Aleutian Islands", "sys.(UTC-10:00)Hawaii" : "(UTC-10:00) Hawaii", "sys.(UTC-09:30)MarquesasIslands" : "(UTC-09:30) Marquesas Islands", "sys.(UTC-09:00)Alaska" : "(UTC-09:00) Alaska", "sys.(UTC-09:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime-09" : "(UTC-09:00) Coordinated Universal Time -09", "sys.(UTC-08:00)BajaCalifornia" : "(UTC-08:00) Baja California", "sys.(UTC-08:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime-08" : "(UTC-08:00) Coordinated Universal Time -08", "sys.(UTC-08:00)PacificTime(US&Canada)" : "(UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)", "sys.(UTC-07:00)Arizona" : "(UTC-07:00) Arizona", "sys.(UTC-07:00)Chihuahua,LaPaz,Mazatlan" : "(UTC-07:00) Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan", "sys.(UTC-07:00)MountainTime(US&Canada)" : "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)", "sys.(UTC-06:00)CentralAmerica" : "(UTC-06:00) Central America", "sys.(UTC-06:00)CentralTime(US&Canada)" : "(UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)", "sys.(UTC-06:00)EasterIsland" : "(UTC-06:00) Easter Island", "sys.(UTC-06:00)Guadalajara,MexicoCity,Monterrey" : "(UTC-06:00) Guadalajara, Mexico City, Monterrey", "sys.(UTC-06:00)Saskatchewan" : "(UTC-06:00) Saskatchewan", "sys.(UTC-05:00)Bogota,Lima,Quito,RioBranco" : "(UTC-05:00) Bogota, Lima, Quito, Rio Branco", "sys.(UTC-05:00)Chetumal" : "(UTC-05:00) Chetumal", "sys.(UTC-05:00)EasternTime(US&Canada)" : "(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)", "sys.(UTC-05:00)Haiti" : "(UTC-05:00) Haiti", "sys.(UTC-05:00)Havana" : "(UTC-05:00) Havana", "sys.(UTC-05:00)Indiana(East)" : "(UTC-05:00) Indiana (East)", "sys.(UTC-04:30)Caracas" : "(UTC-04:30) Caracas", "sys.(UTC-04:00)Asuncion" : "(UTC-04:00) Asuncion", "sys.(UTC-04:00)AtlanticTime(Canada)" : "(UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)", "sys.(UTC-04:00)Caracas" : "(UTC-04:00) Caracas", "sys.(UTC-04:00)Cuiaba" : "(UTC-04:00) Cuiaba", "sys.(UTC-04:00)Georgetown,LaPaz,Manaus,SanJuan" : "(UTC-04:00) Georgetown, La Paz, Manaus, San Juan", "sys.(UTC-04:00)Santiago" : "(UTC-04:00) Santiago", "sys.(UTC-04:00)TurksandCaicos" : "(UTC-04:00) Turks and Caicos", "sys.(UTC-03:30)Newfoundland" : "(UTC-03:30) Newfoundland", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Araguaina" : "(UTC-03:00) Araguaina", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Brasilia" : "(UTC-03:00) Brasilia", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Cayenne,Fortaleza" : "(UTC-03:00) Cayenne, Fortaleza", "sys.(UTC-03:00)CityofBuenosAires" : "(UTC-03:00) City of Buenos Aires", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Greenland" : "(UTC-03:00) Greenland", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Montevideo" : "(UTC-03:00) Montevideo", "sys.(UTC-03:00)SaintPierreandMiquelon" : "(UTC-03:00) Saint Pierre and Miquelon", "sys.(UTC-03:00)Salvador" : "(UTC-03:00) Salvador", "sys.(UTC-02:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime-02" : "(UTC-02:00) Coordinated Universal Time -02", "sys.(UTC-01:00)Azores" : "(UTC-01:00) Azores", "sys.(UTC-01:00)CaboVerdeIs." : "(UTC-01:00) Cabo Verde Is.", "sys.(UTC)CoordinatedUniversalTime" : "(UTC) Coordinated Universal Time", "sys.(UTC+00:00)Casablanca" : "(UTC+00:00) Casablanca", "sys.(UTC+00:00)Dublin,Edinburgh,Lisbon,London" : "(UTC+00:00) Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon, London", "sys.(UTC+00:00)Monrovia,Reykjavik" : "(UTC+00:00) Monrovia, Reykjavik", "sys.(UTC+01:00)Amsterdam,Berlin,Bern,Rome,Stockholm,Vienna" : "(UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna", "sys.(UTC+01:00)Belgrade,Bratislava,Budapest,Ljubljana,Prague" : "(UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague", "sys.(UTC+01:00)Brussels,Copenhagen,Madrid,Paris" : "(UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris", "sys.(UTC+01:00)Sarajevo,Skopje,Warsaw,Zagreb" : "(UTC+01:00) Sarajevo, Skopje, Warsaw, Zagreb", "sys.(UTC+01:00)WestCentralAfrica" : "(UTC+01:00) West Central Africa", "sys.(UTC+01:00)Windhoek" : "(UTC+01:00) Windhoek", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Amman" : "(UTC+02:00) Amman", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Athens,Bucharest" : "(UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Beirut" : "(UTC+02:00) Beirut", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Cairo" : "(UTC+02:00) Cairo", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Chisinau" : "(UTC+02:00) Chisinau", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Damascus" : "(UTC+02:00) Damascus", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Gaza,Hebron" : "(UTC+02:00) Gaza, Hebron", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Harare,Pretoria" : "(UTC+02:00) Harare, Pretoria", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Helsinki,Kyiv,Riga,Sofia,Tallinn,Vilnius" : "(UTC+02:00) Helsinki, Kyiv, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Vilnius", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Jerusalem" : "(UTC+02:00) Jerusalem", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Kaliningrad" : "(UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad", "sys.(UTC+02:00)Tripoli" : "(UTC+02:00) Tripoli", "sys.(UTC+02:00)E.Europe" : "(UTC+02:00) E. Europe", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Baghdad" : "(UTC+03:00) Baghdad", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Istanbul" : "(UTC+03:00) Istanbul", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Kuwait,Riyadh" : "(UTC+03:00) Kuwait, Riyadh", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Minsk" : "(UTC+03:00) Minsk", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Moscow,St.Petersburg,Volgograd" : "(UTC+03:00) Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd", "sys.(UTC+03:00)Nairobi" : "(UTC+03:00) Nairobi", "sys.(UTC+03:30)Tehran" : "(UTC+03:30) Tehran", "sys.(UTC+04:00)AbuDhabi,Muscat" : "(UTC+04:00) Abu Dhabi, Muscat", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Astrakhan,Ulyanovsk" : "(UTC+04:00) Astrakhan, Ulyanovsk", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Baku" : "(UTC+04:00) Baku", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Izhevsk,Samara" : "(UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara", "sys.(UTC+04:00)PortLouis" : "(UTC+04:00) Port Louis", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Saratov" : "(UTC+04:00) Saratov", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Tbilisi" : "(UTC+04:00) Tbilisi", "sys.(UTC+04:00)Yerevan" : "(UTC+04:00) Yerevan", "sys.(UTC+04:30)Kabul" : "(UTC+04:30) Kabul", "sys.(UTC+05:00)Ashgabat,Tashkent" : "(UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent", "sys.(UTC+05:00)Ekaterinburg" : "(UTC+05:00) Ekaterinburg", "sys.(UTC+05:00)Islamabad,Karachi" : "(UTC+05:00) Islamabad, Karachi", "sys.(UTC+05:30)Chennai,Kolkata,Mumbai,NewDelhi" : "(UTC+05:30) Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi", "sys.(UTC+05:30)SriJayawardenepura" : "(UTC+05:30) Sri Jayawardenepura", "sys.(UTC+05:45)Kathmandu" : "(UTC+05:45) Kathmandu", "sys.(UTC+06:00)Astana" : "(UTC+06:00) Astana", "sys.(UTC+06:00)Dhaka" : "(UTC+06:00) Dhaka", "sys.(UTC+06:00)Omsk" : "(UTC+06:00) Omsk", "sys.(UTC+06:30)Yangon(Rangoon)" : "(UTC+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Bangkok,Hanoi,Jakarta" : "(UTC+07:00) Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Barnaul,Gorno-Altaysk" : "(UTC+07:00) Barnaul, Gorno-Altaysk", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Hovd" : "(UTC+07:00) Hovd", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Krasnoyarsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Novosibirsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Novosibirsk", "sys.(UTC+07:00)Tomsk" : "(UTC+07:00) Tomsk", "sys.(UTC+08:00)Beijing,Chongqing,HongKong,Urumqi" : "(UTC+08:00) Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi", "sys.(UTC+08:00)Irkutsk" : "(UTC+08:00) Irkutsk", "sys.(UTC+08:00)KualaLumpur,Singapore" : "(UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore", "sys.(UTC+08:00)Perth" : "(UTC+08:00) Perth", "sys.(UTC+08:00)Taipei" : "(UTC+08:00) Taipei", "sys.(UTC+08:00)Ulaanbaatar" : "(UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar", "sys.(UTC+08:30)Pyongyang" : "(UTC+08:30) Pyongyang", "sys.(UTC+08:45)Eucla" : "(UTC+08:45) Eucla", "sys.(UTC+09:00)Chita" : "(UTC+09:00) Chita", "sys.(UTC+09:00)Osaka,Sapporo,Tokyo" : "(UTC+09:00) Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo", "sys.(UTC+09:00)Seoul" : "(UTC+09:00) Seoul", "sys.(UTC+09:00)Yakutsk" : "(UTC+09:00) Yakutsk", "sys.(UTC+09:30)Adelaide" : "(UTC+09:30) Adelaide", "sys.(UTC+09:30)Darwin" : "(UTC+09:30) Darwin", "sys.(UTC+10:00)Brisbane" : "(UTC+10:00) Brisbane", "sys.(UTC+10:00)Canberra,Melbourne,Sydney" : "(UTC+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney", "sys.(UTC+10:00)Guam,PortMoresby" : "(UTC+10:00) Guam, Port Moresby", "sys.(UTC+10:00)Hobart" : "(UTC+10:00) Hobart", "sys.(UTC+10:00)Vladivostok" : "(UTC+10:00) Vladivostok", "sys.(UTC+10:30)LordHoweIsland" : "(UTC+10:30) Lord Howe Island", "sys.(UTC+11:00)BougainvilleIsland" : "(UTC+11:00) Bougainville Island", "sys.(UTC+11:00)Chokurdakh" : "(UTC+11:00) Chokurdakh", "sys.(UTC+11:00)Magadan" : "(UTC+11:00) Magadan", "sys.(UTC+11:00)NorfolkIsland" : "(UTC+11:00) Norfolk Island", "sys.(UTC+11:00)Sakhalin" : "(UTC+11:00) Sakhalin", "sys.(UTC+11:00)SolomonIs.,NewCaledonia" : "(UTC+11:00) Solomon Is., New Caledonia", "sys.(UTC+12:00)Anadyr,Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky" : "(UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky", "sys.(UTC+12:00)Auckland,Wellington" : "(UTC+12:00) Auckland, Wellington", "sys.(UTC+12:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime+12" : "(UTC+12:00) Coordinated Universal Time +12", "sys.(UTC+12:00)Fiji" : "(UTC+12:00) Fiji", "sys.(UTC+12:45)ChathamIslands" : "(UTC+12:45) Chatham Islands", "sys.(UTC+13:00)CoordinatedUniversalTime+13" : "(UTC+13:00) Coordinated Universal Time +13", "sys.(UTC+13:00)Nuku'alofa" : "(UTC+13:00) Nuku'alofa", "sys.(UTC+13:00)Samoa" : "(UTC+13:00) Samoa", "sys.(UTC+14:00)KiritimatiIsland" : "(UTC+14:00) Kiritimati Island", "com.WillBeChangeTo" : "It will be modified as", "com.TimeZoneSet" : "Time Zone Setting", "Top Limit" : "Set Upper Limit", "Down Limit" : "Set Lower Limit", "adv.ResetCam" : "Restore Camera Module to Default", "adv.PTZfuncAdjust" : "PTZ Function Debugging", "adv.AreaScanStep" : "Area Scan Step Length", "adv.EnableAreaScanStep" : "Area Scan Step Length Enable", "com.sleepMode" : "Sleep Mode", "com.SleepTiming" : "Time before entering sleep mode", "com.sleepSMS" : "Sleep SMS", "com.wakeup" : "Wakeup SMS", "sys.Timing" : "Timing", "sys.TimePeriod" : "Interval", "sys.ShortMessage" : "SMS", "sys.sleepEnableTip" : "The device is in sleep mode, some external functions cannot be enabled.", "sys.sleepWakeup" : "Sleep Wakeup", "pfm.PleaseImportCACertFirst" : "Please import CA certificate first.", "com.LoginFailedPleaseRefresh" : "Failed to log in, the user need to modify login mode, please refresh the interface!", "com.CancelP2PSelectTips" : "P2P and mobile push are two different functions. If you want to stop pushing alarm information to remote mobile terminal,please disable the \"Mobile Push\" function in Setting->System->Safety->Service Interface.", "sys.NotMatchVerTip" : "Algorithm version does not match, please upgrade firmware.bin", "ivs.HumanSetUp" : "Human Body Setting", "com.UserDefineOsd" : "Input Custom OSD", "net.StartSMB/CIFS" : "Enable SMB/CIFS", "com.SolarCell" : "Battery Info", "ivs.Picture5" : "Picture 5", "ivs.Picture6" : "Picture 6", "ivs.SaveBeforeDrawRule" : "Please draw first before saving rules!", "ivs.FTPUpload" : "FTP Upload", "ivs.VideoParaNeedSD" : "Video Parameter (SD card needed)", "ivs.IllegalVideoEx" : "Violation Video", "ivs.UploadIllegalVideoEx" : "Upload violation video (FTP upload, SD card needed)", "MultiSceneRecord" : "Video Config", "IntelliTour" : "Smart Tour Plan Config", "TrafficViolationCode" : "Violation Code Config", "SnapOSD" : "OSD Overlay Parameter", "SceneSnapShotWithRule2" : "Snapshot Parameter", "TrafficSnapMosaic2" : "Composite Picture Parameter", "TrafficImage" : "Picture Parameter", "appEventExTrafficParkingA" : "Illegal Parking A", "ivs.AlarmInterval" : "Alarm Interval", "ivs.IllegalParkCapture" : "Violation Capture", "com.BeginTLessOrEqualThanEndTTip" : "Start time has to be less than or equal to end time!", "Export" : "Export", "pfm.CreatAndDownloadCert" : "Create and Download Certificate Request", "pfm.ImportCACert" : "Import CA Certificate", "pfm.ImportLocalCert" : "Import Local Device Certificate", "pfm.ImportRemoteCert" : "Import Remote Device Certificate", "pfm.CertManage" : "Certificate Management", "pfm.CertSefialNum" : "Certificate Serial Number", "com.DeviceIdentifier" : "Issue to", "com.EffectiveDate" : "Valid Date", "com.ExpirationDate" : "Expiry Date", "com.ErrorCode" : "Error Code", "com.ExceptionError" : "Error", "com.FileHasExist" : "File already exists", "adv.SelfTempMeasure" : "Self Temp Measure", "adv.Temperature" : "Temperature", "adv.AutoTempCompensation" : "Auto Temp Compensation", "adv.TecBaseDiff" : "TEC Base Diff", "adv.TecCurrentTemp" : "Current TEC Temp", "adv.LowTecTempIndex" : "Low TEC Temp Index", "adv.HighTecTempIndex" : "High TEC Temp Index", "adv.ImportAndExport" : "Config Import And Export", "adv.CalculateError" : "The cavityTemp data are consistent and cannot be calculated", "adv.CavityTempTable" : "CavityTempTable", "adv.CompensationParamA" : "CompensationParam a", "adv.BaseTemp" : "BaseTemp", "adv.HighTemp" : "HighTemp", "adv.LowTemp" : "LowTemp", "adv.AreaScan" : "AreaScan", "adv.CavityErrorCode1" : "Base cavityTemp cannot be 0", "adv.CavityErrorCode2" : "BaseTemp compensationParam a less than highTemp compensationParam a", "adv.CavityErrorCode3" : "High cavityTemp less than base cavityTemp", "adv.CavityErrorCode4" : "LowTemp compensationParam a less than baseTemp compensationParam a", "adv.CavityErrorCode5" : "Base cavityTemp less than low cavityTemp", "adv.CavityErrorCode6" : "CavityTemp must be increased from lowTemp to highTemp,compensationParam must be decreased from lowTemp to highTemp", "adv.HistogramAbnormal" : "Histogram Abnormal", "adv.Index" : "Index", "adv.Time" : "Time", "adv.SubsectionValue" : "Subsection Value", "adv.confirmcalibrationResolutoin1" : "Please confirm mainstream resolution is visual 1920*1080, thermal 1280*1024.", "adv.DeleteThermolog" : "Delete Maintenance Log", "adv.CoreOp" : "Module Working Condition", "adv.Ptz" : "PTZ Movement", "adv.Lens" : "Focus Movement", "adv.ThermologDetail" : "Maintenance Log Info", "adv.Thermolog" : "Maintenance Log", "adv.ThermChart" : "Temperature Log Report", "adv.MaxChartData" : "Data volume is too large, please narrow your search.", "adv.ViualZoom" : "Visible Zoom Details", "adv.ViualFocus" : "Visible Focus Details", "adv.ThermZoom" : "Thermal Lens Zoom Details", "adv.ThermFocus" : "Thermal Focus Details", "adv.TemperatureLog" : "Temperature Record", "adv.ThermSensor" : "Thermal Refrigeration Detector Temperature", "adv.ThermRefrigerator" : "Thermal Refrigerator Temperature", "adv.ThermFpga" : "Thermal FPGA Board Temperature", "adv.ThermAD" : "Thermal AD Board Temperature", "adv.ThermLens" : "Thermal Lens Temperature", "adv.ThermCavity" : "Thermal Chamber Temperature", "adv.ThermDSP" : "Thermal DSP Board Temperature", "adv.VisualCavity" : "Visible Chamber Temperature", "adv.VisualDSP" : "Visible DSP Board Temperature", "adv.VisualCam" : "Visible Module Temperature", "adv.LaserCavtiy" : "Laser Distance Meter Chamber Temperature", "adv.ExpertSetting" : "Expert Setting", "adv.RetrieveSensorSetting" : "Read Module Parameter", "adv.FunctionCode" : "Function Code", "adv.ReturnLength" : "Return Value Length", "adv.Reply" : "Return Value", "adv.ClearReply" : "Clear Return Value", "adv.RetrieveSetting" : "Read Parameter", "adv.ChangeSensorSetting" : "Set Module Parameter", "adv.ChangeSetting" : "Set Parameter", "adv.AutoCalc" : "Auto Calculation", "adv.ReservePort" : "Do not restore HTTP Port.", "adv.ShutterTemp" : "Shutter Temperature", "adv.LensTemp" : "Lens Temperature", "adv.RicfSensor" : "Refrigeration Detector", "adv.SensorStatus" : "Detector Status", "adv.SensorParam" : "Detector Parameter", "adv.SensorTime" : "Detector Time", "adv.RicfSensorTime" : "Refrigeration Detector Time", "adv.Ricf" : "Refrigerator", "adv.RicfFPATemp" : "Refrigerator FPA Temperature", "adv.RicfOpenTime" : "Refrigerator Startup Time", "adv.RicfCurrentRunTime" : "Refrigerator Operation Time", "adv.RicfSumRunTime" : "Refrigerator Cumulative Operation Time", "adv.Open" : "On", "adv.Off" : "Off", "adv.FactorySetting" : "Factory default settings. Do not modify.", "adv.MiddleTempGear" : "Moderate Temperature Level", "adv.CurrentTempGear" : "NUC Level", "adv.ChooseTempGear" : "Select Level", "adv.NucTempGearTip" : "Please select manual mode to do NUC, and switch back to auto mode after NUC is completed.", "adv.ThmZWholeCountORG" : "Thermal Zoom Range", "adv.ThmFWholeCountORG" : "Thermal Focus Range", "adv.ThmRuningTime" : "Refrigeration Detector Operation Duration", "adv.LaserDistCount" : "Laser Distance Measurement Times", "adv.GetHeatMapMode" : "Acquisition Mode", "adv.SingleFrame" : "Single Frame", "adv.ContinueFrame" : "Continuous", "adv.PartsReplace" : "Replace Component", "adv.ChoosePart" : "Select Component", "adv.ThermalLens" : "Thermal Lens", "adv.ThermalSensor" : "Thermal Core", "adv.VisualLens" : "Visual Lens", "adv.CorColumnTip" : "X coordinates of calibration points cannot be adjacent.", "adv.AutoPointDetect" : "Auto Recognition", "adv.AutoPointCorr" : "Real-time Bad Pixel Detection", "adv.AutoPointCorrWarn" : "During detection, keep the lens aligned with uniform face.", "adv.Detect" : "Detect", "adv.Restart" : "Reset", "adv.FPANumber" : "Detector Number", "adv.AutoTimeEnable" : "Integral Time Auto Control", "adv.RAWImageAvange" : "RAW Image Average Value", "adv.NUCBeforeMaxNum" : "Max. Value Pixels before NUC", "adv.NUCAfterMaxNum" : "Max. Value Pixels after NUC", "adv.TempAbnormalOSDTip" : "OSD Prompt of Temperature Exception", "adv.ThmZoomDirSwitchCount" : "Thermal Camera Zoom Motor Direction Switch Times", "adv.ThmFocusDirSwitchCount" : "Thermal Camera Focus Motor Direction Switch Times", "adv.CalibrationMode" : "Calibration Mode", "adv.PictureMode" : "Image Mode", "adv.VideoMode" : "Video Mode", "adv.PtzLifeControl" : "PTZ Lifespan Control", "adv.FunctionControlEnable" : "Function Restriction", "adv.ControlPrecent" : "Restricted Proportion", "adv.AutoMaintainMode" : "Auto Maintenance Mode", "adv.TestMode" : "Debug Mode", "adv.DefaultMode" : "Default Mode", "adv.UpTime" : "Startup Time", "adv.Minute" : "min.", "adv.Second" : "sec.", "adv.ForceEnable" : "Force Enable", "adv.AcquireEquilibriumStatus" : "Acquire Thermal Equilibrium Status", "adv.EquilibriumSaveCount" : "Thermal Equilibrium Saved Times", "adv.EquilibriumLastSaveTime" : "Last Saving Time of Thermal Equilibrium", "adv.NonEquilibriumSaveCount" : "Thermal Non-equilibrium Saved Times", "adv.NonEquilibriumLastSaveTime" : "Last Saving Time of Thermal Non-equilibrium", "adv.ForceEnableTip" : "Only for developing and debugging. Not allowed for production. This process will be recorded!", "adv.3DLocationDubuggingFunction" : "3D Positioning Debugging", "adv.3DLocationMagnificationClassification" : "Zoom Ratio Level", "adv.3DLocationPixelOffsetWidth" : "Pixel Shift Width", "adv.3DLocationPixelOffsetHeight" : "Pixel Shift Height", "adv.LowTempProtectionOff" : "Disable Low Temp Protection", "adv.ThermalVirtualFocusOff" : "Disable Thermal Camera Defocusing", "adv.NetCoreAntishakeLockEnable" : "Enable Locking Camera Module Image Stabilization", "adv.MicroThreshold" : "Fine-tune Threshold", "adv.SinglePointGetCurveEnable" : "Enable Getting Curve by One Point", "adv.FineStepMultiplication" : "Fine-tune Step Length Times", "adv.StepSetEnable" : "Enable Sending Step Length Info", "adv.VoltageControlPercentage" : "Voltage Control Proportion", "adv.FilterTypeDropTimes" : "Dropping Times of Operator", "adv.LowTempGearLowTemp" : "Low Temp Low Temp Zone", "adv.LowTempGearHighTemp" : "Low Temp High Temp Zone", "adv.HighTempGearLowTemp" : "High Temp Low Temp Zone", "adv.HighTempGearHighTemp" : "High Temp High Temp Zone", "adv.LowLowTecTempIndex" : "Low Temp Low Temp Zone TEC Compensation Number", "adv.LowHighTecTempIndex" : "Low Temp High Temp Zone TEC Compensation Number", "adv.HighLowTecTempIndex" : "High Temp Low Temp Zone TEC Compensation Number", "adv.HighHighTecTempIndex" : "High Temp High Temp. Zone TEC Compensation Number", "adv.LowTempGearRatio" : "Low Tempe Zone Coefficient", "adv.HighTempGearRatio" : "High Temp Zone Coefficient", "adv.ForceEnableTip" : "Only for developing and debugging. Not allowed for production. This process will be recorded!", "adv.ForceEnableGainTip" : "Only for developing and debugging. Not allowed for production!", "adv.Balance" : "Uniform", "adv.NotBalance" : "Non-uniform", "adv.TempBalance" : "Temperature Uniformity Detection", "adv.WholeThreshold" : "Overall Deviation", "adv.PartThreshold" : "Regional Deviation", "adv.WholeState" : "Overall Status", "adv.DoFFC" : "Do FFC", "adv.SameBadColumnExisted" : "The same defective column already exists.", "adv.CurrentCavityTemp" : "Camera Module Temp at Base Temp", "adv.EnvTemp" : "Environment temperature", "adv.CoreTempRaiseComp" : "Temp Rise Compensation", "adv.BaseTempRaiseValue" : "Base Temp Rise", "adv.HighTempRaiseValue" : "High Temp Rise", "adv.LowTempRaiseValue" : "Low Temp Rise", "adv.IsCalibration" : "Calibrate", "adv.CompensationParam" : "CompensationParam a", "adv.Yes" : "Yes", "adv.No" : "No", "adv.OtherParameter" : "Others", "adv.EnvCompParams" : "Ambient Compensation Parameter", "adv.CoreTempRaiseCompMode" : "Temp Rise Compensation Mode", "adv.EnvTempMode" : "Ambient Temp", "adv.BackgroundTempMode" : "Background Temp", "adv.EnvironmentTempSet" : "Ambient Temp Settings", "adv.AdaptiveEnvironmentTemp" : "Self-adaptive Ambient Temp", "adv.OprateTip" : "This interface is mainly used by workers of production line and professionals, and others shall not operate. Otherwise, temperature measurement might be inaccurate, and unrecoverable.", "adv.ForProducers" : "For Workers of Production Line", "adv.SaveFactoryTip" : "During export, set the current configurations as factory configurations.", "adv.DefaultTip" : "Click this button, and temperature measurement configurations will be restored to program defaults, leading to inaccurate temperature measurement. This button can only be used by workers of production line!", "adv.ForTechnicist" : "For Professionals", "adv.SynchronizeSetting" : "Sync Config", "adv.SynchronizeConfirm" : "Are you sure to synchronize the configurations?", "adv.SynchronizeTip" : "Click this button, and all temperature measurement parameters that have not been adjusted manually will be set as the latest program defaults. Be cautious!", "adv.FactoryConfirm" : "Are you sure to restore factory defaults?", "adv.FactoryDefaultTip" : "Click this button, and temperature measurement configurations will be restored to factory defaults, and the current configurations will be overwritten. Be cautious!", "adv.TempErrorTip" : "Verification failed. Please update ambient temp or camera module temp.", "adv.AdaptiveRaiseTemp" : "Self-adaptive Temp Rise", "adv.DefaultRaiseTemp" : "Default Temp Rise", "adv.OnManualSetting" : "Enable Manual Setting", "adv.CoreTempRaiseOnTip" : "Self-adaptive temp rise will be disabled after enabling this.", "adv.CoreTempRaiseValue" : "Temp Rise", "TargetStack" : "Overlay Target Frame", "ivs.TargetStack" : "Overlay Target Frame", "ivs.MiddleView" : "Medium Scene", "ivs.MiddleViewRatio" : "Medium Scene Ratio", "FaceRecognitionAlarm" : "Face Recognition Alarm", "ivs.AliveTip" : "The max number of face detections will decrease after non-living filtering is enabled, please confirm if it is to enable.", "ivs.FilterAlive" : "Non-living Filtering", "com.InsideError" : "Internal Error", "com.GetDevIDFailed" : "Failed to acquire device ID", "pfm.CertFileInvalid" : "Certificate File Illegal", "pfm.CertSerialNoRepeat" : "Certificate Serial Number Repeat", "pfm.CertCNInvalid" : "Certificate CN Field Illegal", "pfm.UnImportRootCert" : "Root Certificate Not Imported", "pfm.CertRevoked" : "Certificate Revoked", "pfm.UnvailableCert" : "Certificate Unavailable", "pfm.CertSignMismatch" : "Certificate Signature Mismatch", "pfm.CertOverLimit" : "It exceeds certificate import limit", "pfm.CErtFileNotFound" : "Certificate file does not exist", "pfm.ImportCRLFile" : "Import CRL File", "pfm.CRLPath" : "CRL Path", "GB35114.PleaseCheckUShieldFirst" : "Please check if U shield is inserted normally", "GB35114.VSP_GB28181" : "GB 28181 Access", "GB35114.VSP_GB35114" : "GB 35114 Access", "GB35114.VSP_GAYS" : "GB Access", "GB35114.VSPCertManage" : "GB Certificate Management", "VSP_CoSignServer" : "Commercial Code Collaboration Service", "com.ClearFrostHeater" : "Defrost", "ptz.PleaseControlPtzAngleThenCalibrate" : "Please adjust PTZ angle and pair the center point of detail camera with the green point of panorama camera, and then make calibration.", "ptz.Calibrate" : "Calibrate", "sys.ResetSystemAuthentication" : "Restore factory settings for second certification", "app.SpinLess" : "PTZ Longevity Warning", "app.RunningSpinTip" : "Some functions will be locked", "med.focusLess" : "Zoom Longevity Warning", "com.LoginPinTip" : "It only supports letter, number", "ivs.IntelliCityMgr" : "Smart City Management", "appEventShopPresence" : "Out-of-Store Operation", "appEventFlowBusiness" : "Mobile Stall Keeper", "appEventCityNonMotorParking" : "City Non-motor Vehicle Parking Violation (Used by city management)", "appEventCityMotorParking" : "City Motor Vehicle Parking Violation (Used by city management)", "ivs.ShopID" : "Shop No.", "ivs.AlarmNumberThreshold" : "Alarm Amount Threashold", "ivs_osd.TitleBit64" : "Violation Duration", "com.WrongLengthTip" : "The length is invalid (6-20 characters)", "PanGroupScan" : "PTZ Limit Setting", "com.Distance" : "Distance", "com.UpdatePackageLower" : "Package version too low and update failed. Device will reboot immediately.", "Nation" : "Nation", "com.CustomTitleRepeat" : "Custom Title Repetition", "ivs.ObjectFlowStat" : "Structured Statistics", "sto.DeviceIP" : "Device IP", "ivs.ObjectFlowStatType" : "Structured Statistics Type", "com.ConfigUsedByRebootTip" : "The current operation will take effect after the device reboots. Are you sure to reboot immediately?", "sys.RebootAtTime" : "Reboot Now", "sys.RebootAtMoment" : "Reboot Later", "com.SureStreamAddressTip" : "Make sure the address can be trusted.", "pfm.NoDoMatchStatus" : "No Detection", "sys.NotCustom" : "Non-custom", "sys.AddressType" : "Address Type", "sys.CustomAddress" : "Custom Address", "com.AddPresetBeforeSave" : "Please add preset after it is saved.", "com.OrangeColor" : "Orange", "com.GPSCheckoutTime" : "GPS Timing", "ivs.CalibrateMatrix" : "Panoramic Calibration", "ivs.DetectFullCar" : "Whole Vehicles Only", "net.Firewall" : "Firewall", "com.ForbidenIPConnectDeviceTip" : "The listed IP addresses/MAC are prohibited to visit the corresponding ports of the device.", "com.AllowIPConnectDeviceTip" : "Only the listed IP addresses/MAC are allowed to visit corresponding ports of the device.", "pfm.RTMPPort" : "RTMP Port", "ivs.DetectionBoxOSD" : "Detection Box Overlay", "com.PasswordCracking" : "Decrypt Password", "com.AddRouter" : "Add Router", "LightGlobal" : "Indicator Control", "ivs.VehicleDetection" : "Vehicle Detection Area", "ivs.CollectModule" : "Collection Module", "com.NameDuplication" : "Name Existed", "com.EditRouter" : "Edit Router", "com.ProtocolVersion" : "Protocol Version", "com.LoginByPrevent" : "Login prohibited.", "com.LoginPreventFail" : "Failed to save restricted login.", "Security.LoginRestriction" : "Restricted Login", "LoginRestriction" : "Restricted Login", "com.ActionAuth" : "Operation Permission", "net.ConnetNet" : "Network Access", "net.BanPing" : "PING Prohibited", "net.BanHalfConnet" : "Prevent Semijoin", "com.CurrentNameListCeil" : "The name list has reached max limit.", "com.DevStarServerPort" : "Device Start Server Port", "com.DevEndServerPort" : "Device End Server Port", "com.SourceIp" : "Source IP", "NotAllowedIPLogin" : "Prohibited IP Access Device", "NotAllowedTimeLogin" : "Login not in the specified time range.", "URLErrorOverLimit" : "Brute force attack of web path", "SessionNumOverLimit" : "Session connection exceeds limit", "SessionIDErrorOverLimit" : "Session ID Brute Force Attack", "FDExhaustion" : "Run out of network connection resource.", "ExceptionProgramRun" : "Trusted environment detected program operation exception", "com.SafeError" : "Security Exception", "net.StartUsingTLS" : "Enable TLSv1.0", "com.AutoFovCelibrating" : "View angle is being automatically calibrated. Please do not operate the device …", "com.AutoFovCelibrateSuccess" : "Succeeded to calibrate view angle automatically.", "com.AutoFovCelibrateFail" : "Failed to calibrate view angle automatically.", "ivs.AnalogAlarmReport" : "Data Acquisition Report", "ivs.DeepIVS" : "Deep IVS", "ivs.IntellStableConflict" : "EIS and intelligence are mutually excluded. Cannot enable both at the same time.", "AbnormalTime" : "Time Error", "ExceptionType" : "Exception Type", "SafetyAbnormal" : "Security Exception", "ivs.PriorModeTipOther" : "It is valid when taking 4 or 6 snapshots.", "com.AddUserSuccessButAuthFial" : "Added user successfully. Failed to save restricted login.", "com.EditUserSuccessButAuthFial" : "Modified user successfully. Failed to save restricted login.", "com.ParticleSize" : "Particle Size", "com.MosaicChangeTip" : "Mosaic privacy masking can only draw standard rectangle.", "com.CurrentDevOnlySupport4Polygon" : "The device fails to draw pentagon and other higher polygons.", "RTMP_NVR" : "RTMP", "ivs.SnapFullCar" : "Capture Complete Vehicle", "com.AllIpAdress" : "All IP Addresses", "com.DevAllPort" : "Device All Ports", "com.WhiteIPAuthMustEnableOne" : "At least one IP address must be selected in the allowlist.", "com.BlackIPAuthMustEnableOne" : "At least one IP address must be selected in the blocklist.", "com.BlackIpSetPortAgain" : "All the hosts will fail to access the device. Please configure again.", "com.AutoFovCelibrate" : "View Angle Calibration", "conf_net.https_disable_tip" : "Disabling HTTPS may be at risk. Continue?", "com.IPv6FormatError" : "IPV6 address format error.", "ptz.SemiAutoTip" : "Operation steps (The panorama camera image is wider; the detail camera needs to move around several positions to cover its image):
1: Select scene 1
2: Rotate the PTZ and adjust the detail camera location, make the detail camera image cover part of the panorama camera image
3: Click \"Scene Setting\"
4: Repeat steps 1 to 3, set all the scenes and make cameras all detail camera images cover the panorama camera image
5: Click \"Start Calibration\" to start calibration.
6: Save the settings above.", "net.RegFailTimes" : "Failure times of main server registration", "appEventTrafficManualSnap" : "Manual Capture", "ivs.HeaterType" : "Heater Type", "ivs.TotalHeater" : "Unit Device Heating", "ivs.ThermalHeater" : "Thermal Lens Heater", "ivs.VisualHeater" : "Visual Lens Heater", "ivs.DemistingHeater" : "Defog Deice Heater", "com.DrawType" : "Draw Type", "ivs.Recognition" : "Recognition Priority", "sys.35114version" : "35114 Chip Version", "ivs.DetailSnap" : "Details", "ivs.HightAlarmWaterLevel" : "High Water Level Alarm", "ivs.LowAlarmWaterLevel" : "Low Water Level Alarm", "ivs.WaterMonitor" : "Water Monitoring", "WaterLevelDetection" : "Water Level Detection", "ivs.WaterBaseLevel" : "Ruler Joint Waterlevel Value", "ivs.WaterDataUpload" : "Realtime Data", "SafetyAbnormalAlarm" : "Security Exception", "itc.PreLine" : "Front Line", "itc.PostLine" : "Back Line", "VideoWidgetSolarCellStat" : "Battery Level", "com.OnlyInputNumber" : "Only numbers are supported.", "com.SemiAutofail" : "It begins to acquire calibration coordinate only after setting all the scenarios.", "com.GAVIConfigInfo" : "View Database Config Info", "com.DevRegisterStatus" : "Device Registration Status", "com.GAVIUsername" : "View Database Username", "com.GAVIPassword" : "View Database Password", "com.ConnetIdentCode" : "Access Identification Code", "com.RegistGap" : "Registration Interval", "com.GAVICollectObject" : "View Database Collection Object", "ivs.GlobalMode" : "Global Mode", "ivs.HigtWaterLevel" : "High Water Level", "ivs.LowWaterLevel" : "Low Water Level", "ivs.WaterValue" : "Water Level Value", "ivs.WaterStatus" : "Water Level Status", "itc.BackingRetrograde" : "Wrong Way Driving", "MultiTemperatureOSD" : "Multiple-component Temperature Overlay", "VSP_GAVI" : "View Database", "com.BurnWarning" : "Risk of burns. Shutter closed.", "com.SecondEx" : "Sec.", "com.PtzControlSpeed" : "PTZ Speed", "healthSoso" : "Medium", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInRoute" : "Vehicle in Lane", "com.SnapThreshold" : "Snapshot Threshold", "com.Teenager" : "Teenager", "LightingSchedule" : "Illuminator Scheduled Plan", "LightingZoomPrio" : "Illuminator Zoom Rate Priority", "com.Preserve" : "Save", "appEventExTrafficYellowInRoute" : "Heavy vehicle in lane", "QueueDetection" : "Queuing", "ivs.QueueNumberAlarm" : "Queue People No. Alarm", "ivs.QueueNumber" : "Queue People No.", "ivs.QueueTimeAlarm" : "Queue Time Alarm", "ivs.QueueTime" : "Queue Time", "QueueStayDetection" : "Queue Strand Time", "QueueNumDetection" : "Queue People No. Exception", "ivs.PhoneCallDetect" : "Call Detection", "ivs.SmokeDetection" : "Smog Detection", "ivs.BoatDetect" : "Boat Detection", "PhoneCallDetect" : "Call Alarm", "SmokeDetection" : "Smog Alarm", "BoatDetection" : "Boat Alarm", "Spring" : "Spring", "Summer" : "Summer", "Autumn" : "Autumn", "Winter" : "Winter", "ivs.SmokingDetect" : "Smoking Detection", "SmokingDetect" : "Smoking Alarm", "com.InputUserNum" : "Please input employee number.", "com.AdvTips" : "The page is only used during production, detection and malfunction. Please contact technical support when necessary.", "com.ScanQR" : "Please scan QR code.", "com.InputDynamicCode" : "Please input dynamic code.", "com.DynamicCodeError1" : "Dynamic code error. Please scan again to log in.", "com.DynamicCodeError2" : "Verification failed. Account locked.", "com.DynamicCodeError3" : "Verification failed.", "com.QrScanNote3Tip" : "Option 1. Please download Imou app and then from Me-Settings-Reset Device Password, scan the left QR code. Option 2. Please use an APP to scan the left QR code to get encryption strings. And then send the strings to support_rpwd@imoulife.com", "med.AudioOut" : "Audio Output", "com.Panorama" : "Panoramic Image", "com.VehicleBrand" : "Unknown|Audi|Honda|Buick|Volkswagen|Toyota|BMW|Peugeot|Ford|Mazda|Nissan|Hyundai|Suzuki|Citroen|Benz|BYD|Geely|Lexus|Chevrolet|Chery|Kia|Xiali|DongFeng|Iveco|SGMW|JinBei|JAC|Emgrand|Changan|Great Wall|Skoda|BaoJun|Subaru|Land Wind|Luxgen|Renault|Mitsubishi|Roewe|Cadillac|MG|Zotye|Zhonghua|Foton|Hafei|Opel|Hongqi|Fiat|Jaguar|Volvo|Acura|Porsche|Jeep|Bentley|Bugatti|GAC|Daewoo|Soueast|Ferrari|Foday|SMA|Hawtai|JMC|King Long|Joylong|Karry|Chrysler|Lamborghini|Rolls-Royce|Everus|Lifan|Leoparrd|Lincoln|Land Rover|Lotus|Maserati|Maybach|McLaren|Youngman|Tesla|Rely|Isuzu|FAW Besturn|Infiniti|Yutong |Ankai|Changhe|Haima|Toyota Crown|Huanghai|Golden Dragon|Smart|Dodge|Lotus|Mini|Geely|Foton|Shuanghuan|ZX Auto|Yaris|Geely|Zhongtong|Changan|Yuejin|Changan|Suzuki|BAW Weiwang |DFLQ|Higer|Shaolin|North|BAIC|Haval|Jonway|Maxus|BAW|Ford Mustang|Gonow|Hummer|Polarsun|Ssangyong|Victory|Koenigsegg|Aston Martin|TechArt|Carlsson|Seat|Wiesmann|Alfa Romeo|Spyker|Mercury|Scania|PROTON|LANCIA|Panoz|Holden|ASCARI|Dacia|Renault Samsung|VAUXHALL|VENTURI|Morgan|HINO|PONTIAC|ABARTH|Saturn|Tianma|DAIHATSU|Oldsmobile|Saibao|Moskvich|DS|Venucia|MITSUOKA|Gumpert|Polonez|Zotye|LADA|Scion|DAF|Enranger|Xinkai|Dadi|Tata|KAMAZ|Datsun|Foden|Austin|Ginetta|CHTC|DENZA|Zinoro|Fornasari|Keyton|Qoros|Huasong|Cowin|Levdeo|LEAHEAD|Green Wheel|King Long|RUF|Tong Jia|Ciimo|Yogomo|ZD|Shenlong|BAC|Borgward|Conquest|DMC|Elemental|GAZ|GMC|KTM|nanoflowcell|noble|ssc|Tramontana|Zenvo|Brabus|G.PATTON|Melkus|BAIC Huansu|Anyuan|Riich|Haima|Yema|Hafei|CHMC|Hua Ling|Sinotruck|C&C|Sany|kama|Beiben|YTC|Hongyan|T.King|YangZi|Sinocars|AsiaStar|Youyi|Elfin|Joss|MAN|Alpino|Alvis|ASCARI|Allard|Bitter|Bizzarrini|Pininfarina|PGO|Bertone|Bristol|De Tomaso|Delage|Delahaye|Diatto|NSU|VABIS|Farboud|Ford|GAZ|Horch|Caterham|Chevrolet|Lagonda|Leyland|RUF|Roewe|Rochet-Schneider|Marcos|Mack|Meilu|Metropolitan|Meiya|Plymouth|Italdisign||TATRA|Trabant|Trevor|Wartburg|Cizeta|SSC TUATARA|Cisitalia|Siata|DKW|EDAG|Ikarus|UAZ|JMC|Kandi|Saab|Shifeng|WAW|Yaolon|Dongfanghong|Tri-ring Sitom|XCMG |Wangpai|Sinotruck|Speed|Granton|Mudan|Sunwin|Sunwin|Sunwin|Silver|Wuzhoulong|Tongxin|Haval|Jionggong|Jianghuan|Chunlan|Dayun|Lifan|Shacman|Iveco|Suzuki|Changan|Changan|Equus| Coupe|Hyundai|GAC|GAC|JAC|JAC|JMC|Borgward|UD Trucks|Yangtse|WAW|Dongyu|Kawei|Horki|Kasheng|Lynk&Co|Bisu|Ranz|Kombat|La Joya|NIO|Hanteng|Byvin|HengTong|SWM|WEY|Singulato|Yudo|BAIC DaoDa|Changan |AsiaStar|ShaoRao|Shuchi|ChuFeng|HanTang|Forta|Fuhuan|Hyundai|Foton|JMC|Traum|Dearcc|Xpeng|Weltmeister|Ruichi|Shineray|Leapmotor|Baolong|Jetour|Neoplan|Yuancheng|Boloda|BiaoMa|Skywell|Ruiyi|Sowar|Shuangfu|Hyundai|Wanda|Zonda|Sinogold|Dahan|Alfa Bus|Yixing|Red Star|Shudu|Hengshan|Wanxiang Auto|XDBS|Dojo|TXDDC|Yuexi|UD|Dayang|Bobang|Fulu|Guilin|Hongri|Lewei|Lichi|Supaq|Verong|Yuesun|TEG|AVIC|Dahe|Henghe|Jihai|Ora|Wanxiang|Weikerui|ChangjiangEV|CORE|Zhongxin|Oushan|LITE|Qiantu|SOL|Dorcen|Lixiang|Link Tour|Yulu|Rolfhartge|Luchi|CRCC|NETA|Oushan|Pagani|Dafudi|Wanfo|SAIC|CSR|Huakai Toyota|Ford|Chery|Landrover|Landrover|Isuzu|Infiniti|Dodge|Jaguar|Toyota|Toyota|Volvo|Maserati|Lincoln|Porsche|Porsche|Smart|Chevrolet|Chevrolet|Suzuki|Mazda|NISSAN|Mitsubishi|Tata|Changhe|Changhe|Durablev|BAIC|ENTU|Haiquan|Hanteng|LANSEL|Huanghai|Huili|Zhongji Mingyang|Geely|Jinbei|Jinpeng|Jinggong|Kama|Lifan|Viano|CHJ|NAC|Runruji|Tri-ring|Shuanghuan|SITECH|Yuejin|Zotye|Hong Qi|LEVC|Polestar|SAIC MAXUS|Jinghua|Lamborghini|Kawei|SF EV|Yema|Hong Qi|Leopaard|Haima|BORGWARD|Qingling|Dongfeng|XK|Lifan|Baojun|YUDO|JONWAY|JONWAY|LANDWIND|Beijing Automobile|BESTUNE|JMC|Jinma|Qingji|CENNTRO|SINOTRUK|SINOTRUK|Zhongzhuo Shidai|EXEED|Yuzhou|Baojun|Xindadi|ZEV Auto", "com.Chart" : "Diagram", "com.TraChart" : "Track Map", "ivs.DrawBaseLine" : "Draw Ruler Joint", "MasterSlaveGroup" : "Main/Sub Relation", "ivs.WaterLevelTip" : "High water level alarm must be higher than low water level alarm.", "ivs.SmokingDetectionComfirmWarn" : "IVS cannot be used after smoking detection is enabled.", "ivs.SmokingDetectionRenderWarn" : "Smoking detection cannot be used after IVS is enabled.", "sys.PlayCount" : "Play Count", "com.VideoFragment" : "Video Clip", "ivs.AvgStandedTime" : "Average Strand Time", "ivs.CalibrateWaitingTip" : "Calibration in progress. Please do not leave the page or close browser.", "ivs.DemarcateFinishPleaseSaveTip" : "Calibration succeeded. Please click OK.", "ivs.PleaseCaliAllSceneTip" : "Please calibrate all the scenes.", "ivs.StartCalibrate" : "Start Calibration", "ivs.StopCalibrate" : "Stop Calibration", "ivs.WideViewLink" : "Panoramic Linkage", "ivs.MasterSlaveCalibrate" : "Main/Sub Calibration", "ivs.ClearCalibratePoint" : "Clear Calibration Point", "ivs.Crossline" : "Tripwire", "ptz.PresetVideoBlack" : "Day/Night B&W", "ptz.PresetVideoColor" : "Day/Night Color", "ptz.PresetVideoBrightness" : "Day/Night Auto", "ptz.PresetLightingManual" : "Illuminator Manual", "ptz.PresetLightingSmartIR" : "Illuminator Smart IR", "ptz.PresetLightingOff" : "Illuminator Off", "ptz.PresetRainBrushOn" : "Wiper On", "ptz.PresetRainBrushOff" : "Wiper Off", "ptz.PresetRainBrushMoveOnce" : "Wiper Once", "com.Invoke" : "Call", "com.SpecialPresetFunction" : "Special Preset Function", "med.AuxiliaryStream3" : "Sub Stream 3", "med.AuxiliaryStream4" : "Sub Stream 4", "ivs.SafeHat" : "Safety Helmet", "conf_ivs.face.haveHat" : "Cap", "com.ChannelMust20Length" : "The channel No. must be 20 digits.", "FloatingObjectDetection" : "Floating Debris Detection", "ivs.AlarmThreshold" : "Alarm Threshold", "com.CurrentValue" : "Current Value", "com.HostNameNotAllowedNull" : "Host name cannot be null.", "appEventQueueNumDetection" : "Queue People No. Exception", "ivs.ImageStabilizationConflictSmart" : "Intelligent functions like tracking will be affected if EIS is enabled.", "ptz.PresetLightingTiming" : "Illuminator Timing", "appEventQueueStayDetection" : "Queue Strand Time", "med.StableLevel" : "EIS Level", "com.FullName" : "Name", "com.IDType" : "Credentials Type", "com.MilitaryID" : "Military Officer Card", "com.HorizentalZoom" : "Horizontal Zoom", "com.VerticalZoom" : "Vertical Zoom", "sys.Region" : "Region", "med.AudioOutType" : "Audio Output Type", "AudioOutput" : "Audio Output", "ivs.WaterLevelCalibrateTip" : "Drag the calibration box and make sure water ruler is between red and yellow box to realize best detection result.", "com.RegionList" : "Afghanistan|Åland Islands|Albania|Algeria|American Samoa|Andorra|Angola|Anguilla|Antigua & Barbuda|Argentina|Armenia|Aruba|Australia|Austria|Azerbaijan|Bahamas|Bahrain|Bangladesh|Barbados|Belarus|Belgium|Belize|Benin|Bermuda|Bhutan|Bolivia|Bosnia & Herzegovina|Botswana|Bouvet Island|Brazil|British Indian Ocean Territory|British Virgin Islands|Brunei|Bulgaria|Burkina Faso|Burundi|Cambodia|Cameroon|Canada|Canary Islands|Cape Verde|Caribbean Netherlands|Cayman Islands|Central African Republic|Chad|Chile|China|Christmas Island|Cocos (Keeling) Islands|Colombia|Comoros|Congo - Kinshasa|Congo-Brazzaville|Cook Islands|Costa Rica|Côte d'lvoire|Croatia|Cuba|Curaçao|Cyprus|Czechia|Democratic People’s Republic of Korea|Denmark|Djibouti|Dominica|Dominican Republic|Ecuador|Egypt|El Salvador|Equatorial Guinea|Eritrea|Estonia|Ethiopia|Faroe Islands|Fiji|Finland|France|French Guiana|French polynesia|French Southern Territories|Gabon|Gambia|Georgia|Germany|Ghana|Gibraltar|Greece|Greenland|Grenada|Guadeloupe|Guam|Guatemala|Guernsey|Guinea|Guinea-Bissau|Guyana|Haiti|Heard & McDonald Islands|Honduras|Hong Kong, China|Hungary|Iceland|India|Indonesia|Iran|Iraq|Ireland|Isle of Man|Israel|Italy|Jamaica|Japan|Jersey|Jordan|Kazakhstan|Kenya|Kiribati|Kosovo|Kuwait|Kyrgyzstan|Laos|Latvia|Lebanon|Lesotho|Liberia|Libya|Liechtenstein|Lithuania|Luxembourg|Macao, China|Macedonia|Madagascar|Malawi|Malaysia|Maldives|Mali|Malta|Marshall Islands|Martinique|Mauritania|Mauritius|Mayotte|Mexico|Micronesia|Moldova|Monaco|Mongolia|Montenegro|Montserrat|Morocco|Mozambique|Myanmar (Burma)|Namibia|Nauru|Nepal|Netherlands|New Caledonia|New Zealand|Nicaragua|Niger|Nigeria|Niue|Norfolk Island|Northern Mariana Islands|Norway|Oman|Pakistan|Palau|Palestinian Territories|Panama|Papua New Guinea|Paraguay|Peru|Philippines|Pitcairn Islands|Poland|Portugal|Puerto Rico|Qatar|Republic of Korea|Réunion|Romania|Russia|Rwanda|Samoa|San Marino|São Tomé & Príncipe|Saudi Arabia|Senegal|Serbia|Seychelles|Sierra Leone|Singapore|Sint Maarten|Slovakia|Slovenia|So. Georigia & So. Sandwich Isl.|Solomon Islands|Somalia|South Africa|South Sudan|Spain|Sri Lanka|St. Helena|St. Kitts & Nevis|St. Lucia|St.Barthélemy|St.Martin|St.Pierre & Miquelon|St.Vincent & Grenadines|Sudan|Suriname|Svalbard & Jan Mayen|Swaziland|Sweden|Switzerland|Syria|Taiwan, China|Tajikistan|Tanzania|Thailand|Timor-Leste|Togo|Tokelau|Tonga|Trinidad & Tobago|Tunisia|Turkey|Turkmenistan|Turks & Caicos Islands|Tuvalu|U.S. Outlying Islands|U.S. Virgin Islands|Uganda|Ukraine|United Arab Emirates|United Kingdom|United States|Uruguay|Uzbekistan|Vanuatu|Vatican City|Venezuela|Vietnam|Wallis & Futuna|Yemen|Zambia|Zimbabwe", "per.ManualHeaterTip" : "Manual heating mode will not work when device internal temperature is higher than 55℃ or environment temperature is higher than 35℃; Manual heating time is 2 minutes when environment temperature is between 10℃ and 35℃.", "ivs.LinkPanorama" : "Cascade Panorama", "ivs.LinkDetail" : "Cascade Detail", "conf_info.peoplenum" : "People No.", "com.DevNumMust20Length" : "The device No. must be 20-digit number.", "com.PicInfo" : "Picture", "com_ivs.vehicle.tankCar" : "Dangerous Goods Vehicle", "com_ivs.Vehicle.PowerLotVehicle" : "Powder Material Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.SuctionSewageTruck" : "Suction Sewage Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.SlotTankCar" : "Tank Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Tractor" : "Tractor", "com_ivs.Vehicle.MachineshopTruck" : "Engineering Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Police" : "Police Car", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Ambulance" : "Ambulance", "com_ivs.Vehicle.FireEngine" : "Fire Engine", "com_ivs.Vehicle.WateringCar" : "Sprinkling Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Taxi" : "Taxi", "com_ivs.Color.Sliver" : "Silver", "com_ivs.nonMotor.peopleNum" : "Occupancy", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Bus" : "School Bus", "com_ivs.PlateColor.YellowGreen" : "Yellow-Green Combination", "med.ABFFunction" : "ABF", "med.DeviceSwitch35114Reload" : "The device is switched to 35114%s, log in again soon.", "med.DeviceClose35114Reload" : "The device closed 35114%s, log in again soon.", "ivs.OperateMonitor" : "Construction Monitoring", "ivs.HelmetDetection" : "Helmet Detection", "HelmetDetection" : "Helmet Detection", "WorkClothesDetection" : "Helmet Detection", "appEventWorkClothesDetection" : "Construction Monitoring", "ivs.AreaConfig" : "Area Config", "itc.GateCapture" : "ANPR Snapshot", "itc.CarReg" : "Vehicle Area", "itc.CabLineSeg" : "Line Segment Calibration", "itc.CabChk" : "Set Calibration", "itc.CarHead" : "Vehicle Head", "itc.CarTail" : "Vehicle Tail", "itc.SnapStart" : "Enable Snapshot", "itc.OtherConfig" : "Other Config", "itc.UnlicensedMotor" : "Unlicensed Vehicle Snapshot", "itc.ElecPolice" : "E Police", "itc.LeftDivisionLine" : "Left Turn Division Line", "itc.RightDivisionLine" : "Right Turn Division Line", "itc.UTurnTip" : "Illegal U Turn", "itc.StopLine" : "Stop Line", "itc.CarWayAttribute" : "Lane Property", "itc.RoadDirection" : "Road Direction", "itc.OpenWaiting" : "Enable Vehicle Waiting", "itc.DrawTypeTip" : "Please draw XXXX", "itc.CabFail" : "Calibration failed", "itc.Treg" : "XXX is not completely drawn.", "com.PleaseCheckCustomLaneTip" : "Please check custom lane number.", "com.PleaseSetJunctionLine" : "Please set rear line, stop line, middle line and front line.", "com.DetectLineNoneTip" : "Please set snapshot line.", "appEventExTrafficTollGate" : "ANPR", "appEventExTrafficOverSpeed" : "Overspeed", "appEventExTrafficUnderSpeed" : "Underspeed", "appEventExTrafficOverYellowLine" : "Cross Solid Yellow Line", "appEventExTrafficQueueJump" : "Vehicle Queue Jumping", "appEventExTrafficJam" : "Traffic Congestion", "appEventExTrafficPedestrainPriority" : "Not Giving Way to Pedestrian", "appEventExTrafficWrongRoute" : "Disobeying Direction Arrow", "appEventExTrafficVehicleInBusRouteNew" : "Disobeying Lane Direction Sign", "SpliceFusionEnhancement" : "Merging Enhancement", "med.DeviceSwitch35114" : "The device is switched to 35114%s.", "med.DeviceSwitchSAVC2" : "SVAC2 is enabled, please relogin.", "med.DeviceCloseSAVC2" : "SVAC2 is disabled, please relogin.", "pfm.OnUsedServer" : "Service in use", "pfm.IssuedInfo" : "Issuer", "pfm.CommonUse" : "General", "pfm.CertIsExsite" : "Certificate already exists.", "pfm.CertCommand" : "Certificate Key", "pfm.FileReadFail" : ": Failed to read file.", "pfm.DeviceCert" : "Device Certificate", "pfm.CRLCert" : "CRL Certificate", "pfm.CertificatePrivateKeyPath" : "Certificate Private Key Path", "com.GaysEdition" : "GB Version", "sys.LicenseFailTip" : "Algorithm authorization failed, please import license.", "sys.LicenseDeadlineTip" : "Algorithm authorization expired, please update license.", "sys.LicenseIVSTip" : "\"XXXX\" algorithm authorization failed, please update license.", "ivs.CloseUpMode" : "Close-up Mode", "ivs.FixedMode" : "Fixed Mode", "ivs.ZoomCalibrate" : "Zoom Calibration", "com.MultiFacesFound" : "Several faces detected", "com.PicDecodingError" : "Picture Decoding Error", "com.notRecommended" : "Not recommended for database", "com.NoEigenvalue" : "Eigenvalue Missing", "com.AlgorNotMatch" : "Algorithm database version does not match.", "com.SyeException" : "System Exception", "com.FirePointMark" : "Firepoint Calibration", "com.FireWarningExt" : "Fire Extension", "com.ReferPiont" : "Reference Point", "com.MarkPoint" : "Calibration Point", "com.ReferPiontName" : "Reference Point Name", "com.StartMarkTip" : "Please start calibration.", "com.CancelMark" : "Cancel Calibration", "com.ComfirmMark" : "Calibration Confirmed", "com.MaxReferPiontTip" : "Exceeded max number of reference points.", "com.MaxCoordPiontTip" : "Exceeded max number of calibration points.", "com.ChooseReferPiontTip" : "Please select reference point.", "com.SaveReferPiontTip" : "Please save reference point first.", "com.SurfaceHeight" : "Installation Height", "com.VisualOverview" : "Visible Panoramic View", "com.VisualDetail" : "Visible Detail View", "com.ThermoSnapTimes" : "Thermal Snapshot Times", "com.MarkFirstTip" : "Please complete calibration first.", "ivs.FPSPrivacy" : "High frame rate and privacy protection cannot be enabled at the same time.", "itc.SnapSet" : "Snapshot Setting", "ivs.GroupSnapShotMode" : "Grouped Snapshot Mode", "com.StoreSuccessful" : "Stored successfully.", "com.StoreFailed" : "Failed to store.", "com.AbstractSuccessful" : "Modeling succeeded.", "com.AbstractFailed" : "Modeling failed.", "com.NoFaceFound" : "No face detected.", "IPTableFilter" : "Firewall", "com.MustAreaName" : "Area name cannot be null.", "com.AreaNameDuplication" : "Area name already exists.", "appEventExTrafficWithoutSafeBelt" : "Driver Not Wearing Seatbelt", "com.SnapByLocation" : "Snapshot by Location", "com.AreaMaxNumTip" : "Reached max number of areas.", "com.ListLimit" : "Quantity limit reached. Failed to add.", "com.AbstractComplete" : "Modeling completed.", "pfm.CreateAndInstallCert" : "Create and install certificate", "pfm.ImportCert" : "Import Certificate", "General.CertManage" : "Certificate Management", "sys.fpgaVersion" : "FPGA Version", "com.OverWhiteLine" : "Cross over Solid White Line", "com.ActiveAll" : "All Enabled", "com.NegativeAll" : "All Disabled", "PositionSnap" : "Snapshot by Location", "appEventSafetyAbnormal" : "Security Exception", "pfm.CreateCertificateRequest" : "Create Certificate Request", "com.CertMaxNumTip" : "Reached max number of certificates.", "itc.SnapCutoutConf" : "Cutout Config", "ivs.DriverFaceOverlap" : "Face Overlay", "itc.Driver" : "Driver", "com.lefTop" : "Upper Left Corner", "itc.RigTop" : "Upper Right Corner", "com.lefBot" : "Lower Left Corner", "itc.RigBot" : "Lower Right Corner", "itc.LapSize" : "Overlay Size", "itc.Adriver" : "Front Seat Passenger", "itc.RadarSpeedForSize" : "Distinguish Speed Limit Between Large and Small Vehicle", "itc.CarLimitDown" : "Vehicle Min Speed Limit", "itc.CarLimitUp" : "Vehicle Max Speed Limit", "com.LowLimitVOverLimitVTip" : "Min speed limit cannot be larger than max speed limit.", "com.MarginToLimitLowTip" : "Min speed limit margin cannot be larger than min speed limit.", "ivs.CompoundOrder1" : "Composite Sequence of One Picture", "itc.BearkName" : "Violation Name", "itc.MustAnotherPicType" : "At least one close shot or license plate close-up is included in the same group.", "med.PictureUpload" : "Upload Picture", "com.StatisticsType" : "Statistics Type", "ivs.CarBodyPicture" : "Vehicle Body Picture", "WifiPsdDecrypt" : "Decrypt Password", "appEventPhoneCallDetect" : "Call Detection", "appEventSmokingDetect" : "Smoking Detection", "appEventBoatDetection" : "Boat Detection", "WideViewControl" : "Panoramic Control", "ivs.PictureUploadTips1Else" : "1. Size does not exceed 4M", "ivs.PictureUploadTips2Else" : "2. 256 color, jpg", "RunDetection" : "Running Detection", "ivs.IntellLightConflict" : "Intelligence linkage light mode is enabled, fill light cannot be set.", "sys.SensorMaintain" : "Refrigeration Detector Auto Maintenance", "com.ForceStart" : "Forcibly Start", "com.ForceClose" : "Forcibly Close", "com.ForceStartTips" : "Warning: Forcibly start the refrigeration detector and its durability will be lowered, please operate with care.", "com.ForceCloseTips" : "Are you sure to forcibly close refrigeration detector?", "com.StartRefriger" : "Forcibly Start Refrigeration Detector", "com.LaserDisMeauserDevice" : "Laser Distance Meter", "com.MaxWorkingAngel" : "Max Operating Angle", "com.LaserFailTips" : "Elevation angle too large", "com.Activation" : "Activate", "conf_ivs.face.glassBlack" : "Black-frmaed", "com.IPv4Invalid" : "Invalid IP address.", "com.MACInvalid" : "Invalid MAC address.", "com.PortMustBetween1to65535" : "The port is between 1 and 65535.", "FireWarningExt" : "Fire Extension", "LocationCalibrate" : "Fire Calibration", "appEventHoldUmbrella" : "Illegal Sheltering", "appEventGarbageExposure" : "Garbage Exposure", "appEventDustbinOverflow" : "Full Garbage Can", "appEventDoorFrontDirty" : "Dirty & Messy in Front of Door", "ivs.LinkFaceAnalysisModule" : "Cascade Face Recognition Module", "itc.FlowStatPeriod" : "Statistical Cycle", "itc.FlowUp" : "Flow Upper Limit", "sto.FlowState" : "Flow Data", "itc.Flow" : "Traffic", "itc.AvangeCarspeed" : "Average Vehicle Speed", "com.TmPer" : "Time Occupancy Rate", "itc.Soccp" : "Space Occupancy Rate", "itc.HeadTm" : "Time Headway", "itc.Shway" : "Space Headway", "itc.QueueLength" : "Queue Length", "itc.Route" : "Road Status", "itc.Rstate" : "Slow | Congested | Clear", "itc.AvgSpeed" : "Average Speed", "itc.CarFlow" : "Traffic Flow", "itc.SdUnit" : "sec./vehicle", "itc.MeterLiang" : "m/vehicle", "itc.TurnRound" : "U Turn", "itc.TurnRight" : "Right Turn", "itc.Straight" : "Straight", "ivs.TrafficThrow" : "Debris", "appEventExTrafficAccident" : "Accident", "appEventExTrafficRoadBlock" : "Barrier", "appEventExTrafficRoadConstruction" : "Construction", "com.AlarmTriggerTime" : "Alarm Trigger Time", "com.TrafficFlowStatTip" : "Note: The Lane ANPR function must be enabled for flow statistics.", "radar.LinkageGuide" : "Linkage", "radar.OrbitTime" : "Trajectory Duration", "radar.HideDefenceArea" : "Hide Protection Zone", "radar.MapPath" : "Map Path", "radar.LineLength" : "Line Length", "radar.MapWidth" : "Map Width", "radar.MapHeight" : "Map Height", "radar.CalculateMapSize" : "Calculate Map Size", "radar.CutMap" : "Cut Map", "radar.DrawLine" : "Draw Line", "radar.SDHeight" : "PTZ Height", "radar.Tour" : "Tour", "com.Shield" : "Shield", "radar.MapImport" : "Import Map", "radar.RadarLocation" : "Radar Positioning", "radar.LinkageCalibration" : "Radar Calibration", "radar.OrbitTimeTip" : "Trajectory Duration of OSD Overlay", "radar.TrackChangeModeTip" : "Tour: Track each target by turns; Distance priority: Track the target which is closest to radar; Time priority: Track the target which appears the earliest.", "radar.TrackChangeTimeTip" : "Max tracking time of each target", "radar.PleaseDrawLine" : "Please draw line.", "radar.RedrawTip" : "Click Calculate Map Size after redrawing line, and make config effective.", "radar.CutMapCancel" : "Cancel Screenshot", "radar.CutMapConfirm" : "Confirm Screen", "radar.Angle" : "Angle", "radar.DefenceAreaMaxNum" : "Reached max number of protection areas.", "radar.CutMapError" : "The imported picture is qualified and needs no cropping.", "ivs.TrafficFlowStat" : "Traffic Flow Statistics", "radar.DefenceAreaManager" : "Protection Zone Management", "radar.ChooseChannel" : "Select Channel", "radar.SDManager" : "PTZ Camera", "radar.AddSD" : "Add PTZ Camera", "com.previous" : "Previous", "radar.SDList" : "PTZ Camera List", "radar.Coordinates" : "Radar Coordinates", "radar.RegionManager" : "Region", "radar.RegionFilter" : "Region Filter", "com.Car" : "Vehicle", "com.Animal" : "Animal", "radar.EnvMode" : "Environment Mode", "radar.SDTrackImageRate" : "Tracking Target Display", "com.Shrub" : "Shrub", "com.Roomy" : "Capacious", "radar.OnRadarStructrue" : "Enable Radar Structuring", "radar.RadarStructrue" : "Radar Structuring", "com.AddError" : "Failed to add.", "radar.SDLoginFail" : "Failed to log in PTZ Camera.", "radar.SDLoginSuccess" : "Logged in PTZ Camera successfully.", "itc.TrafficFlowRemark" : "Note:
Lane-Lane Number
F-Vehicle Flow Rate
V-Average Speed
Rt-Time Occupancy
Ht-Time Headway
L-Queue Length
Rs-Space Occupancy
Hs-Space Headway", "LightingScheme" : "Fill Light", "med.WhiteMode" : "White Light", "med.MixMode" : "Soft Light Mode", "com.FrontLight" : "Front Light", "com.BackLight" : "Backlight", "com.StrongLight" : "Strong Backlight", "com.LowLight" : "Low Illuminance", "com.SingleHour" : "Hour", "com.TimeSecOrder" : "Period %s:", "com.TimeSecReverseTip" : "Period %s, end time shall be later than start time.", "com.TimeSecCoverTip" : "Period %s overlaps with period %s.", "com.NoMorePics" : "Exceeded max number of pictures.", "ivs.MannedConvertibleTricycle" : "Open Tricycle with Passenger", "ivs.NoMannedConvertibleTricycle" : "Open Tricycle without Passenger", "ivs.VanTricycle" : "Carriage Tricycle", "ivs.PlayPhone" : "Play with Mobile Phone", "ivs.HandsUp" : "Hands Up", "ivs.Listen" : "Listen to Teacher", "ivs.Table" : "Lie on the Table", "WaterMonitorTitle" : "Water Monitoring Title", "com.acquirePicFailed" : "Failed to acquire pictures.", "com.RayAdjust" : "Optical Axis Coordinate Adjustment", "com.PswResetLimit" : "Password resetting times have reached the limit. Please try again after XXXX seconds.", "radar.LoginSD" : "Log in PTZ Camera", "radar.RadarSetting" : "Radar Settings", "radar.RadarSDAlarm" : "Radar Alarm", "RadarRegionDetection" : "Radar Alarm", "radar.GetSDCalibrationValue" : "Acquire calibration value of PTZ camera.", "radar.SDCalibrationValue" : "Calibration Value of PTZ Camera", "radar.GetSDCalibrationTip" : "1. Select a target point with the same height as the lens;
2. Adjust PTZ camera, and align the crosshair with target point;
3. Click to acquire calibration value.", "radar.EarlyWarning" : "Pre-warning", "ivs.DurationSecond" : "Dwell Time (sec.)", "ivs.BagStatus" : "Bag", "com.SyetemBusy" : "System Busy", "ivs.ShoulderBag" : "Shoulder Bag", "ClassroomBehavior" : "Classroom Behavior Analysis", "radar.TimePriority" : "Time Priority", "radar.DistancePriority" : "Distance Priority", "com.ClearTime" : "Clear Time", "app.StopActionTip" : "It is recommended to stop PTZ action.", "com.SleepInterval" : "Wakeup Time Interval", "com.LinkAction" : "Linkage Action", "com.LinkTimes" : "Times", "sys.MoveCtrl" : "Movement Control", "IntelliShelf" : "AI Replenishment", "appEventIntelliShelf" : "AI Replenishment", "ivs.LeftGoods" : "Inventory", "ivs.RectScale" : "Rectangle Calibration", "ivs.PointScale" : "Five-point Calibration", "com.SuperSmall" : "Ultra-small", "radar.TrackChangeEnvModeTip" : "General: Applies to scenes with only a few barriers;
Shrub: Applies to scenes with trees and other swaying objects;
Capacious: Applies to relatively clean scenes without trees or barriers;
Auto: Applies to most scenes, and adjusts radar parameter depending on scene complexity.", "ECompass" : "Compass Config", "med.BrightnessLimit" : "Brightness Upper Limit", "com.SetNorthWarn" : "Auto north orientation function is being calibrated. Cannot control PTZ within 2 minutes.", "ivs.LongestCaptureIntervalTipEx" : "Second (600 s–3600 s), it is valid in grouped mode.", "MapPara" : "Radar Map Config", "RadarCalibration" : "Radar Calibration", "RemoteSDLink" : "Radar Linkage", "RadarGuardLine" : "Radar Protection Zone", "RadarAnalyseRule" : "Radar Alarm", "RadarTrackGlobal" : "Radar Linkage Track", "appEventClassroomBehavior" : "Classroom Behavior Analysis", "RadarPara" : "Radar Setting", "RadarLinkDevice" : "Radar Linkage Device", "com.ReservedMaskPwdTip" : "****** is a reserved string and cannot be set as a password.", "Complexion" : "Skin Color", "Neutral" : "Calm", "ivs.Action" : "Behavior", "sys.RTSPOverTls" : "RTSP over TLS", "sys.DownloadCer" : "Please click here to download certificate.", "itc.flowSearch" : "Flow Query", "itc.picSearch" : "Picture Query", "ivs.GateNumberStat" : "Entrance and Exit People Counting", "ivs.PtzLifeProtection" : "PTZ Life Warning", "com.AzimuthH" : "Horizontal Angle", "com.AzimuthV" : "Vertical Angle", "com.InclinationH" : "Horizontal Inclined Angle", "com.MountingHeight" : "Installation Height", "com.AzimuthHinfo" : "East is %s degrees.", "com.AzimuthVinfo" : "Horizontal is %s degrees.", "com.ViewRange" : "Visible Range", "med.SmartMotionDetect" : "Smart Motion Detection", "SmartMotionDetect" : "Smart Motion Detection", "ivs.CancelMDTip" : "If you disable motion detection when smart motion detection is enabled, the smart motion detection will be disabled too.", "ivs.SmartDetectionTargetTip" : "Select at least one alarm target.", "ivs.SmartDetectionHuman" : "SMD (Human)", "ivs.SmartDetectionVehicle" : "SMD (Vehicle)", "SmartMotionHuman" : "SMD(Human)", "SmartMotionVehicle" : "SMD(Vehicle)", "appEventSmartMotionHuman" : "SMD(Human)", "appEventSmartMotionVehicle" : "SMD(Vehicle)", "adv.NucSet" : "WDR Settings", "adv.NucSwitch" : "WDR", "adv.LoaclContrast" : "Local Contrast", "adv.GlobalContrast" : "Global Contrast", "com.Uninstall" : "Uninstall", "SensorMaintain" : "Refrigeration Detector Auto Maintenance", "ThermWideDynamic" : "WDR", "ViolateParkingDetection" : "Illegal Parking Capture", "ivs.IntelliVehicle" : "Smart Mobile", "com.Update" : "Update", "com.Debugging" : "Debug", "com.PictureVolDisabledTip" : "By enabling picture overlay, voltage information will be disabled.", "com.VolPictureDisabledTip" : "By enabling voltage information, picture overlay will be disabled.", "com.LaserDisTimeout" : "Laser distance measurement interval is less than 6 s. Please try again later.", "sys.KMSService" : "KMS Service", "sys.EncryptStorage" : "Encrypted Storage", "StoreEncrypt" : "Encrypted Storage", "sys.EncryptDownload" : "Encrypted Download", "DownloadEncrypt" : "Encrypted Download", "sys.EncryptDownloadTip" : "Please enter encrypted download password.", "sys.KMSServiceEncryptTip" : "* Please enable KMS service, and make sure matched device or software supports video decryption function.", "com.KMSDescryptPlaybackTip" : "Failed to play. Please connect KMS server.", "sys.AudioVideoEncrypt" : "A/V Encryption", "sys.SafetyRiskTip" : "There might be safety risk if this service is enabled.", "sys.DataRiskTip" : "There might be data leakage risk if this service is disabled.", "sto.NFSRiskTip" : "NFS might have risk. Enable?", "sto.SMBRiskTip" : "SMB might have risk. Enable?", "sys.NTPRiskTip" : "If NTP is enabled, device time will be automatically synchronized with server. Enable?", "net.P2PRiskTip" : "After enabling the function and connecting Internet, we will collect device information such as IP address, MAC address, name and serial number. The collected information is only used for remote access of the device. If you do not agree to enable the function, please cancel the selection of check box.", "net.RTMPRiskTip" : "After enabling RTMP, video and audio data will be pushed to third-party servers. Please make sure the address can be trusted. Enable?", "net.TLSRiskTip" : "Encryption type except TLS might have risk. TLS encryption type is recommended.", "net.UPnPRiskTip" : "After enabling UPnP, Intranet service/port of the device will be mapped to Extranet.", "sys.DeleteCertTip" : "The deleted certificate cannot be recovered. Delete?", "sys.DeleteTip" : "After deletion, it cannot be recovered. Delete?", "sys.ConfImportTip" : "Imported configuration will overwrite previous configuration.", "com.SensorMaintainTip" : "Caution: To maximize the life expectancy of cooled detector, it will be maintained forcibly from XXX to XXX every day. At other periods, the detector cannot work continuously for over XXX hours.", "TiltLimit" : "Laser Distance Measurement Information", "sys.ProbeDistance" : "Detection Distance", "sys.ProbeAngle" : "Detection Angle", "com.ICRHealthAlarm" : "Mechanical ICR has reached its end of service life.", "com.AIPreview" : "AI Live", "com.MaxChecked" : "Select max %s items.", "com.MotorDetect" : "Motor Vehicle Detection", "com.EDOF" : "Extended Depth of Field", "com.UnfocusCompensation" : "Defocus Compensation", "com.SenceCompensation" : "Scene Compensation", "com.Thermolog" : "Maintenance Log", "com.ThermChart" : "Temperature Log Report", "com.DeleteThermolog" : "Delete Maintenance Log", "com.CoreOp" : "Module Working Condition", "com.Ptz" : "PTZ Movement", "com.ViualZoom" : "Visible Zoom Details", "com.ViualFocus" : "Visible Focus Details", "com.ThermZoom" : "Thermal Lens Zoom Details", "com.ThermFocus" : "Thermal Focus Details", "com.TemperatureLog" : "Temperature Record", "com.ThermologDetail" : "Maintenance Log Info", "com.ThermSensor" : "Thermal Refrigeration Detector Temperature", "com.ThermRefrigerator" : "Thermal Refrigerator Temperature", "com.ThermFpga" : "Thermal FPGA Board Temperature", "com.ThermAD" : "Thermal AD Board Temperature", "com.ThermLens" : "Thermal Lens Temperature", "com.ThermCavity" : "Thermal Chamber Temperature", "com.ThermDSP" : "Thermal DSP Board Temperature", "com.VisualCavity" : "Visible Chamber Temperature", "com.VisualDSP" : "Visible DSP Board Temperature", "com.VisualCam" : "Visible Module Temperature", "com.LaserCavtiy" : "Laser Distance Meter Chamber Temperature", "com.MaxChartData" : "Data volume is too large, please narrow your search.", "com.NightObservationMode" : "Night Observation Mode", "com.TimeAlarmPeriodMode" : "Arm and Disarm Period Mode", "com.EDOFmode" : "Extended Depth of Field Mode", "sys.PlatformUnmatchVersion" : "Version does not match.", "com.CalibrateSpeedTip" : "Note: Please calibrate before use; otherwise, speed might deviate.", "com.InDistance" : "Laser Ranging…", "radar.CalibrationSuccess" : "Calibrated successfully.", "radar.CalibrationFail" : "Failed to calibrate.", "radar.PleaseCutMap" : "Please cut map.", "radar.TrackChangeEnvModeTipEx" : "General: Applies to scenes with only a few barriers;
Shrub: Applies to scenes with trees and other swaying objects;
Capacious: Applies to relatively clean scenes without trees or barriers.", "per.IntelRainBrush" : "Smart Wiper with Rainfall Sensor", "radar.DeviceNotSupportLink" : "The device does not support linkage.", "LowVoltageUnusual" : "Low Voltage Abnormity", "HighVoltageUnusual" : "High Voltage Abnormity", "sys.LoginAuthMode" : "Private Protocol Authentication Mode", "sys.SafeMode" : "Security Mode (Recommended)", "sys.CompatibleMode" : "Compatible Mode", "sys.LoginModeTip" : "Compatible Mode has potential security risks. It is recommended to use Security Mode.", "PresetID" : "Scene Preset No.", "sys.AnonymousLoginTip" : "After anonymous login is enabled, you can view audio and video data without authentication. Enable?", "com.InstallSuccess" : "Installed successfully.", "sys.PlatformSameAsOldApp" : "App is the same. Update is not needed.", "sys.PlatformLicOutOfDate" : "Certificate expired.", "VehiclesDistri" : "Vehicle Density", "CongestionDetection" : "Traffic Congestion", "appEventCongestionDetection" : "Traffic Congestion", "VehicleLimitDetection" : "Parking Upper Limit", "appEventVehicleLimitDetection" : "Parking Upper Limit", "ivs.Uint" : "vehicles", "ivs.CongestionDuration" : "Continuous Congestion Time", "ivs.VehicleCongestionAlarm" : "Vehicle Congestion Alarm", "ivs.VehicleQueueAlarm" : "Vehicle Queuing Alarm", "ivs.VehicleLimitAlarm" : "Upper Limit Vehicle Quantity Alarm", "ivs.VehicleCongestion" : "Vehicle Congestion", "ivs.VehicleQueue" : "Vehicle Queuing", "IDCorrection" : "Image Correction", "med.ReCalibrateAfterCorrectLevel" : "After correction level is changed, smart tracking shall be calibrated again.", "com.CarNum" : "Vehicles", "com.Strengthen" : "Enhanced", "com.Moderate" : "Medium", "com.Slight" : "Slight", "LoginAuthCtrl" : "Authentication Mode", "com.SensorAutoClose" : "Refrigeration detector will be closed for auto maintenance.", "CrowdAbnormal" : "Crowd Abnormity Detection", "BannerDetection" : "Banner Detection", "appEventBannerDetection" : "Banner Detection", "ivs.BannerObjectSize" : "Target Size Ratio", "ivs.WeatherMonitor" : "Weather Monitoring", "FogDetection" : "Fog Detection", "appEventFogDetection" : "Fog Detection", "com.PicCompound" : "Picture Synthesis", "appEventGoodsDetect" : "Object Detection", "appEventShopSignAbnormal" : "Signage Abnormity", "appEventShopWindowPost" : "Shop Window Display", "ivs.GenerateOriginalPicture" : "Generate Original Picture", "ivs.GenerateOriginalPictureTip" : "Note: Original picture generation time shall be consistent with actual comparison time.", "radar.SensorRegion" : "Detection Region", "AnimalDetection" : "Animal Detection", "appEventAnimalDetection" : "Animal Detection", "ivs.AnimalNumber" : "Animal Quantity", "ivs.AnimalFlowStat" : "Animal Quantity Statistics", "com.RequirementForAudiotitleTip" : "Requirement for uploading audio:", "com.RequirementForAudio1Tip" : "1. Size does not exceed XXXXk.", "com.RequirementForAudio2Tip" : "2. Duration does not exceed XXXX seconds.", "app.carColor" : "White|Black|Red|Yellow|Grey|Blue|Green|Pink|Purple|Dull Purple|Brown|Maroon|Silvery Grey|Dark Grey|White Smoke|Deep Orange|Light Rose|Tomato Red|Olive|Golden|Dark Olive|Yellow Green |Green Yellow|Forest Green|Ocean Green|Deep Sky Blue|Cyan|Deep Blue|Deep Red|Deep Green|Deep Yellow|Deep Pink|Deep Purple|Deep Brown|Deep Cyan|Orange|Deep Golden|Green Gradient|Yellow-Green Combination", "ivs.FogLevelBlue" : "Fog Blue Alert", "ivs.FogLevelYellow" : "Fog Yellow Alert", "ivs.FogLevelOrange" : "Fog Orange Alert", "ivs.FogLevelRed" : "Fog Red Alert", "ivs.FogLevelNo" : "No Fog", "sto.RecStorageService" : "Platform Server", "itc.RsOfflineTransfer" : "ANR (Automatic Network Recovery)", "net.Server" : "Server", "sys.LgClient" : "Online Platform", "com.LgClientTip" : "No online platform.", "net.AOLPort" : "AOL Port", "ivs.VehiclesFlowStat" : "Vehicle Statistics", "com.UninstallConfirmTip" : "Are you sure to uninstall?", "com.UninstallSuccessTip" : "Uninstalled successfully.", "com.UninstallFailTip" : "Failed to uninstall.", "ivs.CalibrateAuthority" : "Current user’s permission is insufficient (audio and video parameters, event, live view and PTZ permission are required), so calibration cannot be done.", "SpliceOption" : "Splicing", "appEventHumanTrait" : "People Detection", "com.SpliceDistance" : "Splicing Distance", "com.AdjustAngle" : "Angle Adjustment", "ivs.StaffsList" : "Ruler List", "ivs.StaffsSet" : "Ruler Settings", "ivs.horizontalTip" : "Only XXXX horizontal rulers can be drawn!", "ivs.verticalTip" : "Only XXXX vertical rulers can be drawn!", "ivs.scaleAllTip" : "Please draw XXXX horizontal rulers and XXXX vertical rulers.", "per.HorizontalLimit" : "Horizontal Limit", "per.VerticalLimit" : "Vertical Limit", "ivs.GlobalScheme" : "Global", "per.SolarCell" : "Solar Controller", "per.PtzControl" : "PTZ Control Terminal", "com.External" : "Peripheral", "com.RegionType" : "Area Type", "per.MapPosition" : "Map Location", "per.MoveSpeed" : "Target Moving Speed", "per.Fusion" : "Fusion", "com.Square" : "Box", "com.DrawPointTip" : "Please draw calibration points.", "IntelliKeepAlive" : "AI Auto Maintenance", "ivs.osdTip" : "This is the original picture area.", "ivs.MergeOSDTip" : "This is the synthesized picture area.", "ivs.OSDOptions" : "Overlay", "ivs.CompareSuccessReport" : "Report events when comparison succeeds", "ivs.CompareFailReport" : "Report events when comparison fails", "ivs.LinkMail" : "Link Email", "ivs.AddCalibrationBox" : "Add Calibration Box", "ivs.DeleteCalibrationBox" : "Delete Calibration box", "ivs.PleaseDrawCalibrationBox" : "Please draw 2 or 3 calibration boxes.", "med.MotionRange" : "Dynamic Range", "ivs.RoadEvent" : "Road Event", "DigitalAudio" : "DigitalAudio", "ivs.FaceDetectionDulpRemove" : "Remove Duplicate Faces", "ivs.DulpRemoveTime" : "Time", "ivs.DulpRemovePrecision" : "Precision", "ivs.FaceDulpRemoveConfig" : "Remove Duplicate Faces", "com.PleaseSelectScaleArea" : "Please select a calibration area.", "com.PleaseSelectCalibrationBox" : "Please select a calibration box.", "ivs.EventReport" : "Report Event", "ivs.HumanLinkLocation" : "People Full Positioning", "com.VoltageLog" : "Voltage Record", "com.NoPerson" : "Nobody", "com.Static" : "Static", "FightDetection" : "Fighting", "com.Sleep" : "Sleeping while on Duty", "IntelliPrison" : "General Behavior Analysis", "DistanceDetection" : "Close Contact", "FaceRecognitionEventHandler" : "Face Recognition Event Linkage", "ivs.IntelliPrison" : "Prison Behavior Analysis", "ivs.PrisonerLeaveDetection" : "Out of Bed", "ivs.PrisonerStayAloneDetection" : "Single Person", "ivs.PrisonerFightDetection" : "Fighting", "ivs.PrisonerClimb" : "Climbing", "ivs.DrawBed" : "Detection Area", "ivs.DrawCenterLine" : "Getting up Trigger Line", "RiseDirection" : "Getting up Direction", "com.PleaseDrawBed" : "Please draw a detection area.", "com.PleaseDrawCenterLine" : "Please draw a getting up trigger line.", "IllegalTime" : "Violation Time", "IllegalPlace" : "Violation Location", "ParkingTime" : "Parking Duration", "Miniskirt" : "Miniskirt", "ShopCode" : "Shop Code", "com.FirstAlarmTime" : "First Alarm Time", "com.SinglePic" : "Single Picture", "SwitchSpliceMode" : "Splicing Mode", "med.FusionSplice" : "Merged Splicing", "med.NonFusionSplice" : "Splicing", "ivs.BreedDetection" : "Biological Temperature Measurement", "ivs.PigTempNum" : "Number of Pigs", "med.Timesnap" : "Scheduled", "com.SnapCycle" : "Snapshot Cycle", "PigTempDetection" : "Pig Temperature Measurement", "AutoSnapSchedule" : "Scheduled Snapshot", "med.SpaceSVC" : "Spatial SVC", "med.TimeSVC" : "Temporal SVC", "ivs.EnableFaceDulpRemoveTip" : "The maximum number of detected faces will decrease after the function of removing duplicate faces is enabled. Continue?", "ivs.PtzLinkOperate" : "PTZ Linkage", "med.Sounds1" : "Tone 1", "med.Sounds2" : "Tone 2", "com.ThermVoltageChart" : "Voltage Log Report", "ivs.CustomSetting" : "Customized", "ivs.Width" : "Customized Width", "ivs.FacePartHeight" : "Customized Face Height", "ivs.BodyPartHeight" : "Customized Body Height", "ivs.FacePart" : "Face", "ivs.BodyPart" : "Body", "ivs.FaceWidth" : "Original Face Width", "ivs.FaceHeight" : "Original Face Height", "ivs.NumberChange" : "Change in Number of People", "ivs.LimitManNum" : "Allowed Number of People", "sto.DirectoryStructure" : "Directory Structure", "sto.DirectoryLelvel1" : "Level 1 Directory", "sto.DirectoryLelvel2" : "Level 2 Directory", "sto.DirectoryLelvel3" : "Level 3 Directory", "sto.PictureNameCustom" : "Customized Picture Name", "sto.FileTypeAndChanelNo" : "File Type_Channel No.", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel1" : "Use Level 1 Directory", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel2" : "Use Level 2 Directory", "sto.SelectDirectoryLevel3" : "Use Level 3 Directory", "sto.PictureNameSetting" : "Picture Name Settings", "sto.PictureNameContent" : "Picture Name Content", "sto.SpaceMark" : "Separator", "sto.PicNameSeparatorTip" : "Separator can only be a dash, underline or space.", "com.FusionTip" : "For better fusion calibration, you are recommended to enable the lens correction switch of Channel 1 and Channel 2 simultaneously.", "per.Gyro" : "Gyroscope", "per.XAcceleration" : "X-direction Acceleration", "per.XAngularVelocity" : "X-direction Angular Velocity", "per.YAcceleration" : "Y-direction Acceleration", "per.YAngularVelocity" : "Y-direction Angular Velocity", "per.ZAcceleration" : "Z-direction Acceleration", "per.ZAngularVelocity" : "Z-direction Angular Velocity", "per.RollAngle" : "Roll Angle", "per.RollAngleTip" : "Roll angle: The included angle between carrier and horizontal plane. Roll angle is positive during clockwise rotation, and negative during anticlockwise rotation.", "per.NavigationAngle" : "Yaw Angle", "com.NavigationAngleTip" : "Yaw angle: The included angle between carrier and X-axis. Yaw angle is positive when turning right, and negative when turning left. X-axis represents the forward direction.", "per.PitchAngle" : "Pitch Angle", "com.PitchAngleTip" : "Pitch angle: The included angle between carrier and horizontal plane. Pitch angle is positive during moving upwards, and negative when moving downwards.", "ivs.TrafficPriority" : "Number Plate Priority", "ivs.FacePriority" : "Face Priority", "appEventStayAloneDetection" : "Single Person", "ivs.SmartKitchen" : "Smart Kitchen", "ivs.ChefHat" : "Hat Detection", "ivs.ChefClothesColor" : "Clothes Color", "ivs.ChefMask" : "Face Mask Detection", "TrackerPolicySchedule" : "Smart Tracking Strategy Plan", "SignalLight" : "Traffic Light Configuration", "SplitCalibrateMatrix" : "Calibration Configuration", "ivs.BoatCalibration" : "Boat Calibration", "ivs.CalibrationDistance" : "Calibration Distance", "ivs.CalibrationStaffLength" : "Calibration Object Length", "ivs.CalibrationData" : "Calibration Data", "ivs.EndPosition" : "End Position", "com.CaliNumTip" : "Please calibrate XXXX pieces of data.", "com.MaxCaliNumTip" : "Reached max number of calibration data.", "SmartKitchenClothesDetection" : "Smart Kitchen", "appEventSmartKitchenClothesDetection" : "Smart Kitchen", "com.ReservedMaskPwdTip2" : "***** is a reserved string and cannot be set as a password.", "com.EnterIn" : "Enter", "BackToDetection" : "Back Detection", "appEventBackToDetection" : "Back Detection", "ivs.BackToDetection" : "Back Detection", "WalkDetection" : "Walking Detection", "appEventWalkDetection" : "Walking Detection", "ivs.WalkDetection" : "Walking Detection", "WriteOnTheBoardDetection" : "Blackboard Writing Detection", "appEventWriteOnTheBoardDetection" : "Blackboard Writing Detection", "ivs.WriteOnTheBoardDetection" : "Blackboard Writing Detection", "ivs.DrawCloseUp" : "Draw Close-up Area", "ivs.DesignedMode" : "Designated Mode", "ivs.ChangeSlaveEnableTip" : "When linkage tracking mode is switched, the smart plan and rule shall be configured again. Are you sure to switch?", "ivs.EnableTargetStack" : "After target box overlay is enabled, snapshot capability will drop. Enable?", "ivs.CheckColor" : "Allowed Color", "ivs.HelmetColor" : "Helmet Color", "sys.ChangePwdWay" : "Modification Mode", "sys.ManagerAccount" : "Admin Account", "sys.ManagerName" : "Admin Username", "sys.ManagerPwd" : "Admin Password", "per.OneClickTour" : "One-click Tour", "per.OneClickIdle" : "One-click Idle Motion", "per.LastTourConfiguring" : "Configuring the last tour", "per.IdleMotionConfiguring" : "Configuring idle motion", "ivs.Boat" : "Boat", "med.AutoFineTuning" : "Auto Fine Tuning", "ivs.PleaseSetDivisionLine" : "Please set a left turn division line and right turn division line.", "sys.SafetyMonitorevent" : "Event Monitoring", "sys.SensorMaintainTip3" : "Please configure the maintenance time as required.", "sys.ExceptionProgramRun" : "Trusted environment detected program operation exception", "sys.WebURLErrorOverLimit" : "Brute force attack of web path", "sys.NotAllowedTimeLogin" : "Login not in the specified time range.", "sys.SessionNumOverLimit" : "Session connection exceeds limit", "sys.SessionIDErrorOverLimit" : "Session ID Brute Force Attack", "med.InfraredMode" : "IR Mode", "med.AIMode" : "Smart Illumination", "ivs.ClearLifeInfo" : "Clear Lifespan Data", "ivs.CarStartNum" : "Start No.", "ivs.LotNum" : "Quantity", "com.Horizontal" : "Horizontal", "AVSAutoFineTuning" : "Auto Fine Tuning", "com.SoftDecode" : "Software Decoding", "com.HardDecode" : "Hardware Decoding", "com.ViewMode" : "Rendering Mode", "ivs.DisarmPeriod" : "Disarm Period", "ivs.CycleDisarmTip" : "Disarm by Period will be valid after one-click disarm is disabled.", "ivs.CycleDisarm" : "Disarm by Period", "med.DisarmLinkageTip" : "Disarm Alarm Linkage Action", "med.Disarming" : "Disarming", "ivs.ParkManualEvidence" : "Illegal Parking Manual Capture", "ivs.TrafficTruckforbid" : "No Truck Parking", "ivs.SelOneTruck" : "At least select one truck type.", "ivs.SpecialCarType" : "Special Vehicle", "ivs.NormalCarType" : "General Vehicle", "ivs.TruckType" : "Truck Type", "ivs.SnapBluePlateTruck" : "Capture Blue Plate Trucks", "ivs.NonMotorType" : "Non-motor Vehicle Type", "ParkingLotStatusDetection" : "Parking Space Status", "ivs.FaceFocus" : "Face Focusing", "DisableLightingLinkage" : "Disarm and Disable Warning Light", "DisableVoiceLinkage" : "Disarm and Disable Audio Output", "DisableEmailLinkage" : "Disarm and Disable Sending Emails", "DisableAlarmOutLinkage" : "Disarm and Disable Alarm Output", "DisableLinkage" : "Disarm with One Click", "DisableLinkageTimeSection" : "Disarm by Period", "ActivityAnalyse" : "Activation Analysis", "appEventActivityAnalyse" : "Activation Analysis", "ivs.ActivityAnalyse" : "Activation Analysis", "ivs.ActivityTimeTip" : "You can only query reports within the time range of 30 minutes–24 hours.", "ivs.ActivityGroupTip" : "We recommend splitting the window into 2ⁿ windows.", "ivs.ActivityGroup" : "Number of Screen Sections", "per.Sensor" : "Sensor", "appEventFloatingObjectDetection" : "Floating Debris Detection", "appEventWaterLevelDetection" : "Water Level Detection", "WeatherMonitorTitle" : "Weather Monitoring OSD Overlay Config", "med.FusionAdjustment" : "Dual-lens Calibration Adjustment", "med.HeatFusion" : "Fuse with Iron Oxide Red", "SleepingControl" : "Sleep Config", "ivs.MasterslaveCalibratepointsmustlargerthan3" : "Supports at least %s calibration points.", "net.UNEXIST" : "Not Exist", "com.SensorMaintainTip2" : "Be sure to maintain when the temperature is the highest in the day to prolong service life of the refrigeration detector.", "per.PresetDurationTip" : "Tip: Set the preset stay time no less than default value to ensure lens life expectancy.", "per.PresetIntervalTimeTip" : "Tip: Set the interval no less than default value to ensure lens life expectancy.", "per.LaserOSD" : "Laser Info", "BurnWarning2" : "Risk of lens burns. PTZ turns away.", "LaserWarnTip" : "Caution! Laser is enabled.", "DayWarnStopTip" : "It is recommended to stop relevant actions.", "DayWarnTip" : "PTZ and lens focusing is too frequent.", "com.FileName2Long" : "File name too long.", "ZoomRatioCalibrate" : "Zoom Calibration", "net.SIMPuklockTip" : "To be unlocked with a PUK code.", "net.SIMPinlockTip" : "To be unlocked with a PIN code.", "net.SIMExitTip" : "Exists", "net.Dialing" : "Dialing…", "net.ICCID" : "ICCID", "net.IMEI" : "IMEI", "net.IMSI" : "IMSI", "net.DialState" : "Dial-up Status", "net.5G" : "5G", "HeaterRunTimeRemain" : "Manually heating. Time left:", "com.ManualHeaterOnLightError" : "Manually heating. Disable manual heating?", "com.AutoHeaterOnLightError" : "Automatically heating. Disable auto heating first.", "DhopCustom" : "Opened up the custom event function on Dhop.", "com.Nonstandard" : "Nonstandard", "ivs.SingleWork" : "Lone Working", "ivs.WorkClothes" : "Workwear", "ivs.AbsenceWorkDetection" : "Absence Detection", "ivs.SingleWorkDetection" : "Lone Working Detection", "ivs.WorkClothesDetection" : "Workwear Detection", "LogOnlineBackup" : "Online Log Backup", "sys.LogOnlineBackup" : "Online Log Backup", "per.PtzLock" : "PTZ Locked", "per.PtzError" : "PTZ Expection", "AbnormalError" : "PTZ rotation exception detected. Please maintain the PTZ.", "AbnormalDetecting" : "Detecting PTZ rotation exception.", "PTZAbnormalDetect" : "Detect PTZ Exception", "ivs.SmartRebootTip" : "Smart motion detection conflicts with the smart plan. You need to restart the device.", "ivs.SmartConflictTip" : "Smart motion detection conflicts with the smart plan. You need to disable the conflicted item.", "com.HighTemperDetect" : "Overtemperature Detection", "com.BatteryAbnormal" : "Battery Exception", "com.ChargeStatus" : "Charging or Not", "com.BatteryState" : "Battery Status", "SingleWorker" : "Lone Working", "NoWorker" : "Absence Detection", "Clothes" : "Workwear", "Helmet" : "Safety Helmet", "appEventWorkStatDetection" : "Construction Monitoring", "ivs.Escort" : "Armored Van", "net.Other3gnetError" : "Are you sure to disable other NICs?", "med.SaveSceneFail" : "Create new scenes or delete scenes that already exit.", "med.LeaveCalibrationTip" : "Continue training or stop training.", "med.SceneCalibratingTip" : "Do not do operations during training. If you want to stop training, please click Stop.", "com.SaveSceneTip" : "Please save the scene first.", "com.Complete" : "Complete", "com.Termination" : "Stop", "med.SceneCalibration" : "Scene Focusing Training", "med.CalibrateZoom" : "Lens Magnification", "med.FocusExpert" : "Expert Mode", "VideoWidgetBatteryFullCharge" : "Fully charged.", "VideoWidgetBatteryLowPower" : "Low battery.", "VideoWidgetBatteryCharging" : "Charging.", "ivs.ColorChooseOne" : "Select at least one color.", "FocusTraining" : "Do not operate the camera during focusing training.", "FocusTrainOver" : "Focusing training ended.", "FocusExpert" : "Expert Mode", "FocusCalibrationScene" : "Focusing Scene Info", "ivs.DetailToDisappeared" : "Track until objects captured by detail camera disappear.", "ivs.PanoramaToDisappeared" : "Track until objects captured by panorama camera disappear.", "grassland" : "Grassland", "bluesky" : "Sky", "ivs.BirdScene" : "Bird", "ivs.AnimalScene" : "Beast", "AbnormalShutDown" : "Abnormal shutdown.", "LowPowerShutDown" : "Shut down because of low battery.", "ManualShutDown" : "Manual shutdown.", "BatteryOverHeating" : "Battery Overtemp", "PtzAbnormal" : "PTZ Expection", "sys.OffScreenTime" : "Screen Off Time", "sys.OffScreenSetting" : "Screen Off Settings", "net.CloseWifiConfirmTip" : "Are you sure to disable Wi-Fi?", "com.PasswordLength8To60" : "Password should consist of 8 to 60 characters.", "com.HostIP" : "Host IP", "net.FrequencyBand" : "Frequency Band", "com.Sftype" : "Verification Type", "com.ConnectionPassword" : "Connection Password", "com.Never" : "Never", "net.TLSOldVersionTip" : "TLS Protocol Compatibility", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLSTip" : "There might be security risks if TLS of earlier versions are enabled. Please select carefully.", "net.StartUsingLowVersionTLS" : "Compatible with TLSv1.1 and earlier versions", "com.CheckAtTime" : "Detectar ahora", "com.TimeLimit" : "Duration Limit", "net.CloseAPConfirmTip" : "Are you sure to disable AP?", "com.WarningLight" : "Warning Light", "ivs.Fight" : "Fighting", "ivs.Batter" : "Smashing", "ivs.MutationTimeRange" : "Sound Changing Duration", "ivs.MutationThreshold" : "Sound Changing Threshold", "ivs.StereoFightDetection" : "The max number of violence detection rules is XXXX.", "ivs.ChooseValidVoice" : "Enable Sound, and then select a valid audio input source.", "ivs.StereoFightDetectionChoose" : "Please select Fighting or Smashing in the violence detection rule.", "ivs.ScaleCheckWay" : "Calibration Method", "ivs.ScaleCheckHeight" : "Height", "ivs.ScaleCheckGround" : "Floor", "sto.CfmFormat2PartitionTip" : "Formatting the SD card to private file system can greatly improve SD card multimedia file read/write performance. DiskManager is needed to read SD card on the computer. Data will be cleared after formatting the SD card. Are you sure to format the SD card?", "ivs.UnlicensedVehicle" : "Vehicles without License Plates", "ivs.TowardsCarTail" : "Vehicle Rear Image", "ivs.TowardsCarHead" : "Vehicle Front Image", "ivs.PatrolMode" : "Patrol Mode", "ivs.ParkingReverse" : "Parking against the Traffic Flow", "ivs.AbnormalParking" : "Non-motor Vehicle/Vehicles without License Plates Parking", "ivs.ParkingOverstep" : "Occupying Two Parking Spots", "ivs.HorizontalType" : "Horizontal", "ivs.VerticalType" : "Vertical", "ivs.sceneOptions" : "Parking Spot Type", "ivs.ParkingSpaceSum" : "Total Number of Parking Spots", "com.CenterPoint" : "Central Point", "ivs.LinkageTrack" : "Linkage Track", "appEventBatteryOverHeating" : "Battery Overtemp", "per.ptzOptimal" : "PTZ Prioirty", "PtzSerial" : "PTZ Prioirty Config", "med.PrivacyMaskingTypeLimit" : "The number of this type has reached the upper limit.", "med.PrivacyMaskingNameTip" : "Name cannot contain < > \\ & \" | and '.", "ivs.DobuleChannelIVSConfirmWran" : "After enabling dual channel IVS, the splicing will not become valid.", "FlexStream" : "FlexStream", "med.FlexStream" : "FlexStream", "med.OutputMode" : "Output Mode", "per.DeviceAttitude" : "Device Attitude", "appEventPowerLineForeignDetection" : "Foreign Objects on the Transmission Line", "ivs.PowerLineForeignDetection" : "Foreign Objects on the Transmission Line", "ivs.ForeignDetection" : "Foreign Object Detection", "com.CourseNotNone" : "%s cannot be null.", "net.ConnectBluetoothFirst" : "Please connect Bluetooth device first.", "net.MatchAgain" : "Pair Again", "net.BluetoothName" : "Bluetooth Name", "net.BluetoothMessage" : "Bluetooth Module Info", "net.BluetoothList" : "Bluetooth List", "net.Bluetooth" : "Bluetooth", "com.ConnectSet" : "Connection Settings", "PtzAbnormalStop" : "PTZ stopped rotating abnormally.", "PtzLifeProtection" : "PTZ Life Warning", "net.5000Port" : "5000 Port", "med.correctionImmediately" : "Correct Now", "med.autoCorrection" : "Auto Correction", "med.sceneCorrection" : "Scene Correction", "med.CalibrateOperateTip" : "During calibration, please make sure that: 1. Images are stable. 2. Ambient light is sufficient.", "med.CalibrateRebootTip" : "The calibration can only be effective after restarting the device.", "med.FusionCalibrate" : "Splicing Calibration", "per.RegetTime" : "Anti-rereading Duration", "per.485Type" : "RS-485 Port", "per.EthernetIOT" : "Ethernet IoT", "per.485IOT" : "RS-485 IoT", "EthernetIOT" : "Ethernet IoT", "com.Messages" : "Info", "sys.Log" : "Log", "com.Factory" : "Manufacturer", "ivs.DetectSensitivity" : "Detection Sensitivity", "ivs.BodyFirst" : "Human Body First", "ivs.FaceFirst" : "Face First", "ivs.PortraitFlowStat" : "Face & Body Counting", "ivs.PriorityStrategy" : "Detection Priority", "ivs.PortraitDetectionEnhance" : "Face & Body Image Enhancement", "ivs.PortraitDetection" : "Face & Body Detection", "sys.ReadLicenceAndPolicy" : "I have read and agree to the terms of the Software License Agreement and Privacy Policy.", "sys.LicenceAndPolicy" : "Software License Agreement and Privacy Policy", "sys.PrivacyPolicy" : "Privacy Policy", "sys.LegalInfo" : "Legal Info", "sys.OpenSourceLicense" : "Open Source Software Notice", "per.PresetIntelliError" : "Deleting linked presets will cause intelligent function exception.", "ivs.PanoramaIntelliError" : "Deleting linked presets will cause intelligent function exception. Continue?", "ivs.ChangeIntelliModeTip" : "Switching mode will clear presets and related intelligent configuration. Continue?", "ivs.IntelliMode2Tip" : "Combination: Panorama camera cannot be used for multi-scenario tour, and detail camera is used for multi-scenario tour.", "ivs.IntelliMode1Tip" : "Linkage: Panorama camera is used for multi-scenario tour, and detail camera is used for attribute recognition and capturing images.", "ivs.IntelliLinkToPreset" : "Intelligent Functions Linked to", "ivs.Link" : "Linkage", "ParkingSpaceSplice" : "Composite Image", "ivs.MixCountryRoad" : "ANPR/Default-Township Road", "VideoAnalyseBoatCalibrate" : "Boat Calibration", "ivs.RemoveDuplicationFilter" : "Duplicate Object Filtering", "ivs.SnapOverlayTrack" : "Track Overlay", "med.LensLock" : "Lens Lock", "com.RequirementForAudio3Tip" : "3. Audio format can only be XXXX.", "com.UnequalThreshold" : "≠ Threshold", "com.EqualThreshold" : "= Threshold", "ivs.PanoramaTraffic" : "Panoramic Traffic Event", "appEventTrafficAccidentForPRMA" : "Traffic Accident", "appEventTrafficJamForPRMA" : "Traffic Congestion", "AccuracySnapImage" : "Precise Snapshot Parameter Config", "ivs.FaceFlowStat" : "Face Counting", "com.LngLatPosition" : "Latitude and Longitude", "sys.BEIDOU" : "Beidou", "RecognitionFailed" : "Storage Medium Recognition Exception", "Error" : "Error Type", "Storage.Error" : "SD Card Error", "CmdErrMask" : "Error Code", "BlkSize" : "Quantity", "BlkAddr" : "Logical Block Address", "Write" : "Storage Medium Write Error", "Read" : "Storage Medium Read Error", "sys.EnableGPSCloseNTPTip" : "After enabling positioning system time synchronization, NTP will be disabled.", "sys.EnableNTPCloseGPSTip" : "After enabling NTP, positioning system time synchronization will be disabled.", "per.ManualDewater" : "Water Removal", "per.DeicingAndfog" : "Remove ice and fog", "com.DeicingAndfogLightError" : "Removing ice and fog. Please disable it first.", "com.DewateringLightError" : "Removing water. Are you sure to disable it?", "per.TempHighNoHeater" : "Temp too high. Heater cannot be enabled.", "DeicingAndDefogging" : "Removing ice and fog", "DewateringRemain" : "Removing water. Remaining", "ivs.ChangeIntelliModeTip" : "Switching mode will clear presets and related intelligent configuration. Continue?", "ivs.EffectiveTargetTip" : "Select at least one effective target.", "com.MultiExpos" : "Mixed-exposure", "med.CorridorModeEnableTip" : "Operation failed. Please check whether flip mode is enabled.", "ivs.ForbidParking" : "No Parking", "sys.OccupyCPU" : "CPU", "sys.OccupyMem" : "Memory", "sys.OccupyMedia" : "Multimedia", "sys.OccupyFlash" : "Flash", "sys.OccupyHashrate" : "Hash Rate", "com.Hashrate" : "Hash Rate", "com.FlashMem" : "Flash", "com.MediaMem" : "Multimedia Memory", "com.OsMem" : "System Memory", "com.ResourceStatistic" : "Resource Usage", "com.SDKVersion" : "SDK Version", "com.PlatformVersion" : "Platform Version", "com.PlatformType" : "Platform", "sys.ApplicationCenter" : "App Center", "med.LensLockOrPhotolotyAnti" : "When lens lock is enabled, OIS cannot be configured.", "med.PhotolotyAntiOrLensLock" : "When OIS is enabled, lens lock cannot be configured.", "com.AIPreviewPlus" : "AI Plus Live", "ivs.IndependentMode" : "Fire or Smoke", "ivs.FireSmokeMode" : "Fire and Smoke", "ivs.SmokeMode" : "Smoke Only", "ivs.FireMode" : "Fire Only", "ivs.FireSmokeDetectMode" : "Smoke and Fire Detection Mode", "ivs.SmokeWaitMode" : "Smoke Waiting Mode", "ivs.SmokeDuration" : "Smoke Duration", "ivs.AddTourPreset" : "Add Preset", "ivs.PresetLongestDuration" : "Stay at the Preset for at Most", "com.FullDay" : "All Day", "ivs.TourPeriod" : "Tour Period", "ivs.StartMultiSceneTour" : "Multi-scene Tour", "ivs.FilterSettingsFooterTip" : "Note: 1440 min=24 hr, which means snapshots of vehicles parking at this section will not be taken repeatedly until 1440 minutes have passed.", "ivs.FilterSettingsTip" : "Configure a capturing time limit for this section. For vehicles parking for less than the time limit, snapshots will not be taken repeatedly.", "ivs.IllegalParkingDurationTip" : "Configure a parking time limit for this section. Parking for longer than the time limit is considered illegal.", "ivs.ConfIllegalParkPageHeadTip" : "Add presets on the video image to form an area.", "com.FeatureDescription" : "Description", "ivs.LinkageMode" : "Linkage", "ivs.CombinationMode" : "Combination", "ivs.FilterSettings" : "Filtering Settings", "ivs.DetailScene" : "Detailed Scene", "ivs.PanoramicScene" : "Panoramic Scene", "ivs.CombinationScheme" : "Combination Mode", "net.AreaCodeNotNoneTip" : "International calling codes cannot be empty.", "net.Identify" : "Recognized", "ivs.RecogSensitivity" : "Recognition Sensitivity", "ivs.RecogSensitivityTip" : "The smaller the value is, the higher the human recognition rate will be. The larger the value is, the higher the vehicle recognition rate will be.", "per.SpeedFilterTip" : "Objects whose speeds are not within the target speed range will not trigger alarms.", "per.TargetSpeed" : "Target Speed", "per.SpeedFilter" : "Speed Filtering", "ivs.FeatureExtract" : "Send Eigenvector", "ivs.FaceFaceLibOnlyOne" : "Only one item can be selected.", "ivs.TemperaturePreAlarm" : "Temp Early Warning", "ivs.PreAlarmDurationOfTemp" : "Temp Early Warning Duration", "ivs.PreAlarmThresholdTemp" : "Temp Threshold of Early Warning", "PreHeatImagingTemper" : "Temp Early Warning", "PreAlarmEvent" : "Temp Early Warning", "ivs.FaceAngleFilter" : "Snapshot Angle Filtering", "com.DevUUID" : "Device UUID", "ivs.MoveTargetFilter" : "Moving Target Filtering", "ivs.FacePicture" : "Face", "ivs.ShadeVehicleSnap" : "Plate Blocking Capture", "ivs.ZoomDuration" : "Zoom Stay Time", "ivs.PersonTriggerTime" : "Pedestrian Stay Time", "ivs.ModelName" : "Model Name", "ivs.ModelList" : "Model List", "ivs.ModelManagement" : "Model Management", "ivs.AnythingDetect" : "Targets Detection", "FileType" : "File Type", "GPS" : "Positioning System", "com.LngLatPosition" : "Latitude and Longitude", "sys.AdjustTimeByLocation" : "Positioning System Time Synchronization", "sys.PositionSystem" : "Positioning System", "com.FaultHandling" : "Emergency Maintenance", "com.CloseAOLTip" : "It is recommended that the emergency maintenance be enabled. Are you sure to disable it?", "Japanese" : "Japanese", "LaserDistHint" : "Laser Hazard Distance", "adv.ForceStart" : "Forcibly Start", "adv.ForceClose" : "Forcibly Close", "adv.ForceStartTips" : "Warning: Forcibly start the refrigeration detector and its durability will be lowered, please operate with care.", "adv.ForceCloseTips" : "Are you sure to forcibly close refrigeration detector?", "ivs.Target" : "Target", "com.WantToClear" : "Are you sure to clear?", "appEventAnythingDetect" : "Targets Detection", "sys.RicfSupplyCurrentLog" : "Current Record of Cooler Power", "sys.RicfSupplyCurrent" : "Cooler Power Current", "sys.RicfSupplyVoltageLog" : "Voltage Record of Cooler Power", "sys.RicfSupplyVoltage" : "Cooler Power Voltage", "sys.SupplyVoltageLog" : "Voltage Record of Unit Power", "sys.SupplyVoltage" : "Unit Power Voltage", "med.FusionOrIsotherm" : "Isotherm cannot be set if fusion mode is enabled.", "med.IsothermOrFusion" : "Fusion mode cannot be set if isotherm is enabled.", "com.VideoAbnormal" : "Video Exception", "com.ResetPswNewTip" : "We need to collect your email address and device serial number in order to reset device password safely. All the collected info is only used for the purposes of verifying device validity and sending the security code. Continue?", "com.LimitEnable" : "Left/Right Limit", "com.AreaScanEnable" : "Area Scanning", "adv.CurrentBackgroundTemperature" : "Current Background Temp", "med.HumiditySensor" : "Humidity Sensor", "HumanCompensate" : "Configuration of Temperature Monitoring Compensation", "ivs.BasicReviseTemp" : "Reference Temp Correction", "ivs.TempCompensationSet" : "Compensation", "ivs.TempercorrectTime" : "Last Save Time", "ivs.TempercorrectTimes" : "Times of Saving", "ivs.AdaptiveEnvironmentTemp" : "Self-adaptive Environmental Temp", "ivs.EnvironmentTempSet" : "Environmental Temp", "ivs.EnvironmentParameter" : "Environment", "CoaxialHighHumidityAlarm" : "High Humidity Alarm", "per.HumidityThreshold" : "Humidity Threshold", "ivs.MachineshopTruckFilter" : "Thermal Engineering Truck Filter", "ivs.SomkeSaveTip" : "Smoke confirming time must be at least XXX times longer than the minimum duration. Please enter again.", "ivs.FalseAlarmFilter" : "False Alarm Filter", "ivs.TargetFilterThreshold" : "Target Filter Threshold", "ivs.SmokeConfirmTime" : "Smoke Confirming Time", "net.BeehiveNet" : "Cellular Network", "appEventPreParking" : "Imminent Illegal Parking", "ivs.PreParking" : "Imminent Illegal Parking", "sys.CloudUpgChecking" : "Checking", "ivs.FaceBeautification" : "Face Beautifying", "ivs.ThermalSmartOrTrunkFilter" : "Thermal engineering truck filter cannot be set when thermal channel intelligence is enabled.", "ivs.TrunkFilterOrThermalSmart" : "Thermal channel intelligence cannot be set when thermal engineering truck filter is enabled.", "ivs.VisibleSmartOrSmoke" : "Smoke detection cannot be set when visual channel intelligence is enabled.", "ivs.SmokeOrVisibleSmart" : "Visual channel intelligence cannot be set when smoke detection is enabled.", "adv.Visible" : "Visible", "adv.Thermal" : "Thermal", "adv.ADValue" : "AD Value", "adv.SaveYuvMapTip" : "Please save the previous data.", "adv.AddYuvMapTip" : "Data capacity reaches upper limit.", "adv.Compound" : "Compose", "adv.CompoundTip" : "Please add at least XXX pieces of data.", "adv.CompoundTip2" : "Please add the same pieces of data in visible and thermal channels.", "ivs.ReflectionFliter" : "Reflection Filter", "PaaS_ENCRYPT_INFO" : "PaaS Encypted Info", "PaaS_UPGRADE" : "PaaS Update", "com.Speed" : "Speed", "ivs.ObjectRemoval" : "Smart Object Missing", "ivs.ObjectPlacement" : "Smart Object Abandoned", "ivs.ObjectMonitor" : "Smart Object Detection", "com.DividedInstall" : "Separate", "com.IntegratedInstall" : "Integrated", "com.InstallMode" : "Installation", "com.savingAllRecord" : "Saving configuration. Please wait.", "adv.PtzCalibration" : "PTZ Correction", "adv.VerticalCalibration" : "Vertical Correction", "adv.HorizontalCalibration" : "Horizontal Correction", "Southwest" : "Southwest", "Northwest" : "Northwest", "Southeast" : "Southeast", "Northeast" : "Northeast", "NorthDirect" : "North", "West" : "West", "South" : "South", "East" : "East", "ivs.EmergencyLane" : "Emergency Lane", "ivs.PedestrainNonmotor" : "Pedestrian/Non-motor Vehicle in Highway", "ivs.TrafficEvent" : "Traffic Event", "BoatHeight" : "Height", "com.DividedInstall" : "Separate", "com.IntegratedInstall" : "Integrated", "com.InstallMode" : "Installation", "ivs.NonMotorPlate" : "Non-motor Vehicle Plate", "pfm.NRJT" : "Nari Group", "pfm.DKY" : "China Electric Power Research Institute", "per.PtzCorrect" : "Angle Correction", "PtzCorrect" : "Angle Correction", "med.SetAsShieldingRatio" : "Set as shielding zoom ratio", "med.ShieldingRatioSetting" : "Setting", "med.ShieldingRatio" : "Shielding Ratio", "med.Auxiliary" : "Aux", "med.GainModeLowToHighTime" : "Low Temp Transferred to High Temp Delay", "med.GainModeHighToLowTime" : "High Temp Transferred to Low Temp Delay", "Indonesian" : "Bahasa Indonesia", "Thai" : "Thai", "Hebrew" : "Hebrew", "SpanishEU" : "Spanish (Europe)", "Arabic" : "Arabic", "Vietnamese" : "Vietnamese", "Ukrainian" : "Ukrainian", "Czech" : "Czech", "Hungarian" : "Hungarian", "Romanian" : "Romanian", "Turkish" : "Turkish", "Portuguese" : "Portuguese", "adv.Sync" : "Sync", "sys.PasswordExpiredTip" : "Password expired. Please change your password.", "sys.Indefinitely" : "Never", "sys.PasswordCycle" : "Password Expires in", "ivs.VisibleSmartOrThermalSmart" : "For the current preset, IVS of the visible channel has been enabled. Sensitivity cannot exceed XXX.", "ivs.ThermalSmartOrVisibleSmart" : "For preset XXX1, IVS sensitivity of the thermal channel exceeds XXX2. IVS of the visible channel cannot be enabled.", "adv.ElectronRayRightTip" : "Cannot move. The frame crosses outside the image.", "adv.Step" : "Speed", "adv.ElectronRayRight" : "Electronic Optical Axis Calibration", "adv.TargetReflectionTemp" : "Target Reflection Temperature", "adv.TargetDistance" : "Target Distance", "adv.TargetRadiationCoefficient" : "Target Radiation Coefficient", "adv.OpenLocalConfig" : "Config", "adv.AlarmSet" : "Alarm", "adv.MeasurementName" : "Measurement Name", "adv.DrawTip" : "Rectangle crosses outside the image. Please draw again.", "adv.RectHeight" : "Height", "adv.RectWidth" : "Width", "adv.AutoDrawRect" : "Rectangle Centered on Mouse Click", "adv.TempRule" : "Monitor Rule", "ivs.HighFPSConflictTip" : "High frame rate (> %s) conflicts with the intelligence. You need to disable the conflicted item.", "FireSmokeDetect" : "Smoke and Fire Detection Mode", "LaserOSDCtrl" : "Laser Info", "com.SmokeDetection" : "Smoke Detection", "TradChinese" : "TradChinese", "Polish" : "Polish", "Dutch" : "Dutch", "med.LocationInfo" : "Location", "CompassTitle" : "Location", "VideoAnalyseIvsCaliRectGroupEx" : "Relative Calibration", "ivs.CaliNumMinTip" : "Please calibrate at least XXX pieces of data.", "ivs.WidthInspectionRange" : "Width", "ivs.HeightInspectionRange" : "Height", "ivs.CaliBoxAcquireFailTip" : "Failed to get calibration box. Please get again.", "ivs.Verify" : "Verify", "ivs.TargetHeight" : "Target Height", "ivs.NormalizationCali" : "Relative Calibration", "sys.LLDP" : "LLDP", "ivs.FireSingleAlarm" : "One-time Alarm", "com.AlarmFile" : "Alarm File", "com.ScreenToRadarDis" : "Screen-to-radar Distance", "com.PictureFile" : "Image File", "pfm.ANPRInfo" : "ANPR Info", "pfm.VehicleBlockListAttribute" : "Vehicle in Blocklist", "pfm.VehicleAllowedListAttribute" : "Vehicle in Allowlist", "pfm.LicensePlateConfidence" : "Accuracy", "pfm.UploadContent" : "Uploading Info", "pfm.NotBlockList" : "Not in Blocklist", "pfm.BlockList" : "Blocklist", "pfm.NotAllowedList" : "Not in Allowlist", "pfm.AllowedList" : "Allowlist", "pfm.AllLists" : "All", "pfm.UploadedList" : "Uploading List", "pfm.ParkingInfo" : "Parking Info", "pfm.PushInfotoPlatform" : "Info Push Platform", "pfm.CountDown" : "Countdown", "pfm.ParkingSpaceNo." : "Parking Space No.", "pfm.UnlicensedCarUpload" : "Upload Unlicensed Vehicle Info", "pfm.AssociatedParkingSpaceConfiguration" : "Associated Parking Space", "pfm.Screen" : "Screen", "ivs.EmergencyCarOpen" : "Emergency Vehicle", "ivs.PoliceCarOpen" : "Police Vehicle", "ivs.MilitaryCarOpen" : "Military Vehicle", "ivs.SpecialCarControlType" : "Special Vehicle", "ivs.ArmedPoliceCarOpen" : "Armed Police Vehicle", "med.OverSceneMaxNum" : "Reached max number of blocks in the current scene.", "med.OverMaxNum" : "Reached max number of blocks.", "ModifyConfig" : "Config Changed", "ivs.BlockNumberInX" : "Number of Blocks in X Direction", "ivs.BlockNumberInY" : "Number of Blocks in Y Direction", "ivs.FeatureMatchingThreshold" : "Feature Matching Threshold", "ivs.FeatureExtractionThreshold" : "Feature Extraction Threshold", "com.SyncFailedNo" : "Unsuccessfully Synced Light No.:", "com.SyncSucceedNo" : "Successfully Synced Light No.:", "com.Synchronising" : "Syncing", "com.StateSynchronising" : "Status Sync", "com.XenonFlashingCount" : "HID Flashing Times", "com.LEDFlashingCount" : "LED Flashing Times", "com.LightingDuration" : "Light On Duration", "RemoteCallReboot" : "Remote Call Restart", "FailedDeviceAddress" : "Light Address (Unsuccessfully Updated)", "SuccessfulDeviceAddress" : "Light Address (Successfully Updated)", "com.AudioInfoTip" : "2. Audio Channel: Mono; Bit Depth: XXXX bit; Sample Rate: XXXX", "com.AudioNotExist" : "Failed to upload. File does not exist.", "com.AudioSizeLimitTip" : "Failed to upload. File oversized.", "com.AudioTypeUnknown" : "Failed to upload. Incorrect file format.", "com.AudioChannelUnSupport" : "Failed to upload. Unsupported audio channel.", "com.AudioBitUnSupport" : "Failed to upload. Unsupported bit depth.", "com.AudioRateUnSupport" : "Failed to upload. Unsupported sample rate.", "adv.NoiseIntensity" : "Noise Level", "adv.SmallLocalContrast" : "Local Contrast for Medium Frequency", "per.ControlledType" : "Parking Fee Unpaid |Other", "pfm.TheLastParkingSpace" : "Already the last parking space.", "pfm.ParkingSpaceNumReachedLimit" : "Reached max number of parking spaces.", "pfm.AssociatedConfig" : "Associated Config", "TrafficParkingTimeout" : "Overtime Parking", "pfm.AuthenticationUsername" : "Username", "pfm.Authentication" : "Authentication", "per.RFIDSet" : "RFID", "per.SwitchOutputTime" : "Switch Quantity Output Duration", "per.SignalqalityDiff" : "Signal Strength Difference", "per.TagLeaveTime" : "Tag Leave Time", "per.DeviateThreshold" : "Threshold Deviation", "per.GlobalThreshold" : "Global Threshold", "per.NetAbortDetectTime" : "Network Disconnection Timeout", "per.TagClearOverTime" : "Tag Clearing Time", "per.EarthSenseTime" : "Induction Loop Trigger Time", "per.LeaveReportSwitch" : "Report Tag Leaving Info", "com.PurposeOfList" : "List", "com.SysBaseSet" : "Parameters", "net.RouteXXX" : "Route XXX", "com.FolderNameSplitNote" : "Separate the filename by /.", "ivs.FirstIDThenPlateMatch" : "ID First & License Plate Second", "ivs.IDMatch" : "ID Matching", "ivs.RelatedComposition" : "Related Composition", "ivs.SchemeNotComplete" : "Incomplete scheme.", "ivs.OriginalPictureUploadDelayNote" : "When enabling this function, the original image will be uploaded after matching.", "ivs.OriginalPictureUploadDelay" : "Delayed Uploading of Original Image", "WithoutSunShade" : "No Sunshield", "WithSunShade" : "Sunshield", "WithoutSafeBelt" : "Not Wearing Seatbelt", "WithSafeBelt" : "Wearing Seatbelt", "ivs.AtLeastOneAdriverSunLouverState" : "Please select at least one front passenger sunshield status.", "ivs.AtLeastOneDriverSunLouverState" : "Please select at least one driver sunshield status.", "ivs.AtLeastOneAdriverSafeBeltState" : "Please select at least one front passenger seatbelt status.", "ivs.AtLeastOneDriverSafeBeltState" : "Please select at least one driver seatbelt status.", "ivs.AdriverSunLouverState" : "Front Passenger Sunshield", "ivs.DriverSunLouverState" : "Driver Sunshield", "ivs.AdriverSafeBeltState" : "Front Passenger Seatbelt", "ivs.DriverSafeBeltState" : "Driver Seatbelt", "ivs.CutoutType" : "Cutout Type", "ivs.SpecialCarTransformToNormalCar" : "Identify special vehicle as general vehicle", "net.GwBelongsToIPAreaFailure" : "Gateway cannot belong to IP segment.", "net.IllegalIPAreaAndNetmask" : "Invalid IP segment and subnet mask.", "net.AtleastOneRoute" : "At least one route is needed.", "net.RouteNumberLimit" : "At most 8 routes can be added.", "net.RouteSameFailure" : "Route already exists.", "net.Route" : "Route", "com.FunSignal" : "Functions", "adv.DeveloperMode" : "Developer Mode", "ParkedNum" : "Number of Parking Vehicles", "ParkingLotStatusDetectionChanged" : "Patrol Status of Parking Space", "DiskDamageReboot" : "Restart (Disk Damage)", "VSP_GRP" : "Audio Screen Config", "VSP_LXSJ" : "General Screen Config", "med.TitleBit152" : "Parking Duration", "med.TitleBit170" : "Store No.", "adv.OperationFrequentTip" : "Operation too frequent. Please try again in XXX second(s).", "WebSvr.Abnormal" : "Network Service Exception", "com.LogBackupEncryption" : "Encrypt Log Backup", "com.InvalidIPSegement" : "Start address cannot be greater than end address.", "com.UpgradeErrDownloadToolTip" : "If update exception occurs, download \"ConfigTool\" to fix. Download site: Dahua Official Website or Dahua ToolBox.", "per.RFIDSet" : "RFID", "per.SwitchOutputTime" : "Switch Quantity Output Duration", "per.SignalqalityDiff" : "Signal Strength Difference", "per.TagLeaveTime" : "Tag Leave Time", "per.DeviateThreshold" : "Threshold Deviation", "per.GlobalThreshold" : "Global Threshold", "per.NetAbortDetectTime" : "Network Disconnection Timeout", "per.TagClearOverTime" : "Tag Clearing Time", "per.EarthSenseTime" : "Induction Loop Trigger Time", "per.LeaveReportSwitch" : "Report Tag Leaving Info", "com.PurposeOfList" : "List", "com.SysBaseSet" : "Parameters", "ivs.ElectricBicycle" : "Moped", "ivs.ElevatorDetect" : "Moped in Elevator", "ivs.RectDrawErrorTip" : "Area is too small. Please draw again.", "com.SmallNumColorChangeEarly" : "The bigger the value is, the earlier the image will be switched to B/W and the later the image will be switched to Color.", "appEventNonMotorEntrying" : "Moped in Elevator", "ivs.IsEnableFaceAnalysisTip" : "Face Exposure will be effective after enabling Face Recognition. Enable Face Recognition now?", "adv.FactoryFailTip" : "Operation failed. No factory settings found or profile error.", "ivs.UpTime" : "Uptime", "ivs.UnitSd" : "/s", "ivs.UintMin" : "/min", "TrafficRoadConstruction" : "Construction", "TrafficRoadBlock" : "Barrier", "LcdNoLogoNotice" : "Please add logo.", "LcdNoVideoNotice" : "Please add program.", "RouteTableIPv4" : "Routing Config", "ivs.RegionSpeedMeasure" : "Section Speed Measurement", "MultiRegionSpeed" : "Config of Section Speed Measurement", "TrafficImageMosaic" : "Related Composition Config", "com.DataAddressMarkErrors" : "Data Address Mark Error", "RoadFlowStat" : "Traffic Flow Statistics", "ivs.WeekStatReport" : "Weekly", "ivs.RadarTrackRateTipEx" : "The bigger the value is, the larger the target is in linkage image.", "sys.CommBoardVersion" : "Communication Board Software Ver.", "med.Streamer" : "Flowing Light", "med.Panorama2" : "Panorama 2", "med.Panorama1" : "Panorama 1", "com.AIEncode" : "AI Codec", "sys.MauEncCache" : "Encoding Strategy", "sys.PeripheralVersion" : "Peripheral Version", "appEventBurningWarning" : "Burn Alarm", "ActionNew" : "Action", "Sleep" : "Sleep", "Awake" : "Wake", "SleepingControlEvent" : "Sleep Control", "sys.NoAccessTip" : "Failed to log in. No Permission.", "sys.SleepNoAwakenTip" : "Cannot wake the device, it is currently in sleep status and low power state.", "sys.SleepStateFailTip" : "Failed to get device status. Please try again.", "sys.SleepTip" : "The device is entering sleep status. Cannot operate it at this time.", "sys.SleepNoLoginTip" : "The device is in sleep status. Cannot operate it at this time.", "sys.SleepStateTip" : "The device is in sleep status. Wake it?", "sys.SleepSchedule" : "Sleep Period", "sys.AwakenVolt" : "Wake Voltage", "sys.SleepVolt" : "Sleep Voltage", "sys.SleepNow" : "Sleep Now", "sys.SleepPeriod" : "Sleep Cycle", "sys.InspectionSetting" : "Patrol Settings", "sys.InspectionTimes" : "Patrol Times", "sys.Cycle" : "Loop", "sto.SleepStrategy" : "Sleep Strategy", "CheckType" : "Verification Type", "LanguageMismatch" : "Language does not match.", "LanguageMatch" : "Language matches.", "StartUpCheck" : "Start Verification", "UpgradeCheck" : "Update Verification", "System.LanguageCheck" : "Language Attribute Verification", "ivs.FireAlarmOrPicInPic" : "After enabling Fire Alarm, Picture-in-Picture cannot be enabled.", "ivs.HotTraceOrPicInPic" : "After enabling Cold/Hot Spot Tracking, Picture-in-Picture cannot be enabled.", "ivs.TempOrPicInPic" : "After enabling Temperature Measurement, Picture-in-Picture cannot be enabled.", "ivs.PicInPicOrFireAlarm" : "After enabling Picture-in-Picture, Fire Alarm cannot be enabled.", "ivs.PicInPicOrHotTrace" : "After enabling Picture-in-Picture, Cold/Hot Spot Tracking cannot be enabled.", "ivs.PicInPicOrTemp" : "After enabling Picture-in-Picture, Temperature Measurement cannot be enabled.", "ivs.FloorModifiedTip" : "You have changed the number of floors. Please click \"Autofill\" to refresh the Floor Name Config list.", "ivs.InSquareArrayTip" : "Please enter a floor name that is in the Floor Name Config list.", "ivs.DuplicateFloorNameTip" : "Floor name already exists. Please enter again.", "ivs.Lessthan500Tip" : "Please enter a number less than 500.", "ivs.SmartFillTip" : "Double click on the floor name to change its name. Click once to set moped prohibited floors.", "ivs.CurrentFloor" : "Current Floor:", "ivs.ElevatorWorkSpeed" : "Speed:", "ivs.SetElevatorFloorInfo" : "Please configure the current floor", "ivs.UpFloor" : "Upper Floors", "ivs.DownFloor" : "Basement Floors", "ivs.SmartFill" : "Autofill", "ivs.ModifyFloorName" : "Floor Name Config", "ivs.Floor" : "Floor(s)", "ivs.ElevatorFloor" : "Current Floor", "ivs.UpFloorNum" : "Number of Upper Floors", "ivs.DownFloorNum" : "Number of Basement Floors", "ivs.FloorConfig" : "Floor Config", "ivs.SceneSelection" : "Select Scene", "ivs.ColorBarOrPicInPic" : "After enabling Color Code, PIP cannot not be enabled.", "ivs.PicInPicOrColorBar" : "After enabling PIP, Color Code cannot not be enabled.", "ivs.CompleteStop" : "Reports the event after a complete stop", "ivs.PlateNecessary" : "Must capture license plate", "sys.DebugInfoRedir" : "Stores logs to devices", "com.OneChickExport" : "Export", "com.ServiceVerifyCode" : "Verification Code", "sys.HighHumidityAlarm" : "High Humidity Alarm", "ivs.Respirator" : "Face Mask", "CoaxialHumidityAlarm" : "High Humidity Alarm", "ivs.ShowBoatInfo" : "Boat Info Display", "sys.IsSleepTip" : "After sleeping it, you cannot operate the device. Continue?", "adv.GainTypeAutoTip" : "Please select a Gain Mode.", "adv.BlackBodyCaliTemp" : "Black Body Calibration Result", "adv.BlackBodyTrueTemp" : "Black Body Actual Temp", "adv.CaliFinishTime" : "Calibration Completion Time", "adv.HighTempEnvironment" : "High-temp Environment", "adv.LowTempEnvironment" : "Low-temp Environment", "adv.BaseTempEnvironment" : "Normal-temp Environment", "adv.CaliResult" : "Calibration Result", "adv.AutomaticCali" : "Auto Calibration", "adv.CaliTempEnvironment" : "Calibration Environment", "adv.AutoDraw" : "Auto Drawing", "adv.GainType" : "Gain Mode", "adv.MaxError" : "Max Error", "adv.HighTempGearBaseTemp" : "High-temp Range (Normal-temp Environment)", "adv.HighTempGrayScaleRatio" : "Greyscale Coefficient of High-temp Calibration", "adv.TecHighTemp" : "TEC Temp of High-temp Calibration", "adv.LowTempGrayScaleRatio" : "Greyscale Coefficient of Low-temp Calibration", "adv.TecLowTemp" : "TEC Temp of Low-temp Calibration", "adv.BaseTempGrayScaleRatio" : "Greyscale Coefficient of Normal-temp Calibration", "adv.LowTempGearBaseTemp" : "Low-temp Range (Normal-temp Environment)", "adv.AutomatedCali" : "Auto Calibration", "adv.TempVerifyFailTip" : "Ambient temperature must not be the same as the default temperature.", "per.ManualHeaterTip1" : "Manual heating mode will not work when device internal temperature is higher than 55℃ or environment temperature is higher than 35℃.", "ElevatorFloorCounter" : "Floor Config", "ivs.WrongFloorNameTip" : "Floor name must only include numbers and letters.", "per.Counterclockwise" : "Counterclockwise", "per.Clockwise" : "Clockwise", "PtzDirection" : "PTZ Rotation Mode", "per.PtzMoveMode" : "PTZ Rotation Mode", "med.SolarInfo" : "Solar power information", "ivs.ANPR" : "ANPR", "ivs.IllegalTimeOsd" : "Violation Time OSD", "ivs.RealTimeSnapMode" : "Capture by Interval", "ivs.ThermalSmartOrVisibleSmartBF" : "IVS sensitivity of the thermal channel exceeds XXX. IVS of the visible channel cannot be enabled.", "ivs.VisibleSmartOrThermalSmartBF" : "IVS of the visible channel is enabled. IVS sensitivity of the thermal channel cannot exceed XXX.", "adv.NoNeedToWait" : "No Need to Wait", "adv.CalibrationTip" : "Please make sure the camera attributes are restored to default settings and the electronic dual optical axis calibration is complete.", "adv.WaitYuvTip" : "Getting data. Please wait...", "adv.AutoCalcingTip" : "Calculating automatically. Please wait...", "adv.NoNeedToWait" : "No Need to Wait", "adv.CalibrationTip" : "Please make sure the camera attributes are restored to default settings and the electronic dual optical axis calibration is complete.", "RoadObstacleDetection" : "Road Obstacle Detection", "com.Non-setTimeRangeAccountLogin" : "Login not in the specified time range.", "sys.SessionIDErrorOverLimit" : "Session ID bruteforcing", "com.OverTemper" : "Overtemperature", "com.NormalTemper" : "Normal Temperature", "com.AccountBruteForceWarning" : "Brute force attack of the account.", "com.KeepAliveRemoteIp" : "Keep-alive Address", "com.KeepAliveIpReceiveTip" : "*Before enabing offline detection, please make sure that the keep-alive address is valid.", "com.OffLineDetect" : "Offline Detection", "med.SingleStream" : "Single Stream", "adv.TempModeChangeTip" : "After you switch calibration environment, the system will redraw the rule. Continue?", "med.HFlexStream" : "Horizontal Splicing", "med.VFlexStream" : "Vertical Splicing", "ivs.FSSmartflictTip" : "Splicing and AI conflict. The system will disable the conflicted item.", "med.HFlexStream" : "Horizontal Splicing", "sys.Machine" : "Device Account", "com.NovaliableValue" : "Min Temperature < Medium Temperature < Max Temperature < Saturation Temprature", "com.Scheme" : "Plan", "adv.HighTempGearLastSaveTime" : "Last Save Time of High-temp Range", "adv.HighTempGearSaveTimes" : "Save Times of High-temp Range", "adv.MiddleTempGearLastSaveTime" : "Last Save Time of Moderate-temp Range", "adv.MiddleTempGearSaveTimes" : "Save Times of Moderate-temp Range", "adv.LowTempGearLastSaveTime" : "Last Save Time of Low-temp Range", "adv.LowTempGearSaveTimes" : "Save Times of Low-temp Range", "DevPlaceMode" : "Mounting Mode", "ivs.NotSetScheme" : "No Plans", "IntelliSchemeTour" : "AI Time Plan Config", "com.DeviceModel" : "Device Model", "net.firmwareUpgrade" : "Firmware Update", "per.RadarManager" : "Radar", "per.RadarInfo" : "Radar Info", "per.RadarList" : "Radar List", "per.NorthAngle" : "North Angle", "com.Acquire" : "Get", "per.RadarHeight" : "Radar Height", "com.CalibratePre" : "Calibration Preparation", "per.RadarNorthAngleTip" : "The clockwise angle between the north and the normal line of the radar detection range.
Range: 0–360.00, and two decimals at most.", "com.PrivacyMask3DErrorTip" : "*Privacy masking, position and other functions are invalid in Flip Mode.", "per.485AlarmSD" : "RS-485, Alarm I/O, SD Card", "per.PowerManage" : "Power Consumption", "per.Tour" : "Tour", "com.OSDLineSpacing" : "Line Spacing", "med.BackFocus" : "Back Focus", "med.Coordinates" : "Coordinates", "com.Restart" : "Reset", "med.AutoPointCorrWarn" : "Please aim at a level surface in the process of detecting.", "med.AutoPointCorr" : "Real-time Defective Pixel Detection", "med.AutoPointDetect" : "Auto Recognition", "med.CorrectPointManual" : "Defective Pixel Manual Correction", "med.PointCorrect" : "Defective Pixel Correction", "ivs.CurReceive" : "Received", "ivs.ContinueFrame" : "Continuous", "ivs.SingleFrame" : "Single Frame", "ivs.GetHeatMapMode" : "Get Mode", "ivs.Frame" : "Frame", "ivs.HeatCollect" : "Thermal Map Acquisition", "ivs.LinkageTrackOrTrackTip" : "Cannot enable Alarm Track. Panoramic Linkage Track is enabled.", "ivs.TrackOrLinkageTrackTip" : "Cannot enable Panoramic Linkage Track. Alarm Track is enabled.", "appEventObjectRemovalDetection" : "Smart Object Missing", "appEventObjectPlacementDetection" : "Smart Object Abandoned", "BatteryStatus" : "Battery Status", "ivs.TrunkFilterOrVisibleSmart" : "Visible channel intelligence cannot be set when visible engineering truck filter is enabled.", "ivs.VisibleSmartOrTrunkFilter" : "Visible engineering truck filter cannot be set when visible channel intelligence is enabled.", "ivs.MachineshopTruckFilterV" : "Visible Engineering Truck Filter", "ivs.RepeatDetectionTime" : "Second Check after", "ivs.Bridge" : "Bridge", "ivs.Roof" : "Roof", "ivs.WaterSurface" : "Water Surface", "ivs.RelectLight" : "Reflection", "com.AutoAdd" : "Auto Add", "BatteryIdle" : "Battery Uncharged", "OverDischarge" : "Overdischarged", "OverVolt" : "Overvoltage", "UnderVolt" : "Undervoltage", "EQU" : "Equalizing Charging", "FloatCharge" : "Float Charging", "BST" : "Constant Voltage Charging", "CHG" : "Battery Charging Status", "Soc" : "Remaining Battery Level", "CHGPower" : "Charging Power", "adv.HostSerial" : "Mainboard SN", "adv.ThermalCameraNum" : "Thermal Camera Module SN", "adv.VisualCameraNum" : "Visible Camera Module SN", "per.DisarmingControl" : "Arming/Disarming", "adv.PowerFail" : "Voltage Exception", "adv.FpgaCommFail" : "FPGA Comms Fault", "adv.hdcviCommFail" : "HDCVI Comms Fault", "adv.PtzMcuCommFail" : "PTZ MCU Comms Fault", "adv.TcamUpgradeFail" : "Thermal Module Update Fault", "adv.MagneticCommFail" : "Magnetic Comms Fault", "adv.gyroCommFail" : "Gyroscope Comms Fault", "adv.NetCamConnectFail" : "Network Module CXN Fault", "adv.AudioCommFail" : "Audio Chip Comms Fault", "adv.RainSensorCommFail" : "Rain Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.PeripheralMcuCommFail" : "External MCU Comms Fault", "adv.RTCFail" : "RTC Fault", "adv.WatchDogMcuCommFail" : "Watchdog MCU Comms Fault", "adv.LaserLightCommFail" : "Laser Lighting Comms Fault", "adv.CamSensorCommFail" : "Visible Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.NetCamCommFail" : "Network Module Comms Fault", "adv.TcamCommFail" : "Thermal Module Comms Fault", "adv.VisiableZoomMotorCheckFail" : "Visible Zoom Self Check Fault", "adv.ThermalZoomMotorCheckFail" : "Thermal Zoom Self Check Fault", "adv.LightBoardMcuCommFail" : "Light Board MCU Comms Fault", "adv.PowerBoardMcuCommFail" : "Power Board MCU Comms Fault", "adv.VisiableFocusMotorCheckFail" : "Visible Focus Self Check Fault", "adv.ThermalFocusMotorCheckFail" : "Thermal Focus Self Check Fault", "adv.TcamTypeUnknown" : "Get Thermal Module Model Fault", "adv.LaserDistanceCommFail" : "Laser Rangefinder Comms Fault", "adv.CamTempSensorCommFail" : "Module Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.BoardTempSensorCommFail" : "Mainboard Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.SubBoardTempSensorCommFail" : "Subboard Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.EnvTempSensorCommFail" : "Envs Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.VisableLensTempSensorCommFail" : "Visible Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.LicenceInvalid" : "License Fault", "adv.TcamTempSensorCommFail" : "Thermal Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.PowerTempSensorCommFail" : "Power Board Temp Sensor Comms Fault", "adv.FaultVisualisation" : "Fault Visualization", "adv.OSDEnable" : "OSD", "adv.FaultLevel" : "Fault Level", "adv.Code" : "Code", "adv.Describe" : "Description", "adv.OSDShowOrNone" : "OSD", "adv.Level" : "Level", "com.Unaccomplished" : "Incomplete", "com.SysStatus" : "System Status", "sys.TemperConfigVerify" : "Verification of Measurement Config", "sys.FusionCalibrateVerify" : "Verification of Hybrid Splicing Calibration", "sys.RayRightVerify" : "Verification of Hybrid Optical Axis Calibration", "sys.DualBackupVerify" : "Verification of Data Backup", "sys.SecurityModeVerify" : "Verification of Security Mode", "sys.SFFCVerify" : "Verification of Lens Calibration", "sys.NUCVerify" : "Verification of Detector Calibration", "ivs.GroupNameExist" : "Database name already exists.", "pfm.StatisticalMode" : "Counting Mode", "ivs.RepeatCount" : "Repetition Count", "ivs.BeforeDulpRemove" : "Before Deduplication", "ivs.AfterDulpRemove" : "After Deduplication", "sys.AutoDelete" : "Auto Delete", "sys.DeleteOldFile" : "Delete Old Files", "ivs.Frequency" : "Entries", "com.InvalidInput" : "Invalid entry. Please enter again.", "ivs.PreAlarmSlopeTemp" : "Early Warning Temp Slope", "ivs.PreAlarmSlopeTempGreaterTip" : "Early warning temperature slope must exceed the temperature slope.", "ivs.AlarmSlopeTempGreaterTip" : "Temperature slope must exceed the early warning temperature.", "ivs.PreAlarmThresholdTempGreaterTip" : "The early warning temperature threshold must exceed the alarm temperature.", "ivs.AlarmThresholdTempGreaterTip" : "The alarm temperature threshold must exceed the early warning temperature.", "appEventPreHeatImagingTemper" : "Temp Early Warning", "com.JumpTo" : "Goto", "ivs.IVSIDCExtra2ConflictTip" : "AI Detection, Image Correction, and Sub Stream 2 cannot be enabled at the same time. If one is enabled, the other two will be disabled.", "com.IDCAndAIConflictTip1" : "After enabling Image Correction, AI Function will be disabled.", "com.IDCAndAIConflictTip2" : "After enabling AI Function, Image Correction will be disabled.", "ivs.NormalCar" : "General Vehicle", "ivs.TempOrTHermalSmart" : "After enabling Temp Measurement, thermal channel intelligence cannot be enabled.", "ivs.ThermalSmartOrTemp" : "After enabling thermal channel intelligence, Temp Measurement cannot be enabled.", "med.InsidePressure" : "Enclosure Inner Pressure", "InnerAirPressure" : "Enclosure Inner Pressure", "ivs.Carton" : "Luggage/Bag/Box", "ivs.ObjectAlarm" : "Independent Object Alarm", "ivs.ObjectAlarmTip" : "Triggers an alarm when an independent object is detected.", "ivs.Poultry" : "Livestock Truck", "com.Camera" : "Camera", "com.ShowContent" : "Display", "com.ROLL" : "Roll", "adv.LaserLightRunningTime" : "Laser Enable Time", "adv.LaserLightSwitchCount" : "Laser On/Off Times", "adv.HighTempEnvirCorValue" : "High-temp Envr Correction", "adv.LowTempEnvirCorValue" : "Low-temp Envr Correction", "adv.TecBaseCorrectDiff" : "Auto Compensation Correction", "sys.FirmwareVersion" : "Firmware Version", "adv.CenterCalibrate" : "Hybrid Center Calibration", "adv.PTZCoordinates" : "PTZ Coordinates", "adv.TrickerZoom" : "Zoom", "adv.VisualCenterCaliTip" : "Please click the center of the thermal channel to calibrate.", "ivs.IVSPicInPicConflictTip" : "PiP cannot be used after IVS is enabled.", "com.LowPoint" : "Low", "com.HighPoint" : "High", "ivs.SewageDetection" : "Drainage Detection", "ivs.WaterLevelDetection" : "Standard Marker", "ivs.NoRulerWaterLevelDetection" : "Virtual Marker", "ivs.DrawWaterRuler" : "Draw Marker", "ivs.CalibrateHeightTip" : "Draw a vertical water level marker that is the same height as the 1-meter maker in the image.", "ivs.CalibrateLocation" : "Calibrate Position", "ivs.CalibrateHeight" : "Calibrate Height", "ivs.RepeatCapture" : "Second Positioning", "com.GlobalSensitivity" : "Global Sensitivity", "adv.CenterEnlarge" : "Center Zoom-in", "ivs.ShieldArea" : "Shield Area", "ivs.DefaultMode" : "Default Mode", "ivs.ShieldAreaTip" : "Default mode: Improves the experience of configuring the shield area.
Compatible mode: Compatible with the configured shield area on devices of earlier versions.", "appEventTrafficLightFault" : "Traffic Light Fault", "ivs.TrafficLightFault" : "Traffic Light Fault", "appEventTrafficLaneIndicatorFault" : "Lane Guidance Sign Fault", "ivs.TrafficLaneIndicatorFault" : "Lane Guidance Sign Fault", "appEventTrafficPedestrain" : "Pedestrain", "ivs.ReportRule" : "Reporting Rules", "ivs.WideViewLinkOrVisibleSmart" : "Visible channel intelligence cannot be set when panoramic linkage is enabled.", "com.RequirementForAudio4Tip" : "4. Recommended audio bit rate: XXXX.", "sys.BeehiveNetVersion" : "Cellular Firmware Version", "ivs.AddBadPointTip" : "Please disable the LDC of the thermal channel first.", "adv.AddBadPointTip" : "Please disable the LDC of the thermal channel first.", "com.NetworkCapture" : "Packet Capture", "com.ComplicatingTips" : "Cannot operate at the same time. Please try again later.", "net.AssignAddress" : "Designated Address", "net.CapSize" : "Packet Sniffer Size", "net.CapBak" : "Packet Sniffer Backup", "net.IPnotconflict" : "IP is available.", "SewageDetection" : "Drainage Detection", "appEventSewageDetection" : "Drainage Detection", "com_ivs.Vehicle.Poultry" : "Livestock Truck", "com_ivs.Vehicle.DregsCar" : "Construction Truck", "com.TTYLog" : "Run Log", "com.MaintenanceManager" : "Manager", "com.BrowerLow" : "Browser version is too low.", "adv.RoughlyAdjustTempTip" : "Making some general adjustments to the temperature... Please wait.", "adv.TempVersion" : "Temp Measurement Algorithm Version", "com.Angle" : "Angle", "adv.Log" : "Log", "adv.IPAddress" : "IP Address", "adv.LowSensorInfoSucceed" : "Saved low-temp range histogram", "adv.LowSensorInfoFailed" : "Failed to save low-temp range histogram", "adv.HighSensorInfoSucceed" : "Saved high-temp range histogram", "adv.HighSensorInfoFailed" : "Failed to save high-temp range histogram", "adv.CompensationParamSucceed" : "Saved compensation parameters", "adv.CompensationParamFailed" : "Failed to save compensation parameters", "adv.TecCompensationParamSucceed" : "Saved TEC compensation parameters", "adv.TecCompensationParamFailed" : "Failed to save TEC compensation parameters", "adv.GreyDiffParamSucceed" : "Saved greyscale difference table", "adv.GreyDiffParamFailed" : "Failed to save greyscale difference table", "adv.NormalTecCompensationSucceed" : "Saved TEC temp re-compensation", "adv.NormalTecCompensationFailed" : "Failed to save TEC temp re-compensation", "adv.ThermTecCoefParamSucceed" : "Saved TEC compensation coefficient", "adv.ThermTecCoefParamFailed" : "Failed to save TEC compensation coefficient", "adv.DiffValueCorrectTempSucceed" : "Saved greyscale difference correction table", "adv.DiffValueCorrectTempFailed" : "Failed to save greyscale difference correction table", "adv.TempRiseCompensationSucceed" : "Saved temp rising compensation parameters", "adv.TempRiseCompensationFailed" : "Failed to save temp rising compensation parameters", "adv.SffcEnable" : "Enabled SFFC", "adv.SffcDisable" : "Disabled SFFC", "adv.ExCoreClear" : "Cleared extra calibration count and time of lens", "adv.LowNucClear" : "Cleared low-temp NUC calibration count and time", "adv.HighNucChanged" : "Cleared high-temp NUC calibration count and time", "adv.LowSffcClear" : "Cleared low-temp SFFC calibration count and time", "adv.HighSffcClear" : "Cleared high-temp SFFC calibration count and time", "adv.ThermDeveloperModeEnable" : "Currently in developer mode", "adv.ThermDeveloperModeDisable" : "Currently not in developer mode", "adv.SetParams" : "Modified lens parameters", "adv.OneClickBlackDrawRect" : "Auto-drew rule rectangle", "adv.ResetDefaultConfig" : "Restored to default settings", "adv.ResetFactoryConfig" : "Restored to factory settings", "adv.SyncThermConfig" : "Synced configurations", "adv.ExportThermConfig" : "Exported configurations", "adv.CavityTempInfoAutoCal" : "Auto-calculated cavity temp table", "adv.SaveFactoryConfig" : "Saved to factory settings", "adv.CavityTempInfoError" : "Not set lens parameter mistake-proofing for cavity temp table", "adv.SensorInfoError" : "Not set lens parameter mistake-proofing for module parameter", "adv.GreyDiffParamError" : "Not set lens parameter mistake-proofing for greyscale difference table", "adv.BlackClickAbort" : "Ended auto temp calibration", "adv.EnvironmentBlackCaliError" : "Wrong ambient auto temp", "adv.RecoverBlackCali" : "Restored auto temp calibration parameters", "adv.LNormalGreyDiffParamCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of low-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.LLowGreyDiffParamCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of low-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.LHighGreyDiffParamCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of low-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.HNormalGreyDiffParamCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of high-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.HLowGreyDiffParamCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of high-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.HHighGreyDiffParamC" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference table of high-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.LNormalDiffValueCorrectTempCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of low-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.LLowDiffValueCorrectTempCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of high-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.LHighDiffValueCorrectTempCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of low-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.HNormalDiffValueCorrectTempCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of high-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.HLowDiffValueCorrectTempCal" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of high-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.HHighDiffValueCorrectTempC" : "Auto-calculated greyscale difference correction table of high-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.LNormalOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of low-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.LLowOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of low-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.LHighOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of low-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.HNormalOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of high-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.HLowOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of high-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.HHighOneClickBlackCali" : "Auto-calibrated temp of high-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.BlackCaliAbnormal" : "Error getting temp in auto temp calibration for five consecutive times", "adv.FirstGreyDiffParamError" : "Error auto-calculating temp of first blackbody", "adv.SecondGreyDiffParamError" : "Error auto-calculating temp of second blackbody", "adv.ThirdGreyDiffParamError" : "Error auto-calculating temp of third blackbody", "adv.FourthGreyDiffParamError" : "Error auto-calculating temp of fourth blackbody", "adv.FifthGreyDiffParamError" : "Error auto-calculating temp of fifth blackbody", "adv.FirstDiffValueCorrectTempError" : "Error calculating correction table of first blackbody", "adv.SecondDiffValueCorrectTempError" : "Error calculating correction table of second blackbody", "adv.ThirdDiffValueCorrectTempError" : "Error calculating correction table of third blackbody", "adv.FourthDiffValueCorrectTempError" : "Error calculating correction table of fourth blackbody", "adv.FifthDiffValueCorrectTempError" : "Error calculating correction table of fifth blackbody", "adv.FirstOneClickBlackCaliError" : "Error auto-calibrating first blackbody temp", "adv.SecondOneClickBlackCaliError" : "Error auto-calibrating second blackbody temp", "adv.ThirdOneClickBlackCaliError" : "Error auto-calibrating third blackbody temp", "adv.FourthOneClickBlackCaliError" : "Error auto-calibrating fourth blackbody temp", "adv.FifthOneClickBlackCaliError" : "Error auto-calibrating fifth blackbody temp", "adv.LNormalBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of low-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.LLowBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of low-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.LHighBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of low-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.HNormalBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of high-temp range (normal-temp environment)", "adv.HLowBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of high-temp range (low-temp environment)", "adv.HHighBlackCaliResult update" : "Updated calibration result records of high-temp range (high-temp environment)", "adv.CalibrateEnvTempSuccess" : "Saved ambient temp calibration configurations", "adv.CalibrateEnvTempFailed" : "Failed to save ambient temp calibration configurations", "adv.ResetFactoryConfigFailed" : "Failed to restore to factory settings", "adv.LowNucCollected" : "Got low-temp range NUC", "adv.HighNucCollected" : "Failed to get high-temp range NUC", "adv.LowSffcCollected" : "Got low-temp range SFFC", "adv.HighSffcCollected" : "Failed to get high-temp range NUC", "adv.ExCoreCollected" : "Saved lens parameter setting times", "adv.NucStart" : "Started calibrating NUC", "adv.NucCaptureGain1" : "Calibrated blackbody 1", "adv.NucCaptureGain2" : "Calibrated blackbody 2", "adv.NucAbort" : "Ended NUC calibration", "adv.RestoreFactoryGainMap" : "Restored NUC to factory settings", "ivs.NoRulerHighGreaterTip" : "The high point cannot be lower than the low point.", "appEventPackOpenDetection" : "Unpacked & Inspected Package Detection", "appEventPackLandDetection" : "Fallen Package Detection", "appEventPackBrokenDetection" : "Damaged Package Detection", "appEventTrafficFlowStat" : "Target Traffic Flow Statistics", "appEventRoadObstacleDetection" : "Road Obstacle Detection", "com.Formatting" : "Formatting in progress.Please wait…", "adv.CaliResume" : "Restore Calibration", "adv.CaliResumeConfirm" : "Are you sure you want to restore the current ambient calibration data?", "med.WarmMode" : "Warm Light Mode", "med.WarmLight" : "Warm Light", "com.AlgFileUnmatchTip" : "Failed to update. The algorithm package does not match.", "PwdUpdatePolicy" : "Password Expires in", "com.Horizentaloffset" : "Horizontal Offset", "com.Verticaloffset" : "Vertical Offset", "com.Wating" : "Please wait...", "ivs.Compound" : "Combine", "ivs.CalibrationTip" : "Before you begin calibrating, please disable the Digital Zoom and Fire Alarm functions and stop all PTZ operations. Otherwise, changes in the scene might impact the calibration results.", "ivs.WaitYuvTip" : "Getting the data. Please wait...", "ivs.CalibrateCenter" : "Place the calibration points in the box of the visible image, and then click \"Calibration Confirmed\".", "ivs.CalibrateInArea" : "Place the calibration points in the box.", "ivs.CalibrateSuccess" : "Successfully calibrated the point XXXX. Click \"Save\" for the calibration to take effect.", "ivs.CalibrationPoint" : "Point XXXX" }